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Let's not talk about the Big Bang

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
There is one God. He is above all. Thanks for that scripture. God made the rocks and the soil. He is not in them. He can, however, control these things according to his will.
How do you know that? How do you know that the Bible is reliable? I can find all sorts of errors in the Bible. It is was the word of God it should not look as if it had any.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
The scriptures and elucidation of them make much more sense. As my husband would say, "have a good one!"

I don't think the rocks are God, but Jesus said if his disciples wouldn't preach about God and himself, the rocks would cry out.
Everything is an expression of God, everything.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
If someone kills me I don't take that as God killing me. Before I die, of course. When I'm dead, I truly hope I'm real dead. Except that God will remember me. (Bye for now...)
(Issiah 45:7) God created the one who kills, and so is an expression of God, and the one who forgives is also an expression of God.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
There is one God. He is above all. Thanks for that scripture. God made the rocks and the soil. He is not in them. He can, however, control these things according to his will.
Correct, the expression of God is not God. in the same way a painting you do is an expression of you, but the painting is not you. You are an expression of God, but you are not God, The more devotion we have for the source of our being, the greater the expression, that which is born of flesh is flesh, that which is born of spirit is spirit, the goal is set for mortal fleshly expressions.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
So what. You cannot refute an idea with an argument from ignorance. If a God did it you don't know how God did it either. Does that refute that God? Please try to think rationally.
There was no beginning to the universe, get over it.

Question, if the universe did not exist, what would exist?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I'm not acting properly when I ask a question that could show you believe the universe came from nothing. :D
No, you are acting like a child. Perhaps you are in ninth grade. There is no real way to validate a person's claimed age here. It would explain quite a few of the issues that you have.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
No, you are acting like a child. Perhaps you are in ninth grade. There is no real way to validate a person's claimed age here. It would explain quite a few of the issues that you have.
You are trying to change the subject, if I can help you to see that the algebraic sum of the +A and -A = 0, then I will feel I have done something worthy with my time today. Humor me, is my equation correct?


Well-Known Member
And how do you know that time had no beginning?

Prove it.

By which definition? If all you mean is 'for all time', then this is trivial. If you mean that time is infinite in extent, then you need to prove it.

But there are very good theoretical reasons to believe it may have had a beginning. The point is that we do not know, but you are rejecting one of the open possibilities for no good reason.

I agree. That is not what happened (no 'from'), even if time is finite.
The way to resolve this, is to stop thinking in terms of only space-time, which is the nature of our material universe. Rather, also think in terms of a realm where space and time are not connected, or where time and space can each act as independent variables.

If you could move space independent of time, you would be omnipresent. This is a classic attribute of God. If you could move in time independent of space, you would know how the entire universe changes in time. This is the classic attribute of God called omniscience. These two classic God references are not possible in space-time, since space and time have to work together, as one. This two legged race places limits connected to the speed of light. We can only be at one place at a time and we can only know the past.

Photons of light, which are part of space-time, have connected wavelength and frequency; connected via space-time. In a realm where space and time are not connected, each of these two photon variables could also act, independently. We would have wavelength without frequency, and frequency without wavelength. We would have the two parts needed to make photons and therefore energy. But since they are not connected; permanently, this realm could exist, before energy was in the universe. Independent space and time would first need to meet at a point junction and merge, so energy wavelength could connect to frequency to form energy, then the primordial atom could appear; connected space-time appears and there is light.

The proof of the possibility of a realm where time and space are not connected lies within the human imagination. The frontal lobe of the brain; moist evolve part of the brain, can process information in ways that are very similar to space and time not connected. This an experiment that anyone can do. This type of data processing suggests time without space and space without time is an information type realm connected to consciousness.

As an example, I can imagine a bridge built of nothing but el dente' spaghetti, that is 1 kilometer long. This is not possible in space-time, since the laws of physics, connected to space-time would not allow this. Gravity would cause the bridge to sag and shear. However, it would be possible, if I assembled the bridge in space independent of time. With time stopped, the force of gravity could not act, and the bridge would remain. I have not built this imaginary bridge in space-time. But the imagination can plan in a way where space and time do not have to be connected by the laws of physics. I can plan a week's vacation in my mind, in an hour, because space-time does not control information. It only applies to energy, substance; matter.

Our universe is not just space-time, but it also is impacted by the realm where space and time are not connected. This is easiest to see at the quantum level; synchronized particle pairs. This is similar to small scale omnipresent affect. This other realm can also can be understood, as part of our everyday life. For example, all the forces of nature are accelerations, with the units of acceleration, d/t/t. These units amount to space-time plus some independent time. This is not the classic way to look at acceleration and force, but it allows one to interface the quantum and inertial worlds as well as space before time and time before space. Now we can make the primordial atom from what appears to be nothing; in the imagination of God.

Space-time could use an update also. We model the universe as 4-D, with three spatial coordinates and one time coordinate. However, time is expressed in 4-D; (t0, t1, t2, t3). Time0 is a point in time. Time1 is a time line like velocity; d/t. Time2 is a time plane; acceleration; d/t/t, while Time3 is a time sphere or an acceleration of an acceleration; d/t/t/t. D/t/t/t is the accelerated expansion of our gravity force universe. Time in 4-D, offers a way to define each unique place in time within space-time. This is all controlled by time independent of space; laws of physics are the same in all references.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Oh boy here's a question. We know we are born. We didn't just appear full grown as an infant. The question is: is DNA alive? We know, of course, it's there but is it alive?I don't know the answer, just wondering what scientists think about this. If you may know.

I would say that it is not. It doesn't grow, or have a metabolism. It is a single, although large, molecule.

But it is ore a question of how to define 'alive' than anything else.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Wrong, SZ is Subduction Zone!

Actually, while there may be a SZ blue shift effect, the overall result is a CMBR red shifted all the way to the microwave band, as I understand TLT.
And that is simply not what actually happens through scattering. In scattering, the light takes on the spectral properties of the material that it scatters from. This is one thing TLT either ignores or doesn't realize. it doesn't thermalize to the point of giving a Planck distribution to 1 part in 100,000, which is what we actually observe in the CMBR. It also doens't produce variations from that distribution that match what we actually see (the BB model does).
So please keep an open mind and let the facts determine science, not erroneous belief.
I keep an open mind until the facts have spoken. And they have in this case.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
You are brainwashed like all others who believe in the BBT you espouse.

On the contrary, it would be exciting to see it fail. That would lead to new physics and new insights.

So what exactly is the possible beginning state that is not 'from'?
Think of the south pole. No 'more south' from there.

Childish nonsense, this is 21st century science on planet earth. :rolleyes:
Exactly. it isn't 'childish'. It is a real possibility. And if you understood that, you might be able to actually understand what the BB theory is saying.

Once again, you dismiss what you don't understand because of your biases.