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Louisiana becomes first state to require that Ten Commandments be displayed in public classrooms

Dave Watchman

Active Member
Reminds me of this:

But Obama showed more concern and compassion, not to mention more situational awareness.
Yes me too. I can't help but laugh as I see the girls about to go out like a light. They try so hard to keep their eyes open. And Barry's was best, even if he was the Antichrist. Lol. I was thinking the same thing he said as his girl was about to go out. If he could only spit it out already.

Peaceful Sabbath.

Dave Watchman

Active Member
Perhaps it's be ause it's taken this long for trhe Republican Party to purge sufficient numbers of their membership with any shred of decency left. That's usually how it's done when the drift towards authoritarianism is underway.
You answer, the body politic reason, is the best so far. But there has to be more going on since 2022 to cause this.

US politics doesn't explain the Bud Light/Target backlash, and the decline in the popularity of "pride" celebrations.

Keep trying.

Peaceful Sabbath.

Dave Watchman

Active Member
Maybe some were not really committed, but many were. Who wants to be part of a religion that doesn't make people act like their teacher? Some people who love Jesus just don't want to be part of a religion that doesn't seem to be transformative.
That's a bummer. Because there's no other way to the Father, except through Christ.

Some will try, at the end of time, to force their way through the gates of the holy city, and try to take by force the tree of life. Satan will convince them it's their only chance remaining for life.

Peaceful Sabbath.


Well-Known Member
What's 1962? The tune was written in 1968, released in 1969, like Bad Moon Rising and Spirit in the Sky.

The excellent news is for the people who know 1969.

Graham Nash explains his inspiration for the song in his 2013 autobiography:

Peaceful Sabbath.
The picture is 1962,


Well-Known Member
You answer, the body politic reason, is the best so far. But there has to be more going on since 2022 to cause this.

US politics doesn't explain the Bud Light/Target backlash, and the decline in the popularity of "pride" celebrations.

Keep trying.

Peaceful Sabbath.
Decline in popularity?

Dave Watchman

Active Member
Ah yes, the no true Scotsman fallacy, a good excuse for any otherwise questionable opinion.
No ad hoc rescue for these people.

They were baked in the cake.

These are they whom the deciple that Jesus loved spoke of.

They went out from us, but they were not of us.

To make it plain that they are not all of us.

"They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us. - 1 John 2:19​

Peaceful Sabbath.


Well-Known Member
So what is causing the losing fight now, when prior to now, you were doing so good?

Peaceful Sabbath.
the very fact that so many people had to fight at all for equal rights says that no one was doing good in the first place.

What has been seen in the last few years is the growing cooperation between hate groups and fundamentalist churches in the areas of fundraising, misinformation and the targeting of certain minority groups


Well-Known Member
Ok, then if this is true why are you here? I am just trying to get clarification on something you said.

Yes it does.

I agree, I said something about a civil society responding to your post. I should have said just society instead of civil society.
Why am I here as in why do I exist, or why am I here on this forum?

I'm on this forum because I exist and what others who exist do affects me, my family, my community, my country, and the rest of the world.

I don't know why I exist and I don't think anyone knows why we exist; I have no recollection of asking to be born, yet here I am existing as a mortal entity that's subjectable to pain and pleasure and having to make fight or flight decisions.

One "fight" decision I have made essentially entails a presence on this forum & if you want to make a thread about me then that's fine with me.

We have a constitution, and in that constitution the 1st clause of the 1st Amendment provides separation of church and state protection; if the very individuals we delegate to running the government or any part of it don't honor the US Constitution, then we no longer have that infrastructure for law, order, protecting constitutional rights; that, in turn means that the very same constitution that's being ignored in part no longer has any foundation and there's nothing to prevent the entire constitution from being ignored.

That's the same constitution that establishes our 3 branches of government, and if that's ignored, then that means we have no president, vice president, senate, house of representatives, supreme court, executive branches including US Marshals, military, State department, etc. We would only have a joke that people would be entitled to and justified in not taking seriously, because the "president" would only be someone pretending to be the president, someone else only pretending to be the VP, a bunch of people pretending to be members of congress, a group of people pretending to be Supreme Court justices by wearing black robe costumes, etc. etc. We would in reality have anarchy and that can lead to chaos. I don't want that, so let's not do things to cause that.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
But that doesn't answer why are these things are happening now, after such a long run of people enjoying these alleged "freedoms".
Yes, it does. They are loosing their societal power, they are loosing their status as a majority and their lashing out, just as this hateful, despicable group of scum Christians were lashing out during Reconstruction, just as they have been doing since Christianity became organized.
Christians who scream loudest they are a Christian are often among the worst of us. Which makes sense as Jesus told them not to make public displays of faith and do religious stuff to draw attention to themselves.
They are who ones who need to go in a closet, and their own Messiah agrees.
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Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
Looking at current affairs and how we operate as a nation, it would appear that individual states are being given greater power according to their majorities as opposed to broad brushing all 50 with federal enforcement. This isn't a bad idea, actually. It has been on the rise for quite some time with other issues like cannabis laws. This is the direction the majorities have chosen. It also helps to identify between red and blue states, among other specifics. It's like deciding where to go on your next vacation.
So much for equal protection under the law.

Ever heard of the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution?

Article VI, Clause 2:
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
You answer, the body politic reason, is the best so far. But there has to be more going on since 2022 to cause this.

US politics doesn't explain the Bud Light/Target backlash, and the decline in the popularity of "pride" celebrations.

Keep trying.

Peaceful Sabbath.
Look, I'm gay, okay? I don't drink Bud Light and I don't shop at Target, but not because of anything other than I don't like Bud Light and Target's just not that important in Canada -- nor is there one near me.

I also don't go to Pride anymore -- but my reason for that is that Pride Toronto caved in to Black Lives Matter and got police banned from our celebrations. I spent years with others working hard to bring the police onto our side, to try to make friends with them, and it was working really, really well. Our force has many good gay cops, and I don't like making enemies of anybody.

In any case, I have always maintained that "Pride" isn't really about being proud of being gay -- it's not something to be proud of. BUT IT IS ALSO NOT SOMETHING TO BE ASHAMED OF. It is something that we are, period-end-of-story. I don't give a rat's *** what religion thinks about it, it cannot be wrong to be what you are born to be, and it can never be right to say to someone, "because you are 'like that (yuck!)' you must forever be unhappy and alone, unloved by anyone. Too bad, but you should have been born otherwise." That is, sadly, the view of a great many so-called Christians -- among whom I am assuming you are one, since you're harping on this stuff.

Do you know, right now there is an unholy row happening within the Vatican because one rogue Archbishop, Carlo Maria Vigano, doesn't like Pope Francis's take on gay people, which is a hell of lot more pastoral than we have seen before in the Church -- especially when Josef Ratzinger (aka Benedict XVI) was Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith and wrote his abysmal letter to the Bishops "On the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons." Demeaning and condescending piece of rot.

Of course, that means that Archbishop Vigano also believes that God got it wrong during Francis's election, since the Church holds that God guides the Cardinals during conclave, for the good of the Church. As a consequence, he is calling the Pope "the servant of Satan." And why? Because he is too stupid to recognize that being gay is no choice -- no more than being straight is. So he -- and you -- need to just get over it.
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Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member



Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Another recent article by the New York Times relevant to the thread that helps explain why this case is part of a larger pattern that everyone living in the United States should be aware of:

"One new law requires that transgender students be addressed by the pronouns for the gender on their birth certificates (“God gives us our mark,” he said). Another allows public schools to employ chaplains (“a great step for expanding faith in public schools”).​
Then he signed into law a mandate that the Ten Commandments be hung in every public classroom, demonstrating a new willingness for Louisiana to go where other states have not. Last month, Louisiana also became the first state to classify abortion pills as dangerous controlled substances.​
“We don’t quit,” Mr. Landry, a Republican, said at the signing ceremony.​
Taken together, the measures have signaled the ambition of the governor and the Republican-led Legislature to be at the forefront of a growing national movement to create and interpret laws according to a particular conservative Christian worldview. And Mr. Landry, a Catholic who has been vocal about his faith’s influence in shaping his politics, wants to lead the charge."​

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Looking at current affairs and how we operate as a nation, it would appear that individual states are being given greater power according to their majorities as opposed to broad brushing all 50 with federal enforcement. This isn't a bad idea, actually. It has been on the rise for quite some time with other issues like cannabis laws. This is the direction the majorities have chosen. It also helps to identify between red and blue states, among other specifics. It's like deciding where to go on your next vacation.
Except when it's used to strike rights rather than extending them. And that's most often what "states rights" are fought for.