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Man to Man... or Woman


Veteran Member

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You are assuming again that you know what the climate was, and the nature and characteristics of each creature. You don't know, and yes it does matter, because we don't get to decide what is... just by our assumption, at that.
I missed this:
I do know because I have studied to a degree relevant things. Like how there is now way for koalas to get to the Middle East. Dingos cannot get there. It was too long ago since Pangaea for the continents and land bridges to allow for it. And many animals for one reason or another couldn't survive there. It's not an assumption, it's what we know about geography, climate, and zoology.
Yes, little kids who have transsexualism, 3-5 year olds, are horrible sinners who hate God. How da dare they. Lmao. :rolleyes::mad:
I also missed that rubbish post. It is pretty lame. Me, a very young child, taught to love amd worship god, and not really understanding why it's such a bad thing for me to want an Easy Bake Oven or My Little Ponies. Apparently Jesus must not love the little children. He wants them to begin life with great hardships and lets demons possess them.:rolleyes:


Veteran Member
Should I skip these links? I thought I answered your other post (late) after I said "did I forget about your post". Of course I'd ask questions about this. So, should I?
o_O:confused:Why would you want to skip this after asking a question, and receiving an answer??? Wait. What? You didn't want the answer? :confused::shrug:
I think it's better to ask, after you have read the two posts, just in case the answer may be there.

They rely on patients for part diagnosis not ask patients for diagnosis. The patients are part of the diagnosis but the doctor determines it based on a number of factors-and patient complaints are a huge part of it.
Yes, the patients assist the doctor, with their (the doctor) diagnosis, by providing information on the symptoms they are experiencing... if that's what you mean.

Patients complaints are part of the diagnosis not used as the diagnosis itself. So, if someone is transgender and going for diagnosis, they'd explain how they feel, physical and mental symptoms and the doctor will use these things and his skills (not either or) to derive a diagnosis. That's for all illnesses.
Yes, that's correct. The patient's complaints aid with the diagnosis.

I addressed all your posts I remember. One of them was long but I thought I got back to it late. You'd have to give me a post number since I went through the list and figuring out which one. I know you did a long post that I replied to and had to cut in half in two posts. Did you get that?
No. I did not get your response to those posts. See my previous post.

It seems like you're disregarding people's feelings and opinions in diagnosis for data and facts.
The diagnoses should be based on data and facts. Otherwise, why see the doctor? Are you happy with a guessing doctor, or one who does not consider their experience, and expertise?

For example, a therapist of mine once told me that therapist do believe that people having delusions of hearing voices "actually" hear voices. They're not lying or anything like that. They are actually reacting to auditory stimuli and are treated because their reactions are detrimental to their health and their and/or others well being and concern. So, they treat in part what the patient says. Also, it helps with insurance purposes for proper diagnosis.
There you go. Did the doctor use data and facts from his expertise?

The "doc I'm really not a girl" I don't agree it's that simple. Like depression, it's not "hey doc, I think I'm depressed." It's more the complaints match the illness and if it's appropriate to the doctors skills "and" patients complaints, the "doctor" diagnosis the patient with gender dysphoria not the patient (what your example was earlier). Just my point to add is that the patients complaints are part of the diagnosis but of course for ethical and insurance purposes not the diagnosis itself. Same as gender dysphoria. If someone meets the criteria both patient complaints (not "I think I'm a girl" but actual physical and mental symptoms), the doctor and patient work together to see IF that patient is suffering from dysphoria or something else. Like any illness it's a good long process. Of course, like you said, the patient doesn't diagnose him or herself but the complaints are part of the diagnosis. This is for gender dysphoria and any other psychiatric and medical illness doctors treat and diagnosis.
Correct. The patients complaints are not the diagnosis. They help the doctor with his/her/? diagnosis.

Data I mean by science or the links of stats you listed by links as opposed to patients opinions. The point was it seems like you were focus on the former at the expense of the latter.
So is it important to diagnose the problem, or are we more concerned with opinions? I already said, the doctor listens to the patient, and asks leading questions that help him with his diagnosis.
I don't understand what you want me to say.

It's more like going to the doctors and saying

Doc. When I look in the mirror and see breasts, it doesn't feel like mine...
Doc. I don't feel comfortable in my body. I feel detached.
Doc. I don't want to live. I am not myself

(I'm making intelligent guesses to what transgender may say when going to the doctors about their symptoms of complaints)

The doc says (from his skills months to years later) I think you are showing symptoms of gender dysphoria and do medical tests to confirm. He goes into his DSM manual and finds the code for that diagnosis and rights it in his book (so have you). He may suggest therapeutic treatment and depending on the choice and the intensity of the symptoms (since not all transgender needs transition) and the patient may agree or disagree and go from there.
He may suggest something that might help, which the patient may or may not accept, or he may suggest something that the patient may want, or...
The mays and may nots are numerous.

Gender dysphoria is a medical diagnosis that needs a doctor to give that diagnosis. The symptoms transgender have are part of that diagnosis but they and doctors know it's not the patient who writes the prescription but the doctor.

but the point is GD is a medical illness and doctors diagnosis it just as other illnesses.
Yup. Yup.

Transition is treatment to the symptoms (mismatched identity, depression, physical sense of displacement and how one looks, etc) not the patient saying "I am a girl." If that's the case, I can say "I'm a boy" and the doctor would suggest me to get transition.

It's beyond that.
Or the doctor may recommend psychiatric evaluation, and emotional help. and support.
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Veteran Member
Really? Ive been talking about panguages branching out and origins developments and you try to throw that at me?
??? In the Tower of Babel account, there was one language, and then others, due to God's confusing the languages. The Bible does not say God created 7,000 languages.
Therefore, if God confused the languages, and there were say, 10, 20, 30, ?, languages, it stands to reason, that the 7,000+ we have today, branched from those ?, which God created, and scattered throughout the then known earth.
Thus to claim that the Tower of Babel account is not true because 3,000+ years, you are aware that languages fork from other languages, is um... puzzling.

Do you deny the Bible gives us an account of how the Ark was to be built.
The Bible account of Noah's ark, gives an exact and precise measurement of the ark, but it does not detail, how it was built. It does mention some materials, but obviously it did not detail all the materials, It said how the ark was to be coated, both inside and out.

The Big Bang did begin the expansion of the universe, with its most rapid expansion happening shortly after. Do you also want to dent this is what scientists say?
What you are saying is not accurate. What is the Big Bang?

Ive discussed the boat thing with real sailors, and have read accounts of ship builders explain why the ark wont work, and I have read enough about ships in general to see the problems with the Bible's account of the Ark and why it would not have been sea worthy.
What do they know? Little more than you do.
First, I think I can say with certainty, they make a number of assumptions, regarding the Biblical account.
1) Do they have a picture of a stormy ocean with constant waves in motion, being pulled by strong under currents? Did the Bible account give that picture?
2) Do they assume Noah and his family are sailing the ark (not a ship, by the way)? Does the Bible account give that picture?
I'm sure I can guess at more assumptions conjured up, but... I'll leave it there for now.

If the debate is there are good doctors, and the next says there are bad doctors, that is a counter statement.
Fair enough. I can agree with that.
Was that the case here? No.

It's a legitimate academic and scholarly source that is built upon a vast amount of research that discusses transgender people amd treatment and care for transgender people. And I cited it in a thread about transgender people. It is infinitely more helpful and relevant to the subject than the Bible showing up here.
You cited it? really? You linked to a book SW. You cited nothing. So there was nothing offered to the thread. It's the same as if you posted the entire book in the thread, and said, 'Here. Read this."
That's not what these forums are for. I quoted the rule for you.
No one benefits from that on these threads - except they decide to sit and read what you recommend. It would be the same as my saying, "Read the Bible." when someone post a question, or oppose a teaching, etc.
Can we be reasonable here, as well. I do appreciate your responses, but this one is a bit much... imo.

I missed this:
I do know because I have studied to a degree relevant things. Like how there is now way for koalas to get to the Middle East. Dingos cannot get there. It was too long ago since Pangaea for the continents and land bridges to allow for it. And many animals for one reason or another couldn't survive there. It's not an assumption, it's what we know about geography, climate, and zoology.
Please SW. I told you how to find the facts on this.
Let me help you.
You mentioned two "beautiful" creatures, Some would describe them as cute, and "Oh, so adorable. My, my, my."
Life of Pi.

I watched this so long ago, but it was really an interesting film. You might appreciate it.

History of trade...
Wild animals were routinely captured and traded in ancient Mesoamerica
New evidence from the Maya city of Copan, in Honduras, reveals that ancient Mesoamericans routinely captured and traded wild animals for symbolic and ritual purposes, according to a study published September 12, 2018 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Nawa Sugiyama from George Mason University, Virginia, USA, and colleagues.

Ancient Mesoamerican cultures used wild animals such as puma and jaguar for many purposes, including in symbolic displays of status and power, as subjects of ritual sacrifice, and as resources for processing into venison or craft products. Evidence of wild animal use in ancient Mesoamerica dates back to the Teotihuacan culture in what is now central Mexico (A.D. 1-550). Archaeological findings of indigenous Mesoamerican animal management strategies have traditionally been underemphasized, due to the paucity of large domesticated game in the New World in comparison to the devastating impact of European livestock introduced in the 1500s. In this study, the research team analyzed archaeological samples of wild animals excavated from five ritual sites in the Maya city of Copan (A.D. 426-822), in Honduras.

The team performed stable isotope analyses on bone and teeth from puma, jaguar and other unidentified felids along with deer, owl, spoonbill, and crocodile, to determine the diet and geographical origin of the animals. Some of the felid specimens tested, including puma and jaguar, had high levels of C4 intake indicative of an anthropogenic diet despite the absence of indicators of captive breeding. Oxygen isotope levels in deer and felid specimens suggest that some animals and derived craft products (e.g. pelts) used in ritual practices originated in distant regions of the Copan Valley.

These findings confirm previous research showing that Mesoamerican cultures kept wild animals in captivity for ritual purposes and reveal that animal trade networks across ancient Mesoamerica were more extensive than previously thought.

Now you can explain the part about, "many animals for one reason or another couldn't survive [in their new environment]". No evolution (adaptation), do you mean?
I think you are making assumptions again.


Active Member
I'll come back but I wanted to focus more on the demon and evil spirit thing. I don't know what a spirit is, demons (outside the movies), and evil in the sense of religion.

So when you say and reference to demons, spirits, and evil it has no affect on me both understanding and context.

That said, you said it's spirits that control you?

What do you mean by that?
I mean by that, your body begins to want to do what your mind does not want to do. It feels like its under alien control.

The bible talks about spirits etc assuming the reader already knows what it is describing. Since not everyone is familiar with the bible (beyond just a read as other books just the same), there needs to be some clarification.
A spirit is a control source, for the materialistic. Like someone operating the remote control. Frequently its parents to begin with. They lead their children into sin, by failing to discipline them, to instruct them into truth and righteousness, and rather expose them to all manner of evil things, by the continual practice of which, evil spirits enter their children and they are lost.

Mk 9:42 "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea."
It is clear in this day and age that there are many actively promoting sin, even in their own children.


Active Member
Most trans people (transsexuals, or those who wish to transition to the opposite sex) know what they identify as by about 5 or earlier.
LMAO. They don't "identify" with anything because they are under the control of their parents. If their parents let them do whatever they like, then children will be left to their own inclinations. Eventually, when they do become sexual beings, it will be too late, if they have been left without any control.

You engage in the heresy of assuming that children are autonomous moral agents from birth, which is rubbish. They are entirely under the control and instruction of their parents, and generally will espouse their moral values, if they have any.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
LMAO. They don't "identify" with anything because they are under the control of their parents. If their parents let them do whatever they like, then children will be left to their own inclinations. Eventually, when they do become sexual beings, it will be too late, if they have been left without any control.

You engage in the heresy of assuming that children are autonomous moral agents from birth, which is rubbish. They are entirely under the control and instruction of their parents, and generally will espouse their moral values, if they have any.
That's total bs. Children are not blank slates. Tabula rasa theory is bunk. Your argument doesn't even make sense as there's many LGBT people born to parents who are homophobic and transphobic, and raise their kids to be strictly hetero with traditional gender roles, but still end up with gay, bisexual or trans kids.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I mean by that, your body begins to want to do what your mind does not want to do. It feels like its under alien control.

Like a seizure?

How do you tell the difference bodily/brain wise from an actual spirit controlling your body?

A spirit is a control source, for the materialistic. Like someone operating the remote control. Frequently its parents to begin with. They lead their children into sin, by failing to discipline them, to instruct them into truth and righteousness, and rather expose them to all manner of evil things, by the continual practice of which, evil spirits enter their children and they are lost.

Some say they hear god (or spirit?). Do you hear spirit controlling you and telling you what to and not to do?

What is it's nature in which it controls you without reference to body/brain origin?


Active Member
I have no basis of comparison. You have to be patient with people who are not coming from where you do. It's not "common sense."
Fair enough

That's foreign language to me. I heard of the word demonology but sounds like Scientology and things like that.
Demonology is not politically correct speak in an atheist/communist society,

Yes. Many christians know seizures and neurological conditions are totally different topic than theology and faith.
Which is sad, because the God is referred to as the Lord of Spirits (Numbers 27:16). The faith of many Christians is feeble, and they do not understand the one they profess to worship. 2 Cor 3:17 "Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." Liberty from evil spirits comes with faith in Christ,

But everything else... doesn't sound like something realistic. Demons testing and punishing people????
2 Cor 12:7 (of Paul) "....because of these surpassingly great revelations. Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me."

Well, I don't know any person who is obedient. Are you?
More than I used to be. It's always a question of degree.

Not every person reads the bible. Where are you from? The US is very diverse with people of different religious and moral backgrounds. Since it's not a religious country, we're not legally forced to learn and take in truth of one religion over another.
I assumed as I think you'd said that you'd been to a church, that you knew the bible. May be I didn't figure it right? I agree that not everyone reads the bible these days. It makes sense to read it, (start with the gospel and epistles of John as the easiest to understand if you need to start at the beginning) and attach yourself to a reasonably godly church. You'll find protection from the aberrant atheist philosophy of this world.

I am from UK.

No. But I was asking about you?

(Question with a question?)
The Christian approach is the approach that emphasizes a whole person cure, emphasizing their spiritual needs including the transformation of the mind, including the necessity to have faith in the name of Jesus, and to be obedient to his teachings. Yet with severe psychological illness, there is no fixed or even certain remedy. Even professing Christians can succumb to it, if they err. I'm not trying to pretend the solution is simple, when problems are so deep seated. But there is often a way back to normality provided that there is a desire for faith. But it must be a genuine desire for faith, and a genuine faith, and not a cynical parody, as many backsliders pretend to have.


Active Member
That's total bs. Children are not blank slates. Tabula rasa theory is bunk. Your argument doesn't even make sense as there's many LGBT people born to parents who are homophobic and transphobic, and raise their kids to be strictly hetero with traditional gender roles, but still end up with gay, bisexual or trans kids.
Not total BS. As for LGBT people: yes it is true that children can rebel against their parents, when they grow up into teens etc, when they become infuenced by what is outside the home. But that spirit of rebellion does not manifest itself to an irrevocable extent between the ages of 3 and 5 years old, which was your original point.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
o_O:confused:Why would you want to skip this after asking a question, and receiving an answer??? Wait. What? You didn't want the answer? :confused::shrug:
I think it's better to ask, after you have read the two posts, just in case the answer may be there.

Yes, the patients assist the doctor, with their (the doctor) diagnosis, by providing information on the symptoms they are experiencing... if that's what you mean.

Yes, that's correct. The patient's complaints aid with the diagnosis.

No. I did not get your response to those posts. See my previous post.

The diagnoses should be based on data and facts. Otherwise, why see the doctor? Are you happy with a guessing doctor, or one who does not consider their experience, and expertise?

There you go. Did the doctor use data and facts from his expertise?

Correct. The patients complaints are not the diagnosis. They help the doctor with his/her/? diagnosis.

So is it important to diagnose the problem, or are we more concerned with opinions? I already said, the doctor listens to the patient, and asks leading questions that help him with his diagnosis.
I don't understand what you want me to say.

He may suggest something that might help, which the patient may or may not accept, or he may suggest something that the patient may want, or...
The mays and may nots are numerous.

Yup. Yup.

Or the doctor may recommend psychiatric evaluation, and emotional help. and support.

I'll come back to all of this. Here is your long post I said I'll get back to.
Man to Man... or Woman

You said I could take my time.

Here's my reply to that long post 840. I had to cut it in half because of the word limit.

Man to Man... or Woman (Part 1)

I can't find part 2 so I have to get back to you. It has " .... " at the top.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
o_O:confused:Why would you want to skip this after asking a question, and receiving an answer??? Wait. What? You didn't want the answer? :confused::shrug:
I think it's better to ask, after you have read the two posts, just in case the answer may be there.

Cause I answered the questions. I gave part 1 but couldn't find part 2. Hopefully it wasn't deleted cause I didn't put anything in there that would but sometimes... I'm probably overlooking. Are you okay?

Yes, the patients assist the doctor, with their (the doctor) diagnosis, by providing information on the symptoms they are experiencing... if that's what you mean.

Yes. And my overall point is that a patients symptoms is part of that diagnosis. It's not an either or.

Yes, that's correct. The patient's complaints aid with the diagnosis.

... Yes...

No. I did not get your response to those posts. See my previous post.

The diagnoses should be based on data and facts. Otherwise, why see the doctor? Are you happy with a guessing doctor, or one who does not consider their experience, and expertise?

I'm glad my doctor based diagnosis on both his skill "and" my complaints. If not, I could have had any neurological disorder that causes convulsions. Since I don't want my doctor to guess "just" by going by facts, I'd only see a doctor that takes my complaints into consideration of the diagnosis.

There you go. Did the doctor use data and facts from his expertise?

Both facts and opinions (if one likes)

Correct. The patients complaints are not the diagnosis. They help the doctor with his/her/? diagnosis.


So is it important to diagnose the problem, or are we more concerned with opinions? I already said, the doctor listens to the patient, and asks leading questions that help him with his diagnosis.
I don't understand what you want me to say.

Like I said, it's not either or.

He may suggest something that might help, which the patient may or may not accept, or he may suggest something that the patient may want, or...
The mays and may nots are numerous.

Yes. If going back to the OP transgender thing, that's why the diagnosis of gender dysphoria isn't solely based on the person experiencing it, I don't see how it is wrong or have a negative critic regarding it as opposed to other psychological illnesses.

Or the doctor may recommend psychiatric evaluation, and emotional help. and support.


Yup. Yup.

So, treatment for that illness is just as appropriate as it being any illness in itself that cause for treatment. Since this treatment isn't life threatening, I'm not sure why anyone is against it from a medical standpoint.
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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Not total BS. As for LGBT people: yes it is true that children can rebel against their parents, when they grow up into teens etc, when they become infuenced by what is outside the home. But that spirit of rebellion does not manifest itself to an irrevocable extent between the ages of 3 and 5 years old, which was your original point.
Well, I know what I was when I was a young child, nevermind your insulting bs.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Thus to claim that the Tower of Babel account is not true because 3,000+ years, you are aware that languages fork from other languages, is um... puzzling.
It false because there is no common ancestor for all languages. This story claims here was and that the rest came from there.
You cited it? really? You linked to a book SW. You cited nothing.
I cited the WPATH Standards of Care as a source of good information to support my claims for this thread and for the benefit of others. That is citing.
Please SW. I told you how to find the facts on this.
Let me help you.
You mentioned two "beautiful" creatures, Some would describe them as cute, and "Oh, so adorable. My, my, my."
Life of Pi.
Your citing a movie that involved zookeepers. I am referrencing facts about biology and geograpgy.
hat you are saying is not accurate. What is the Big Bang?
You ask thatvquestion and yet you tell me what I say is not accurate?
What do they know? Little more than you do.
First, I think I can say with certainty, they make a number of assumptions, regarding the Biblical account.
Theu know more than you or I because it's their life.
1) Do they have a picture of a stormy ocean with constant waves in motion, being pulled by strong under currents? Did the Bible account give that picture?
Yes. The waters could not have been calm with such a storm.
2) Do they assume Noah and his family are sailing the ark (not a ship, by the way)? Does the Bible account give that picture?
I'm sure I can guess at more assumptions conjured up, but... I'll leave it there for now.
It's not just sailing. The ship had no meams for navigation, no means to survive larger waves, and no means to prevent it capsizing. There would be no way to control or steer it. It also lacked necessary features to allow to survive those conditions.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I mean by that, your body begins to want to do what your mind does not want to do. It feels like its under alien control.
Thats called dissociative disorder. Or certain drugs.
Not total BS. As for LGBT people: yes it is true that children can rebel against their parents, when they grow up into teens etc, when they become infuenced by what is outside the home. But that spirit of rebellion does not manifest itself to an irrevocable extent between the ages of 3 and 5 years old, which was your original point.
I knew when I was that young. Despite me having being raised Christian, not hating god, or not hating my parents, boy stuff didnt seem right, it wasnt what I asked for, but I was told it's what I would get.
Demonology is not politically correct speak in an atheist/communist society
Even Christian doctors reject it. Demons aren't real. And of they do, theu are so laughably helpless against us that it seems probable that even god can't hold a finger against us. Afterall, we have modified our natural bodies and states so extensively that our technology (not just computer or wifi but technology in general) is so heavily ingrained into our lives that it has driven our evolution (such as being able to create fire).
2 Cor 12:7 (of Paul) "....because of these surpassingly great revelations. Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me."