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Master Path - Gary Olsen

Sorry to backtrack, but I'm still not buying the "Sat Guru Bahkti" excerpt as explained by Peacemaker. Again for review:
These excerpts are taken from Truth and the Seeker, Vol. V, Number 8, "Sat Guru Bahkti (Part B)"

" The stage of 'Resignation to the Will of the Sat Guru" is very high, but also very difficult. Of Course, many say that they have resigned themselves to the sat guru; but as a matter of fact, one who has completely surrendered himself to the guru, holds no one dearer than him. Only those who have reached this stage can make this claim."

"They who love the sat guru, do not want to hear anything else except his glory and greatness. He who has faith in the Master sees no blemish in him. If he were to become critical towards the guru he would lose his feeling of love for the Guru. One should therefore never try to find fault with the sat guru. Only he who behaves like this will be a gurumukh, and reach the final stage one day."

"A true gurumukh is he who looks upon the Sat Guru as the Lord God, and does not question any of his actions nor let his faith in him suffer."
And Peacemaker's interpretation:

So that's the quote I was actually remembering - the satguru referenced above is the inner form - and any references to "worship at the feet of" etc are purely metaphoric in this sense.

My question is: if resignation to the sat guru refers to the "inner form", please explain to me what kinds of blemishes and faults there would be to find in the "inner form", the essence of God?

Why would a chela need to be advised not to "become critical towards the guru" that is the true essence of divinity? Why would the chela have to be told not to "question any of his actions"? Give me an example, Peacemaker, of what type of "actions" the inner form takes that a chela could possibly mistake for blemishes and faults?

Blemishes and faults are human characteristics. Are you sure the Sat Guru Bahkti excerpt doesn't refer to your master Gary Olsen in any way, Peacemaker? Because of all the forms of the master, the "outer master" would be the only one ever needing to make these demands for no criticism.

Seriously, does the "inner sat guru" misbehave in the inner worlds or take actions that could be criticized or seen as imperfect? Is he just as mean and dopey as the "outer" form? If so, I think you may be dealing with the "inner form" of something other than God. :fork:


Active Member
The goal of Self-realization requires a life devoted to the practice, be it yoga, meditation, etc.. Ultimately, IMO, the only person worthy of being called a guru is one that advises that the real guru is found within you (and doesn't charge you for the sharing). :D
The student makes the guru, what you describe is wisdom. Not all gurus are wise, however not one is prohibited any virtue.


This is from Michael Beckwith's book 40 Day Mind Fast Soul Feast called Spiritual Loyalty

"Wouldn't it just be a mess if the Spirit placed your answer in someone else? Spiritual Loyalty is looking within to the Self for Divine guidance and following Its direction to the next step in the soul's unique pattern of unfoldment.
Some teachers demand unconditional loyalty. But who and what you are is too big to be confined to one method of spiritual awakening. There really is no such thing as spiritual promiscuity.
Different dimensions of our consciousness may require a specific teacher and teaching for expansion and growth. For example, if you integrate one path of prayer with yet a different path of meditation and another teacher's technique for Practicing the Presence of God, that is good! Even if the Spirit directs you to take a sabbatical from your routine of practice and to simply remain still, it is good. It is all good.
To grow up spiritually means to take personal responsibility for your growth and development. You drop followship for leadership by Spirit. While you learn from your teachers, you don't make them your gods. You don't pedestalize them, thinking they will do the work for you, that their mere words transform you. that they take on your karma and relieve you of your individual responsibility to do the inner work required for you to wake up.
You may have many teachers, but only one Master: God alone. You must follow your own unique pattern of unfoldment directed from within."
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Sorry to backtrack, but I'm still not buying the "Sat Guru Bahkti" excerpt as explained by Peacemaker. Again for review:

No problem with backtracking or getting back on track. I am sorry about getting off track. It's just that I do remember the time of the incident with the plane crash. I just did not put it all together until now. It was very, very upseting for me and humor is often my way of coping. I re-experienced resentful feelings about how this was kept secret in the moment and the way it has been swept under the holy rug. Perhaps it is my Christian upbringing, and I am not apologizing for this fact, but there was some recognition due for such devoted service to such a catastrophe. I purely ascribe to the brotherhood of man.



New Member
(of the MP chela who died in 2003 when the propellor on his 2-seater snapped and his plane crashed) Where was the all american guru then? Gary imparts that "negative acts are punished and positive acts are rewarded"(karma and all that). Surely this man had accepted that he was accruing good karma by servicing Gary's needs. Was death his reward? This romanticizing of death is equal to drinking kool-aid. You have minimized this poor man's death by implying he was flying a light-weight recreational craft, when I am sure it was sound, built for long range travel,and FAA approved. This may not be a criminal act but if it was in service to MP there is certainly implied liability.

Hi sorry I wanted to respond faster than this but work deadlines got in the way. My reference to the death of my dear friend in his plane crash, was not something I wanted to leave open to misinterpretation - the reference to the propeller snapping (which I believe was listed as the cause of the crash on an official aviation authority website) was to make clear the circumstances of the accident - I wondered long and hard about why he had to die in that particular manner - I gather he was flying alone at the time, on his way to a fund-raising concert for schoolchildren - In the aftermath, I repeatedly asked could not the inner master have done anything to save such a decent human being? etc...and the result of this contemplation, basically contributed to shaping my current understanding of how this inner master power works with fate karma - or rather, it would seem, how he doesn't i.e. he leaves it totally alone: it seems that all the details such as when we're born, who we marry, when we die etc. are predetermined by our fate karma - que sera sera - what happens is what happens...if other chelas reading this wish to correct me, please feel free to do so...does it just sound like I have a bit of a fatalist attitude toward life?

"detractor-bash" -
What the heck does this mean? Your words or his? since it's in quotes.

yes his exact words - i think we all know what this was referring to - the very thing I tried to stop happening on CDF (and ultimately failed) - but it's understandable that emotion will ride high - as I said to @Still_Kicking - if I received conclusive proof of wrong-doing I would speak out too...but anecdotes, jokes and innuendos are not sufficient proof in my eye - I openly invite any ex-chelas to contact me in private if they prefer, and recount their experiences in the same way the chela who introduced me to the mp, warned me about his former guru - I'm not being nasty, I just want to know what's really going on.

more later...
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Yeah we know what he was saying "detractors" more cult crap. I do not believe anything a chela may or may not say anymore. I do not want to contact you or anyone else on this site about my experiences with on the MASTERPATH. I am in recovery from being on this path. It has been a long heart and soul wrenching journey. I used the CD to support me in breaking the hold of indoctrination after a dozen years on the path. I no longer believe in guruship, the ideal one, hu, or anything to do with that path. At the time that I was so zealously one-on-oned to the path, I really should have been left alone. I was victimized. I feel victimized, and I am truly sorry for any one-on-one I participated in while on the path. At this point I don't think I even believe in anything.

You sure seem to know about the inner structure of the path, and that doubles my parinoia.


Below is one of many, many experiences on citi-data that PM1 and Allan dismiss as mere heresay. I read all of citi-data and don't know how someone could read End-of-Faith, Remembering You (quoted here), and others and not believe that Olsen is a liar, manipulator, predator and scam artist who is claiming he is God Absolute, stealing money and socking it away. He apparently plans to take his money with him and leave this person Richard holding the bag or taking over the business.

07-27-2009, 04:26 PM

"There were things that I ignored for awhile, but the singular event that stands out in my mind is that I was at a fellow chela's house with Joy Olsen. And throughout the day I listened to Joy berate this chela in both subtle and not so subtle ways. That was a turning point for me. I found that I could no longer justify that this was some spiritual experience that I was having. Joy was just plain mean to that chela. And I don't care how spiritually advanced one is, there is no excuse for treating other human beings in the harsh and horrible manner that I witnessed. Truth is I had seen this type of behavior from "higher initiates" before, but like a good little chela I told myself that I could not possibly understand the choreography that the master had in store for me. That day though, something in me snapped and I never went to another meeting after that. There were phone calls of course: Gary's threats about all the bad things that would happen to me if I left; his insistance that my leaving meant that I could not possibly want spirit. And you know what Suffler, in spite of the fear that I felt, when I actually knew that I really was leaving; when the letter of resignation, so to speak, had been written and sent, I felt the most amazing sense of relief and liberation-- and I started down the road of healing and learning to love life again. Now I share my cautionary tale where and when I can in hopes that it may help someone else either leave MP or never sign up in the first place!"
.... my current understanding of how this inner master power works with fate karma - or rather, it would seem, how he doesn't i.e. he leaves it totally alone: it seems that all the details such as when we're born, who we marry, when we die etc. are predetermined by our fate karma - que sera sera - what happens is what happens...

So, the 'inner master power' is the same as the 'inner spiritual personification' of your outer living master. Or, stated another way: the spiritual personification of your outer living master is the 'inner master power' that you are referencing. So, the 'inner spiritual personification' of your outer living master is also the inner master power that you are devoting and surrendering yourself unto. Yet, that 'inner master power' personification of your outer master doesn't involve 'himself' with 'his' chelas predetermined fate karma.

And if 'he' does, how do you know? How do you discern between fate, present, future, and original karma? How does your outer master delineate the 4 types of karma he 'borrowed' from the Radha Teachings? What about the akashic files 'he' supposedly reads? What about the time track that 'he' supposedly has the 'power of perception' to see and know? What about the ten powers of perception 'he' has supposedly realized?

So, what type of karma does the 'inner master power' take on for the chelas? And how does that affect your outer master, since any physical ailment experienced by the outer master and his wife is attributed to 'taking on karma' for the chelas. Or, is the outer master clueless about the karma the 'inner master power' takes on? And if so, why do you need an outer master? Also, if the outer master is unaware of the 'inner master power' and 'his' distribution of the karma, how can the outer master claim 'he' (or his wife or any higher initiate) is 'burning karma' for the chelas?

What about the fact that chelas have been told that their monthly membership fees is payment for karma so that they will not have to experience that karma in life. What karma are they paying? Do you know? Does your outer master know the karma that 'his' inner spiritual personification is paying on behalf of the chelas? After all, it is your 'outer master' that determined a membership fee offset the paying of karma. And since he is the representative of your 'inner master power' ....just seems there would be an easy explanation for this tripe.

If you really contemplate the concept of karma, it becomes apparent that karma is structured in such a way (according to what you are studying) that exempts the one who claims to be 'guru' from being accountable for any karma. Your outer master and his wife both view themselves as being karma-free and a law unto themselves. I now view karma and gurudom as an unproven theory entirely based on what you are willing to believe as true. It's a circle jerk that ultimately serves the self-proclaimed 'guru'.

Feel free to enlighten me on the subtlety of the teaching you are describing in your response posted above. Oh, I forget: you are not allowed to talk about what you are studying lest you be proselytizing. Does proselytizing make you a proselyte: definition; noun; proselytes are not spiritually mature enough to be counseling others in church matters.

Don't you think after 15 years of devoted study you should be considered "spiritually mature" enough (by your outer master) to share your belief system?

Re: que sera sera - what happens is what happens. You pay a membership dues to an organization/man to utter that understanding of the death of your dear friend. That surface understanding is free for the majority of people.

yes his exact words - i think we all know what this was referring to - the very thing I tried to stop happening on CDF (and ultimately failed) - but it's understandable that emotion will ride high - as I said to @Still_Kicking - if I received conclusive proof of wrong-doing I would speak out too...but anecdotes, jokes and innuendos are not sufficient proof in my eye - I openly invite any ex-chelas to contact me in private if they prefer, and recount their experiences in the same way the chela who introduced me to the mp, warned me about his former guru - I'm not being nasty, I just want to know what's really going on.

Peacemaker, you aren't looking for conclusive proof of wrong-doing on behalf of your 'master.' You are the positive polarity for Allan, and the common denominator between you, your master, and Allan is this: deflect, deny, and defer.

Who are you? The question is not about your identity, it's about your purpose and intent. No one trusts you Peacemaker. Rightfully so. You are the student of the wolf in sheep's clothing.

Why don't you contact us in private and give us your UK phone number, name, and address? How's that? Care to tell us (privately) who you really are?

btw: what happened to the chelas MP Facebook page? Did wikipedia claim copyright infringement? ;) Or, is it that chelas are far more influenced in 'following' their 'outer master's' directives than you or Allan will ever be willing to admit...(see: 'no online proselytizing' which basically means do not write/talk about your belief system). I figured you'd know the answer since you appear to be the de facto MP 'knower' of all things spiritually true or false.

How confining and restrictive to be on a spiritual path, following a so-called-enlightened 'guru' that you are not allowed to discuss or share with people 'outside' the membership of the group. Yep, sounds very 'spiritually liberating.' :thud:

I think the only way to protect and gain individual freedom/liberty is breaking the spell of the key fundamental of the belief system: the outer master as the Emissary of some 'inner master power.' The fundamental key is a form of cultic worship that literally dulls the power of any critical thinking in order to exercise a form of mind control. It is the only way they can promote their spiritual tripe.
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Anecdotes!? That's hysterical! P-Maker now wants a double-blind, placebo controlled study before he believes anything that the rest of us find obvious about Sri Cheezy... because he won't accept anecdotes!!! :troll:

Originally Posted by PeaceMaker21
"if I received conclusive proof of wrong-doing I would speak out too...but anecdotes, jokes and innuendos are not sufficient proof in my eye - I openly invite any ex-chelas to contact me in private if they prefer, and recount their experiences in the same way the chela who introduced me to the mp, warned me about his former guru - I'm not being nasty, I just want to know what's really going on.:facepalm:
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So, the 'inner master power' is the same as the 'inner spiritual personification' of your outer living master. Or, stated another way: the spiritual personification of your outer living master is the 'inner master power' that you are referencing. So, the 'inner spiritual personification' of your outer living master is also the inner master power that you are devoting and surrendering yourself unto. Yet, that 'inner master power' personification of your outer master doesn't involve 'himself' with 'his' chelas predetermined fate karma.

So, what type of karma does the 'inner master power' take on for the chelas? And how?
I think I know the answer to this one.........:yes: 
At the time we die, the lord of death does not come to take us to account for our karma or darma, if the person is a true disciple of the sat guru.  The sat guru "himself" comes to take the soul with His Shining Grace.  How do we know the sat guru? He looks just like Sri Gary if you are a chela of MasterPath.  No one can escape the power of Kal (devil) except by serving a True Sat Guru.  The lord of death (Dharma Rai?) will not capture this soul on the wheel of 84 because he/she/it is in the company of the Shabda Master.  "The Master himself is Shabda incarnate, or the word made flesh." sez he.   So how would a chela recognize the so called Master.  Well, he looks just like Gary, only sparkling.  Frankly, this part scares me really bad, because I do not want the last thing in my consciousness,, before I die is an image of Gary Olsen.  I am really afraid that all these years of imaging him, he will still be there.  Perhaps this is why I renounce him every chance I get. 
So, thank you Eof F for reminding me that MP is kinda like witchcraft or voo doo.  If you do't believe it, IT IS NOT REAL.  


Truth Seeker
Originally Posted by PeaceMaker21
"if I received conclusive proof of wrong-doing I would speak out too...but anecdotes, jokes and innuendos are not sufficient proof in my eye - I openly invite any ex-chelas to contact me in private if they prefer, and recount their experiences in the same way the chela who introduced me to the mp, warned me about his former guru - I'm not being nasty, I just want to know what's really going on." :facepalm:

No one can ever prove anything to you. You have to prove it to yourself!

Even if you follow the rigors of scientific research, you can never have absolute proof of anything. Have a thorough look through scientific journals and you can find articles that will prove the direct opposite hypothesis to each other. Why? Because you can never have pure objectivity; subjectivity will always be there also. It is all a matter of selectively "interpreting" the data you have gathered. You can prove anything you want to yourself PeaceMaker. It's all up to you. It's all there for you to uncover! Sure, Gary is "God" if that's how you want to view him. But what he does not tell you, in fact what he deliberately leads you away from, is that you are "God" also. You do not need, nor want, Gary Olsen!

The fact that you are here, reviewing our opposing opinions, suggests to me that you have become ambivalent in your following? Have taken a step back and things have become less clear to you. Realize, that more you expose yourself to contrary ideas; the more readily you will come to adopt a different perspective. I can tell you from my experiences, that you will pass through a stage of being lost, being confused, of not knowing what is really true, before you can leave the space you have been in as a devoted MasterPather. You will find yourself teetering “on the fence”, not knowing on which side to jump off into. To make informed decisions you need to expose yourself to all the information that is available. To isolate yourself to specific information (as the Master instructs) can only limit you choices (to his agenda).

Just listen to your own council. Grossly contemplate your firsthand experiences on an everyday basis and you will unravel your own truth and the way it will show to you. Trust Yourself. That was the key to the way out for me. If I never saw it. If I never experienced it for myself. I do not believe it. That really left my “cupboard” of reality pretty bare and much easier to distinguish what was my truth. The fog gradually began to clear for me to “see” the way. It takes a great deal of humility to admit, to yourself, that you have been “had” and fooled so completely. I can promise you, that after some time. However long it may take. When you have reprogrammed yourself and consolidated your thinking: to believe in your own power over yourself, that you have always had. You will come see it as "clear as day", and know the truth of it all.

: hamster : I’ve proven to myself what MasterPath is. Through first hand observation of my friend Ann’s behavior in relation to Gary’s dialogue on his advanced tapes that I heard, and drawing on my own past experiences. I can see through it all already, without even having read the first discourse. That MasterPath is an insidious system devised to control an adherent into submission. That the leader, who orchestrates it, is a proper slimeball who knows full well what he is doing to people and how he is doing it. No one deserves to be “possessed” by another in such a way! I also believe that no one would “knowingly” want to place themselves under such a predicament, if they were to fully recognize the truth. You don’t want to be in there! :sheep:
Well said. And Peacemaker 21, below is an excerpt from from a letter Gary Olsen addressed to a prospective chela (who happened to be under the tutelage of a competitor). In the words of your own "master":

Gary Olsen:

"I cannot bad-mouth your past teacher. However, I can call a spade a spade"..."Briefly, he claimed his master adeptship after approximately two years of study in Light and Sound, and this does not properly qualify him to claim Mastership of the Sound Current. Every Saint that I know of, took at least fifteen to twenty years of intense study and introspection to even get a handlebar on truth and it's many subtleties"..."I would like to say that after one or two years on the MasterPath, my chelas know beyond any reason of doubt, that they have found their true Master"..."Their dreams and excursions with the Dream Master, as well as the discourses and physical communication with the Outer Master, do away with all doubt and misapprehension in this area. Nine years of effort certainly should have given you more than wondering if you are in the right."

- Letters From The Master, p. 313-314

So even Gary says you should've believed in him beyond any doubt a long time ago. No more provisional faith.

Interesting that two years of study in Light and Sound doesn't qualify one to claim Mastership...and yet wasn't that the extent of "study" with Gary Olsen's own master Darwin Gross? Also, Gary himself was a follower of Eckankar for only twelve years if I remember right. So it seems he's a little short of the fifteen to twenty years required under his own rules for qualification.

By the way, I recently had the opportunity to listen to tape of a seminar/talk given by Joy Olsen. HOLY CRAP. There are no words to describe how painful it was. :bonk:The woman is a total trainwreck. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought I was listening to a skit from Saturday Night Live. It is seriously THAT BAD. I would quote her here but no kidding, it was like torture listening to her inane histrionics. I could not bring myself to transcribe any of it. For now, suffice it to say she has an annoyingly thick Minnesota/North Dakota accent and says "doggonit" and "oh gosh" about a thousand times. Her sentences are like ten minutes long and contain a million strings of adjectives and verbs that all mean the exact same thing. And with all that excess use of verbiage, she seriously says NOTHING! It is 100% pure B.S., with ZERO substance. Just listening to her made me want to throw myself out a window. :thud:
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I love your posts too much... please don't jump! :)

"By the way, I recently had the opportunity to listen to tape of a seminar/talk given by Joy Olsen. HOLY CRAP. There are no words to describe how painful it was. :bonk:The woman is a total trainwreck. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought I was listening to a skit from Saturday Night Live. It is seriously THAT BAD. I would quote her here but no kidding, it was like torture listening to her inane histrionics. I could not bring myself to transcribe any of it. For now, suffice it to say she has an annoyingly thick Minnesota/North Dakota accent and says "doggonit" and "oh gosh" about a thousand times. Her sentences are like ten minutes long and contain a million strings of adjectives and verbs that all mean the exact same thing. And with all that excess use of verbiage, she seriously says NOTHING! It is 100% pure B.S., with ZERO substance. Just listening to her made me want to throw myself out a window. :thud:


The fact that people still see this idiot couple as 'enlightened' is absolutely puzzling.

I will admit it's a crafty little business they have, and they obviously have a slick accountant who's adept at skirting tax laws and finding loopholes that allows them to be 'non profit' even though everything MP does is for profit.

I wish Gary and Joy would go on 'Oprah' or 'The View'. That would be entertaining.


Truth Seeker
By the way, I recently had the opportunity to listen to tape of a seminar/talk given by Joy Olsen. HOLY CRAP. . .... And with all that excess use of verbiage, she seriously says NOTHING! It is 100% pure B.S., with ZERO substance.

It still amazes me how anyone can listen to those "secret" tapes and put any credence in what was said. The "reality" of being able to see things from on the "outside"! It has to do with being "hypnotized", in every sense of the word.

:tigger: It all reminds me of an old movie I watched decades ago when I was a kid:- Kim from back in the 1950's, based on Rudyard Kipling's novel. I can distinctly remember a scene where Kim is in the presence of one these "gurus" and becomes hypnotized. He does overcome the situation, I vaguely remember, and learned from the experience. There is also a lama in the story who he follows as his teacher. I'll have to keep an eye out for the movie and view it again.
Well, I just listened to another tape of Joy Olsen and managed to do it without shooting myself. She is actually more lucid in this one, which made it quite revealing indeed. The following are quotes and excerpts of a tape entitled "God Manifests in the Master" from October 1999.

Joy Olsen:
"Do you remember that when you go to the seminar and your master stands before you, do you let yourselves equate him to God, and do you let yourself sit in the presence of the divine? That simple. When you come to satsang, do you freshly remember inside that the divine essence within you will be growing closer to God? When you see that discourse come through the mail, do you hold it in your hand and remember that it’s God’s message to just you? When you awake in the morning do you freshly remember that it’s a day to live HIS will, an opportunity to be free of the nagging encumberment of your own will?"

:eek: Our own personal will is encumbering? Since when? Oh, that's right...since we joined a CULT!! Gotcha.

Joy Olsen:
"No other person will ever understand you except the Master. No one will ever understand you except the Master. And I know right now in this moment half of you flashed on times you’ve gone to another, shared with another, and in that moment saw a glimpse of the futility of that. And that’s very good, you SHOULD be glimpsing the futility of that."

:bow: Forget your family, forget your friends. They can't help you.

Joy Olsen:
"There are a number of poems toward the end of this chapter that discuss the importance of the Master over the importance of God. And in a general overview the run of those poems establish the reality of this: God is not present in this world. God can only be contacted through one of it’s Sons. In that way is the Son greater than God because without that conduit, without that vehicle, we would never be able to establish any contact or sense of the divine. Pure and simple. And once you’ve seen the face of God, you will have absolutely not one erg of doubt as to the imperative essential importance of a Master.

God is manifest in the Master. And that is all that is manifest in him. If you think you see or sense anything less than godly about him, please remember that he stands as a mirror to reflect you, back to you. And this works both ways. When you can see and feel his love, you are seeing and feeling the love of your own soul. Whenever you have a contention with him, you’re really voicing a contention about some aspect of your own lower nature that you are just now beginning to crudely recognize and yet are not prepared yet to own up to."
So does that mean we're all smoking pot, tanning too much, and maligning people who were once loyal and helpful to us? :sorry1:

Joy Olsen:
"Every time Sri Gary would love me more, I wanted more of him. And in time, he brought me to myself. When you chant your word, remember that your Master for you is greater than God. And that without this Son, there would not be a glimmer of hope in ever, ever reaching your homeland. Please…equate your Master to God. And just see for yourself, in that fresh remembrance, if simran doesn’t take on a whole new sacredness. Just see, in remembering that your master is the hand of god, if you don’t desire to go to him more often, just see if remembering that following his word is walking homeward, and increase the depth of your desire by being more honest than ever before, with the simple unfulfillment with all that you experience below the third eye. You’re goin' home."

To be perfectly clear: Joy is NOT referring to the "Inner Master" in these quotes. So don't even try that one, current chelas. Throughout the ENTIRE talk she refers to Gary as the "Master". She gives examples of things Gary did - like the "Master" inviting a chela couple over to talk about their dream journals, the "Master" sharing parts of chela initiate reports with her, the "Master" joking with her about her sons, the "Master" standing before you at the seminars, etc.

There is absolutely NO WAY to escape the fact that "God Manifests in the Master" is referring to Gary Olsen (the man) as the son of God...and that he is to be considered MORE IMPORTANT than God himself!! How can the current chelas deny this? :rolleyes:
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Actually, the Wizard of OZ fits here too. "Don't pay any attention to the wrinkled tan man behind the curtain, smoking pot, slandering people who were generous to him and, Oh Yeah, claiming to be GOD incarnate."

Most pot heads think they are God but that everyone else is too. Olsen just thinks he is God and NO ONE else is. :halloween:

There is a good book called the Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists. It describes mostly the damage that narcissistic parents do to their children. In Olsen's case he does his best to become the ultimate parent... GOD. And he does lots of damage to people who project their unresolved daddy issues on to this predator and scam artist. Shame on him.

:tigger: It all reminds me of an old movie I watched decades ago when I was a kid:- Kim from back in the 1950's, based on Rudyard Kipling's novel. I can distinctly remember a scene where Kim is in the presence of one these "gurus" and becomes hypnotized. He does overcome the situation, I vaguely remember, and learned from the experience. There is also a lama in the story who he follows as his teacher. I'll have to keep an eye out for the movie and view it again.
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It still amazes me how anyone can listen to those "secret" tapes and put any credence in what was said. The "reality" of being able to see things from on the "outside"! It has to do with being "hypnotized", in every sense of the word.

:tigger: It all reminds me of an old movie I watched decades ago when I was a kid:- Kim from back in the 1950's, based on Rudyard Kipling's novel. I can distinctly remember a scene where Kim is in the presence of one these "gurus" and becomes hypnotized. He does overcome the situation, I vaguely remember, and learned from the experience. There is also a lama in the story who he follows as his teacher. I'll have to keep an eye out for the movie and view it again.

I think I can find that movie here. I'm going to look for it. Now that I'm off the path, escaped, survived, or whatever. I am amazed at myself for falling for such BS. I still need to keep being reminded how that happened.