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Master Path - Gary Olsen


Truth Seeker
Seriously, who would watch that video and suddenly believe “Oh good, now I know Gary’s a True Master” when zero evidence, and no reliable methods to identify a "true master" were ever presented!? You’d have to be highly zonked or extremely zonkable.
Who would watch? No one who has not already “gone under”, to some extent at least. I would regard it as a readily accessible audio-visual resource, to help some chelas maintain their trance of dedication, to their Master (without revealing anything of any substance to the curious on the “outside”). :punk:

Most people, maybe 95-99%, seeing these clips will simply say to themselves: Just an old man with some idiosyncratic mannerisms, talking nonsense, to a bunch of people who haven’t got anything better to do with their time than to go and listen. “So what!” “Who cares?” :shrug:

What they don’t see. What they do not have the foggiest idea about. Are the chelas in the audience, with their blissful stares, mouth half open in awe, who are off in “la-la land.” Chelas who, being ever so privileged to be in the presence of, at being able to directly receive the pearls of wisdom from, the one and only true incarnation of God in the universe. Also present are Seekers, who have been persuaded to come. Who are also starting to become inducted. Through compliance. Through contagion. Into the “MasterPath Egregore.” That is why no “public” action is taken against such groups. And nothing will likely ever be done? Because it is unseen. It is unnoticeable. Unless you give it all the importance to bestow your long and undivided attention. To become conscious of it. Otherwise, it does not exist. Except in the subconscious of those who have become afflicted. :cover:

It is a high “crime,” that is beyond reproach (spiritually speaking). Having your “soul” possessed in such a way by another. Without your consent. Without your knowledge. Without your awareness. And, I have no doubt, that this self-proclaimed “Master,” knows full well what he is doing, and how he is doing it! :redcard:


Funny that one can't post comments to either the YouTube videos or the FB page....but the cool thing is that friends of the ones who "Like" the MP page on Facebook will draw the curiosity of their other FB friends, who might Google on 'MasterPath' and come across these forum posts, and that is a good thing because they will (hopefully) learn that there is nothing good about MasterPath unless you're Gary Olsen, Gary Olsen's wife, or Gary Olsen's accountant...

The cool thing is that as a FB user, I can just report the MP page(s) as "Spam or Scam" anonymously, for what it's worth...

And yep, they're still shutting down any attempts at restarting the discussion over at CityData...
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Truth Seeker
The cool thing is that as a FB user, I can just report the MP page(s) as "Spam or Scam" anonymously, for what it's worth...
I think it is a good thing that the MP clips are readily viewable to anyone on Facebook. The chelas already have their own resources to keep themselves "under" and don't particularly "need" it. As for others, they can see for themselves what we are talking about and form their own opinion.

We have to allow Gary to "cook his own goose". :sad:


MasterPath Volume III copyright 1999

Master's Comment:
The ultimatum is being laid on the Inner and Outer Master by the mind. The mind is not deserving of anything except death.:confused: "Anyone who is waiting on death row does not have any right to demand life." :eek: Likewise the mind wants proof, and yet the mind receiving this proof, does nothing with it. It is as if the mind, once seeing the truth of MasterPath, insinuates that it is the body going on this spiritual journey, and this is the big lie. It is as if the mind is stating that it will determine if the Path is true, if it should decide to walk this path back to God, or is projecting an attitude that will evaluate the integrity of the Master and the Path and make the necessary decisions. I can lovingly tell you that the mind will conclude, and these conclusions will come in the aura of credibility, spiritual authority, and false piety.:confused:

There is no way of knowing if the Master is a true Sat Guru, until a chela has experienced an inner transformation in consciousness, which allows one to view dispassionately all that encircles one. This is known as viewing from the top of the three mountains. (OR AN EGRAGORE):D. Secondly, winning His vision in the Sun and Moon worlds :shrug: verifies this issue to many chelas. The increasing miracles in the chela's life easily convinces another group of spiritual advocates. Some come to know this by their very own delivery out of the pits of some dramatic attachment on which their very lives were hinged. Others experience healings, weather in the physical or the spiritual and this too is some conclusive proof. Others form this conclusion from the darshan they receive, by witnessing the great imporvement of their friends or loved ones; through the continued manifestation and quality of their love and freedom; in the protection they receive in a dangerous situation; or through dreams, visions, and soul transport experiences. Some just know.:thud:"But in all situations, if the Master is a true Sat Guru, the practicing chela will come to the conclusion that the Master has been chosen from beyond, simply by what happens within one."

:facepalm: Its all very subjective. The point I got from reading the interesting links on an egragore still brings me back to the same place.....It's not true. It is contrived within ones' own mind.
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Truth Seeker
MasterPath Volume III copyright 1999
Master's Comment: There is no way of knowing if the Master is a true Sat Guru, until a chela has experienced an inner transformation in consciousness
Inner transformation of consciousness? To reach God-realization, undoubtly. And, according to Gary's "shortcut" (Gary-realization), will take the chela many lifetimes (instead of the billions of lifetimes everyone else is to endure). So the chela will not know if Gary is a Sat Guru until well after their death this lifetime. But in the meanwhile they accept to treat him on the proviso he is. Bit of a Catch-22, don't you think!

:faint: So, for this lifetime the chela accepts to "follow" the elusive "rainbow", they already know they can never catch (in this lifetime). They accept they truely don't know if garji and Gary are for real until future incarnations, on "Blind Faith"? In the meantime, just keep paying your monthly penance to Gary. Detach yourself from anyone and everything not MasterPath, in case you "Wise-Up" to what's been done to you. Reach inner transformation of consciousness sooner, but later. Until somewhere sometime, after you have translated onto your ongoing episodes (incarnations), on your undivided, imperative quest for "Gary-realization".

"You've been Sucked In!" :bonk:
MasterPath Volume III copyright 1999
Master's Comment: The increasing miracles in the chela's life easily convinces another group of spiritual advocates. Some come to know this by their very own delivery out of the pits of some dramatic attachment on which their very lives were hinged.
: hamster : My Promise: As a chela you will come to know your very own delivery, from out of the pits, of some dramatic attachment on which your very life hinges. If you every come to your senses, take command of your own faculties, and Leave Gary and garji as far as ever behind you as you can. Forever!

MasterPath Volume III copyright 1999
Master's Comment: "But in all situations, if the Master is a true Sat Guru, the practicing chela will come to the conclusion that the Master has been chosen from beyond, simply by what happens within one."
Chosen from beyond. By who? Not you, the chela. By Gary, and his agenda to get you to believe and do everything he says.

A "Self-fulfilling Prophecy". Not yours! Not your Prophecy or anything to do with your "divine destiny". Gary's self-fulfilling Prophecy, for himself, with you in it as "a figment in his imagination!" :jiggy:
Funny that one can't post comments to either the YouTube videos or the FB page....

In my opinion, it speaks volumes about the control exercised over any analysis of the path or master, particularly if the feedback is challenging, questioning, or seemingly "negative."

It appears the only feedback they are allowing to be posted is vacuous positive praising of the MP.


Inner transformation of consciousness? To reach God-realization, undoubtly. And, according to Gary's "shortcut" (Gary-realization), will take the chela many lifetimes (instead of the billions of lifetimes everyone else is to endure). So the chela will not know if Gary is a Sat Guru until well after their death this lifetime. But in the meanwhile they accept to treat him on the proviso he is. Bit of a Catch-22, don't you think!

I think it is not so much a Catch-22 as Gary's premise of the play of opposites; i.e. 'truth is reflected in what the opposites have in common". "The revelation on the one is only to reestablish the truth within the many. Truth only comes from the two faces of the Master."

By using this premise of the duality of nature, Gary can invent a postulate one day and then "refudiate" it the next day, stating that the truth lies in between. This premise of the play of opposites and the carrot on a stick "shortcut" keeps the student off balance, confused, and open to suggestion that you (as student) know nothing. Therefore one is committed to following this uneducated, money grubbing, car salesman, into doomsday and financial ruin. :slap:
"Coupled with this mental egnima is life's perpetual movement, for the entire lower creation must balance itself upon its gigantic fulcrum."
Gary's fulcrum!!! Do you think maybe Joy wrote this?

All quotes were copied from MasterPath VolumeIII copywright 1999 except refudiate.
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MasterPath Volume III copyright 1999

Master's Comment:
The ultimatum is being laid on the Inner and Outer Master by the mind. The mind is not deserving of anything except death. "Anyone who is waiting on death row does not have any right to demand life."
nice guru....yep, that freethinking, non-conforming, non-believing mind needs to die. MP/Gary are cunningly adept at turning the chela's mind into an enemy. MP indoctrinates people to relate to the mind as an evil entity deserving nothing except death, and then trains them to rely exclusively on his image as their source of succor and revelation. To quote someone from the city-data thread: what a con-science.
Likewise the mind wants proof, and yet the mind receiving this proof, does nothing with it. It is as if the mind, once seeing the truth of MasterPath, insinuates that it is the body going on this spiritual journey, and this is the big lie. It is as if the mind is stating that it will determine if the Path is true, if it should decide to walk this path back to God, or is projecting an attitude that will evaluate the integrity of the Master and the Path and make the necessary decisions. I can lovingly tell you what the mind will conclude, and these conclusions will come in the aura of credibility, spiritual authority, and false piety.
If the mind within the individual is not used to make "the necessary decisions", then, who is making the decisions? Gary?

His last sentence is a classic mirror projection of him, his wife, and his higher initiate representatives. Aren't they just telling people what their individual mind is concluding, and aren't their conclusions cloaked in the aura of credibility, spiritual authority and false piety? Yep, they sure are.

Others form this conclusion from the darshan they receive, by witnessing the great imporvement of their friends or loved ones; through the continued manifestation and quality of their love and freedom...
"witnessing the great improvement of their friends or loved ones" ? what? I didn't speak to or see my family for 20 years. And by the time I left MP, I had no friends outside of the group. There are many people who would most likely walk away if it were not for the fact that their professional and private lives are completely entwined in the "group consciousness."

"But in all situations, if the Master is a true Sat Guru, the practicing chela will come to the conclusion that the Master has been chosen from beyond, simply by what happens within one."
The big lie is that Gary is Sat. Many practicing chelas have come to that conclusion by what has happened within and without them.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
'truth is reflected in what the opposites have in common". "The revelation on the one is only to reestablish the truth within the many. Truth only comes from the two faces of the Master."

Hmm, interesting sayings that reflect the penultimate stage of Sanatan Dharma Yoga, Chan Buddhism and Taoist traditions. However in Taoism and Zen, these type of sayings are only utilized as an expedient to point the way, and the chela is required to cease conceptual thinking (dualistic perception) to realize the ONE that is ALL.

This happens to be my main religious practice, dhyan meditation which is predicated on stilling the mind so that the non-dual 'Truth' represented by the concept of Truth is realized directly non-dualistically, and therefore not obscured by the mind's conceptualization of IT.

Sorry for the digression,..carry on...


No, thank you Ben d, I have been practicing meditation since way before getting cornswaggled by this path. I have read a great deal on the secrets of buddhism and zen and shaolin. I am trying to figure out what drew me to this stupid path and what I learned or relearned. This type of zen can leave one feeling very alone. I thought a Master should appear because I was ready. I don't need a Master because there is just me. What MP helped me to do was develop a discipline which before used to come and go. After being on this path, I am coming back to myself and my own beliefs and practices. This experience was unfortunate in many ways, but I am coming out of it as a stronger person. I would not recommed this path to anyone, just as I would not recommend that a person go to the dark side in order to know the light. The precept of duality may have been one of the hooks for me.
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Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Thanks Zizzer, we share some common ground, for I too realize my lesson learned with Scientology, though an extremely difficult and unhappy episode, was an important and ultimately fortifying experience for me in the context of the cosmic pilgrimage associated with the realization of eternal Truth,....there are no easy shortcuts and IT can't be purchased by any amount of material wealth from anyone anywhere ever.

The wheels turns slowly, but they turn surely, and they grind exceedingly fine.... :)
This interests me too because though I've never been a MP chela, I've practiced meditation and studied a number of spiritual disciplines. None of which I have ever "followed" to the exclusion of the others I guess. But for the life of me I have not been able to figure out why MP chelas think their "path" is the highest truth, the cat's meow, the be-all end-all. Especially now that I've been exposed to the more advanced MP materials. Nothing really new or extraordinary there to discover. Well, except that Gary and his wife are crazier than a coconut. ;)

The only unique thing about MasterPath (and it's cousins) seems to be the necessity of a "living master". But why don't the chelas realize that these gurus, or so called "living masters", HAVE to teach that they are necessary?! :confused: Otherwise their students wouldn't need to pay their membership fees, buy their books, or feed their delusions of grandeur and self-importance?

What do chelas think they're getting from MP that they can't get elsewhere? Do they honestly believe their inner experiences and bliss are connected to this so called "sat guru"? Have they considered the many other possible (and more likely) explanations? Do they know that many people are enjoying the very same inner experiences, bliss, expanded awareness and new perceptions of the world/themselves...and they're doing it without Gary's imaginary twin Garji...every day, all the time! All over the world! :meditate:

Is it because the chelas feel a "calling"? What psychological or social needs might be behind this "calling"? How many other "callings" have they felt in their lives? As we saw on the City-Data thread, some chelas had cult-hopped, and some had been looking for the right guru-somebody-cult leader to follow for some time. :bow: There is probably a lot that could be discovered in a psychologist's office about that life pattern. But MP is not compatible with visiting a psychologist's office. Lucky for the chelas, their "path" seems to provide an easy escape from these realities, with the distraction of the carrot on a stick and the occasional doomsday shopping list. :chicken:

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Hi Violet, if I were to reflect on your post in the context of my own 'journey' then it is now clear to me that at journey's beginning, I was under the impression that 'I' would eventually become spiritual 'Master' or some such God's given gift to humanity..even though I was already aware that the ego is the great obstacle to the realization of 'Enlightenment' or whatever name that represents ultimate Truth.

At some point in my considerable private yoga/meditation religious practice, I became somewhat alienated from 'normal' folk and somewhat lost and confused as to what was unfolding for me and yearned for the opportunity to share with like minded folk to hopefully find external guidance. As I have said earlier, I seemed to have been lead by psychic influences that I had blundered into through ignorance, to Scientology, and initially felt I was with fellow travelers who had it all worked out as to how to get 'cleared' of the ignorance/engrams that was holding me from liberation....Haha!:facepalm: Freedom in the Scientology sense is to still exist here in this physical reality in the flesh, but not as a mere mortal, as an OT (Operating Thetan which is a sort of Master of MEST[Matter, Energy, Space, and Time]). Now I ask you, is not this just so much more attractive to the ego than the indignity of the humbling karmic obligatory purification on the real path of Self realization? :D

Anyway fast forwarding and looking back over the karmic life processes that have lead to this point, something that was said to me after my first samadhi experience in 1980 turns out to be the most important advice that ever came my way even though this was not understood until much later. When I shared what 'I' had seen during this 'Oneness' event, he (sort of friend/advanced chela) said admonishly,..."It's not yours to see."

While I didn't have a clue as to what he meant at the time, after all something extraordinarily glorious was seen and so why should I not if I could?
Anyways, the truth is that during any samadhi experience, the 'I' is temporarily submerged/reintegrated with the Oneness and the mind is still, and the 'I' reestablishes itself simultaneously with the commencement with thinking about the experience which actually causes IT to end. This is at least my understanding as of now.

So after this somewhat incoherent post, the point that is being made is that it is ego that gets in the way of realizing Truth, and it doesn't like the reality that for Truth to be realized, it must allow itself to be sacrificed to be reintegrated. Now lastly, please don't misunderstand me, a fully developed ego is essential for the spiritual journey, for it is the self awareness developed in the incarnated state that is ultimately 'translated' to the higher domain of universal being, but such translation means that it can't be in two places at once. :)
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Thank you Ben D, that helps. :) When in my 20's experimenting with religion/spirituality, I was deviating from the faith I'd been expected to embrace. I remember my sister saying something like "what are you searching for?" Couldn't explain it.

Long story short. A few years later I had an experience through meditation that, for whatever reason, answered every question I'd ever had. Inexplicable. No, I'm not claiming ANY form of "enlightenment" AT ALL! :no: But since that experience I've never felt a need to "search" and have never been afraid of death (or anything in life for that matter). :shrug:

MasterPath would teach this as something "lower" compared to the supposed higher planes that a "sat guru" offers. But that's just it. Purely and instinctually, I just KNOW in my heart and soul that Gary and all those levels and charts are complete B.S. ;) Sure, there might be different "planes" in terms of what one experiences.

But what's ridiculous and objectionable is this human need to organize things into levels, numbers, and hierarchies. With a "living master" at the top no less?! As if a "5th initiate" is something that a "3rd initiate" isn't? And a jerk used car salesman like Gary Olsen is far above all of them? Totally absurd, sorry. :bonk:

Put it another way. Seriously...would "God" (or whatever it's called) have charts, definitions, names, and requirements for different "levels"?! And you have to do certain things, like meet a "living master" to get to those levels? HELL to the NO.

Just because an idea has been around for hundreds of years doesn't make it right or "true". Case and point? Every religion known to man. Thoughts?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Great post Violet, seems like you came into this world with a sound start. I mean that, it is clear that all human beings are not equal in where they are on the evolutionary unfoldment towards ultimate 'destiny',.. but this understanding does not imply elitism for it has nothing to do with mere human claims or judgements as to who is higher or lower, for along with progress there comes humility.....generally the one who claims to be first is most probably a novice (last) in cosmic terms. Actually it is taught in Zen that a truly emlightened being would not even be aware of being enlightened for they are one with reality, hence have no need for concepts that indirectly are meant to represent reality. However it is the non-enlightened folk that call them enlightened because they are still dealing with reality from a dualistic perspective using conceptualizations to stand for that which is still beyond their direct realization. :)

Concerning organizing things into levels, numbers, and hierarchies,etc., I've not seen anything of the MP stuff but I have seen some of the Eckankar material and I imagine Gary used that as a basis for MP. I've done many years of study with Theosophy and it was clear to me that Eck had copied from them and modified it slightly using some different names for terms such as the planes of Astral, Manas, Atma, etc.. However Theosophy has the perspective on the physical world as the all but one lowest and densest of all worlds, and that all incarnated human beings were, with the exception of the occasional avatar incarnation such as Krishna, Siddartha, and Jesus, way down the pecking order in the context of cosmic evolutional hierarchy so Gary was way off base claiming to be a "Master" in TS Cosmic framework..

However I take your point Violet and agree that all this so called occult/esoteric knowledge is ultimately a mere mental construction. These mental constructs that are created to represent Cosmic Reality can be accepted as a sort of temporary expedient to assist the aspirant in developing their intuitive faculty, but in truth Reality itself doesn't deal in conceptualizations, in fact IT does nothing at all except BE.

Reality/God will forever be on the other side of the thoughts, concepts, models, rituals, prayers, etc., that are created by the mind to stand for Reality/God.

Frustrating isn't it? :shrug:


It is true that meditation does enhance the intutive faculties of the mind. This has been scientifically tested and shows that meditation can stimulate certain areas of the brain that are usually dormant. When I first started on MP meditation was called "Contemplation" vs "Gross contemplation". I never could grasp this concept. Now after reading this thread it has become all too clear. It may really be connected to Darwin Gross in rememberance of Gary's supposed Master. Had I known in the beginning that MP was so intricately connected with Scientology and Eck I would not have touched it with a barge pole. I was more intrested in the Radaha tenets espoused. I was just curious and experimenting. However, I was very ill at the time of the one-on-oneing and my rational faculties were seriously impaired. As I began to practice "Contemplation" which is just meditation, I would get intuitive hits that these people could be laughing at the gulibility of their flock and just having a great time gossiping about the stupid initiate reports. Not being allowed to voice doubts about Gary's imminence with others, who now made up my social mileiu, further confounded inner progress and served as a brainwashing mechanism. The principles and practices of MP served to further isolate me from those I loved and trusted who could provide the anti-venom.

Perhaps this is why Gary no longer espouses "contemplation" until after two years on his path. Chelas are only supposed to do "reading contemplation" for the first two years. In this way indoctrination is more complete. Of course, Gary will state in seminar, "I never told you that you could not practice contemplation." At the same time Gary has read initiate reports in the seminar gaffing on a poor aspirant who mentioned that he/she was practicing contemplation and yelling, " DIDN'T I TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO SUBTLE CONTEMPLATION BEFORE THE SECOND INITIATION!!!!!" These polemics are what drove me from the path, THANK GOD. I remember when he read an initiate report that called him on his double talk. Gary's response was, "SO WHAT!!!", then he went on to esopouse his duality theory and how he was the MASTER and could say whatever he wanted and you had better listen and internalize his craziness.

In the seminar on the 9/11 tragedy he actually stated that God was whispering in George W. Bush' ear to go to war.
All of this just showed me that Gary is the "WHACKO" and he is getting more and more crazy as evidenced by the Bird Flu fiasco that cost him dearly in initiate dues and credibility. And yes, Gary does actually use the word whacko.

Could you imagine the Dali Lama or even Richard Alpert using such base terminology???
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Here is an excerpt from one of the MP youtube videos posted Nov. 2010. This is transcribed from the "Cardinal Principles of MasterPath" youtube video.

Gary begins by reminding his audience that these cardinal principles are in contrast to conventional paths. The MP cardinal principle #4 below:

"Cardinal Principles of MasterPath" by Gary Olsen

MP does not advocate prayer or meditation, but rather contemplation. Prayer is very beneficial for many people, and I respect those people that can pray. But when you’re talking about expanding your consciousness, rising into higher levels, I must reluctantly tell you that a prayer offered to God isn’t really heard. You’re praying to your own divine mind within you, and whatever benefits, grace, and mercy you receive through the construct of prayer has come from your own higher mind within you, and not God itself. Many, many, many people feel they have a personal relationship with God, and I hate to crash anyone’s party, but it is just more difficult than that. God is very exalted, and to even brush up next to him, or to be an acquaintance of the Supreme Diety takes a long time, and much, much unfoldment in consciousness.

Meditation was very big back in the Indian days: the culture, the people, the level of education, the limitation of books, were so limited that meditation was actually a beautiful practice in which to engage in. But in the 21st century, it’s no longer in vogue, it takes too much time, it’s too rigid. Contemplation is the better way.
"Being an acquaintence of the Supreme Deity takes a long, long time"? Only if you let Gary Olsen make up the rules for you of who gets there, and when. The Gary Olsen formula for god-realization is rigid, convoluted, and well…UNGODLY. This man is an obstacle to God, not a conduit.

As for Gary's ignorant comments on meditation, he must be referring to some meditative technique I’m not familiar with, because there is nothing even remotely rigid or time consuming about the methods I’ve been taught.

And exactly what about following some old guy claiming to be a master is “in vogue” or "21st century"? I can think of nothing more archaic and out of touch. V-neck sweaters with undershirts showing and polyester pants are not “in vogue” either by the way. Gary? You're "out". Auf Wiedersehen. ;)
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"Being an acquaintence of the Supreme Deity takes a long, long time"? Only if you let Gary Olsen make up the rules for you of who gets there, and when. The Gary Olsen formula for god-realization is rigid, convoluted, and well…UNGODLY. This man is an obstacle to God, not a conduit.

As for Gary's ignorant comments on meditation, he must be referring to some meditative technique I’m not familiar with, because there is nothing even remotely rigid or time consuming about the methods I’ve been taught.

And exactly what about following some old guy claiming to be a master is “in vogue” or "21st century"? I can think of nothing more archaic and out of touch. V-neck sweaters with undershirts showing and polyester pants are not “in vogue” either by the way. Gary? You're "out". Auf Wiedersehen. ;)

oh but Violet, we must be missing some "subtlety" of Gary's teachings.... not!

Don't you just love how he describes "prayer".... a prayer is praying to your own divine mind. I suppose a "prayer" to Garji is a prayer to the divine within your own mind. I think it's all a semantics game. He has to present MP and himself as superior to all other practices, otherwise he has nothing to offer except a membership fee to a group of people willing to pay money for something that is inherently free.

As far as contemplation.... hmmm, well even PM21 after 15 years on MP describes his spiritual exercise as reading for 5 minutes a day. The spiritual exercises of MP have been all over the map for years. The "gross contemplation" description is gross. I always wondered why/who came up with that word used to describe the exercise, but questioning the source wasn't "in vogue" on MP.

I think it is funny how he refers to "back in the Indian days"..... and the limitations of books, etc.... funny in that those limited books of India form the foundation for the MP doctrine and money-making religion.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Gary Olsen said...
God is very exalted, and to even brush up next to him, or to be an acquaintance of the Supreme Diety takes a long time, and much, much unfoldment in consciousness.

That's an example of a classic dualistic anthropomorphic perspective on the absolute Supreme Reality which can't be confined to any space, can 't be limited to any time, can't be known by any knowledge, and can't be described by any words.

It is quite easy to discern where Gary is coming from as generally seekers fall into one of these two types. First there are those who seek to make their ego something other than it is, i.e. enlightened, holy, happy, unselfish, eternal, as if it were possible you to make a fish the ocean. :D Secondly there are those who understand that all such attempts are just examples of delusion, unrealistic naive expectations, ego imagination, and play-acting, and therefore humbly live a life in meditation.