In contemporary spirituality, which tries to take one to direct personal experience of God, the leaders and teachers have brought additional terms, all referring to the same, out into the public eye. Permit me to offer a list of these terms to give a better idea of what we are talking of in #526: God, Ground of Being, Source, Brahman, TrueSelf, Consciousness-itself, Being-itself, Absolute, Infinite, Tao (in my view), Buddha-nature, Allah, and others and all referring to the same. Plotinus (CE 205-270) taught that there is a supreme totally transcendent One. The term used is not important except to get the interpretations of others more closely focused on what is meant. [these terms have been mentioned by Ben d and myself in other threads so this list may be expanded within 24 hrs. by editing.] At this point one suspects that all the atheists and all the theists have separated. That leaves only the 0.1% of those who have discovered this amazing perspective on reality so let me close.