Midnight Pete
Well-Known Member
A degree is to certify a certain level of education. A marriage certifies, what, that you paid the marriage license fee? Is a loveless marriage that's done for insurance, or a green card or for "the children's sake" more legitimate and meaningful than a long-term healthy, loving, committed relationship that doesn't have the government's or Jebus' stamp of approval?
If a comitted relationship is healthy, loving, long-term, etc. why shouldn't it have the church and/or state's stamp of approval? If the relationship exists for all the right reasons, why not take that last step of sharing your love for each other with the world? I've seen video footage of gay/lesbian couples celebrating their hard-earned civil right after many years of waiting, and those people did look exceptionally happy to be doing what they were doing.
It makes no sense to reverently refer to marriage as "a civil right" out one corner of your mouth and then out the other corner say, "Marriage sucks!"