Sections 14 - 17 of "The Statement of Satan Archdaimon" from "The Diabolicon" by Michael Aquino:
"Then Michael turned to me and said, Lucifer, thou hast
elected a direction whose end none can foresee, for it is
estranged from the design of God. Those who confirm thee
do so as much for faith in thy person as for sanction of thy ideal.
And I perceive that, should thou fail in thy ambition,
apocalyptic madness shall be thy ruin and damnation.
Then shall thy light perish, and all that thou hast achieved
become as naught, for all will be conformed to the divine law.
But if thou should succeed, then God would be cast down,
vesting in ourselves alone the control of the Universe -
Would we dare to presume to this? Such a future
might well be glorious beyond measure, but, should we
prove unequal to the task, chaos would again consume all,
and existence itself would vanish. Such would be supreme
and irrevocable disaster, and I marvel, Archangel, that thy
very arrogance in this matter does not confound thee, for
it is no mean proposition that thou would realize."
"And so I know thee as Diabolus, for thy promise is
twofold - to infinite conquest or to eternal ruin. Thou art a
being beyond God, Lucifer, and in Heaven thou may not remain,
for thou art the only mortal danger to our Immortal God."
"In Michael was a deep agony of spirit, for he loved not the
choice before him. Yet he bowed to the command of Masleh
and sent his forces against me, and so was called the Great
Seraphic War, which was to threaten the very foundation
of the Universe."
"But those who were of the new mind now followed me,
and I turned to outermost chaos, which none of us had before
presumed to dare. We were beset with doubt, for we
feared that apart from God we would all perish in chaotic oblivion.
But as we were, we remained, and I called to my fellowship,
See! We exist and are essence in our own right.
In truth we are beings independent of God, empowered to
shape our own destinies as we may elect. Between the two
great poles of the Universe, order and chaos, we shall
stand to effect our desires."