Depends Upon My Mood..
With all due respect, Penguin, I think you missed the end of my post:
I do NOT believe that a fertilized egg is a person. I do believe that a baby a week before birth is. I'm fuzzy on the middle, but think a good place to draw the line LEGALLY is the fetus' viability (ability to survive outside the womb). Whenever survival rates hit 51% strikes me fair.
Anyway, to be absolutely clear, I fully support abortion rights.
I'm betting that clarification changes your response to me.
I have a problem with this too.I dont know where to draw the line.I just know the earlier the abortion is the more comforatable I am.
Not even to do neccesarlily to do with the argument of is it a "legal person" or not.Just in general the humanity of it.
Lets just put it this way..If I had a miscariage at 6 weeks pregnant..I would feel quite differently I imagine than if I had a miscarriage at 20 weeks.