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Let's not talk about the Big Bang

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
No, it actually isn't. I find it rather trivial, in fact. Just close down the mind and live in silence.

You can't do that? I've been able to do it since I was a kid.

But then, I have very little internal monologue and no visual imagination in the standard sense.
I don't run into many Buddhas who think it trivial, but then Polymath is simply amazing, he even knows 'nothing'.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
TLT has been considered and it simply doesn't work.

Read a TLT paper and stop at the first point they say something *known* to be wrong. That is usually when they treat scattering.
It is early days in the science of universal origins, BB from nothing. BB of a multiverse, Cyclical BB, TLT SS, etc.. Regardless of the competing theories, what matters to me is that I am an expression of the universe, who am I?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
And I agree. I have stated that many times. Nothing is an impossibility. But it is possible to have a beginning that is not 'from' at all.

Not as difficult as you might think. Look a the data and see what math fits.

Your realization was the common view about 150 years ago. Modern cosmology changed that (along with modern math, I would note). There are more logical options that those with a Euclidean bias can see.
So what exactly is the possible beginning state that is not 'from'?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
It did not 'come into existence'. That is a meaningless phrase. The universe of spacetime simply exists. There is no 'coming' or 'from'. Just 'is'.

The BB theory has been extensively tested! What do you think all the tests on the CMBR are about? What do you think that trying to measure deuterium abundances is about? What do you think that trying to find BAO is about? It is ALL about using the detailed theory to make predictions and test them according to the data acquired.

The BB scenario is accepted because it fits the data better than any alternative. When and if we have a tested theory of quantum gravity, that may change. And if that theory of quantum gravity implies a multiverse, the multiverse scenario will become more accepted. Right now, it is more philosophy than science (and yes, that is a negative).
C'mon, no coming into existence, just 'is', that is what I've been saying all along, the universe never came into existence, it just is, because it is eternal.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
A higher dimensional analogy of the surface of a sphere is a definite possibility. It would have the property that no matter which direction you choose (up, down, left, right, back, forth, or other), if you continue in a straight line, you will eventually arrive back at your starting point.
Childish nonsense, this is 21st century science on planet earth. :rolleyes:

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Serious science is investigated by other scientists. Regardless of which country that it comes from. You made an extremely weak excuse, as if Google scholar only counts western citations of articles. The problem is that almost all of your ideas have been wrong here and you cannot learn because you will not own up to your errors when they are explained to you. All that you have going for you are ignorance and self imposed blindness. The ostrich defense does not really work. Even ostriches know that.
Science continues, it is early days, reality is knocking on the door of the deceivers who pretend to know the universe. Be patient.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Lol possibly if one misunderstands them.
There is no duality in the still mind state, so there is no separate entity to understand or misunderstand, all is one.

God is one, we live, move, and have our being in God. If a seeker of God believes God is separate from them, they will never in all eternity find God.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Pantheistic view of God? Can you please try to explain how you see that and more importantly, why?
Thy Lord God is one. God creates the light and the dark, creates the good and the evil, the Lord God does these things. Isaiah 45:6,7. All is within God, there is no outside of God, God is omnipresent, eternal. The kingdom of God is within, God is all there is, creator and creation. That is consistent with panetheism, all is God.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Well you got that right, the 'nothing' of the BB science is where SZ believes the universe came from, nothing does not exist, so I know nothing about BB science's nothing.
Now you have just confirmed that you do not even have a ninth grade level of scientific literacy.

Would you care to run over the basics? I do not think that you are a liar, you just don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Now you have just confirmed that you do not even have a ninth grade level of scientific literacy.

Would you care to run over the basics? I do not think that you are a liar, you just don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.
There was nothing, and then there was light, and this light was the BB which brought forth a universe. Science doesn't know why there is existence from non-existence, it doesn't how there is existence from non-existence, but regardless, atheists love the theory because nothing replaces God as that which brought forth light.

I suspect I will be persecuted for disbelieving the atheist's creation story, let's see...


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
There is no duality in the still mind state, so there is no separate entity to understand or misunderstand, all is one.

God is one, we live, move, and have our being in God. If a seeker of God believes God is separate from them, they will never in all eternity find God.
The scriptures and elucidation of them make much more sense. As my husband would say, "have a good one!"
Not a polytheist, all is God, God is one. But of course there is a spiritual hierarchy, angels, archangels, etc., is that polytheism in your judgement?
I don't think the rocks are God, but Jesus said if his disciples wouldn't preach about God and himself, the rocks would cry out.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
There is no duality in the still mind state, so there is no separate entity to understand or misunderstand, all is one.

God is one, we live, move, and have our being in God. If a seeker of God believes God is separate from them, they will never in all eternity find God.
If someone kills me I don't take that as God killing me. Before I die, of course. When I'm dead, I truly hope I'm real dead. Except that God will remember me. (Bye for now...)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Be still and know that I am God,” Psalms 46:10
There is one God. He is above all. Thanks for that scripture. God made the rocks and the soil. He is not in them. He can, however, control these things according to his will.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
There was nothing, and then there was light, and this light was the BB which brought forth a universe. Science doesn't know why there is existence from non-existence, it doesn't how there is existence from non-existence, but regardless, atheists love the theory because nothing replaces God as that which brought forth light.

I suspect I will be persecuted for disbelieving the atheist's creation story, let's see...
So what. You cannot refute an idea with an argument from ignorance. If a God did it you don't know how God did it either. Does that refute that God? Please try to think rationally.