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Life From Dirt?


Veteran Member
I think you need to learn what evolution actually is.

It has nothing to do with "springing from dirt".

Abiogenesis is the pre life evolution of chemicals to the point where it can be said that they fit a definition of being alive. So "springing from dirt" would be an appropriate way to describe it imo, even if it can be said to be a slow "springing from dirt".
It is interesting to consider at what point in time life can be said to have begun, when did the dirt become alive and why, was it another incremental change in the structure or was it a spiritual thing?
The same could be asked of consciousness.


Veteran Member
So, my cousin, who’s the one with their head in the sand?

The one who doesn't operate on a double standard due to a priori beliefs.

And for the record, I recognize why you won’t accept any supernatural account (out of the documented thousands) to be genuine…. You need all of them to be fake, to support your naturalistic worldview.

I don't "need" anything, because unlike you, I don't have any emotional investment into any a priori belief.
While your a priori beliefs in fact require you to believe in such things, pretty much as a tenent of the beliefs.

Which is why no amount of "documented supernatural encounters" with thor or allah will convince you of the truth of viking theology or islam.
The only ones you will accept, are those that fit your a priori world view. And your strongest "evidence" will be "it fits my a priori views".

Actual evidence doesn't matter to you. Your beliefs matter.
This is why you don't believe in evolution - because your a priori beliefs require to believe in a supernatural creation.
It has nothing to do with evidence.

If you cared about evidence, you'ld accept evolution. And you wouldn't accept any mere anecdotal claims of extra-ordinary events that can't be verified.

I, on the other hand, only need 1 to be real, to support mine.
Indeed. You "need".

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Show me where dirt can form complex forms and component positioning over and over again and I'm all ears .
That's not possible with a creationist. His mind is closed to interpreting evidence any other way than that it supports his beliefs. Most, like you, imply that they can be taught given a compelling, evidenced argument, but a few have been refreshingly candid about the fact that their minds cannot be changed by evidence:

[1] The moderator in the debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye on whether creationism is a viable scientific pursuit asked, “What would change your minds?” Scientist Bill Nye answered, “Evidence.” Young Earth Creationist Ken Ham answered, “Nothing. I'm a Christian.” Elsewhere, Ham stated, “By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record."

[2] "The way in which I know Christianity is true is first and foremost on the basis of the witness of the Holy Spirit in my heart. And this gives me a self-authenticating means of knowing Christianity is true wholly apart from the evidence. And therefore, even if in some historically contingent circumstances the evidence that I have available to me should turn against Christianity, I do not think that this controverts the witness of the Holy Spirit. In such a situation, I should regard that as simply a result of the contingent circumstances that I'm in, and that if I were to pursue this with due diligence and with time, I would discover that the evidence, if in fact I could get the correct picture, would support exactly what the witness of the Holy Spirit tells me. So I think that's very important to get the relationship between faith and reason right..." - William Lane Craig

[3] “If somewhere in the Bible I were to find a passage that said 2 + 2 = 5, I wouldn't question what I am reading in the Bible. I would believe it, accept it as true, and do my best to work it out and understand it."- Pastor Peter laRuffa

[4] “When science and the Bible differ, science has obviously misinterpreted its data. The only Bible-honoring conclusion is, of course, that Genesis 1-11 is actual historical truth, regardless of any scientific or chronological problems thereby entailed.” – creationist Henry Morris

Even though none of them use the word, all of these men except Nye are proud to tell you that their minds are shut. You cannot teach them about abiogensis because they've already decided that it didn't happen.
You, however, categorize all such experiences as hogwash, and ignore them. So, my cousin, who’s the one with their head in the sand?
Is that really a fair description of somebody who has heard the claims, considered the offered evidence in their support, and decided that they aren't sufficiently supported? The ones with their heads in the sand are the men I quoted above.
And for the record, I recognize why you won’t accept any supernatural account (out of the documented thousands) to be genuine…. You need all of them to be fake, to support your naturalistic worldview. I, on the other hand, only need 1 to be real, to support mine.
You're assuming that he thinks like the people cited above - that he has irrational prejudices believed by faith that cause him to dismiss compelling evidence a priori. That's how faith-based thought works. Critical thinkers have learned how not to do that. He goes from evidence to justified conclusion. The faith-based thinker doesn't do that. He only examines the evidence AFTER he has formed an opinion and understands it in the light of that belief.
Adjust their viewpoint, after assessing the source is reliable.
I asked, "What would you propose the critical thinker who has no such experiences himself [of spirits] do with that information [that somebody else claims to have experienced them]?" When I say that Sgt Pepper is somebody that I believe is sincere and thoughtful, that doesn't mean that I believe that she has actually contacted spirits. Maybe she has, maybe she hasn't. I don't think that opinion can or should be adjusted. I also don't think I should change my belief set or the way I deal with the topic, which is to ignore it. Even if she is correct about spirits and contacts them, that changes nothing for me and my world. I'd do nothing differently. I doubt that I would live any differently even if I contacted one myself.
What about the critical thinker who has experienced contact with intelligent invisible entities? Does he cease being a critical thinker? I’d say he becomes an even better critical thinker.
I'd need to know why he thinks he has experienced such contact. I have more experience with people claiming to know or experience a god. I don't consider them critical thinkers. I've had that experience myself, when I was a Christian. I now understand that I allowed myself to understand certain euphoric experiences as being a god contacting me when they were generated endogenously like a sense of beauty or a dream. Dreams are also frequently understood as received messages rather than as products of the mind. At one time, even creative impulses were understood as received rather than generated by human brains, hence the muses. If one creates a dance, for example, it was at Terpsichore's instruction.

So, no, if one tells me that he's had such contact, I would reject it as a sound conclusion derived from fallacy-free reasoning applied to evidence. My position remains agnostic, which IS what critical thought requires regarding propositions that can neither be confirmed nor excluded. And that is not to disparage Sgt Pepper. If anybody I've encountered has contacted spirits, it's probably her, but that still doesn't allow me to conclude that she actually has.
You’ve just described her as intelligent & thoughtful.
So believe her when she says she’s having these contacts.
That's not critical thought. One cannot go beyond maybe she does to she does without a leap of faith.
realize that natural methodologies might not be all there is!
Methodological naturalism (empiricism) is all we have to decide what is true or real. Other paths to belief are faith-based and don't generate knowledge.
Well, I never knew this! To hear you talk, I thought you wouldn’t have.
I wrote, "Accept the possibility of a god? I already do." I'm an agnostic atheist. What that means is that I have no god belief because I lack sufficient evidence to believe that gods exist - the atheist part - but that I don't say that gods do not or cannot exist - the agnostic part, just like with the spirits. That's as far as critical though can take one. There is no need to guess. One lives his life as if they don't exist until he has sufficient reason to believe otherwise.


Veteran Member
I’m the one with the “head-in-sand”?
That’s rich!

Now, I don’t accept everyone’s claim of metaphysical experiences.

But I do look at the rational-thinking people here who have shared their experiences & conversations with spirit entities on RF, and I accept them. (I understand where these entities fit in, and I’m aware of their deceitful motives.)

You, however, categorize all such experiences as hogwash, and ignore them.

So, my cousin, who’s the one with their head in the sand?

And for the record, I recognize why you won’t accept any supernatural account (out of the documented thousands) to be genuine…. You need all of them to be fake, to support your naturalistic worldview.
I, on the other hand, only need 1 to be real, to support mine.
Here's the thing ... How did you determine that anything you've described and alluded to here is supernatural in nature?

How did you determine that people are conversing with "spirit entities" in the first place and what exactly is a "spirit entity?" (It sounds made up.) What properties do "spirit entities" have and how can we tell if we're actually interacting with a "spirit entity" or whether we're just mistaken, or delusional?

And you don't just get to say, "well so many people have had these experiences, they can't all be delusional/mistaken/in error/insane/fake/etc.
Because, first of all, sure they can, for reasons already pointed out. And secondly, you've still got all your work ahead of you in demonstrating that these stories have anything whatsoever to do with supernatural anything, never mind showing how the god you believe in is somehow behind it all.


Veteran Member
That's not possible with a creationist. His mind is closed to interpreting evidence any other way than that it supports his beliefs. Most, like you, imply that they can be taught given a compelling, evidenced argument, but a few have been refreshingly candid about the fact that their minds cannot be changed by evidence:
While that is true for many, especially those who have a vested interest in not understanding science, some just haven't been taught science and critical thinking or not been taught in a comprehensive way. And as it takes month of learning to get up to speed that alone is reason enough not to try. And there is no strong incentive as not all careers require thinking or knowledge.


Veteran Member
Adjust their viewpoint, after assessing the source is reliable.
What about the critical thinker who has experienced contact with intelligent invisible entities? Does he cease being a critical thinker?
How did the critical thinker demonstrate that they have experienced contact with intelligent invisible entities? What even is an "intelligent invisible entity?" How do we distinguish such things from things that don't exist, given that they seem to have the same properties.
I’d say he becomes an even better critical thinker.

Yes, I agree to all those adjectives describing her.

You’ve just described her as intelligent & thoughtful.
So believe her when she says she’s having these contacts.
Intelligent and thoughtful people can and have also been mistaken.

Isaac Newton was arguably a very intelligent man. That doesn't mean his view on alchemy and the occult had any merit.
Could these contacts possibly be misleading her? Certainly, I believe they are.
But that’s not the question here… we’re discussing whether or not she’s in contact with intelligent spirits.

Is every experience she relates to us, a brief encounter? No.
If they were all brief, you might have a case.
She has posted her conversations with these entities! And more.
I’ve learned one thing from her: with some of them pretending to be “dead humans “, these entities have really misled her. That’s their entire goal.
But this is a subject for another thread….
So there are also non-dead humans posing as "dead humans" to trick people ... why? What on earth are we talking about here and how do we know that?
Then realize that natural methodologies might not be all there is!
If someone could demonstrate the supernatural in some way, I'd be more willing to believe it exists. But that hasn't happened so far in human history.
No way! Just be aware of their existence, and influence.
It's pretty tough to be aware of something that hasn't been shown to exist.
Well, I never knew this! To hear you talk, I thought you wouldn’t have.

Glad to know it!

@SkepticThinker , this answers your question too, that Sgt.Pepper has engaged in-depth with these beings, not just brief observations.

So saying she’s “mistaken” doesn’t fit with her detailed descriptions.
What does the length of time of the interaction have to do with anything?

Just be willing to open your mind, I think her descriptions of their existence, is incontrovertible.
Why do you suppose we haven't been willing to "open our minds" to these things? Do you really think we've never seriously considered them?
I used to be very much into this kind of thing but I fell away from it after reading and reading so much and finally realizing that there was really no good evidence for any of it.
You could say Winston Churchill, claiming to see Abe Lincoln, was mistaken… his experience was short lived. And it apparently didn’t scare him. (Or so he said.) A “pattern” he wanted to see? Possibly.
Who cares if it scared him? What does that have to do with anything? And again, what does the length of the experience have to do with anything?
But this can’t be said for Queen Wilhelmina of The Netherlands…. She didn’t want to see that apparition! It scared her, and she fainted!

I used to see all kinds of faces in the shadows of my bedroom at night. I didn't want to see them. They terrified me so much that I'd hide under the covers hoping they wouldn't see me. That doesn't mean there were actual faces in the shadows though.
Goodnight to you both.
Good morning.


Veteran Member
And that’s what these entities want, for the most part. Some mediums that have posted here, say that these spirits won’t reveal themselves every time, that they’re unpredictable….that’s the way these invisible beings act.

And they’re happy with your status quo of “no God”… if they did reveal their existence to you, it might influence you to start searching for Jehovah God; and that’s the last thing they want!

So… a peer-reviewed paper? It ain’t coming.

Good night.
You can't even show these entities exist in the first place, and you're sitting here trying to tell us what they want?

So, in summation, there is no good evidence for these entities, and none is forthcoming, because, well, they're finicky unpredictable creatures and we know this because ... well we don't. Sounds like we just made that up to explain why there is no good evidence for these things.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
If one finds abiogenesis too implausible, & that a beginning
for such things is necessary, then the God alternative raises
the question of whence came it / them / those. If that has
no reasonable answer, then we're back to abiogenesis.
But the eternal nature of God does have a reasonable answer…

In the eternal nature of energy. Science has discovered, through its study of the physics of thermodynamics, that energy can “neither be created nor destroyed.” Therefore, it’s always existed. As the Source of energy, the feasibility & capability of God’s eternal existence has been explained.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
But the eternal nature of God does have a reasonable answer…

In the eternal nature of energy. Science has discovered, through its study of the physics of thermodynamics, that energy can “neither be created nor destroyed.” Therefore, it’s always existed. As the Source of energy, the feasibility & capability of God’s eternal existence has been explained.
What evidence is there that this God even exists?
Moreover, if it exists, why can't it have a beginning,
perhaps resulting from energy / matter?
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Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Oh, grief!

How did the critical thinker demonstrate that they have experienced contact with intelligent invisible entities?
Ask Sgt.Pepper, I’m sure she’s recorded some of those events. Or at least has tried. (Only if these entities allow it.)

She certainly doesn’t mind posting about her encounters, leaving herself exposed to ignorant ridicule. Kudos to her.
How do we distinguish such things from things that don't exist,
She has had dialogue, ie., two-way conversations, with these beings. Some incidents seemed prolonged.
Not brief! Get it?

Did you really have to ask - twice - what time has to do with anything? That’s basic!

There’s a lot of advantage that prolonged encounters have over brief ones! You get more information, providing a more accurate overview… allows for better discernment.

You won’t admit it, but you’re just flustering & deflecting, by asking questions that have obvious answers or that have already been answered.

Good day.


Veteran Member
Oh, grief!

Ask Sgt.Pepper, I’m sure she’s recorded some of those events. Or at least has tried. (Only if these entities allow it.)
You said: "What about the critical thinker who has experienced contact with intelligent invisible entities? Does he cease being a critical thinker?"

My response to that was, "How did the critical thinker demonstrate that they have experienced contact with intelligent invisible entities? What even is an "intelligent invisible entity?" How do we distinguish such things from things that don't exist, given that they seem to have the same properties."

So, your response is, to go ask someone else. Noted.

She certainly doesn’t mind posting about her encounters, leaving herself exposed to ignorant ridicule. Kudos to her.
@Sgt. Pepper is a wonderful person whom I enjoy conversing with.
She has had dialogue, ie., two-way conversations, with these beings. Some incidents seemed prolonged.
Not brief! Get it?
Not really. Unless this dialogue was recorded somewhere. But even if it was and there was a big long back-and-forth conversation, how does that demonstrate a conversation with a spirit entity? I still don't even know what a spirit entity is or how it connects to any god(s).
Did you really have to ask - twice - what time has to do with anything? That’s basic!
Well, you brought it up twice.
There’s a lot of advantage that prolonged encounters have over brief ones! You get more information, providing a more accurate overview… allows for better discernment.
Cool, so where's all the information so we call analyze it?
You won’t admit it, but you’re just flustering & deflecting, by asking questions that have obvious answers or that have already been answered.

LOL Oohhhh, is that why you didn't answer a single one of my questions? :rolleyes:
Good day.
You've ignored almost every question I asked you and chopped my post down to just two lines and then accuse me of asking insincere questions. Why is that?


Well-Known Member
So what?!?!?! It is obvious your college degree did not help you understand science. Nonetheless

I question your billions, but yes the intentional ignorance of science is unfortunately very popular, In the USA and Europe most Christians are Theistic Evolutionists and accept the sciences of evolution.

Of course, the knowledge of science is not a popularity contest. There is a distinct relationship between education level in the USA concerning the acceptance of evolution,

Explain how the Genesis Creation is based on fact and the sciences of evolution is not?
Genesis is really about the appearance of modern human consciousness. It is not about human DNA as science tries to frame it, but when the brain hit critical mass and became more than the sum of its genetic parts. This allowed will and choice, apart from natural human instinct; fall from paradise or the tree of life is taken away or repressed.

The 6000 year ago time claim of Genesis, coordinates with two major innovations, written language and sustain civilization which written language helped to achieve. Natural selection was no longer in full affect, once humans started to alter the environment and live in manmade environments. Humans were no longer living naturally, anymore, for natural selection. Darwin needed to go to an isolated island to be able to factor our manmade. He could not do this in England since the entire island had been altered by man over thousands of year; not exactly natural compared to Galapagos. What he found in Gallops was natural had very old things, that do not change very fast and no flowers out of place.

If you read science history, science was not always the same, as today. It has changed over the centuries. It is very likely many things we hold dear in science will be different in 100 years, as new discoveries change the paradigm. The story of Genesis was possibly the first published science thesis of physical and natural evolution. Science could not publish, anything, until written language was invented. Genesis is very ancient science, so it would be expect to overly simplified in terms of details. We still use the big bang; void to let there be light! We can now model it with math and show telescope data.

Adam from the dust of the earth was connected to writing on stone tablets; stone dust. His birth is connected to a psychological affect of writing language on the natural brain. Genesis says that knowledge of good and evil was the problem, when people started to write law down. This would cause law not to change with times, in any natural or organic way. Carved into stone would linger too long, not change with each new generation, cause repression; outdated rules that linger.

For example, social animals often have the males compete for mates as part of natural selection. But say a leader decided to write down himself and his children as the only heirs to the throne; manmade selection. This will no longer allows natural selection, but is based on the magic of what was written, and cannot be changed at risk of death. Instead of the heir using their natural ability to compete, they can cheat with politics, wealth and materialism, which is human and not natural. Natural selection is gone for humans. This change all began when the human brain has reached a tipping point where it became more than the sum of its genetic parts and could change the program away from natural living.

Today lineage, written in biblical times, is still used and still leads to conflict in the Middle East; as it was written in ancient books that are still being read, learned and obeyed. Genesis tells of the change in the human mind, and how it got nasty before it got better; new human AI; artificial intelligence, leading to a new chapter of human consciousness evolution.
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Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.

If you want to mention me in your arguments with skeptical members, please do me the courtesy of tagging me. Thank you. I'd like to reiterate that I don't argue or debate with anyone (skeptics or believers) about my experiences with the paranormal. To be clear, I don't ask or expect any skeptic to believe me when I share my experiences. It's their decision whether they believe me or not. The fact is that their skepticism doesn't negate my 44 years of experience.


Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
You said: "What about the critical thinker who has experienced contact with intelligent invisible entities? Does he cease being a critical thinker?"

My response to that was, "How did the critical thinker demonstrate that they have experienced contact with intelligent invisible entities? What even is an "intelligent invisible entity?" How do we distinguish such things from things that don't exist, given that they seem to have the same properties."

So, your response is, to go ask someone else. Noted.

@Sgt. Pepper is a wonderful person whom I enjoy conversing with.

Not really. Unless this dialogue was recorded somewhere. But even if it was and there was a big long back-and-forth conversation, how does that demonstrate a conversation with a spirit entity? I still don't even know what a spirit entity is or how it connects to any god(s).

Well, you brought it up twice.

Cool, so where's all the information so we call analyze it?

LOL Oohhhh, is that why you didn't answer a single one of my questions? :rolleyes:

You've ignored almost every question I asked you and chopped my post down to just two lines and then accuse me of asking insincere questions. Why is that?

I'm sorry you were put on the spot like that, my friend. I think you handled it well. And thank you for tagging me. I appreciate it.


Premium Member
Genesis is really about the appearance of modern human consciousness. It is not about human DNA as science tries to frame it, but when the brain hit critical mass and became more than the sum of its genetic parts. This allowed will and choice, apart from natural human instinct; fall from paradise or the tree of life is taken away or repressed.

The 6000 year ago time claim of Genesis, coordinates with two major innovations, written language and sustain civilization which written language helped to achieve. Natural selection was no longer in full affect, once humans started to alter the environment and live in manmade environments. Humans were no longer living naturally, anymore, for natural selection. Darwin needed to go to an isolated island to be able to factor our manmade. He could not do this in England since the entire island had been altered by man over thousands of year; not exactly natural compared to Galapagos. What he found in Gallops was natural had very old things, that do not change very fast and no flowers out of place.

If you read science history, science was not always the same, as today. It has changed over the centuries. It is very likely many things we hold dear in science will be different in 100 years, as new discoveries change the paradigm. The story of Genesis was possibly the first published science thesis of physical and natural evolution. Science could not publish, anything, until written language was invented. Genesis is very ancient science, so it would be expect to overly simplified in terms of details. We still use the big bang; void to let there be light! We can now model it with math and show telescope data.

Adam from the dust of the earth was connected to writing on stone tablets; stone dust. His birth is connected to a psychological affect of writing language on the natural brain. Genesis says that knowledge of good and evil was the problem, when people started to write law down. This would cause law not to change with times, in any natural or organic way. Carved into stone would linger too long, not change with each new generation, cause repression; outdated rules that linger.

For example, social animals often have the males compete for mates as part of natural selection. But say a leader decided to write down himself and his children as the only heirs to the throne; manmade selection. This will no longer allows natural selection, but is based on the magic of what was written, and cannot be changed at risk of death. Instead of the heir using their natural ability to compete, they can cheat with politics, wealth and materialism, which is human and not natural. Natural selection is gone for humans. This change all began when the human brain has reached a tipping point where it became more than the sum of its genetic parts and could change the program away from natural living.

Today lineage, written in biblical times, is still used and still leads to conflict in the Middle East; as it was written in ancient books that are still being read, learned and obeyed. Genesis tells of the change in the human mind, and how it got nasty before it got better; new human AI; artificial intelligence, leading to a new chapter of human consciousness evolution.
This sort ok if your goal is to make Genesis Creation sort of fit what we know about the history, cosmology and geology of today's science, bit in reality it is an after the fact of an interpretation that the ancient world of the Torah and New Testament did not intend nor had any knowledge of our cotemporary history and science. I consider this trying to hammer square pegs in round holes.

All ancient cultures had Creation mythologies that they believed in at time and culture they were compiled in early writing and oral traditions.

The most I can see that is logical is recognize the world view of those that compiled the Bible in the time and culture of the time. It is obvious they believed what they wrote. It is possible to give an allegorical and symbolic interpretation to give meaning to the human and Creation relationship to God as with Noah's Flood and Exodus, Many Jews use plane reading of the accounts and interpret it as I described.
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Premium Member
Ex nihilo, nihil fit.
This is not evidence. It is an awkward ancient assertion of a belief without an understanding of science. There is absolutely no evidence that absolute nothing ever existed, In fact it is a contradiction with what science knows about our physical existence and Quantum Mechanics. The only known cause for anything is Natural Laws and natural processes, The present knowledge is our existence is boundless without known beginning nor end,


Premium Member
Abiogenesis is the pre life evolution of chemicals to the point where it can be said that they fit a definition of being alive. So "springing from dirt" would be an appropriate way to describe it imo, even if it can be said to be a slow "springing from dirt".
It is interesting to consider at what point in time life can be said to have begun, when did the dirt become alive and why, was it another incremental change in the structure or was it a spiritual thing?
The same could be asked of consciousness.
I believe the initial question involving 'life from dirt' was sort sarcastic insult concerning evolution

The beginnings of life are not from dirt, but hydrothermal vents near the spreading zones of continental drift on the ocean floor. this is where the earliest evidence is found ~3,5 billion years ago and the ideal chemistry, nutrients, and temperature for abiogenesi to occur. Abiogenesis and evolution are driven by the ideal environments that evolved on earth. This is the time shortly after continental drift began, Before this an environment suitable for abiogenesis followed by evolution could not take place.

I do believe that God Created the Natural Laws and processes, and the dice are loaded so to speak when the ideal natural environment existed for life to begin and thrive.


Veteran Member
I believe the initial question involving 'life from dirt' was sort sarcastic insult concerning evolution

The beginnings of life are not from dirt, but hydrothermal vents near the spreading zones of continental drift on the ocean floor. this is where the earliest evidence is found ~3,5 billion years ago and the ideal chemistry, nutrients, and temperature for abiogenesi to occur. Abiogenesis and evolution are driven by the ideal environments that evolved on earth. This is the time shortly after continental drift began, Before this an environment suitable for abiogenesis followed by evolution could not take place.

I do believe that God Created the Natural Laws and processes, and the dice are loaded so to speak when the ideal natural environment existed for life to begin and thrive.

I believe God made the building blocks for life and the ideal natural environment and was necessary for the design also.