I don't think there's any debating whether a zygote or even a blastocyst is human life, of course it is - what else would it be? Arachnid life? It comes from human parents, so it's human life. What I don't understand is why people are even arguing over what constitutes life (which seems rather simple to answer to me). I think what matters is whether that life has the ability to suffer. If a piece of living material has conciousness or can feel pain, then it deservers moral consideration. If it can't, then it doesn't. My tonsils were human life, but nobody freaked out when the doctor suggested taking them out when I was a kid. That's clearly the removal and causing to die of human life, but the tonsils on their own can't think. In fact, they could feel, so there was pain involved, which is more than can be said for a blastocyst or zygote.