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Man sentenced to death for sorcery.


Well-Known Member
He should at least be tortured until he confesses. I can't believe they are gonna waste an opportunity with just boring old execution. Shame.


The most despicable thing about this is that he was on a religious pilgramage, and he's not even safe in an Islamic state.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
The most despicable thing about this is that he was on a religious pilgramage, and he's not even safe in an Islamic state.
Right. The article said this:

According to Arab News, an English language Saudi daily newspaper, after the most recent verdict was issued, the judges in Medina issued a statement expressing that Sibat deserved to be executed for having continually practiced black magic on his show, adding that this sentence would deter others from practicing sorcery.

I think what this will really deter is Muslims from going on the Hajj or Umrah.


Resident Lycanthrope
Let this be another reason I will not leave America, as messed up as it is. I still have some freedom of religion, although many Christians seem to forget this in public. At least here what I can't keep away from me with my magick wand I can keep away with my Glock 27. :)

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Makes me appreciate we are not living in a theocracy. It's chilling to think such a thing as religious police exist in some countries armed with the power to arrest, imprison, and systematically kill people simply because they don't happen to fit into a particular belief structure.


Wonder Woman
How strange that they are trying to put him to death for "crimes" that weren't even perpetrated in their country. He lives in Lebanon. His show was in Lebanon. He didn't do any "sorcery" in Saudi Arabia, he was on a religious pilgrimage. Perhaps, if they would have stopped and thought for a moment, he could have been "enlightened" during his pilgrimage and "repented" and stopped on his own. But NOOO, "let's get this guy as soon as he steps foot in our country to go on his religious pilgrimage because we don't like what he does in another country". How vile. I wonder if the fact that his "crimes" were in another country was even brought up? Would it make a difference? I mean, wouldn't that be like us throwing people in jail here who sold pot in Amsterdam?


Veteran Member
The most despicable thing about this is that he was on a religious pilgramage, and he's not even safe in an Islamic state.

exactly. the guy goes there for Umra, visiting Ka'ba and he is arrested by "religious police" which is another point of disgrace. maybe we Muslims should think twice before we visit Ka'ba. such a shame Arabic authority threatens and scares Muslim off..

religious police..:rolleyes:



Veteran Member
How strange that they are trying to put him to death for "crimes" that weren't even perpetrated in their country. He lives in Lebanon. His show was in Lebanon. He didn't do any "sorcery" in Saudi Arabia, he was on a religious pilgrimage. Perhaps, if they would have stopped and thought for a moment, he could have been "enlightened" during his pilgrimage and "repented" and stopped on his own. But NOOO, "let's get this guy as soon as he steps foot in our country to go on his religious pilgrimage because we don't like what he does in another country". How vile. I wonder if the fact that his "crimes" were in another country was even brought up? Would it make a difference? I mean, wouldn't that be like us throwing people in jail here who sold pot in Amsterdam?

that's another thing that bothers me. for one, there are many more people who visit Ka'ba and it seems like they were already chasing him. how else would they know if he was among hundreds of others? so Arabia actually wait for certain visiters to enter Arabia so that they could punish them. geez...such a nightmare



Wonder Woman
that's another thing that bothers me. for one, there are many more people who visit Ka'ba and it seems like they were already chasing him. how else would they know if he was among hundreds of others? so Arabia actually wait for certain visiters to enter Arabia so that they could punish them. geez...such a nightmare


You'd think that would scare some people off from taking their pilgrimage. They are feeding off of people's adherance to their faith and using it as a way to go after people they don't think live up to their standards of Islam. how disturbing is that?
This is so incredibly stupid, at each and every level.

From Death sentences over Saudi 'sorcery' claims | Amnesty International
'Ali Hussain Sibat was a presenter on a TV show on the Lebanese satellite station Sheherazade, where he gave advice and predictions about the future. His lawyer in Lebanon believes that he was arrested because members of the Mutawa’een (religious police) had recognized him from the show.
*GASP!* What were members of the religious police doing watching a SORCERY show?? Off with their heads!
According to his lawyer, Interrogators told 'Ali Hussain Sibat to write down what he did for a living, reassuring him that, if he did so, he would be allowed to go home after a few weeks. This document was presented in court as a "confession", and used to convict.
Sorcery and deceit ... the religious police can apparently stand trial on two counts of sin.
'Ali Hussain Sibat was arrested by the Mutawa'een in his hotel room in the city of Madina in May 2008. He had travelled to Saudi Arabia to perform a form of Muslim pilgrimage, the 'umra.

He was sentenced to death by a court in Madina on 9 November, after secret court hearings where he had no legal representation or assistance.
Of course it had to be a secret trial, or Sibat might have used his magical powers to influence the better judgment of the court.

At least 158 people were executed in Saudi Arabia in 2007 and at least 102 in 2008. Since the beginning of 2009, a further 67 people are known to have been executed.

Amnesty International knows of at least 140 people currently on death row, of whom 104 are foreign nationals. The true figures are believed to be much higher.
It sounds like the Saudi religious police are quite good at ensnaring unsuspecting people from around the world, I wonder how many are arrested on pilgrimage.

Although this is stupid at every level, I think the most important thing is to attack it at the fundamental level: the belief that sorcery is real. As Voltaire said, "As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities".


Veteran Member
You'd think that would scare some people off from taking their pilgrimage. They are feeding off of people's adherance to their faith and using it as a way to go after people they don't think live up to their standards of Islam. how disturbing is that?

if you look at it from my point of view it is an important detail actually. what kind of "Islamic" standard do you expect them to have if they are willing to arrest a Muslim and decide to give him death sentence on his religious journey to Arabia? he was basicly being a Muslim visiting Ka'ba. that makes me question what kind of Muslim that authority to be. other than that, i oppose death penalthy in general because i don't favor idea of eliminating life of a human being and in normal conditions there should not be dozens of people who gets it. places like China, Iran and Saudi Arabia are giving way too many death penalthies and i tent to not trust their judgement anyway. yet if you want to lecture me or anything like simply for being Muslim or sharing my feelings about this issue, do it tomorrow

thank you
