Me too, luckily the scientific facts were not "chosen ad hoc". They were observable testable facts based on scientific research, as the links I offered demonstrated.
Let's take the feeling pain criterion...
We know that cats feel pain.
There's a question whether some non-mammals do.
This doesn't make them human.
There are some humans (rare condition) who feel no pain.
This seems a poor criterion...even to use as one of many
for a preponderance of evidence argument.
You want to base laws on what ifs, and ignore the scientific facts?
I challenge how the facts are used, eg, the reference
to pain above. Setting a scientific criterion doesn't mean
that the method of
choosing it was scientific.
(I have a wee background in science, so I'm sympathetic
to the method. But it has limitations.)
I already linked the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, who stated that rigorous scientific studies have found that the connections necessary to transmit signals from peripheral sensory nerves to the brain, as well as the brain structures necessary to process those signals, do not develop until at least 24 weeks of gestation. Without these connections and structures, the fetus does not have the physiological capacity to perceive pain until at least 24 weeks of gestation.
Those things do not determine that life is human.
Nor do they address the beginning of a human life
that is accorded all the right of citizens...& the
extent of those rights at the various stages of life.
I never said it was, and I explained the fallacy you did use, which you have ignored?
You explained the fallacy that you never said is a fallacy?
That seems a meta-fallacy, eh.
Ignore it?
I addressed it...perhaps not clearly enuf.
So you can what if scientific facts you don't like, but the ones you do like are immutable, and you don't see any subjectivity there?
I'm saying that pro & anti abortion types will seize upon
facts that confirm their bias. I don't know when a human
life should officially begin such that it's afforded legal protections.
I say that no one do that objectively. I see the issue as one
of political compromise. I lean towards bodily autonomy of
the mother being paramount. I also see financial independence
of a father who doesn't want the child as being important.
Perhaps you see this as something that can be reasoned out
to a logical conclusion that's "true". I don't. It will be political
compromise that includes....<shudder>...religious beliefs.
It is not a technical detail, it is "directly observable & testable, thus it's a scientific fact." I even linked two separate medical bodies that explained the fact and the research that evidenced it.
Is it an observable detail that defines one as a human being?
Why choose some details, but not ones equally observable
cited by anti-abortion types, eg, cellular division?
Why are your posts littered with unnecessary line breaks? It makes answering them a nightmare?
I do it to vex you. I figured that you post from
a phone, which doesn't allow the line width I
design my posts for.
But it also makes them easier for me to read,
& decide upon edits...which I occasionally do.