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"Life is going great, so I became religious."


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
The first thing is to be sincere in our belief, and expect to have to make some sacrifice, in order to spiritually progress.
What we imagine is 'unfair' at first glance, may well be understood with perseverance..

Do you think we should go forth in our actions according to "scripture" even if it seems unjust to us at that moment? Like God asking Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?

If God asked you to sacrifice you son would you? The Bible glorifies such acceptance of God's command. Would you wait until you understood the justness or carry out the order assuming that since God gave it, it must be just. And, you are too unenlightened to understand the justice.

Or would you say "No". Because you could see no justice in the action?

Interpretation is very important, and although the majority is not always right, small 'sects' and offshoots
ie. 'non-orthodox'

should be viewed upon with scepticism, as 'the lone sheep' is devoured by the wolf..

So I would say that we cannot discount that which we don't understand, or change religion from its origin

Everyone is biased in their interpretation. If you interpretation differs from my, why should I accept your interpretation over mine. Or anybody's, like the Pope, or a well known Rabbi like Maimonides? There's a lot of Catholics, there's a lot of Mormons, there are large groups with differing interpretations.

I read parts of the Bible. People read into it what they need to support what they already believe in many cases.


I provided you my explanation, science explains it to my satisfaction. I have no position on whether a deity was involved or not as long as said deity doesn't claim to have averted science in the process.

Yes .. carry on..
I suppose you will tell me that "any of them " are equally likely..
What evidence do you have that your god did it besides "his" say-so?

Interesting isn't it? On "who wants to be a millionaire", when somebody doesn't know the answer, they sometimes "ask the audience" .. that prize money is really important, isn't it?

If the audience are almost unanimous in their answer, it is chosen! :)
I'm not sure what your point is here.


Veteran Member
If God asked you to sacrifice you son would you?

No! I would think that I was possessed ! Seriously.

..There's a lot of Catholics, there's a lot of Mormons, there are large groups with differing interpretations.

I read parts of the Bible. People read into it what they need to support what they already believe in many cases.
I know what you mean .. a person's creed is between them & God .. He is aware of what they may be hiding (if anything)
It is encumbant upon us to seek truth/knowledge .. and God is Forgiving, Merciful


Admiral Obvious

Yes .. carry on..
I suppose you will tell me that "any of them " are equally likely..

Interesting isn't it? On "who wants to be a millionaire", when somebody doesn't know the answer, they sometimes "ask the audience" .. that prize money is really important, isn't it?

If the audience are almost unanimous in their answer, it is chosen! :)
Analogy Fail.

The questions on Who wants to be a million are based on real facts.
Not merely the insistence of a choir.


New Member
As an atheist, i would like to point out that i have observed that many people turn to god when life is going badly, so this is a surprise to me, but is also easily explained. You see when people are so happy with life and they need an explanation for why this is happening/has happened, and they have no way of explaining it a small thought pops in to ones mind saying "must be a god, someone up there loves me" its also encouraged by a feeling of acceptance in to a whole new community Where people are just waiting to help you and in return you help them. As i said this works the other way to. If life is going really badly the same can occur. In fact some people turn to religion because they cant answer a certain question with simple logic, as to a "simple" person logic goes but as far as they can perceive and for some. thats really not far. eg: the creation of the universe, i would say just because we cant conclusively say WHAT/WHO created the universe (even though we are pretty close) does not mean we have to turn to the simple conclusion of "god did it" simply because a humans mind cannot possibly perceive at this given time what/who did create the universe. Not meaning to offend anyone just my opinion :)


Veteran Member
Analogy Fail.

The questions on Who wants to be a million are based on real facts.
Not merely the insistence of a choir.

Is that supposed to be "a dig" at how irrational belief in God is?
Billions of people wouldn't agree with you..

The principle is the same .. take note of an overwhelming majority, because they probably know what we don't know.
When it comes to religion, however, people prefer to make their own agendas, and often appear to be "know-alls" .. interesting..

The word 'fact' does not impress me. I know what a fact is, and just because you deem religious knowledge (theology) as inferior to scientific knowledge doesn't mean that it is.
They both employ "tight logic", and D.D (Dr. of Divinity) is still a great achievment!


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
No! I would think that I was possessed ! Seriously.

Then you would question the divine authority of the entity asking this of you. So would I.
However we have to use our best judgement here. Still accepting our own judgement may not be all that great. It's what we have.

I know what you mean .. a person's creed is between them & God .. He is aware of what they may be hiding (if anything)
It is encumbant upon us to seek truth/knowledge .. and God is Forgiving, Merciful

It is incumbent on us to judge fairly and honestly to the best of our ability. We could still choose wrongly because of limitations beyond our control. Some beliefs think God will send man to a place of eternal torment because of it. This is what some theologies of Christianity teach and they use passages from the Bible to do so.

While you may disagree with their interpretation of the Bible I suspect they were doing the best to understand God through the Bible that they were capable of.

I can't blame them for that. Would God? Would God find fault with these people who conceptualized hell according to their best understanding of the Bible and what was true?


Veteran Member
Some beliefs think God will send man to a place of eternal torment because of it.

Hmm .. not due to unintentional mistake, I wouldn't of thought..
"Fearing God" means to take His laws (guidance) seriously .. if we are too careless, we wrong ourselves .. Almighty God wrongs nobody.

Would God find fault with these people who conceptualized hell according to their best understanding of the Bible and what was true?
Every act depends on its intention.


Admiral Obvious
Is that supposed to be "a dig" at how irrational belief in God is?
Billions of people wouldn't agree with you..
If abillion people believe something that is not a fact, it is STILL not a fact.
Your fondness of the appeal to popularity fallacy is admirable, but it does not mean you are right.

The principle is the same ..
Problem here is that you are counting the hits and ignoring the misses.
Another fallacy.

take note of an overwhelming majority, because they probably know what we don't know.
Yet this idea is a complete fail when it came to the majority of the world believing the Earth was flat...

When it comes to religion, however, people prefer to make their own agendas, and often appear to be "know-alls" .. interesting..
Yes, you do come off as a "know-it-all".
Problem is that all you offer is your insistence that you are right.

Now given that you have been shown numerous time sto be flat out wrong...

The word 'fact' does not impress me. I know what a fact is, and just because you deem religious knowledge (theology) as inferior to scientific knowledge doesn't mean that it is.
Now you are putting words in my mouth that I have not said.
Do you do the same when you read your favourite Holy Texts?

Shame shame shame.

They both employ "tight logic", and D.D (Dr. of Divinity) is still a great achievment!
Not really.
I currently have 5 Doctrines of Divinity.

Do you want one?
For a mere $32.99 you can get one right here:Though to be honest with you, I much prefer my Jedi Knight Certificate:
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Hostis humani generis
Couple of problems here, so I thought I'd give my own response which may interest you, boolie205:

but is also easily explained. You see when people are so happy with life and they need an explanation for why this is happening/has happened, and they have no way of explaining it a small thought pops in to ones mind saying "must be a god, someone up there loves me"
Not how it worked for me :)

its also encouraged by a feeling of acceptance in to a whole new community Where people are just waiting to help you and in return you help them. As i said this works the other way to.
I didn't get involved in a community when I began believing in God or religion for several years.

eg: the creation of the universe, i would say just because we cant conclusively say WHAT/WHO created the universe (even though we are pretty close) does not mean we have to turn to the simple conclusion of "god did it" simply because a humans mind cannot possibly perceive at this given time what/who did create the universe.
I didn't go to "God did it", at any point, for the reason I was happy, or for the explanation of the beginning of the universe or creation of life. I'm pretty happy with science doing that, not religion. I'm pretty happy with the Big Bang, evolution, etc, even if sometimes I have liked to Poe and annoy people. :yes:


Admiral Obvious
No thank you! I have the 'University of Oxford' a few miles away :rolleyes:
the point, which you seem to have either missed or ignored, is that Doctrines of Divinity are easily purchased.

I should go get my 2 year old neice a Doctrine of Divinity.

I am sure it will be impressive when she applies to college and shows she has had such a "great achievement" since age two!


Well-Known Member
For eastern religions a dark night of the soul can be one of the main ways to getting into the dharma. There is a difference however in trying to find a crutch to see you through things and being inflicted with so much pain that you suddenly realize how illusory life is.

But again focusing on just eastern teachings a lot of it is psychological coping strategies for approaching life so even if one is getting into it to feel better that is OK. Of course in that case I will concede that the religious/spiritual part is unnecessary.