The beast, the papacy- thinking to change times and laws- as had been prophesied by Daniel has set up his own day in opposition to God's holy day. When it shall be unlawful to buy or sell without keeping the papal sabbath- sun day, it shall then be the mark of the beast.
You're obviously an SDA. Not once is the mark of the beast associated with the Sabbath. Maybe you should do a word study of the text.
It is not if you understand that the Catholic church is the great falling away prophesied by Paul. 2 Thess 2:3,4 'Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come (Christ's return), except there come a falling away first (Catholic apostasy), and that man of sin (the Pope) be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.' My explanations are in brackets.
That belief is an abomination to the Lord. No church or Pope is associated with the apostasy of 2 Thes. 2. You DON'T KNOW what apostasy is, and most Christians DON'T! This kind of thinking is rampant in Christianity and ONE very big reason why I refuse to call myself a Protestant or Christian. You guys attribute the evils of the man of sin to Christians and the Church. Besides being offensive to Catholics, who have their rightful place in the body of Christ, you people are offensive to the Lord Himself.
The true church was underground for a thousand years dwelling in the wilderness and in caves, hiding from the wrath of the apostate church. I mean no offence but we need to hear the truth, because error could not was save us.
You do not have the truth. There's no such thing as the apostate Church. Christians are completely misled on the subject of apostasy.
The subject of the mark of the beast is very much of interest to us who are living in these last days. It will be the test which will determine this world's destiny.
And it's too bad most Christians just don't have it right. The Mark is limited to the ten nation empire of the beast which is an Islamic Caliphate. It's not worldwide. the mark is also imposed by the "two horned beast' which represents the two dominate sects of Islam, Sunni and Shia.
She is drunk with the blood of the saints- 50 million slain over a thousand years- and she will do it again should the opportunity arise.
False. You believe those numbers because that's what Catholic hating Protestants would like you to believe. That estimate is way off. You have some Catholic haters who say 35 million, 50 million, 68 million, 75 million, 100 million, 120 million, and 150 million. If it wouldn't have been for the Catholics stepping in in both rounds of the Crusades, Christianity would have been blotted out way before the reformation. AND, It wasn't PAPAL Rome that battled against heretics so much as it was the imperial factions of Rome.
The Word of God designates the Catholic church mystery Babylon.
If so, them maybe you can quote JUST ONE VERSE where this is implied! Babylon the Great is Islam.
Islam, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Jihadist and abominations of the earth.
Rome has been stigmatized as the end-time beast(s) for several reasons. Rome crucified Christ then destroyed the Temple and persecuted Christians. The reformers were convinced, and many still are today, that Rome would also emerge as the end-time beast. Problem is, that was over 500 years ago and Rome no longer participates in such stuff, and not ONE verse implies any such thing.
Maybe you don't know, or maybe you don't care that in 1922 Muslim atrocities displaced over a million people, mostly Christians in Asia minor, today's Turkey, and MURDERED nearly a million CHRISTIANS!
In the Sudan between 98-99, over 5,000 villages were burned and over 15,000 churches were burned. Maybe you can tell me just what attrocities the Catholic Church is committing today!
I see Islam written all over bible prophecy. It's no longer a mystery that Islam is Babylon the Great (a large false religion), and that the harlot of Revelation 17 where the abominations of the earth represents terrorism and the Shia and jihadist sects of Islam and Iran.
In August there were 203 jihad attacks in 33 countries, 29 of them suicide attacks, otherwise known as AKBAR ALLAH'S, with 1,734 people injured and 1,637 dead bodies. Since 911, Islamic terrorist have carried out more than 29, 192 deadly terror attacks.
Maybe you can show me how many people Rome has killed in the last 30 days....or even 30 years....or even 3000 years!
Islam has been the enemy of Christ, Israel, and the world, since it's inception. Islamic terrorism, and their methods of persecution and goal of world domination, their form of worship as well as suicide bombers are clearly prophesied in the bible. Nearly every place on earth they commit the abominations of the earth on a daily basis. They are filling the harlot's cup and Christians like yourself just can't see it. Muslims are the ones the bible demands to, "get out of her."
The Islamic whore of Babylon promises it's fanatical adherents a mansion in paradise with as many as 72 bedrooms and 72 virgins for filling the harlots cup. The amount of virgins they get is dependent upon the magnitude of the abomination they commit. The Islamic whore will terrorize the world into submission using some of the most horrific means available to man today. Islam will hurl the planet into tribulation. Can't you see it coming?
The power that for so many centuries maintained despotic sway over the monarchs of Christendom is Rome.
You're living in the past. And you've fallen for one of the biggest lies that have ever entered the Church promoted by people who hate Catholicism.
The purple and scarlet color, the gold and precious stones and pearls, vividly picture the magnificence and more than kingly pomp affected by the haughty see of Rome.
You've let the colors fool you! I can tell you've never seen the inside of Mecca or Medina.
And no other power could be so truly declared "drunken with the blood of the saints" as that church which has so cruelly persecuted the followers of Christ.
You know nothing about Islam do you? You're bent on demonizing the Church of God and fellow Christians. Since Islam began, they've murdered 250-270 million people. I just saw a video of a ten year old boy being beheaded by a U.S. backed Syrian rebel group. I also saw a video of a ten year old boy beheading a Syrian soldier. Want the links? I can send them to you in a PM if you think you can stomach them.
Babylon is also charged with the sin of unlawful connection with "the kings of the earth."
Babylon is Babylon. It's not Rome, the EU, the U.S. a worldwide end-time economic system, or anything else. In Islam your religion IS your politics, and your politics IS your religion.
It was by departure from the Lord, and alliance with the heathen, that the Jewish church became a harlot; and Rome, corrupting herself in like manner by seeking the support of worldly powers, receives a like condemnation.
You've got it all wrong. You have absolutely NOTHING right! The end-time whore of Babylon is ISLAM....and probably IRAN, who is the greatest sponsor of terrorism, i.e. "THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" in the world.
Islam has been the enemy of Christ, Israel and the world since it's inception. I see Islam written all over bible prophecy. It's no longer a mystery that Islam is Babylon the Great (a large false religion), and that the harlot of Revelation 17 where the abominations of the earth represents terrorism and the Shia and jihadist sects of Islam and Iran.