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Man made religion


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Different is a nicer term. Not all christians use "man" meaning different. The context is separation between they and the people saying it. In that context of separation, I don't see how that's needed given both sides are "man" unless the phrase is making a hierarchy of which man knows better than the other?
By my understanding, the premise is that one side is "man-made" (as in made by humans, not necessarily males) while the other is supposedly divine and untainted. I don't think it is usual to talk of "man-made religion" in any other sense.

Apparently that is why there are creeds that take pride on being "revealed religions", presumably because they were revealed in pure form by God itself (usually by way of some special prophet).

Not that I believe any of that, mind you, but that is what I understand the claim to be.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
By my understanding, the premise is that one side is "man-made" (as in made by humans, not necessarily males) while the other is supposedly divine and untainted. I don't think it is usual to talk of "man-made religion" in any other sense.

Apparently that is why there are creeds that take pride on being "revealed religions", presumably because they were revealed in pure form by God itself (usually by way of some special prophet).

Not that I believe any of that, mind you, but that is what I understand the claim to be.

Hmm. Since I see all spiritually coming from man and how our minds relate to the world and self, the context of seperation by degratting others doesnt sound divine to me in the slightest. Though when I ask, they rephrase the content but dont explain the context in less derogatory words. Sometimes I wonder if people really feel separated as if they cant "hang around bums" unless they get a job like us....

But Im thinking hopefully the word different makes some sense on that...gotya go

.....Anyway hope the word makes sense in the context of man
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Well-Known Member
We can put trust, faith, and interpret meaning via our experiences

Here's the thing, experience must be understood in the context of time and culture. Lets say Moses had a mystical experience, encounter with God. To make that public he must communicate it in a way proportionate to man's way of being, it must be adapted to man's way of thinking and living if it is to be grasped. We live in the 21st cent. God's 'word' must be adapted for today's thinking and being.


Well-Known Member
I cant follow how this relates to my questions. Close I can get is asking is man the weeds?
I'll let you read it:

"And the archons took him and placed him in paradise. And they said to him, 'Eat, that is at leisure,' for their luxury is bitter and their beauty is depraved. And their luxury is deception and their trees are godlessness and their fruit is deadly poison and their promise is death. And the tree of their life they had placed in the midst of paradise.

"And I shall teach you (pl.) what is the mystery of their life, which is the plan which they made together, which is the likeness of their spirit. The root of this (tree) is bitter and its branches are death, its shadow is hate and deception is in its leaves, and its blossom is the ointment of evil, and its fruit is death and desire is its seed, and it sprouts in darkness. The dwelling place of those who taste from it is Hades, and the darkness is their place of rest.

"But what they call the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which is the Epinoia of the light, they stayed in front of it in order that he (Adam) might not look up to his fullness and recognize the nakedness of his shamefulness. But it was I who brought about that they ate."

And to I said to the savior, "Lord, was it not the serpent that taught Adam to eat?" The savior smiled and said, "The serpent taught them to eat from wickedness of begetting, lust, (and) destruction, that he (Adam) might be useful to him. And he (Adam) knew that he was disobedient to him (the chief archon) due to light of the Epinoia which is in him, which made him more correct in his thinking than the chief archon. And (the latter) wanted to bring about the power which he himself had given him. And he brought a forgetfulness over Adam."- Secret John

This goes in line with:

John 6:
Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven.

You can follow Moses (devils and gods) view or the Spirit (archons and light).

The tree of life (knowledge of good and evil) gave us the spirit (of the true God). Christ gave us the Spirit (capital S) of truth for the first time since then. Which is why the Jews died, and Christ doesn't.

John 6:
This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever.

Bread= spiritual knowledge/truth.

John 1:
16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.
17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
18 No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

Only Christ (Spirit) gave us the truth.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
What does it mean, as a man, for you not to follow man-made religion?
It sorta works this way: "My faith is real while your faith is man-made". That's what we see here on a daily basis from some, especially from some fundamentalists, evangelicals, and JW's-- most especially the latter.


Well-Known Member
I am man
You are man
We are all men

What do you mean by man-made religion and influence?

Are you not part of this influence?

What does it mean, as a man, for you not to follow man-made religion?

It doesn't take much to figure out, What's a man made religion and what is not a man made religion.

A man made religion is when man incorporates their words over and above what God's word will say.

For say, Putting man's teachings over and above God's word, Thereby making God's word Void.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
It doesn't take much to figure out, What's a man made religion and what is not a man made religion.

A man made religion is when man incorporates their words over and above what God's word will say.

For say, Putting man's teachings over and above God's word, Thereby making God's word Void.

I dont see a different. The teachings of christ came from man just as the religions that were incorporate into it. No religion, faith, however named, lacks (rather) the influence of culture, tradition, and society. Thats plan history.

Spiritually, I dont understand it. How does one seperate themselves as christians, muslims, jews, bahai, etc from man? Are you all seperating yourselves from yourselves?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
It sorta works this way: "My faith is real while your faith is man-made". That's what we see here on a daily basis from some, especially from some fundamentalists, evangelicals, and JW's-- most especially the latter.

Yeah. I figure I ask directly since it reads so negatively that Im sure there is some logic beyond saying Im right and youre wrong.


Active Member
It's generally used as a degrading term to dismiss the idea that a religion was given to us by God.

I find it a bit funny though, since on my understanding religion is a set of rituals, beliefs and customs created by man revolving around divine revelation.

For example, God didn't give us the Scriptures, we wrote them based on His revalation. God didn't establish Sunday mass, we did in order to honor His revalation. God didn't construct every tenet and theory of our theology, we did so based on His revelation.

The religion in the techinal sense is man made. The revelation around which it is based, though, is a different story.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I am man
You are man
We are all men

What do you mean by man-made religion and influence?

Are you not part of this influence?

What does it mean, as a man, for you not to follow man-made religion?

Im not a man

As a woman not following a religion means i dont need to join the sheep for whatever worship is required on whichever day or days of the week.

It also means not having a god sitting on my shoulder telling me what is right and wrong i can accept responsibility for my own actions.


Well-Known Member
I dont see a different. The teachings of christ came from man just as the religions that were incorporate into it. No religion, faith, however named, lacks (rather) the influence of culture, tradition, and society. Thats plan history.

Spiritually, I dont understand it. How does one seperate themselves as christians, muslims, jews, bahai, etc from man? Are you all seperating yourselves from yourselves?

The teachings of Christ Jesus, didn't come by just any man, Those men were hand pick by Christ Jesus.

The teachings of Christ Jesus, did not come by man, They came from Christ Jesus Himself.
Then Christ Jesus chosen 12 disciples, To write down, What they had seen and heard.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
The teachings of Christ Jesus, didn't come by just any man, Those men were hand pick by Christ Jesus.

The teachings of Christ Jesus, did not come by man, They came from Christ Jesus Himself.
Then Christ Jesus chosen 12 disciples, To write down, What they had seen and heard.

I dont see a difference. Spiritually, it can be anything to anyone. Outside of spirituality, its basic history.

History addresses who christ is in relation to the cultures he grew up around. It also addresses the Church's role in how we see christianity today from protestant views to purely Othorodox and roman in between. It is literally, very literally from man.

Man meaning people regardless if it were jane down the street or the apostle john. I see no difference.

Is "man" everything not of god?

How can you tell without judging another persons salvation?


Well-Known Member
I am man
You are man
We are all men

What do you mean by man-made religion and influence?

Are you not part of this influence?

What does it mean, as a man, for you not to follow man-made religion?
If you believe in spirits then you know God must have a Spirit. If you can be led of the Spirit of God then you are not following man made religions.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
If you believe in spirits then you know God must have a Spirit. If you can be led of the Spirit of God then you are not following man made religions.

I believe in spirits (with -s) but I dont believenin god. What I do believe is no different in life as living a life long passion.

There isnt a seperation in life when you are in the divine. Once you make things not of "god" if man, you (by context and language) degrade others and put yourself over others In itself, I guess everyone has a level of pride whatever they call it. In relation to divinity, that type of sepertion harms my spirit.

If you (people) are not led by the spirit, who leads you?
If its man, who or what is man?


Well-Known Member
I believe in spirits (with -s) but I dont believenin god. What I do believe is no different in life as living a life long passion.

There isnt a seperation in life when you are in the divine. Once you make things not of "god" if man, you (by context and language) degrade others and put yourself over others In itself, I guess everyone has a level of pride whatever they call it. In relation to divinity, that type of sepertion harms my spirit.

If you (people) are not led by the spirit, who leads you?
If its man, who or what is man?
Then what is a spirit and where does it come from if there is no God?
I would think our spirits are lost in darkness, void and chaos. Without the Spirit of Light who is God to lead us.