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Massachusetts town approved proposal for Palestinian flag to be flown on public grounds.


Staff member
Premium Member

Big "mask slip", there.

"Palestine" is not a terrorist group, objectively.
I held a Palestinian flag at a rally in 2021 in Southern Ontario and I was intimidated and threatened by some passersby who accused me of supporting child soldiers and being a terrorist. Fortunately there was no serious risk of violence because we substantially outnumbered those making the threats, and they left shortly after.

I reckon if I was holding an Israeli flag it would've made the news and headlines about the discomfort we felt at the protest would've been amplified.
Probably would've been more widely read then the Canadian media's coverage of the occupation.
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
There are two different flags.

Care to address the point yet, or should we conclude that you believe Palestinians and Hamas are one in the same?
Oh there are always some exceptions to the rule, but essentially yes because Hamas is essentially a Palestinian paramilitary representing Palestine. Hamas are Palestinians themselves.

It's one of those things people get thrown into weither they like it or not. That's includes conscription into military duty by decree.

Same goes for Israel as well.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Yea. They wave the Palestinian flag.
Notice how it's only a video?
No summary in his own words what it's about.
Why watch something likely to be a waste of time, eh.

Videos are best as a supplement to a poster's
own words used to state something. Videos
should add something to the post, eg,
documenting an event.
Too many here think that just posting a link to
a video is conversing / debating.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I held a Palestinian flag at a rally in 2021 in Southern Ontario and I was intimidated and threatened by some passersby who accused me of supporting child soldiers and being a terrorist. Fortunately there was no serious risk of violence because we substantially outnumbered those making the threats, and they left shortly after.

I reckon if I was holding an Israeli flag it would've made the news and headlines about the discomfort we felt at the protest would've been amplified.
Probably would've been more widely read then the Canadian media's coverage of the occupation.
Ignorance & bigotry are Israel's allies.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Oh there are always some exceptions to the rule, but essentially yes because Hamas is essentially a Palestinian paramilitary representing Palestine. Hamas are Palestinians themselves.

It's one of those things people get thrown into weither they like it or not. That's includes conscription into military duty by decree.

Same goes for Israel as well.
Branch Davidians were Americans.
The People's Church and Jonestown were Americans.
The KKK is American.
Ergo, using your logic, all Americans are deranged, suicidal cultists and race-based terrorists who support Uncle Sam when it comes to bombing innocent people.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Branch Davidians were Americans.
The People's Church and Jonestown were Americans.
The KKK is American.
Ergo, using your logic, all Americans are deranged, suicidal cultists and race-based terrorists who support Uncle Sam when it comes to bombing innocent people.
No. It means things like the FBI raiding the Branch Davidians ramrodding themselves through the childern there, and on top of it , further caused Timothy McVeigh who just heard about it, decided to kill even more in Oklahoma City via bomb resulting in his eventual capture and execution ending the chain of events.

They were still all Americans at the end of the day no matter what atrocities they committed. The criminals, the good guys, the innocents.

People joined David's cult. Remember that act of joining alone started the whole thing in the first place. So intentionally or not , non combatants still play their part, even unwittingly, in any tragedy that follows should it happen.

So yes. People do contribute to stuff like that and fault is shared evenly by doing so.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
No. It means things like the FBI raiding the Branch Davidians ramrodding themselves through the childern there, and on top of it , further caused Timothy McVeigh who just heard about it, decided to kill even more in Oklahoma City via bomb resulting in his eventual capture and execution ending the chain of events.

They were still all Americans at the end of the day no matter what atrocities they committed. The criminals, the good guys, the innocents.

People joined David's cult. Remember that act of joining alone started the whole thing in the first place. So intentionally or not , non combatants still play their part, even unwittingly, in any tragedy that follows should it happen.

So yes. People do contribute to stuff like that and fault is shared evenly by doing so.
And to you goes the completely dodging the point award if the year.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
That flag was around before Hamas. It's not a terrorist based flag.
Say that about the swastika as well.

It was around long before the Third Reich introduced itself into the world.

Most would regard it as being terrorist now.


Well-Known Member
There always seems to have been terrorists in that part of the world.

Menachem Begin, the sixth Prime Minister of Israel, was the preeminent Middle Eastern terrorist of his day, until David Ben-Gurion surpassed him. As the leader of the Irgun, he targeted Arabs, Brits and even other Jews for assassination. Begin planned the destruction of the King David Hotel (91 deaths) and the massacre of Deir Yassin (100 to 260 deaths, including women and children). The Irgun's acts of terror were financed by demanding money from Jewish merchants and engaging in insurance scams in the diamond industry. In 1948, Albert Einstein and other prominent Jewish intellectuals wrote a strongly-worded warning to the New York Times, in which they called Begin a racist, fascist and terrorist. In 1970, Ben-Gurion told Begin's biographer that Begin was "responsible for the assassination of innocent Jews, Arabs, and British."

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Say that about the swastika as well.

It was around long before the Third Reich introduced itself into the world.

Most would regard it as being terrorist now.
I doubt most as it still has religious significance throughout the East. A specific swastika, no doubt, but in general I doubt it.
I don't know if you've ever played any of the Zelda games, but there's at least a couple of them in it, including the layout of a dungeon in the first one. Yes, it shocks our Western eyes at first, but the more culturally aware players can shrug it off after that.
I held a Palestinian flag at a rally in 2021 in Southern Ontario and I was intimidated and threatened by some passersby who accused me of supporting child soldiers and being a terrorist. Fortunately there was no serious risk of violence because we substantially outnumbered those making the threats, and they left shortly after.

I reckon if I was holding an Israeli flag it would've made the news and headlines about the discomfort we felt at the protest would've been amplified.
Probably would've been more widely read then the Canadian media's coverage of the occupation.
IDK, I feel like the Palestinian people have been anti-Jew since before Israel even existed, starting with the Black Hand terrorist group, way back in the day, when there wasn't even any problems yet. There was never any inclusive olive branch extended to the newcomers to begin with, which kind of started a really sour trend.

I understand that the Palestinian people are "people" just like anyone else, but when helping others, or protesting for a people, there would have to be a real motivating factor to persuade me into supporting someone's cause. With the Israeli/ Palestinian dilemma, it's just been one grudge after another. Might be best to just let them duke it out on their own, and let nature take it's course.

In the meantime, there's a really serious issue going on in Sudan, where nobody is protesting at all!
One reason it gets massive aid,
& can kill so very many people.
Many other mass killings are going on too. But nobody's protesting Russia, Azerbaijan or even the genocide in Sudan. There are actually 32 wars going on in the world right now, but I think the Jews in Israel are a favorite target for many, and others see that and join. It has to be, since the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict does not have the highest number of fatalities in 2023, yet it has the highest protest rate by far.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Many other mass killings are going on too. But nobody's protesting Russia.....
There are many other threads criticizing Russia
& Putin for their various evils, especially invading
Ukraine. How did you miss them all?

Are you arguing that if there are mass killings
elsewhere on the globe, we should not criticize
Israel for war crimes & apartheid? Or that all
should be criticized simultaneously?
There are many other threads criticizing Russia
& Putin for their various evils, especially invading
Ukraine. How did you miss them all?

Are you arguing that if there are mass killings
elsewhere on the globe, we should not criticize
Israel for war crimes & apartheid? Or that all
should be criticized simultaneously?
No, but I mean look at the protests outside on the streets. It's totally imbalanced. Antisemitism is a real thing for a lot of people. There's no other explanation for such an imbalance.