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Legitimate reasons not to believe in God


Veteran Member
And does that prove Mormonism? No.
Does that prove Bahai? No.
Does that prove Christainity? No.
It doesn't prove Islam either..
It just means what it says .. I don't believe that the universe is "rudderless" without cosmic significance.

Nature has demonstrated it's a creative force, mathematical laws, probabilities are realized, the true scope of nature is not even known..
Call it nature .. call it what you like .. it is real.

Ancient humans imagined great beings who were conscious like themselves who ran the universe..
..and many people still do..

Science slowly demonstrated this is not true..
Science is a methodology that we employ to observe what is observable. It says nothing about what we cannot observe or have not yet discovered.

The cosmic significance is the universe exists..
Yes, we all know that it exists, because we have a conscious mind.
We know that the universe has an exact past sequence of events throughout space. Some of this is recorded, and we can work some of it out due to the speed of light and observation of the heavens.

It is easy to say that mankind's complete history cannot be accurately "recorded" by anything. Even Einstein said that time was not in reality a "thing" that passes, but more complex than that.
I believe that God is aware of all .. He knows our future and our past. It is easy for God, because He is not "trapped" in space-time .. He is responsible for its existence.
God is not a concept like men of old dreamt up .. a "superman-god" that could be illustrated by images.
It is not possible for any creature to know what is in a person's mind, let alone billions simultaneously !!


Veteran Member
What one does when they care about what is true is look at the evidence..
Yes it is.
Many atheists seem to think that they are the only ones capable of this. :)

The syncretism is a clue that the stories are just re-worked theology that people make up as they go and claim revelations.
It is an assumption, based on historical evidence. It is not the only possibility.

..one does not just believe or disbelieve..
Well that is very strange.
I observe that there are believers and disbelievers in God.
..to think that all believers have no intelligence, and haven't weighed up the evidence for themselves would be rather arrogant.

There is NO evidence for a theistic deity..
There you are .. I imagine many of your historical scholars write their books with this same thought in mind.
..no gods..

..Believing in prophets does not make them real. You need evidence. Or else you are doing the SAME THING THE MORMONS, JW, BAHAI, and all other religions you don't believe are doing. That is also you..
Every belief is what it is.
..continually spewing out different creeds adds nothing to the conversation about the existence of God

So we have evidence of syncretism. No evidence of prophets..
That's it, you see. You cry "syncretism" because you refuse to acknowledge that Jesus and Muhammad are sent by God.
You disbelieve in the testimonies of those that did, and do.

And now the latest apologetics are the Persian and Mesopotamian syncretism is because they also had prophets? Where does the Quran say that?

Verily! We have sent you with the truth, a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner. And there never was a nation but a warner had passed among them” [Fatir 35:24]

And, why would Yahweh not tell his prophets but wait until they got Mesopotamian tales in hand and used them?
You seem to have a blind spot.
Prophets taught more or less the same thing time and again.
"Worship your Lord who is One, and created you from a drop of sperm and clot of blood"

Then Yahweh didn't tell them anything about all the Christian theology..
God never tells lies to His prophets. He never told any prophet that He was a trinity, if that's what you mean.

As of around 2020, there were about 8 million Bahá'ís in the world..
I don't give a hoot if the majority of the world's population are Bahai .. so what? Why do you think people are Bahai?
Who are these people, and where do they come from?

Clue: Bahai is an offshoot from Shia Islam

..rather like Mormon is an offshoot of Christianity.
They have no credibility to the vast majority of believers, other than the core values which they ascribe to.
..but not prophethood .. they do not satisfy the criteria in Bible, Qur'an and hadith.

If you are interested in knowing more about the origin of Bahai, why don't you start a thread on it?
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Well-Known Member
That is not why I am not a Mormon or Bahai.
I have looked at them, and see flaws in their methodology.

First you have not. Explain the flaws in their methodology. It's exactly the same. One man had revelations

..but you are right that I don't believe that their founders were sent by God, because I have no good reason to believe that they were.

You also have no good reason to believe any person had revelations. The Bahai prophet wrote even more than the Quran. He also wrote laws, ethics and theology.
Millions of people believe them. Just like Islam. Even the claims of "it must be true because of the scientific knowledge" is the same by apologists. In both cases they are entirely wrong.

There are many creeds that wander from the core values of Orthodox Christian/ Muslim belief. Each to their own. Everybody has their reasons for what they follow .. including atheists. We are not all the same .. each person is unique.

Actually there are not. God clearly said in the new revelations that he gives "progressive revelations" so it needs to be updated with the times. But many core values in Islam is also in Bahai.
But, you cannot prove any single "core values" are automatically from a God and not made up by humans?

You can say that, but it isn't.
There are core beliefs in Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
Doesn't make them things a God told people. But Christianity is not real. So if the Quran thinks it is it's wrong already.

Well it's nonsense.
God knows who is following a righteous path or not.
What people may say is quite irrelevant, really. :)

Exactly. Muhammad is no exception. These are people making claims. The JW prophets say the world is ending and THEN you say what people say is irrelevant. Except they say God told their prophets.
While you claim God told your prophets. Meanwhile you are all playing fast and loose with the truth. No person had revelations. They do not exist. God does not exist.

I can't help it if you can't understand simple facts.
Whatever historical evidence you may come up with, you cannot prove that Moses did not exist. You cannot prove that he taught polytheism.
All you can prove is that "the children of Israel [the Jews] worshiped various gods at various times in their history.
If anybody makes a conclusion that Moses didn't exist, it is only guesswork .. based on a biased viewpoint.
Yes, I am biased too. That is because I believe that Moses is a prophet of God. :)
You cannot prove otherwise.

No but the evidence strongly shows Moses was not a real person but a literary creation to fill a role in a mythology. Like Romulus the founder of Rome or the Gospel version of Jesus.
Again, I never said anything about something being proven? The person who cannot understand simple facts over and over is not me (it's you).

It isn't guesswork it's analysis of history. Moses life consists of mostly stories already found in Egyptian myth before Israel existed. There are many other reason as well.

I am biased to what the evidence shows and what is likely true. You just admitted to being bias because you believe in something. Except there is no evidence for anything you believe. We know people get into religious belief for reasons all different than evidence and that it's true. You already don't believe Mormonism, J Wittnesses, Hinduism, Literal Christianity, so we know people believe false things for emotional reasons. When asked for evidence they just say "I believe".
Same thing here. Random beliefs. Those are rarely true.
Potter sums up the mythicist argument regarding Moses:

"The reasons for doubting his existence include, among others, (1) the parallels between the Moses stories and older ones like that of Sargon, (2) the absence of any Egyptian account of such a great event as the Pentateuch asserts the Exodus to have been, (3) the attributing to Moses of so many laws that are known to have originated much later, (4) the correlative fact that great codes never suddenly appear full-born but are slowly evolved, (5) the difficulties of fitting the slavery, the Exodus, and the conquest of Canaan into the known chronology of Egypt and Palestine, and (6) the extreme probability that some of the twelve tribes were never in Egypt at all."

In addition, the miraculous "parting of the Red Sea" has forever mystified the naive and credulous masses and scholars alike, who have put forth all sorts of tortured speculation to explain it. The parting and destruction of the hosts of Pharaoh at the Red Sea is not recorded by any known historian, which is understandable, since it is, of course, not historical and is found in other cultures, including in Ceylon, out of which the conquering shepherd kings (Pharaohs) were driven across "Adam's Bridge" and drowned. This motif is also found in the Hawaiian and Hottentot versions of the Moses myth, prior to contact with outside cultures. The crossing of the Red Sea is astronomical, expressly stated by Josephus to have occurred at the autumnal equinox, indicating its origin within the mythos.

Moreover, the famed Ten Commandments are simply a repetition of the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi and the Hindu Vedas, among others. As Churchward says:

"The 'Law of Moses' were the old Egyptian Laws . . . ; this the stele or 'Code of Hammurabi' conclusively proves. Moses lived 1,000 years after this stone was engraved."

Walker relates that the "stone tablets of law supposedly given to Moses were copied from the Canaanite god Baal-Berith, 'God of the Covenant.' Their Ten Commandments were similar to the commandments of the Buddhist Decalogue. In the ancient world, laws generally came from a deity on a mountaintop. Zoroaster received the tablets of law from Ahura Mazda on a mountaintop."

Doane sums it up when he says, "Almost all the acts of Moses correspond to those of the Sun-gods." However, the Moses story is also reflective of the stellar cult, once again demonstrating the dual natured "twin" Horus-Set myth and the battle for supremacy between the day and night skies, as well as among the solar, stellar and lunar cults. . . . [end excerpt]

As has been demonstrated, the Moses fable is an ancient mythological motif found in numerous cultures. It therefore has nothing to do with any particular ethnic group, and the character Moses is not the founder of the Jewish ideology. Like so many others, this story as presented represents racist rubbish and cultural bigotry.

Furthermore, rabbis and other authorities have known the mythological nature of this and other major biblical tales, yet they say nothing. Indeed, they go along with it, much to their own benefit. Naturally, the person who discovers this ruse and hoax may rightfully become annoyed, to say the least, at the deliberate deception, and ask "What's up with that?"

The legend of Moses, rather than being that of a historical Hebrew character, is found from the Mediterranean to India, with the character having different names and races, depending on the locale: "Manou" is the Indian legislator. "Nemo the lawgiver," who brought down the tablets from the Mountain of God, hails from Babylon. "Mises" is found in Syria, where he was pulled out of a basket floating in a river. Mises also had tablets of stone upon which laws were written and a rod with which he did miracles, including parting waters and leading his army across the sea. In addition, "Manes the lawgiver" took the stage in Egypt, and "Minos" was the Cretan reformer.
Like Moses, Krishna was placed by his mother in a reed boat and set adrift in a river to be discovered by another woman. The Akkadian Sargon also was placed in a reed basket and set adrift to save his life. In fact, "The name Moses is Egyptian and comes from mo, the Egyptian word for water, and uses, meaning saved from water, in this case, primordial." Thus, this title Moses could be applied to any of these various heroes saved from the water.

Walker elaborates on the Moses myth:

"The Moses tale was originally that of an Egyptian hero, Ra-Harakhti, the reborn sun god of Canopus, whose life story was copied by biblical scholars. The same story was told of the sun hero fathered by Apollo on the virgin Creusa; of Sargon, king of Akkad in 2242 B.C.; and of the mythological twin founders of Rome, among many other baby heroes set adrift in rush baskets. It was a common theme."

Furthermore, Moses's rod is a magical, astrology stick used by a number of other mythical characters. Of Moses's miraculous exploits, Walker also relates:

"Moses's flowering rod, river of blood, and tablets of the law were all symbols of the ancient Goddess. His miracle of drawing water from a rock was first performed by Mother Rhea after she gave birth to Zeus, and by Atalanta with the help of Artemis. His miracle of drying up the waters to travel dry-shod was earlier performed by Isis, or Hathor, on her way to Byblos."

And Higgins states:

"In Bacchus we evidently have Moses. Herodotus says [Bacchus] was an Egyptian . . . The Orphic verses relate that he was preserved from the waters, in a little box or chest, that he was called Misem in commemoration of the event; that he was instructed in all the secrets of the Gods; and that he had a rod, which he changed into a serpent at his pleasure; that he passed through the Red Sea dry-shod, as Hercules subsequently did . . . and that when he went to India, he and his army enjoyed the light of the Sun during the night: moreover, it is said, that he touched with his magic rod the waters of the great rivers Orontes and Hydaspes; upon which those waters flowed back and left him a free passage. It is even said that he arrested the course of the sun and moon. He wrote his laws on two tablets of stone. He was anciently represented with horns or rays on his head."

Jacolliot traces the original Moses to the Indian Manou: "This name of Manou, or Manes . . . is not a substantive, applying to an individual man; its Sanscrit signification is the man, par excellence, the legislator. It is a title aspired to by all the leaders of men in antiquity."

You cannot prove otherwise.
Now you have circled around to this? I never said this? Mormons can say the same. J Ws can say "you cannot prove the world isn't going to end and you will all go to hell soon". So what? Doesn't make it true?
I cannot prove Zeus isn't real, doesn't make him real either

No we don't. That is a conclusion based on disbelief.
How many times do I have to say it.

You cannot prove that the Hindu deity Krishna doesn't exist. Doesn't make him real. But we can examine historical facts and make a guess based on evidence, as well as examine writings and so on.
Generally, Moses is seen as a legendary figure, whilst retaining the possibility that Moses or a Moses-like figure existed in the 13th century BCE.[14][15][16][17][18]


Well-Known Member
Even you Christians were excluded in muhammad_isa's post where he was explaining his interpretation. Christians tyically interpret "man made in God's image" as a material form. Of course this is absurd when it's pointed out that God is immaterial according to believers. These are usually Christians who believe humans were a special creation made as is from dirt and breath from God's nostrils. Do you follow me here, an immaterial God has nostrils. Christians believed it. Literally. Some still do.

A rational mind would read these texts and understand it was how ancient people saw the universe. There is no reason to assume any of the storiies represent reality.

I believe that a truly rational person is able to comprehend that:
There are more things in heaven and Earth, F1fan, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. (Apology to the Bard)

You have made rationality your god, and because you have done so, you are blind to the supra-rational.


Well-Known Member
Well then .. but that person might not be guilty of anything .. it might be a mistake, or even purposefully oppressed...

So what?

Your opinion...
No it's a hypothesis because it's based on several lines of evidence. One, there is no evidence. Most people who die of undergo surgery experience complete blankness and no time.
Also heaven wasn't even in Judaism for over 600 years. Then when the culture who has the heaven myth moves into Israel suddenly they also start having it. And the religious books were written in that language as well. Not just a coincidence.

The Hebrews also inherited from the Persians, Greeks, and Romans the idea that the human soul originates in the divine realm and seeks to return there.[47] The idea that a human soul belongs in Heaven and that Earth is merely a temporary abode in which the soul is tested to prove its worthiness became increasingly popular during the Hellenistic period (323 – 31 BC).[40] Gradually, some Hebrews began to adopt the idea of Heaven as the eternal home of the righteous dead.[40]

I'd rather be killed, and let God decide what to do with me.
Life imprisonment is oppression..

I would rather killers go to jail. Not really meaningful in this discussion.

They do .. which means that life is a serious business .. not only does what we do now affect our future in this life, but also in a life hereafter, where nothing can be hidden .. God is the Fairest of All Judges..

Except God is only in books that are fiction. When life ends you go back to what you were before you were born.

Orthodox Christianity and Islam does not teach that a believer cannot go to hell .. it could be for a long time..

The afterlife is fantasy fiction. Hell is Greek/Egyptian fiction. It's like believing you will meet Zeus when you die. These simplistic concepts probably help some people. Not everyone is going to be reading philosophy and thinking about logic and how to know what is true.
But hell is a mythology. So are devils, demons, monsters, ghosts, posessions, and the X-Men.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't prove Islam either..
It just means what it says .. I don't believe that the universe is "rudderless" without cosmic significance.

As I explained it isn't.

Call it nature .. call it what you like .. it is real.

Yes nature is real. We have evidence it exists. Theistic beings in the sky do not exist. Consciousness exists in very complex beings who go through evolution. Nature is not conscious and impersonal.

..and many people still do..

and they are still incorrect.

Science is a methodology that we employ to observe what is observable. It says nothing about what we cannot observe or have not yet discovered.

Exactly. Which is why if we haven't discovered something yet there is no reason to consider it true, real or believe in it. Maybe something like the multiverse which is possible because we have evidence of one universe.
But Gods are not real. They are from fiction when people also thought dragons, giants, people were made from clay, illness and weather was Gods doing, the universe was flat land surrounded by a firmament with 7 layers of heavens.

Yes, we all know that it exists, because we have a conscious mind.
We know that the universe has an exact past sequence of events throughout space. Some of this is recorded, and we can work some of it out due to the speed of light and observation of the heavens.

It is easy to say that mankind's complete history cannot be accurately "recorded" by anything. Even Einstein said that time was not in reality a "thing" that passes, but more complex than that.

General relativity has nothing to do with what you are saying here.

I believe that God is aware of all .. He knows our future and our past.

Right, he knows when you've been sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good. Congrats you have discovered God is Santa Clause. Both are equally not real.

It is easy for God, because He is not "trapped" in space-time .. He is responsible for its existence.
Wow, you are just on a bender of making stuff up. Hate to burst your sci-fi bubble but something out of time doesn't experience causality. Photons are also out of time. They have no experience of time or distance from their frame of reference. The instant a photon is born in the sun it immediately is absorbed on Earth or elsewhere, no time or experience has gone by.

God is not a concept like men of old dreamt up .. a "superman-god" that could be illustrated by images.
It is not possible for any creature to know what is in a person's mind, let alone billions simultaneously !!

Yes your made-up being is all powerful. Like Thanos with the infinity gems. Or Inana, El or Brahman.
Sorry, theism isn't supported by any form of evidence. Not the Kalam Cosmological argument, not any other, not any common sense, not any evidence and he exists only in fictional tales. He sticks around because reality is hard and confusing and it makes people feel better about it.

I know the Islamic theologians concepts of God as the most simple and fundamental thing. It's wrong. A complex being doesn't just exist "because" and certainly doesn't act like a human king being angry and making threats. Ridiculous ides like this first need evidence to even start thinking about them.


Well-Known Member
Yes it is.
Many atheists seem to think that they are the only ones capable of this. :)

Becuase theists continue to use psuedo-scientific apologetics that are often lies. You haven't given evidence? You have not looked at historical evidence and made any propositions? You ignore them and claim they are either influenced by the devil, wrong, or anything to avoid facing basic truth.

Yes, so far you have been incabable of even discussing basic evidence and simply insist your beliefs (based on nothing) are far superior sources of information. You hand wave other prophets who you haven't studied or researched because again you don't do evidence, or use rational process to evaluate any evidence of facts. You have one truth, you insist it's the only truth and that is it. And now you act surprised and think you actually ARE capable of evaluating evidence?

I mentioned Thomas Thompson regarding Moses and the Patriarchs being myth, to understand the arguments better and you were like " what?????" "scholars..??????"
Yes, you are not capable of evaluating evidence. And those people and the apologetics are the same. Had they even spent 10 minutes looking up Greek science and did the Arab culture use this Greek science and it's all there in great detail. Easy to find. Do they ever factcheck? No. Never.
It is an assumption, based on historical evidence. It is not the only possibility.

Well what are the other possibilities? There is no evidence for revelations? None? Any (most do) that conflict with Islam you don't even believe. Yet when they support your beliefs then they are real. That is the shackiest belief system made of sand I've ever heard of. You do not care about actual truth.

Well that is very strange.
I observe that there are believers and disbelievers in God.
..to think that all believers have no intelligence, and haven't weighed up the evidence for themselves would be rather arrogant.

You would think that. I agree. YET, every time I ask a believer to explain their beliefs and to justify their beliefs they cannot. They ALWAYS fall back on either faith or "I believe".
Except so do Mormons. So do JW. So do fundamentalist Christians and Hindu. To you those are all wrong.

Hmmm, seems there is a little problem with that method.

When you ask scientists from different countries about the laws of thermodynamics or quantum mechanics the answer is always the same. Same math, same beliefs.

Clearly the belief thing is not based on what is real but what one wants to be real.

There you are .. I imagine many of your historical scholars write their books with this same thought in mind.
..no gods..

Which doesn't matter because they are doing HISTORY????? Also there ARE a few historians who still hold religious beliefs. They STILL AGREE WITH ALL OTHER HISTORIANS?????????
Trent Horn, I think, is still a believer. He does not get too much into the syncretism though.
Much Christian scholarship like the Synoptic problem, the gospels being anonymous and naked 2nd century are done by NT scholars who are not historians and full believers.

Every belief is what it is.
..continually spewing out different creeds adds nothing to the conversation about the existence of God

1) then why do you keep writing nonsense statements about what God can do and what happens wit the afterlife?
2)there is no conversation about God here. You just say "I believe", that isn't evidence, isn't proof, isn't a conversation or discussion.
Since there are no Gods around to point to you just have a book. Which means it's fiction.

That's it, you see. You cry "syncretism" because you refuse to acknowledge that Jesus and Muhammad are sent by God.

Well you are just proving how correct I am here. You hold beliefs that are unfounded and not backed by any form of evidence. Your beliefs are based on claims alone. Like above. That was perfect.

FYI, for the 12th time, I don't "refuse" to acknowledge anything. When sufficient evidence warrants a belief I will acknowledge it. I will acknowledge the Earth is round and many many things.
I will not acknowledge that the JW are correct and Satan has influenced all scholars and the end time revelation story is coming anytime now. I will not until it is justified.
I will not acknowledge Jesus is a son of God until there is proof of a God and he had a son. Same with Islam.

I do not "cry syncretism", I see the facts demonstrate so many examples that all scholars are in consensus about this. I acknowledge academic knowledge and academic beliefs that all religion is syncretic.

The parallels with Zoroastrian doctrine and scripture are so striking that these verses have been taken to represent the first imprint of that influence which Zoroastrianism was to exert so powerfully on postExilic Judaism. "

fundamental doctrines became disseminated throughout the region, from Egypt to the Black Sea: namely that there is a supreme God who is the Creator; that an evil power exists which is opposed to him, and not under his control; that he has emanated many lesser divinities to help combat this power; that he has created this world for a purpose, and that in its present state it will have an end; that this end will be heralded by the coming of a cosmic Saviour, who will help to bring it about; that meantime heaven and hell exist, with an individual judgment to decide the fate of each soul at death; that at the end of time there will be a resurrection of the dead and a Last Judgment, with annihilation of the wicked; and that thereafter the kingdom of God will come upon earth, and the righteous will enter into it as into a garden (a Persian word for which is 'paradise'), and be happy there in the presence of God for ever, immortal themselves in body as well as soul. These doctrines all came to be adopted by various Jewish schools in the post-Exilic period, for the Jews were one of the peoples, it seems, most open to Zoroastrian influences - a tiny minority, holding staunchly to their own beliefs, but evidently admiring their Persian benefactors, and finding congenial elements in their faith. Worship of the one supreme God, and belief in the coming of a Messiah or Saviour, together with adherence to a way of life which combined moral and spiritual aspirations with a strict code of behaviour (including purity laws) were all matters in which Judaism and Zoroastrianism were in harmony; and it was this harmony, it seems, reinforced by the respect of a subject people for a great protective power, which allowed Zoroastrian doctrines to exert their influence. The extent of this influence is best attested, however, by Jewish writings of the Parthian period, when Christianity and the Gnostic faiths, as well as northern Buddhism, all likewise bore witness to the profound effect: which Zoroaster's teachings had had throughout the lands of the Achaernenian empire.


You disbelieve in the testimonies of those that did, and do.

No, I believe. I believe in evidence and lack of evidence. Just as you do.
You already have been outed here. You just said you don't believe the Bahai revelations are real. Hmmmmmm, wonder why??? I know!!! Because they don't have proper evidence.
You accepted claims when it came to Islam for some reason, I don't know, the same reason other people accepted the Bahai revelations. Because they are no different.

They are both claims. Nothing in any revelations even suggests it's supernatural in origin. I even read them. It's all theology from other religions, and man-made stuff. Never is there even a hint of a God saying "I'll give proof by saying that everything is made of atoms, light speed is 186,000 mps and pi works out to 3.141592653238, that's a start. Time is from curved spacetime. That would be a start. Or does this God like confusion and religious wars?
YOu just denied the Bahai revelations, see how quickly people in other religions won't even think about a new revelation. So of course Christians also don't want to hear anything about Islam generally. These are created by people.

Verily! We have sent you with the truth, a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner. And there never was a nation but a warner had passed among them” [Fatir 35:24]

So then you have to follow the Mormon revelations, the Bahai revelations, the Cargo Cults had revelations as did the JW.

The Bahai prophet even claims he is the next prophet after Islam. He specifically says God sent him to continue adding on to Islam.

You seem to have a blind spot.
Prophets taught more or less the same thing time and again.
"Worship your Lord who is One, and created you from a drop of sperm and clot of blood"

Early Israelites did not worship one God. Yahweh and Ashera until 600 BCE. Sperm and blood is from Greek science and not in Hebrew text.

God never tells lies to His prophets. He never told any prophet that He was a trinity, if that's what you mean.
God doesn't speak to prophets because he isn't real. You need a prophet to write a book about wisdom people already knew, theology already in fiction, ethics already known.
And now you have the nerve to say the Pauline and John theology is wrong? What a complete mess. The Christian creed is that God assembled the 4 gospels because they are exactly correct. Now of course I don't believe any of that. But you thinking because you have another myth/revelations can come in and tell another group that their theology is actually wrong is absurd.
They made a mistake? Yes, Islam says Christianity was corrupted by Paganism. Except during thsi conversation you have put forth that the Hellenistic and Persian theology is from a PROPHET?????

You are not only completely wrong and cannot back any of this up, you are completely confused and making it up as you go.

I don't give a hoot if the majority of the world's population are Bahai .. so what? Why do you think people are Bahai?
Who are these people, and where do they come from?[/QUOTE]

Same place Islam comes from. People bought into claims of revelations.

Clue: Bahai is an offshoot from Shia Islam

Yup and he claims God now says he gives progressive revelation for the modern times which accounts for the differences.

Guess what............you can't prove he is wrong either.......

..rather like Mormon is an offshoot of Christianity.
They have no credibility to the vast majority of believers, other than the core values which they ascribe to.
..but not prophethood .. they do not satisfy the criteria in Bible, Qur'an and hadith.

Oh, now we go back to a fallacy of popularity? Guess what, Christians do not believe in the Quran one single bit. They find you have no cred. And all of you base truth on claims of men saying "hey God contacted me"

If you are interested in knowing more about the origin of Bahai, why don't you start a thread on it?

I know enough. Revelations. Those are your thing. Or, not these revelations...........some revelations.......


Veteran Member
You also have no good reason to believe any person had revelations..
Nonsense. I have more reason to believe in Jesus and Muhammad than [insert your modern Tom, Dick or Harry here].

Exactly. Muhammad is no exception. These are people making claims..
You have little knowledge of the Qur'an. Cherry-picking a few verses to satisfy yourself that you do is self-deception..

No but the evidence strongly shows Moses was not a real person..
Only if you think that he isn't in the first place..

I am biased to what the evidence shows and what is likely true. You just admitted to being bias because you believe in something..
That's right .. I find the Torah, Psalms, NT and Qur'an to be not only credible, but compelling ! :)

The parting and destruction of the hosts of Pharaoh at the Red Sea is not recorded by any known historian..
You believe in your "inerrant historians", and I believe in the prophets .. Jesus and Muhammad in particular.

As has been demonstrated, the Moses fable is an ancient mythological motif found in numerous cultures..
Well-spotted !

It therefore has nothing to do with any particular ethnic group, and the character Moses is not the founder of the Jewish ideology..
Pure guesswork, based on disbelief.

You cannot prove that the Hindu deity Krishna doesn't exist..
OK .. maybe it is based on truth then.
I am happy to of found a more recent revelation. :)

..we can examine historical facts and make a guess based on evidence..
You kid yourself .. it is not based on conclusive evidence, the conclusion is more based on disbelief of scripture, just as mine is based on belief.


Veteran Member
Becuase theists continue to use psuedo-scientific apologetics that are often lies..
You can forget the "theist" nonsense .. you are conversing with a Muslim.

You haven't given evidence? You have not looked at historical evidence and made any propositions?
I have .. but you dismiss them with a "wave of the hand" :D

You hand wave other prophets who you haven't studied or researched because again you don't do evidence, or use rational process to evaluate any evidence of facts.
I use rational process, thankyou .. I come to different conclusions than you.
You claim that all your knowledge of historical evidence shows that it is all based on false myth. You have agreed that it can't be proved.
OF COURSE IT CAN'T .. ever wondered why? :D

You have one truth, you insist it's the only truth and that is it..
Yes. There is "One" who is responsible for the Creation and Maintainer of the universe.
I do not rule out the possibility of ancient religions being originally teaching the same.

I mentioned Thomas Thompson regarding Moses and the Patriarchs being myth, to understand the arguments better and you were like " what?????" "scholars..??????"
Why would I want to delve into scholarly treatises of disbelievers?
You have already provided summaries that I have criticised..

Yes, you are not capable of evaluating evidence..
Oh, for goodness sake. :)
What evidence can you provide me with, that can demonstrate that my beliefs must be false?
You can't. :D

Well what are the other possibilities?
Oh dear..
..that the Bible and Qur'an are based on truth, and that prophets were sent to the men of old in various nations, that taught monotheism.
The prevalance of polytheism and the existence of myth does not allow us to make solid conclusions one way or the other, in a historic sense.

You do not care about actual truth..
You reckon..

When you ask scientists from different countries about the laws of thermodynamics or quantum mechanics the answer is always the same..
Oh, now we are talking about scientists, and not historians..

Clearly the belief thing is not based on what is real but what one wants to be real.
It might be clear to you .. but not to me.

I would rather believe that when I die, I will go to a "perfect dreamworld" without being accountable for my actions.
However, as I don't believe that that is true, there is no point in me thinking it is..

Which doesn't matter because they are doing HISTORY?????
Is that all you are doing as well .. "doing history"?
People that "do history" can't seem to agree on the details, never mind the conclusions. :D

1) then why do you keep writing nonsense statements about what God can do and what happens wit the afterlife?
What do you want me to?
Write "I believe" in every sentence I write about God?
..waste of time.. ;)

FYI, for the 12th time, I don't "refuse" to acknowledge anything. When sufficient evidence warrants a belief I will acknowledge it..
Fine !
..but I assume you will carry on with your own "unfounded beliefs", that history strongly suggests that the Abrahamic God is fantasy..

I do not "cry syncretism", I see the facts demonstrate so many examples that all scholars are in consensus about this..
Nonsense .. all disbelievers share a consensus that the Abrahamic God is fantasy .. I would expect nothing less.

I acknowledge academic knowledge and academic beliefs that all religion is syncretic..
Listen to yourself .. you have admitted that it can't be conclusively proved, but quote "academic beliefs" as this somehow alters the fact.

The parallels with Zoroastrian doctrine and scripture are so striking..
..and you claim that is evidence of "foul play", and I claim that it is based on truth from God .. stalemate!

You accepted claims when it came to Islam for some reason, I don't know, the same reason other people accepted the Bahai revelations..
You are a mind reader now, are you? :)

Early Israelites did not worship one God. Yahweh and Ashera until 600 BCE..
Who cares what "ancient people" worshiped?
Does that mean that polytheism was what was being taught by Moses and others?
Obviously not. It's quite obvious to me, in any case.

So then you have to follow the Mormon revelations, the Bahai revelations, the Cargo Cults had revelations as did the JW..
No, I don't.
Almighty God sent numerous prophets to the men of old.
It was necessary in that era. The majority of the population had little education, and texts were scarce.
In modern times, we have the printing press and now the internet. :)
We can see that Islam is available in the form it was many hundreds of years ago.
..and belief in God is still relatively high.

God doesn't speak to prophets because he isn't real..
As far as your concerned .. I believe differently. :)

Yup and he claims God now says he gives progressive revelation for the modern times which accounts for the differences..
It's more complex than that, but something like that, yes.

Guess what............you can't prove he is wrong either..
I have no interest in proving anything to you, as I've already stated.
You are an intelligent person .. you have already made up your mind that religion is all nonsense. :)

Guess what, Christians do not believe in the Quran one single bit..
"this one" does. :)
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Veteran Member
I believe that a truly rational person is able to comprehend that:
There are more things in heaven and Earth, F1fan, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. (Apology to the Bard)
I'm not sure why you would quote this since it does not help the claims of believers in supernatural concepts. Rational minds are open to new facts and data, and how this will lead to an adjustments about understanding how things are in our universe. It is not an open door to assuming any sort of outragious concepts. Theists will often fall back on the appeal that their non-factual beliefs are possible. Well gee whiz, anything is possible, and we don't give credence to the endless list of what is possible. Just because humans can imagine possibilities does not mean we should give them any more attention than the next ideas. Dream all you want, it doesn't get you closer to understanding what is true about how things are.

I understand the human brian evolved to believe. It evolved to adopt cultural norms to offset the anxiety and fear as an independent being that MUST trust others to survive. We humans have to assume many things just to get through our days, our weeks, and years. Religions were created to be a tribal and social framework to establish trust, a "secret handshake" to help offset anxiety. Religious affiliation has dropped in recent years and been taken over with other tribal norms, like sports teams, poiltical parties, nationalism, etc. Religion is still a very strong social framework.

Studying the psychology of religion allows people to understand why we behave in these strong tribal ways. To the tribal member this is a rational explanation that doesn't offset the emotions that drive tribalism. We see in brain scans that religion and other tribal affiliations fire up the emotion and reward centers, not the frontal lobes. This behavior is very deeply rooted in emotions and rewards, not reason. The book Emotional Intelligence outlines much of this work and how difficut it is for the ordinary human to manage emotional beliefs that are rewarding. Bad habits can be rewarding and this is why it is hard for certain habirts, like eating disorders or language, can be difficult to change. Consistency and patterns are conforting for humans. Change is difficult. Religion is a social habit and it rewards the self. This is one reason why we see theists repeat beliefs, but are unable to explain why the beliefs are rational and believable objectievly. They aren't. But when a believe repeats their beliefs in debate they feel a reward. It is much like pavlov's dog. The believe feels a rewrds, and this habit fuels a continuation of the behavior. They see no rewrd in change, and that is because they see no advantage in abandoning a religious belief that connects them with a tribe, and gives them a small reward when their brains inject a bit of hormines in the reward center of the brain.

Will any of this give you reasons to change your mind? Likely not. But those who are following our discussion might learn something about the reality of human biology and psychology.

You have made rationality your god, and because you have done so, you are blind to the supra-rational.
This is a self-defeating comment.

1. You are a believer in a God, not me. By framing my use of reason, which is demonstrably reliable and superior as a means to truth over religion, as a "god" you are saying belief in gods is unreliable, flawed, questionable, etc. This suggests it is a sort of confession on your part, that gods are unreliable and flawed as a means to believe. This is projection. You are saying that people who believe in god are wrong, but trying to redefine what it means to believe in a god: using reason.

2. I've made no claims about belief in any god or gods.

3. And what is "supra-rational? I suspect it is not rational at all, but a ploy to co-opt the word "rational" into as non-rational phrase. This suggests you know it isn't rational and being deceptive. But who is being deceived here, not me. I recognize this tactic. What this suggests is that you are feeling some sor tof cognitive dissonance, and inner conflict, and have to create another reality to reconcile and justify your confusion. This likely worked as a temporary measure, but you surely have some anxiety about my reply.

4. You accuse me of being blind, but don't articulate what there is to see. This is yet another confession that you try to project onto me.

All this is more reason to be suspicious of belief in religious ideas, includiong the many gods. The logical default: don't believe.


Veteran Member
Rational minds are open to new facts and data, and how this will lead to an adjustments about understanding how things are in our universe..
Agreed upon..

Studying the psychology of religion allows people to understand why we behave in these strong tribal ways..
Agreed upon..

Change is difficult. Religion is a social habit and it rewards the self..
Agreed upon..

4. You accuse me of being blind, but don't articulate what there is to see..
Are you claiming that you have intricate knowledge of Abrahamic belief?
..even if you did, you are still able to argue against belief.
We all have underlying intentions for what we claim to believe and do .. as I'm sure you would agree.

All this is more reason to be suspicious of belief in religious ideas, includiong the many gods. The logical default: don't believe.
It's a good idea to be suspicious .. but perhaps not such a good idea to think we "know it all", and think we are not in need of anything.
The truth be told, we are all in need of something.
This life is a test .. we all suffer our ups and downs .. we are not truly independent .. most people cannot live the life of a hermit..

Our souls can acknowledge truth, or can argue against it.
..and God knows why we might "wish" to be independent, and argue a materialist philosophy.


Well-Known Member
Nonsense. I have more reason to believe in Jesus and Muhammad than [insert your modern Tom, Dick or Harry here].

No you don't. You accept a claim. There is no evidence. The Bahai prophet wrote even more than the Quran in material, advised world leaders and so on. The only reason is that revelation you bought into and others you do not.
If you actually had good reasons then all religious people would convert to teh religion that wasn't faith based nonsense.
We already had that long thread last year looking at all the terrible apologetics.
I have also studies Islamic theologians. That is a different topic but I found serious flaws with the theology proofs for a God.

You have little knowledge of the Qur'an. Cherry-picking a few verses to satisfy yourself that you do is self-deception..

I'm better with Christianity and then Judaism but I have been reading the Quran and looking into historicity as well as theologians. It's a very angry book. That person was mad.

Only if you think that he isn't in the first place..

That isn't what historians do? They look at evidence. Moses could still have been a historical person? You realize Israelites were real people?????????
Moses could have been a leader and historians want to know the truth about history.
If ANY evidence looked that way they would say he may have been a real leader??????

Your bias here is so obvious? YOu cannot get past it. You think historians are skeptic debunkers? You would be wrong. It is NOT THEIR FAULT ALL EVIDENCE POINTS TO HIM BEING MADE UP.

YOu seem to think they should be fundamentalists and CHANGE historical facts and hide them or make ridiculous excuses so Moses can be real.
Right, and all ufos are swamp gas.

Sorry, you may want to but you cannot control the narrative of every field of study. Truth remains a priority. Clearly this is troubling to you.

That's right .. I find the Torah, Psalms, NT and Qur'an to be not only credible, but compelling ! :)

Which doesn't make it true. The Torah starts out with re-worked Mesopotamian myths. The later material comes during the Persian occupation and is all Persian theology.
The NT is just Mark, the Synoptic Problem (by historians and Christian NT scholars) all agree Mark was the source. The others copied from Mark and added their ideas.

Mark is reworking Psalms and Kings, uses many of the Epistles and re-works them into earthly narratives. There are many journal papers on this. He also uses the Romulus narrative and other fiction. The literary style is all fictive biography using ring structure, Markan sandwiches, chiasmus, cycles and so on. Fiction. No sources or anything that historians of that time used, it's written as complete fiction. Mark even tells us it's fiction by using parables AND having his main character teach in parables. Jesus also scores as high as King Arthur on the Rank-Ragalin mythotype scale.

On top of all that the theology - savior demigods, personal salvation, baptism, eucharist, etc...are all Hellenism found earlier in many Greek religions.
Stan became just like the Persian devil and the book ends with a literal copy (in their own words) of a Persian resurrection myth, Revelation.
It is 100% religious fiction, in every possible way.

The Quran, I don't know why you would find that credible? It sounds like a writer giving a synopsis of the OT. This is Allah, you better worship how great he is, you disbelievers are in big trouble, then a new short telling of Eden and so forth.
What exactly about this do you believe a human could not write?

Critical-historical analysis isn't a big field on the Quran yet because it's still heretical in Muslim communities possibly?

You believe in your "inerrant historians", and I believe in the prophets .. Jesus and Muhammad in particular.

The more you purposefully strawman my position the more you are just owning the fact that you have no argument. I never said historians don't make mistakes. I said the evidence as it stands shows syncretism for one. And the evidence is vast and far far deeper than you can imagine.
But I don't "believe" in historians. I follow empirical evidence and use critical thinking without bias towards how I want the world to be. I would rather have an afterlife. But every line of evidence, over and over points to that being fiction.

Now Jesus and Muhammad, yes you have to have faith because there is no evidence whatsoever that those stories are real. There is excellent evidence that everything in the stories is syncretic. Excellent. In fact scholarship has no doubt of the origins.

Well-spotted !

Yes but the stories are older which demonstrates syncretism.

Pure guesswork, based on disbelief.

Offline Illumination
As has been demonstrated, the Moses fable is an ancient mythological motif found in numerous cultures. It therefore has nothing to do with any particular ethnic group, and the character Moses is not the founder of the Jewish ideology. Like so many others, this story as presented represents racist rubbish and cultural bigotry.

Wrong, it's literally true. They are showing examples of Israelite religious ideologies that are clearly in older stories. Which shows they did not really happen in Hebrew culture but were stories that were appropriated.
Exodus, parting of the Red Se, 10 Commandments on stone, his staff...

Moreover, the famed Ten Commandments are simply a repetition of the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi and the Hindu Vedas, among others. As Churchward says:

"The 'Law of Moses' were the old Egyptian Laws . . . ; this the stele or 'Code of Hammurabi' conclusively proves. Moses lived 1,000 years after this stone was engraved."
In addition, the miraculous "parting of the Red Sea" has forever mystified the naive and credulous masses and scholars alike, who have put forth all sorts of tortured speculation to explain it. The parting and destruction of the hosts of Pharaoh at the Red Sea is not recorded by any known historian, which is understandable, since it is, of course, not historical and is found in other cultures, including in Ceylon, out of which the conquering shepherd kings (Pharaohs) were driven across "Adam's Bridge" and drowned. This motif is also found in the Hawaiian and Hottentot versions of the Moses myth, prior to contact with outside cultures. The crossing of the Red Sea is astronomical, expressly stated by Josephus to have occurred at the autumnal equinox, indicating its origin within the mythos.

"Moses's flowering rod, river of blood, and tablets of the law were all symbols of the ancient Goddess. His miracle of drawing water from a rock was first performed by Mother Rhea after she gave birth to Zeus, and by Atalanta with the help of Artemis. His miracle of drying up the waters to travel dry-shod was earlier performed by Isis, or Hathor, on her way to Byblos."

Also Moses is out of place in time:
""The reasons for doubting his existence include, among others, (1) the parallels between the Moses stories and older ones like that of Sargon, (2) the absence of any Egyptian account of such a great event as the Pentateuch asserts the Exodus to have been, (3) the attributing to Moses of so many laws that are known to have originated much later, (4) the correlative fact that great codes never suddenly appear full-born but are slowly evolved, (5) the difficulties of fitting the slavery, the Exodus, and the conquest of Canaan into the known chronology of Egypt and Palestine, and (6) the extreme probability that some of the twelve tribes were never in Egypt at all.""

But the real proof is in Thompsons work The Historical Narrative of the Patriarchs.

The simple answer is they used older stories to create new stories for a new nation. All the other nations were making up religious fiction and then the Israelites did the same. Everyone used local myths because books, newspaper, radio, internet didn't exist. No one from another nation would ever even know and there were no copyright laws. Plus people could just say "a prophet was told by God", just like you are trying to do.


OK .. maybe it is based on truth then.
I am happy to of found a more recent revelation. :)

Well that helps me understand you are just on a different level. You haven't learned rational thinking when it comes to the supernatural. You think if something cannot be proven wrong then the only answer is a "prophet" must have delivered some God messages. Meanwhile in the real world, like everyone else, writers wrote down what stories the smart people came up with. That is all this all is.

You kid yourself .. it is not based on conclusive evidence, the conclusion is more based on disbelief of scripture, just as mine is based on belief.

Wow the irony. First, yes the evidence is very clear that older myths were used. Second, your conclusion that any of this supernatural wu is real is COMPLETELY INCONCLUSIVE FANTASY MAGICAL THINKING. With no evidence.

But far more about scripture is known than you realize. Scripture itself tells us Yahwism started out henotheism - other divinities were around like El and Baal. Yahweh was given Israel at a divine council in an early Hebrew copy of Deuteronomy.
That is covered in this lecture:

Where they acknoledge the Persians as starting the God vs Satan, good vs evil thing.

But history is just one factor. Then you also have the fact that there are no Gods anywhere. There are no prophets proving they are talking to a God. In the stories Gods always do miracles and displays of power. But yet when giving words they cannot give something that will even suggest knowledge beyond what a person could get. Nothing.
And then consciousness. Mammalian brains specialize in intelligence. It's because of the frontal cortex. Birds that have unusual intelligence have a brain structure that mimicks the frontal cortex giving them high intelligence sometimes.

Ghosts in another dimension that supposedly started reality don't just have consciousness and intelligence. Except in fantasy fiction.
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Well-Known Member
What has that to do with anything?
God is not a person with a clock on the wall.

Without time there are no moments. No causality. No thoughts. No actions. To a photon from the big bang that has never been absorbed the entire 13 billion years of the universe has gone by in zero time. Even if it was conscious nothing has happened. You need to be in time to have causality and consciousness.

Now please don't pretend to know what God is or isn't. What you have is scripture where God speaks and acts in time.


Well-Known Member
You can forget the "theist" nonsense .. you are conversing with a Muslim.

Islam has a theistic deity. It's Yahweh, God, Allah
"belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures."

I have .. but you dismiss them with a "wave of the hand" :D

No, you haven't given any proof whatsoever, historical or non. If you claim other prophets besides Muhammad or the Bahai then you need evidence.

I use rational process, thankyou .. I come to different conclusions than you.

Not one time in this thread have you used a rational thought. You just say "I believe". That isn't rational. I can say that about Mormonism. "Hey I believe in Mormonism, I'm right". Rational?

Nope. That's you.

You claim that all your knowledge of historical evidence shows that it is all based on false myth. You have agreed that it can't be proved.
OF COURSE IT CAN'T .. ever wondered why? :D

The vast amounts of history show syncretism. That is a fact. You haven't given an alternative explantion. You gave a fantasy. You haven't explained anything about which parts are wrong, which are from prophets and how you know, you have done nothing except vague statements like the Persians also had a prophet. Ok, show me evidence. How do you know?
Why didn't Yahweh tell his people the information for 600 years? why does it look exactly like syncretism? Does Yahweh like to fool people? Is it all a sick joke to make scholars see syncretism but it's really not? You also need to show evidence.
Truth is not found in making up random apologetics designed to hide from historical facts.

Yes, history shows syncretism.

You have agreed that it can't be proved.
OF COURSE IT CAN'T .. ever wondered why? :D

Uh, no I haven't. Because this isn't hard? With history we can show what is likely probable. We also don't know Abe Lincoln was a real man. We have good evidence. We don't know the Romans were a huge civilization. We just have really good evidence.
Proving it isn't what's done? We cannot prove Satan isn't real and made up the Quran to fool all Muslims. But we have evidence otherwide. You cannot prove Muhammad was real. But there is evidence.
What you cannot prove is he had magic revelations with a angel.
Syncretism is a thing. It happens, its common and found with all religions, myths and stories.
Angels.........nope, nothing, no evidence of them, EVER.

Yes. There is "One" who is responsible for the Creation and Maintainer of the universe.
I do not rule out the possibility of ancient religions being originally teaching the same.

Wow, you just defined theism. You are a theist. Theism has zero evidence. It's as probable as sorcerors or Godzilla.

Why would I want to delve into scholarly treatises of disbelievers?
You have already provided summaries that I have criticised..

Because you will see how deep the fatcs go. You haven't criticized anything. Literally. You just said "no" and never gave evidence. You said "I believe" again without evidence of why. No reasons that warrant the beliefs.
Your historical comments are vague nonsense and again, no proof? They make no sense anyways. Yahweh makes a religion but 600 years later the people have to get all the theology from a prophet from a culture who invaded Israel? And the OT had to start with stories from Mesopotamian but they had a prophet? But Yahweh couldn't tell then himself?

And you still need proof. Show me where in the OT it says PErsian prophets are real? You just made stuff up so bad that even apologetics don't use tactics like that?

Oh, for goodness sake. :)
What evidence can you provide me with, that can demonstrate that my beliefs must be false?
You can't. :D

Because you don't use logic. You use magical thinking.
First one cannot "prove" anything in that sense. Just like you cannot prove I'm wrong if I say I converted to JW and I know the end times are coming and you will go to hell unless you convert to JW. Because the JW prophet said so.

That is all you are doing but with different beliefs.

Looking at historical evidence without bias you will see syncretic tales. And no proof of Gods or supernatural anything.

Oh dear..
..that the Bible and Qur'an are based on truth, and that prophets were sent to the men of old in various nations, that taught monotheism.
The prevalance of polytheism and the existence of myth does not allow us to make solid conclusions one way or the other, in a historic sense.

And spiderman and Superman are based on truth as well. The news keeps it secret. And JW are correct about the end of the world and all non-JW go straight to hell (look into it).

Not worried? Right because there isn't evidence for Gods, magic, or anything supernatural. Not your version either.

The Bible is 100% not truth. It's Greek/Persian myth. There isn't evidence for it when the Greeks came up with it and no evidence when the Jewish religion used it to make Christianity.

ALSO, you are changing Christianity into a DIFFERENT religion. You can't even let one myth lie. Your myth has to go and change other myths. "No it's true but it's true in the way we say"..and the whole lot of you.....no evidence at all.

What a complete and utter fail.

You reckon..

your words also reckon.

Oh, now we are talking about scientists, and not historians..

Nice dodge. Science doesn't change depending which sect you ask.


Well-Known Member
It might be clear to you .. but not to me.
I would rather believe that when I die, I will go to a "perfect dreamworld" without being accountable for my actions.
However, as I don't believe that that is true, there is no point in me thinking it is..

Is that supposed to be impressive? I am accountable for y actions because I care about people and myself. I don't need a magic judge fantasy to be a good person.

Is that all you are doing as well .. "doing history"?
People that "do history" can't seem to agree on the details, never mind the conclusions. :D

As usual, no argument, just words to keep going because you think maybe you can dig yourself out of this disaster.

The historicity field is largely in consensus on Biblical issues. There are a few areas of disagreement. The fact that the gospels are a fictional narrative is completely agreed upon in history.

Fine !
..but I assume you will carry on with your own "unfounded beliefs", that history strongly suggests that the Abrahamic God is fantasy..

Why would you say "unfounded"? Historicity shows Yahweh is just another deity since the Sumerians made up deities. So yes it does suggest that. Why would you say it isn't founded? What is your evidence. Do you even understand what a debate is? It's not how you bicker with your GF in 10th grade. You actually say something and back it up?

For example: 9:27

Francesca Stavrakopoulou PhD Professor of Hebrew Bible

The idea that the Israelite religion was extraordinary and different from religions of surrounding religions and cultures and this deity is somehow different and extraordinary and so this deity is wholly unlike all other deities in Southeast Asia. Historically this is not the case. Nothing unusual or extraordinary about Yahweh.

"the idea that Yahweh was somehow extrordinary and this deity is wholly unlike all other deities...historically we know this just isn't the case. Nothing unusual about Yahweh.......find examples of the same used in many older deities.

Nonsense .. all disbelievers share a consensus that the Abrahamic God is fantasy .. I would expect nothing less.

No historians show syncretism. I linked to 3 lectures given by an acting pastor who believes who confirms all the syncretism. There are more lectures as well. A pastor, in a church, who believes.

Listen to yourself .. you have admitted that it can't be conclusively proved, but quote "academic beliefs" as this somehow alters the fact.

Why you are so stuck on "conclusively proved," is bizarre? I have explained this over and over. Nothing can be shown to a 100%. History is not math. We are pretty sure what each Caesar did. We are almost 100% that Genesis is using Mesopotamian myths, often line by line. Meanwhhile not only can you not prove any claim of revelation or God conclusive you can't even show any evidence AT ALL???????

Over and over the same questions. Dude, you lost, I'm sorry. You have no evidence for your magic beliefs. I can't help you. Asking the same things over and over will not magically change this. Maybe you should prpay to Allah for a magical intervention to show me. Ask Allah for a 14 digit number, I have one written down.

..and you claim that is evidence of "foul play", and I claim that it is based on truth from God .. stalemate!

1)it's evidence of syncretism
2)if the Persian religion is true then become a Zoroastrian member. They don't say Allah. It's
Ahura Mazda . Oh let me guess, that is a mistake. But whatever matches the Quran then it's true.

Yeah it isn't "stalemate". Here we see clear evidence of Judaism changing theology and becoming Christianity using Persian myths. Your contention is that Yahweh didn't tell his people anything about Christianity, they learned it from the Persians and THEN it also happened to them?? Even though the Persians already had all that, as well as the Greeks? Demigods already died in Greek religiojs before Jesus and got followers to the afterlife?

Except those didn't happen. We know there are no real Greek or Persian religions that are actually real.

The by far most logical answer here is Judaism was occupied by Persia. The Hebrews liked the Persian myths and incorporated them into their theology, as it even says in scripture, Cyrus had favor with Yahweh. Then they were occupied by Greeks and Christainity emerged with Persian and Greek myths.

There is no evidence of the messed up mess you are trying to spin. Revelations are still unproven. Angels are still fiction.
You don't get to answer mysteries with unknown supernatural fiction and think it's even with a natural , plausible, possible explanation.

You are a mind reader now, are you? :)

You tell me why you bought these myths?

Who cares what "ancient people" worshiped?
Does that mean that polytheism was what was being taught by Moses and others?
Obviously not. It's quite obvious to me, in any case.

Actually Moses is a literary construction. When they wrote about him in 600BCE they had become monotheistic and made that reflect what Moses said. In early Israel it was Henotheism. El and Baal are other Gods and Yahweh attends a divine council with these deities. So yes.
Here is a lecture covering it.
At 12:15 they cover that:

No, I don't.
Almighty God sent numerous prophets to the men of old.
It was necessary in that era. The majority of the population had little education, and texts were scarce.
In modern times, we have the printing press and now the internet. :)
We can see that Islam is available in the form it was many hundreds of years ago.
..and belief in God is still relatively high.

Uh....Bahai is from the 1800s? It's newer.
Yes belief. Belief in alien abductions is also high. Belief in flat Earth is also high. Belief in JW end of the world is very high. All non-JW go directly to hell. Big belief.

So belief is not an accurate marker of what is true.

As far as your concerned .. I believe differently. :)

I don't care what you believe. In a debate you need evidence or you are just posing.

I have no interest in proving anything to you, as I've already stated.
You are an intelligent person .. you have already made up your mind that religion is all nonsense. :)

No, the vast evidence shows that theism is nonsense. Revelations are likely man-made and false. Definitely likely.

"this one" does. :)

Then you are not a Christian. You don't get to change theology. You either believe Jesus was a son of God and resurrected for sins or you are not a Christian. I can say I'm a Christian but say I think Jesus was really Superman using a time machine. I'm not a Christian.
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Veteran Member
If you actually had good reasons then all religious people would convert to teh religion that wasn't faith based nonsense..
Why would they?
Many of us do not wish to leave our "comfort zone" .. quite understandable, really.
There is a constant battle going on in our minds, and it is far from easy to be a "saint".

satan will never let up, in his deceit.. :(

It's a very angry book. That person was mad..
I can understand why you would think that, coming from a western environment, as do I.

The Quran, I don't know why you would find that credible? It sounds like a writer giving a synopsis of the OT..
Ah .. and why not? Jesus was a Jew, and worshiped in the great temple in Jerusalem, no?
The NT canon was finalised decades after his ascension .. no Jewish temple by then.

This is Allah, you better worship how great he is, you disbelievers are in big trouble..
Correct .. disbelievers who persecute, threaten and kill believers
are to be dealt with severely. God, the Most High, decreed this, as He did in the OT .. God establishes truth in His creation through prophets/warners..
If God espoused pacifism, the whole earth would be corrupted and evil would be uppermost .. it would be chaos.

What exactly about this do you believe a human could not write?
The whole "plot" from beginning to end .. its wisdom cannot be matched .. although a staunch disbeliever cannot see that .. they judge by the "societal norms of the era" they live in.
Moral values, for example, are in a constant state of flux, each generation assuming that their generation is the most enlightened.
Each generation cannot ALL be right. :D

There is excellent evidence that everything in the stories is syncretic. Excellent. In fact scholarship has no doubt of the origins..
No, there is not. How many times do I have to explain to you?
One cannot make conclusions about the existence of a few prophets, by studying ancient history..

..rather than providing "walls of text" written by others, why don't you explain in your own words, how such conclusions are valid?

You think if something cannot be proven wrong then the only answer is a "prophet" must have delivered some God messages..
No, I don't. I use my intelligence, just like you..


Veteran Member
Without time there are no moments. No causality. No thoughts. No actions..
Well, what is time?
It can be defined as a physical quantity, in relation to motion .. or it ca be defined philosophically.
Philosophy of space and time - Wikipedia

Now please don't pretend to know what God is or isn't. What you have is scripture where God speaks and acts in time.
We cannot precisely define God.
The knowledge any man possesses is like a drop in the ocean.

Mankind cannot even create a fly .. naturally, I mean from scratch. ;)

We have no good reason to believe that an agent who exists outside of
the space-time continuum, cannot "act" within it.


Veteran Member
The vast amounts of history show syncretism. That is a fact..
syncretism: the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought.

You reach this conclusion, along with other disbelievers.
No amount of historical evidence can show us why people believed in different creeds thousands of years ago.
I say that prophets came and went .. you say they didn't.

..and please do not keep posting "walls of texts" from disbelievers .. it does not mean a thing.
Explain in your own words why I am wrong.

Why didn't Yahweh tell his people the information for 600 years?
You will have to be more specific .. which 600 years? Where?

why does it look exactly like syncretism? Does Yahweh like to fool people?
Absolutely not. No.

Because you will see how deep the fatcs go..
I can assure you, that no "fact" in history can show that prophets did not exist. It is impossible.

Yahweh makes a religion but 600 years later the people have to get all the theology from a prophet..
What are you on about?
Do you really think that God could send a prophet in times of old, and "hey presto", all live happily ever-after?
That is not what happened .. some people listen and some don't .. and civilisations rise and fall.

Show me where in the OT it says PErsian prophets are real? You just made stuff up so bad that even apologetics don't use tactics like that?
The OT is comprised of texts of various author, age and origin.
Why are you quoting the OT as if it represents the full history of mankind?
It clearly cannot and does not do that.

And spiderman and Superman are based on truth as well..
If it pleases you to think so. :rolleyes:

ALSO, you are changing Christianity into a DIFFERENT religion.
I am not changing anything .. I believe that the Qur'an is the literal word of God.
Christianity evolved to be what it is through a series of ecumenical councils. Political.


Veteran Member
IYou have no evidence for your magic beliefs.
Believers do not have to prove to you that God exists.
You can believe what you like, as can I.

I find the Bible and Qur'an to be coherent.
No historical fact can disprove the existence of prophets.

They don't say Allah. It's
Ahura Mazda . Oh let me guess, that is a mistake.,
..words are all to do with language .. there are many languages, and continually evolve.
Gos is known by many, many words.

Here we see clear evidence of Judaism changing theology and becoming Christianity using Persian myths. Your contention is that Yahweh didn't tell his people anything about Christianity, they learned it from the Persians and THEN it also happened to them?? Even though the Persians already had all that, as well as the Greeks?
You are getting yourself all mixed up here .. due to your preconceived ideas.

Then you are not a Christian. You don't get to change theology. You either believe Jesus was a son of God and resurrected for sins or you are not a Christian.
..showing your "true colours" here.
You suggest that loyalty to "the Roman tribe" is more important than your fellow believer in God.

You cannot prove to me that the decision of a series of ecumenical councils represents Christianity .. unless you insist that one is not "part of the club" and is a heretic for not believing political decisions of men.