While I personally also disagree with much of what is written here I don't get angry about it - those are approaches different from mine, based on different worldviews, and disagreement is one of the most common and even valued things among us LHPers anyway (at least in my opinion
). Due to that I don't see much sense in arguing about the definition of the LHP, and so I haven't posted into this thread here before.
People here claim things to be defining for the LHP which have nearly nothing to do with my own believes nor with those of some others I'd call LHP, and claim things to be completely incompatible with the LHP that seem very well compatible to me. So what is written here seems not much more than personal opinion (even if well-justified), or a try to define their own LHP-tradition, and not necessarily valid for all LHPers, or all Satanists, or whatever. I think the LHP is about doing one's own thing anyway and any further definitions can only be valid for a part of the LHP. There are no hard criteria, only a ton of soft ones.
Also I don't think separating the DIR would work well. I actually wouldn't know which of these DIRs I fit in better - I'm certainly not a Hindu, but some of my most basic cosmological assumptions seem closer to "eastern thought" than to most "western thought". I don't follow any particular eastern tradition, though, I know much too less about those as to even be able to. Most of what is "eastern" about my worldview I don't even have from eastern sources, but has been brought into the west by other people before me. So I don't see any clear cut between the east and the west, both have many different approaches and both are getting mixed rather frequently.
Maybe a sub-DIR for eastern LHP / vamacara added into this DIR would be a better idea? However, how many actual eastern vamacaris do we even have here? I don't frequent the Dharma-DIR, but in this DIR here I haven't really seen many that were actually vamacaris grounded in the traditional eastern LHP. Most were mixing different approaches, as it is typical for LHP anyway. It would be interesting, though, to have a place for the specifically eastern LHP, and having one would maybe attract those few eastern vamacaris to visit this DIR more often.