Do you understand the difference between Right Hand & Left Hand Paths?
I do, and I understand that the two are not mutually exclusive, and are relative terms that exist in reference to religious and cultural norms where it concerns rituals, rites and tradition. However you may disagree, due to your cultural perspective. Western LHP'ers tend to be strongly dualistic and so I can see why you would take that stand.
That in itself and the intense individuality and values that tend to run counter to religions like Christanity, Islam ect, but they don't run particularly any more counter than say Wicca or some other "RHP" occult practice. Really I guess I could make an arguement for how western LHP is a reaction to western RHP religions the same way that eastern LHP might contrast (but not react to) RHP in eastern religions, but the two are probably just as unrelated as related... mostly due to the fact that the term was appropriated a century ago with a very... interesting purpose, that was later repurposed by Satanists.
That aside, it's a little non-encompassing to only give the western perspective as legitimate, not that you have done that (actually I think I've seen you acknowledge the roots of the term LHP in the East), but seeing as this section is going to always be overly dominated by occultists it's perhaps a view that gets lost in the discussion a lot and told it's 'not real LHP', which is kind of insulting considering that it is the original LHP before the term was appropriated.