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Mars Colonists Will Be Free From Satan!!!

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
Revelation 12:9 states that Satan was cast out of heaven and thrown down to the earth.

Revelation 20:2-3 states that Satan was locked away into the Abyss. Traditional interpretation is that the Abyss is inside the earth, as many descriptors throughout the Bible talk about the earth opening up, pits, etc.

Everything that was written is based on the concept of geocentricity. Earth was viewed as the center of creation, and thus the focus of God, Satan, angels and demons. Religions are earthbound. However, those that escape earth, such as the planned Mars colonists, will be free from Satan according to the Scriptures, since he will be locked away here.


Or it could be that those early, primitive humans simple wrote about the world around them, and because they did not have telescopes and knew very little about astronomy, they had no clue about other planets. We now know that there are billions of stars and planets in our galaxy, and there are billions of galaxies in the known universe. Those ancient stories are not literal.

The whole Satan thing is simply a good vs evil fairy tale (or mythology if you prefer) and there's nothing to worry about. ;)


Veteran Member
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Come on, you aren't really suggesting that Satan can't piggyback ride to Mars? No doubt one of the first Martian visitors will take Satan there with them.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Come on, you aren't really suggesting that Satan can't piggyback ride to Mars? No doubt one of the first Martian visitors will take Satan there with them.
You know what those sciency types are like.
Rife with devil worshipping atheist evilutionists.


Veteran Member
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You know what those sciency types are like.
Rife with devil worshipping atheist evilutionists.
You aren't helping things. Would you have astronauts completely oblivious to their plight? They'll have enough problems just trying to stay warm and breath. There's no sense keeping them ignorant of Satan in their midst.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Revelation 12:9 states that Satan was cast out of heaven and thrown down to the earth.

Revelation 20:2-3 states that Satan was locked away into the Abyss. Traditional interpretation is that the Abyss is inside the earth, as many descriptors throughout the Bible talk about the earth opening up, pits, etc.

Everything that was written is based on the concept of geocentricity. Earth was viewed as the center of creation, and thus the focus of God, Satan, angels and demons. Religions are earthbound. However, those that escape earth, such as the planned Mars colonists, will be free from Satan according to the Scriptures, since he will be locked away here.


Or it could be that those early, primitive humans simple wrote about the world around them, and because they did not have telescopes and knew very little about astronomy, they had no clue about other planets. We now know that there are billions of stars and planets in our galaxy, and there are billions of galaxies in the known universe. Those ancient stories are not literal.

The whole Satan thing is simply a good vs evil fairy tale (or mythology if you prefer) and there's nothing to worry about. ;)

No no. This is true. This is very true. In Mars none of the Christian figures can reach you. However the Mars satan can get you. And he is mean.


Well-Known Member
Come on, you aren't really suggesting that Satan can't piggyback ride to Mars? No doubt one of the first Martian visitors will take Satan there with them.
So they would sacrifice themselves for our sins banishing Satans from Earth... I see potential in this development. ;)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Satan is in the man, which is the nature of sin. When God says this, the devil says that. Jesus said " I know what is in a man", and man would carry that to Mars. When they die their soul would snap back to earth where death and hell reside, and sleep there until the judgement day.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Traditional interpretation is that the Abyss is inside the earth, as many descriptors throughout the Bible talk about the earth opening up, pits, etc.

That is absolutely correct: Scientist who dug into hell in Siberia and recorded the cries of the damned souls

I can't keep a straight face (well, duh!).



Love everyone, meditate often
Revelation 12:9 states that Satan was cast out of heaven and thrown down to the earth.

Revelation 20:2-3 states that Satan was locked away into the Abyss. Traditional interpretation is that the Abyss is inside the earth, as many descriptors throughout the Bible talk about the earth opening up, pits, etc.

Everything that was written is based on the concept of geocentricity. Earth was viewed as the center of creation, and thus the focus of God, Satan, angels and demons. Religions are earthbound. However, those that escape earth, such as the planned Mars colonists, will be free from Satan according to the Scriptures, since he will be locked away here.


Or it could be that those early, primitive humans simple wrote about the world around them, and because they did not have telescopes and knew very little about astronomy, they had no clue about other planets. We now know that there are billions of stars and planets in our galaxy, and there are billions of galaxies in the known universe. Those ancient stories are not literal.

The whole Satan thing is simply a good vs evil fairy tale (or mythology if you prefer) and there's nothing to worry about. ;)
Or maybe the colonists will crash into mars instead of land there. :D I know, it's awful grim of me to say that. Just being hypothetical. :D


Well-Known Member
You just gave me an idea.

If I was one of the first colonist of Mars, I would just make a new religion... Ugh, I mean inspire a new Martian Religion.

What better way to CHRISTEN a planet?

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
You just gave me an idea.

If I was one of the first colonist of Mars, I would just make a new religion... Ugh, I mean inspire a new Martian Religion.

What better way to CHRISTEN a planet?


Or we could just call it Cosmic Deism and be done with it.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I feel compelled to point out that atheists will be just as scared of Hell on Mars as we are on Earth.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
You just gave me an idea.

If I was one of the first colonist of Mars, I would just make a new religion... Ugh, I mean inspire a new Martian Religion.

What better way to CHRISTEN a planet?

Any science fiction fan worth their salt will already know this, but read the red, blue, green Mars series by Kim Stanley Robinson for a detailed and interesting exploration of this idea.

Sadly, even with all the self-identified nerds on here, I don't expect many to know what I'm talking about.


Well-Known Member
Any science fiction fan worth their salt will already know this, but read the red, blue, green Mars series by Kim Stanley Robinson for a detailed and interesting exploration of this idea.

Sadly, even with all the self-identified nerds on here, I don't expect many to know what I'm talking about.

Hey, I saw a YouTube video on the proposal of the Martian flag to have red, blue and green stripes alluding to those novels. Is that close enough?


Religions may teach that the abyss is inside the Earth, but God's word does not. Satan influences EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE, no matter WHERE they are. They can go to Pluto and Satan will STILL have influence over them. Now as far as Satan being "cast down to the vicinity of the Earth" goes, it doesn't mean Satan was abyssed, it means Satan can't enter heaven again, nor can the third of the angels of heaven who sided with him. Therefore they are attempting to keep mankind from drawing close to God, or from knowing anything accurate about Him, and Satan uses RELIGIONS and he uses FALSELY TRANSLATED BIBLES as his best tools. Peer pressure, all media, and all governments are his tools also. No religion teaches accurately God's inspired word. NOT ONE. And NO TWO religions teach the same things. In fact, God's word says ALL religions of man are FALSE RELIGION and God commanded us all to "flee" from them or share in their punishment (death, destruction). So, no, going to the moon or Mars does not insulate one from Satan. Not in the slightest.