The Modern Theist:
God exists in the minds and hearts of those that believe. He as an idea. He is energy. He is love. He is the thought behind the thought. He is a mystery, that I will never understand, I can't see, touch, feel, hear, smell or taste him, but I know he's there. I have no proof, except for archaic religions and bogus scriptures from centuries ago, but I believe. He works in mysterious ways. I can't understand him with my human brain, but my soul, which I also have no proof of, will return to him when I die. While my organic matter decomposes, my personality will live on forever, in the form of... Something. I might be reincarnated, but I'm not sure. I will deny all corelation between MY deity, and ANY deity used to prove it false. My deity is one of my own personal making, so he CAN'T be disproved. When I don't understand something, "God did it." When something is beyond the reach of modern knowledge, "God did it." I also refuse to aknowledge that religion is harmful to the world, and insist that EVERYONE believes in God in the same moderate, half-hearted way that I do.