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"Liberal Christian" is an oxymoron!

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
It seems that you're equating "The majority believes" with "The majority gets to define" no matter what the truth may be. State legislatures may pass laws equating Pi to 3, or stating that Creationism is a viable alternative to Evolution Theory. This does not make it so. Similarly, those who preach a message of hatred may say that they are following the teachings of Jesus. This does not make it so, and I will continue to state this.

Christ is too important a figure to be left to most Christians.


Well-Known Member
"I answered your suspicion that I was wrong regarding the message of love with what I thought were several relevant examples. I then answered why it mattered that he had preached a message of love in response to your statement that it didn't matter, and included reasons why I choose to fight against this."

OK, I stand corrected about "your mythology" bit.:foot:

But it STILL doesn't matter.:p

Because whatever you think you see there - and make it as noble and uplifting as you like - it is NOT widely known, widely shared, widely followed, or even widely appreciated.

And, as you noted earlier, not even seen often in those places which claim to be Christian and to be the staunchest and most faithful of practitioners.

As an abstract philosophical argument you may even have a point. ;)But the real world shows you are out of touch.:)


Done here.
It matters because ever since his death, all of these teachings have been perverted into a form that I suspect would be unrecognizable to him, in fact one opposite to everything that he preached over the course of his ministry.
I don't believe his teachings have been perverted so much as discarded. It's a very rare Christian indeed who feels any obligation to follow the teachings of Jesus. I've rarely heard any Christian discourse on the teachings of Jesus that didn't devote some time to explaining either that they are not meant to be taken literally or that they are ideals which will always be unattainable.

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
I don't believe his teachings have been perverted so much as discarded. It's a very rare Christian indeed who feels any obligation to follow the teachings of Jesus. I've rarely heard any Christian discourse on the teachings of Jesus that didn't devote some time to explaining either that they are not meant to be taken literally or that they are ideals which will always be unattainable.

A good point. The idea seems to be that the entire New Testament is meant to be taken literally except for the teachings of the main character.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Sure, let's start at the top with "public servant".

Tell you what - let's start with the DEFINITION of OXYMORON:


1657, from Gk. oxymoron, noun use of neut. of oxymoros (adj.) "pointedly foolish," from oxys "sharp" (see acrid) + moros "stupid." Rhetorical figure by which contradictory terms are conjoined so as to give point to the statement or expression; the word itself is an illustration of the thing. Now often used loosely to mean "contradiction in terms."

So- Public Servant - This is a contradiction in terms because public servant means an employee of the government who ostensibly is SERVING his/her constituents. This is an oxymoron because most government officials are absolutely NOT "serving" the public, they are serving themselves and their own interests.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Now, just for the record - I'm not going to explain the whole list. I have limited time and I'd rather read and respond to other threads and posts.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
1657, from Gk. oxymoron, noun use of neut. of oxymoros (adj.) "pointedly foolish," from oxys "sharp" (see acrid) + moros "stupid." Rhetorical figure by which contradictory terms are conjoined so as to give point to the statement or expression; the word itself is an illustration of the thing. Now often used loosely to mean "contradiction in terms."

So- Public Servant - This is a contradiction in terms because public servant means an employee of the government who ostensibly is SERVING his/her constituents. This is an oxymoron because most government officials are absolutely NOT "serving" the public, they are serving themselves and their own interests.

Thank you, I couldn't have said it better. That's why "public servant" is not an oxymoron. You might not think such a person actually serves anyone, but the terms aren't contradictory. A "jumbo shrimp" is an oxymoron because they are contradictory terms. Jumbo means large and shrimp means small, so you're saying "large small". There is nothing contradictory about "public" and "servant". If you think those people aren't serving anyone, you could call it a misnomer, but not an oxymoron. I hope this explanation helps.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
The conservative version IS the established one and most widely followed and most aggressive.
Thank you for proving my point. Xy is, by nature, not-establishment. Why? Because the establishment disenfranchises and keeps the lowly beat down. Just like some aggressive, widely-seen conservatives who insist that the worst sinners can't come to church with them.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I note you didn't answer the argument. Or even attempt to. Just spouted your mythology.

It doesn't matter because very few even know what you posted, much less give a F*F* about it. And that has been the case for a long time.

It is a myth. Like Santa Claus fit for children and the infirm.

The rest of us KNOW better.
I'll bet Christmas is a real hoot at your house. How sad.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
It seems that you're equating "The majority believes" with "The majority gets to define" no matter what the truth may be. State legislatures may pass laws equating Pi to 3, or stating that Creationism is a viable alternative to Evolution Theory. This does not make it so. Similarly, those who preach a message of hatred may say that they are following the teachings of Jesus. This does not make it so, and I will continue to state this.

Christ is too important a figure to be left to most Christians.
If that were the case, Xy would have never got off the ground.

Christ is too important to be left to most fundamentalists.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
not even seen often in those places which claim to be Christian and to be the staunchest and most faithful of practitioners.
Then, I guess they're not really the "staunchest and most faithful of the practitioners, or you would see it, and see it often...


Premium Member
I would say that Christianity can be called very liberal in some senses- We are taught to "clothe the naked and feed the hungry": translate- Social programs to help single parents- according to my husband (who is very conservative), those social programs are liberal. ;)

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
I would say that Christianity can be called very liberal in some senses- We are taught to "clothe the naked and feed the hungry": translate- Social programs to help single parents- according to my husband (who is very conservative), those social programs are liberal. ;)

He also strongly protested the religious establishment of his time, and was scornful of what he saw as useless rules and regulations.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
He also strongly protested the religious establishment of his time, and was scornful of what he saw as useless rules and regulations.
I disagree. He didn't see them as useless. He saw them as being used for a position of power, rather than as a tool for mercy. The wrong impetus. That's why he said, "Do as I do -- not as they do."


Premium Member
My husband believes that Churches should take care of those in need, not the government. He also switched from the Republican party to the Libertarian party- he said that Republicans were getting to liberal. He's been trying since we were married to switch me over to conservative, but he hasn't been successful. ;)

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
My husband believes that Churches should take care of those in need, not the government. He also switched from the Republican party to the Libertarian party- he said that Republicans were getting to liberal. He's been trying since we were married to switch me over to conservative, but he hasn't been successful. ;)

Keep fighting the good fight, Christine. It's definitely worth winning.