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Louisiana becomes first state to require that Ten Commandments be displayed in public classrooms


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
And I have been negative about the Ten Commandments being hung in the classrooms involuntarily.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
The only thing I fund ironic is how Republicans consistently use American Values to wipe their rears.
Oh that's not all I find ironic about this conversation, believe me. For starters, Kenny and I both have or had spouses that are not the same color as us, by a long shot. I don't know about Kenny but I know I had four kids who are grown and now biracial and my grandkids are a mixture of every color of person. And I absolutely adore them and love living in a state that was part of the Underground Railroad and I fought long and hard with my dad, literally our only contention, about slavery and all that. I despise slavery or anything that smacks of it. By the way, my question still stands about The Golden Rule. Where was it or where is it in the many forms of slavery over the globe and thousands of years of history?
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