Talking too much of the evil is certainly an evil, never spoke and certainly a greater evil. Ignore it because it exposes us to the risk of being devoured, according to the Apostle (1 Peter 5:8). Masquerades as an angel of light "(2 Cor 11:14) The spirits of darkness are very numerous and arranged hierarchically (cf. Eph 6:12 and Col 2:15).
It acts against the church since its embryonic nucleus, ie, the Twelve, Jesus said to Peter, "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded to sift, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail "(Luke 22:31).
Ez 14,12-15:" How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of? ". Even Jesus alludes to this fall, when he says to his disciples to return evangelization: "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven" (Lk 10:18)
"In the underworld crashed your pageantry, the music of your harps; below you there is a layer of rot, the worms are your blanket. How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of? Why were you lying on the ground, lord of the people? Yet you thought: I will ascend into heaven on the stars exalt the throne of God, dwell on the mount of the remotest parts of the north. Salirò the upper regions of clouds, I will be equal to the Most High . But you have been plunged into hell, into the depths of the abyss! " (Book of Isaiah, chapter 14, verses 11-15)
"You were a model of perfection, full of wisdom, perfect in beauty, in Eden, the garden of God, you were all covered with precious stones: ruby, topaz, diamonds, peridot, onyx and jasper, sapphires, emeralds and carbuncles; and gold was the job of your collets and your bindings, prepared on the day that thou wast created. You were like a cherub with wings in defense, I lay it on the holy mountain of God who walks among the stones of fire. You were perfect in your conduct, since you were created till iniquity was found in you ... your heart was proud for your beauty, your wisdom was corrupted because of your splendor, I've thrown to the ground and I have set before you see the king ... "(Book of Ezekiel, chapter 28, verses 1-17).
Lucifer, having rebelled, fell from heaven, trailing third of the angels. Every creature in the universe, morally free, must at some point, take a final decision: to act with God or himself (Lucifer chose the second option) (see the book of Revelation, chapter 12, verses 7-9 ) or even an alliance with Satan. Some of the fallen angels were thrown into the hell up and chained to the day of trial, while others were left free to oppose God and His kingdom. (cf. Second Epistle of Peter, chapter 2, verse 4).
Satan has demons assigned to certain to certain territories, nations, cities, "culture" and "subcultures". These devils seek to pervert the people in their territory and make them enemies of God (see the book of Ezekiel, chapter 28, verse 12).