The Big Bang is a model, it hasn’t been proven to have happened and it postulates going from absolute chaos to order, similar to an explosion creating something.
First of all, no model / theory in science
can be proven or is
ever considered proven.
Theories / models can only be confirmed / supported by evidence.
And the BB model makes a whole bunch of very specific predictions about what evidence
should be found
if the model is accurate.
And most of those predictions have been confirmed with amazing precision and accuracy.
The most famous one likely being the discovery of CMB radiation in the 60s.
When you have explanatory models that account for the facts and which provides you with accurate and detailed predictions that can be confirmed, then you have a model with great explanatory power.
To replace it with another one, you would require a model that accounts for the facts AND which provides you with even more accurate and detailed predictions that can be confirmed. The explanatory power of the new model should thus be
superior to the old model.
This is how Einsteinian physics replaced Newtonian physics.
It does everything Newtonian physics did + increases accuracy when dealing with extreme speeds and gravity, which is where newtonian physics failed.
So................................ to conclude...
If you wish to replace BB theory with the "god dun it" model, then you will have to present your god model in such a way that it actually provides greater explanatory power then BB theory.
But that's not gonna happen, is it?
Finally, the Christian God is the living Creator God and the evolution theory is bunkum, man did not originate from apes.
Even if evolution theory turns out "bunkum" (???), humans being apes and sharing ancestry with other apes (and mammals and etc) would remain
genetic facts.
Any theory or model that would replace a falsified evolution theory would have to account for, and explain, those
genetic facts
So... if you wish to propose another "god dun it" model here as an alternative for evolution... You have your work cut out for you to provide us with a model with even greater explanatory power then good ol' evolution theory.
How, for example, does your "god model" explain the
genetic fact that humans and chimps genetically share ancestry?
What testable predictions does your "god model" make?