Regarding Krible, kerception, sassumptions, sisyphus, whimsical human development, and incompetent theological interpretations. . .
Since this is plain experimental evidence, why is it not what is clearly seen in creation? (Rom 1:19-20)
And is your stomach unsettled by humble pie?
Mark 11:30: "John's baptism--was it from heaven, or from men? Tell me!"
NIV Study Bible footnote at Mark 11:30: "Jesus' question implied that his authority, like that of John's baptism, came from God."
A. If men are without excuse because knowledge of the invisible God has been made so plain that it is clearly seen, being understood from what has been made,
then how much more is the nature of life at conception clearly seen and understood from what has been made, and shown in plain experimental evidence (which does not even exist for God's eternal, divine, righteous nature)?
B. The "made-up" version of human development is accurate:
1) It begins as two human cells, sperm and egg, called the zygote. If those two cells split apart, that is the end of the zygote.
The zygote doubles itself before cleavage into separate blastomeres.
2) The zygote is a unique human individual with its own unique genetic code. No new genetic info is needed to make the unborn entity a unique idividual.
It needs only to develop in accordance with its already designed nature which it receives at conception.
3) It develops by doubling the human zygote to become a human blastomere, and continues to split and double through human morula, human blastocyst, etc.
4) The same being that beginss as a zygote continues to birth and adulthood. There is no decisive break in the continuous developement of the human entity from conception to death
that would make this entity a different individual before birth.
5) This is all plain experimental evidence.
You might want to file this with your Krible, sassumptions, kerception, sisyphus, whimsical human development and incompetent theological interpretations. . .
Since this is plain experimental evidence, why is it not what is clearly seen in creation? (Rom 1:19-20)
And is your stomach unsettled by humble pie?
Mark 11:30: "John's baptism--was it from heaven, or from men? Tell me!"
NIV Study Bible footnote at Mark 11:30: "Jesus' question implied that his authority, like that of John's baptism, came from God."
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