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Master Path - Gary Olsen

Yes, it is quite easy to discern where Gary is coming from. Here's some more light information for "gross" contemplation or meditation or pondering or whatever.... transcribed from one of the youboob videos.

“Distinctions between a Sat Guru and Psychic Guru” by Gary Olsen

“The Divine Plan is for you to come to know your true self. Who you really are. Now if you’re not a true sat guru, if you have not been commissioned by the highest Lord to do his work, there is no way that any guru can inform you and lead you and guide you to your highest destiny. This would be something worth contemplating. I know it’s a very, very bold statement. “

“But there is no way, loved ones, and I say this with respect, that a minister, or a priest, or the Pope, or a Messiah, or an Avatar, or a psychic guru could ever lead you to your true self or the kingdom of Heaven. They say that they can, they talk about this, but they never give you the directions. Hardly ever are they ever able to meet you in their spirit body with yours, draw yours from the tomb and grave of your own body, rendezvous with you in the higher regions, and lovingly escort you through these planes of consciousness, with the inevitably of having this consciousness as your own when the journey is done. There is absolutely NO way.

Now, if you can believe me, that’s fine. And if you do not believe me, then personal experience has to come in and take its course. Meaning that you will have to go with someone then that you think can do this. And you might be disheartened. Now that does not mean that a sat guru is gonna come in here and demean all other paths and all other gurus efforts. No, no, no. All I’m saying is if you expect a first or second grade teacher to give you a twelfth grade education, you’re mistaken. Now, I wanna come to you in that light and that attitude.”

Now you go ahead examine me, assess me as closely as you can and size me up. And I know you’re not gonna see everything—you go ahead and size me up for an ego trip, for a personality trip, or a power play, or negativity. You go ahead and size me up, and you should see good things—if you have clear vision. So, please understand there is a huge difference between a sat guru and a normal guru.
So, anyone who sees things differently doesn't have "clear vision." And any critical thinking concerning the authenticity of the guru should be considered an "ego or personality trip, a power play, or negativity"...yep, it's very clear where Gary is coming from, and it isn't Sat Nam or Sach Khand. Do they charge membership fees for access to these "exalted realms?"

It isn't ego, personality, power play, or negativity that causes people to speak out about MP. It's the simple truth based on their experience. I think it is very interesting that if an experience supports the "guru/path" as real, it is considered ultra-spiritual and sacred. But if the experience reveals to the practitioner that the "guru" is indeed a phony, well, then that experience is viewed as negative. How very convenient and self-serving to the guru.

His message for seekers to "examine, assess, and size him up" is disingenuous at best.

I guess the "normal guru" is just another Joe-blowhard claiming to have a super special connection to God channeling the great spirit for us common folk.... yep, not much difference between the MP "guru" and the "normal guru" from my perspective....if you have clear vision :D


Truth Seeker
So, anyone who sees things differently doesn't have "clear vision." And any critical thinking concerning the authenticity of the guru should be considered an "ego or personality trip, a power play, or negativity"...yep, it's very clear where Gary is coming from, and it isn't Sat Nam or Sach Khand.
It is still amazes me EndofFaith, how anyone can listen to Gary’s “dialogue” and accept any of it as an irrefutable “gospel” of Truth. As we know, there is an induction “process” involved, that we don’t see, and are unaware of once we’re “in”. That these are the edicts from God himself. Mr. word made flesh, and are above and beyond any questioning by the chela.

I asked my chela friend, Ann, if 9 months membership would be a suitable period for me to join to “investigate” my interest in the MasterPath, and find out what it is all about. I received a bewildered look from her with no encouragement, saying that it was up to me how long I wanted to join for, and having nothing more to add. She had done a little “one-on-one” on me days before, and I had read some of an introductory book at the time, having heard about MP for the first time only a week or so earlier. She did not have to say it, but according to her I was obviously not ready.

:candle: Are you able to shed some light on the induction process. How does a seeker become a chela? Is there an unspoken requirement that you must attend a seekers presentation, view the Master in the flesh, before you can proceed? Socializing with active chelas must also be involved. As a chela, are you able to recognize when a seeker is “ripe” for their committal to the group. Is the chela then “prepared” to take decisive action once a prospective member displays such a state of readiness, to ensure the chela’s (and Gary’s) “investiture”? In your request for membership letter you are expected to address Gary as “Master”? I’d have an issue with that. What would happen if you addressed him as “Gary”, or even “Mr Olsen”? Would your application be rejected and have your fees chequesent back? How does the introduction sequence establish itself and all fit together, and leave anyone curious enough to end up “in there”?

I would like to ask you: What was your experience; “initiation” onto the Path. How were you led (misled) to become dedicated Pather, :ww: EndofFaith?
It is still amazes me EndofFaith, how anyone can listen to Gary’s “dialogue” and accept any of it as an irrefutable “gospel” of Truth. As we know, there is an induction “process” involved, that we don’t see, and are unaware of once we’re “in”. That these are the edicts from God himself. Mr. word made flesh, and are above and beyond any questioning by the chela.

It amazes me too. But I was once a trusting chela who did not question, and instead turned any questioning into a "it must be a negative prompting from the unconscious mind", and as a result, I lived many years in an internal state of conflict and angst while on MP. Chelas are trained to view questions as a product of the mind that only spawn more questions. I remember in the early years Gary talking about "Questions are a form of death." Chelas are clearly discouraged from questioning and from exercising any form of critical thinking since both are viewed as negative mental activity that engages the mind over soul. Not true, but when you surrender to the "guru", all bets are off.

The real induction process is not seen by the majority of chelas since few will ever be in close proximity to the outer master, his wife, or his closest higher initiates. I remember the times of disagreeing with the "perceptions" of Gary or his wife about experiences and the predictable response of "it's just your unconscious mind that doesn't see it." Leaving MP was a very painful process since your entire life becomes defined by it. To defy Gary in any way is met with harsh consequences. Gary and his wife viewed me and others as defiant. Why? Because we finally began saying no to their personal self-serving, unreasonable, and extreme requests. It was the beginning of the end.

The Guru Papers
is an incredible book written about the guru/chela relationship, the psychological dynamics of surrendering to a guru, and the unchallengeable authoritarian role it assumes within the individual.

I asked my chela friend, Ann, if 9 months membership would be a suitable period for me to join to “investigate” my interest in the MasterPath, and find out what it is all about. I received a bewildered look from her with no encouragement, saying that it was up to me how long I wanted to join for, and having nothing more to add. She had done a little “one-on-one” on me days before, and I had read some of an introductory book at the time, having heard about MP for the first time only a week or so earlier. She did not have to say it, but according to her I was obviously not ready.

:candle: Are you able to shed some light on the induction process. How does a seeker become a chela? Is there an unspoken requirement that you must attend a seekers presentation, view the Master in the flesh, before you can proceed? Socializing with active chelas must also be involved. As a chela, are you able to recognize when a seeker is “ripe” for their committal to the group. Is the chela then “prepared” to take decisive action once a prospective member displays such a state of readiness, to ensure the chela’s (and Gary’s) “investiture”? In your request for membership letter you are expected to address Gary as “Master”? I’d have an issue with that. What would happen if you addressed him as “Gary”, or even “Mr Olsen”? Would your application be rejected and have your fees chequesent back? How does the introduction sequence establish itself and all fit together, and leave anyone curious enough to end up “in there”?

In the beginning years, people were invited to attend meetings to "view and hear the master speak." People were given a small booklet "Profile of the MasterPath" but mostly it was one-on-one that convinced folks to check out the MP. I don't know if seekers are expected to address Gary as "Master" in their letter, but certainly the chelas refer to the "Master" or "Sri Gary" constantly. Toward the end, I began calling him Gary.

Now, I believe the MP policy is that a seeker is allowed to attend ONE seeker meeting at no charge. After that I think they are allowed to read or watch only those materials that are available to seekers before reaching their decision. I remember Gary & KW discussing that he did not want seekers to be able to attend numerous seeker meetings without paying or becoming a chela. I also remember them changing the information in the Profile to include a "seeker application." I was instantly struck by the oddity that an "application" to become a chela was a very worldly method to request materials for what is claimed to be "beyond the worldly." But I guess that's just one of those "unconscious promptings questioning" the unconscious prompting of the minds who think they are gods and goddesses. :D

I also recall that Gary made the decision that if someone was not ready to receive the 2nd initiation at the 2 year mark, they would not be sent discourses. Since he did not want people who were not committed to have access (or walk away) with discourses that went beyond two years. Why? Good question.

He was also concerned that he would have a large group of chelas reaching the 12 year mark, and if the discourses ended at year 12, it would mean a significant drop in revenue! His solution: at the end of the 12th year of discourses, he sent out a discourse stating that beginning the 13th year chelas would receive a discourse every other month (6 months of discourses) but since one's devotion to the "Shabda Master" was so intact by the 12th year, chelas would continue paying monthly fees for the entire year. Yep, he was one heck of a businessman. He turned a 3 day seminar into a 24 hour turn around for himself, and his primary concern in the process was how to do it without losing profit. So, when you look at his schedule he speaks for 12 hours a year, along with the occasional "Regional Meeting." Before I left I know he was in discussion on how to set up him and his wife for lifetime salaries. Yep, he's a real master alright.

I would like to ask you: What was your experience; “initiation” onto the Path. How were you led (misled) to become dedicated Pather, :ww: EndofFaith?
I met Joy when I was young, and she was my friend. I loved, trusted, and quite ignorantly believed her and Gary. I'll share the details of how I was "initiated" onto the Path another time.

The last "satsang" (private meeting that lasted for 8 hours) I had with Gary....I left his home that day hearing only these words inside: I would rather live the life of a pauper and be true inside than the live the life of riches and have it be a lie.
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a CityData lurker sent me a private message...(underline & bold added by me for emphasis) it reads:

I would like to express my experience with the "group" led by Gary Olsen - MasterPath. I knew I really needed something in my life and after decades of searching out and investigating available options, I had actually given up. Then I came accross a book in a used book store about MasterPath. With much doubt and little hope, I decided to check out what appeared on the surface to be all that I was looking for. Now, 7 years later, I can only say that it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. I am truly happy, truly peaceful, in love with life, and continuing on a daily to the fullness of this experience. If it calls to you even a little bit, I would recommend you give it a whirl. But don't just try it for the fun of it - this is the most serious endeavor in which you would ever involve yourself. My best to you.



Once someone believes the nonsense that someone else can know more of your own truth than you do, or that they can know exactly where you reside in consciousness ( as if that is a stagnant phenomena), then a whole series of absurd false beliefs take place for students of these cult leaders:

(1) If he smokes marijuana, he is taking on your drug karma
(2) If he plagerizes the written works of other spiritual teachers, he was that person in a former life so no plagerization actually took place :facepalm:
(3) If he lies and steals money, he is freeing you from your own lying and stealing karma
(4) if he has sex with his students, he is greatly speeding up the spiritual freedom of those he literally screws
(5) If he has any physical illness, he is taking on the health karma of all his students
(6) If former students expose his deceit and predatory ways, he tells his students that these former students are all on 'Messianic Trips" and all 'true' masters are always reviled and falsely accused by those who hate Spirit.

Everything can be justified no matter how vile, deceitful or cruel the behavior after someone drinks the cult kool aid.

This Olsen character is at the bottom of the false guru garbage heap but there will always exist suckers to believe even crooks like Olsen.
a CityData lurker sent me a private message...(underline & bold added by me for emphasis) it reads:

I would like to express my experience with the "group" led by Gary Olsen - MasterPath. I knew I really needed something in my life and after decades of searching out and investigating available options, I had actually given up. Then I came accross a book in a used book store about MasterPath. With much doubt and little hope, I decided to check out what appeared on the surface to be all that I was looking for. Now, 7 years later, I can only say that it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. I am truly happy, truly peaceful, in love with life, and continuing on a daily to the fullness of this experience. If it calls to you even a little bit, I would recommend you give it a whirl. But don't just try it for the fun of it - this is the most serious endeavor in which you would ever involve yourself. My best to you.


Hi Fandango, that is great!

The email is soooo MasterPath-ey.

To the city-data lurker and author of the email....yep, it's serious alright.... in fact, the endeavor in which you have involved yourself is so serious that your master tells seekers that holding up the path and master to penetrating scrutiny is an illusion of their mind.

Good luck with that one.... oops, I forget.... circular logic and delusion are synonymous for an 'exalted state of spiritual realization' on MP.
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Some more interesting quotes from Gary Olsen...these come from a tape entitled "Never Forfeit the Master of the Sound" from April 18, 2009:

Gary Olsen:
"The donation you make on a light and sound path is your own spiritual desire and energy. That’s all a true guru is going to ask for. Yes, I’ve got dues, geez just to run any type of business in America costs money. But it’s so cheap and available that it’s almost laughable."

So he admits MasterPath is a business? Interesting, since they classify themselves as a religious non-profit. And aren't the dues like $40/month? "Cheap" as opposed to what? I buy REAL books (actual original books written by real authors) a couple times a month and hardly ever spend that much. Gary charges for his largely plagiarized books in ADDITION to his monthly dues. So apparently the $40/month MP dues cover just a few pages of discourses. Oh, and the "protection of the master". Which is the basically like buying kabbalah water or paying to believe in Santa Claus.

For what you actually get, I guess I don't consider the $40 "so cheap it's laughable". But whatever.

Gary Olsen:
"The letters I’ve been getting and the experiences I’ve had on the inner with my own, there’s some major purification currents going on with all of you. There’s some issues that have hit you - some it’s drinking, some it’s smoking, some it’s drugs, some it’s sex, your love of money"..."Now spirituality, dear ones, is all about transformation and purification, there’s no doubt about that."

"We have to be very, very careful how we approach this. Now no doubt we’re gonna see things we don’t like. But if you don’t protect your own relationship with the sound current"…"the kal and your own mind is gonna jerk this away so fast you’re gonna be wondering what happened."

"And the reason is"…"with good intentions and a sense of nobility you have said 'Garji, there’s something I don’t like in my life, I’m smoking, or I’m drinking, or I’m still snortin’ some coke, or I’m smokin’ too much pot.I need to take care of this'. We have to be able to recognize these things. But now this is where the trouble starts"…"If you go moral on me, or ethical, or you start saying cleanliness is next to godliness…well, maybe the God of the physical plane!! If you substitute moralism, purification, cleanliness for realization and the expansion of consciousness, you’ve been misled."

Exactly. The worst thing you can do is go moral or ethical. :tsk:

Gary Olsen:
"I know you want the truth. You can have it, but there’s a few conditions we have to go through first. As you’re going through these conditions, I want you to see your failures"…"you’ve got to be careful"…"because Kal is gonna try to get you paralyzed and hypnotized".

"I got a couple letters, one letter from a lady that was drinking. 'Gary, I’m drinking, I just feel terrible, I think I need to leave the path'. I got another letter from another lady who said 'Gary, I’m smoking marijuana, not very much, but I’m smoking marijuana and I know you’re not into drugs. And I just don’t know if I should leave the path, would you just tell me anything'".

Wonder what on earth made her think he wasn't "into drugs"? :areyoucra

Gary Olsen:
"Okay I’ll tell you something. I don’t care if you have a drink, I don’t care if you have a joint"..."Cause if you wanna be a light and sounder and you go for your sound and your guru"…"those truths will just wipe out every passion in your mind…you’ll just have a little sip of wine, or maybe you’ll invest in a one-hitter and just have a puff instead of a lid, or maybe you’ll just snort a line at your son’s wedding."

Oh good, because I have a meth lab but I only get it up and running when my parents come to visit. Good to go! :angel2:

Gary Olsen:
"I don’t want moralism in here"…"I need you to be big and sharp and careful or the Kal’s gonna get you to kinda spin off on this moral approach or an ethical approach"…"No one’s innocent If you think you are I don’t want you as my chela. I won’t get anywhere with you if you think you’re innocent".

"If you do it the wrong way you’re gonna get rid of your sound, the kals’s too diabolical and tricky at this time. Recognize it"…"repent"…"and then turn it over to the master and let the whole thing percolate* and gestate from this objective realms".

*Note: Gary pronounces percolate: "perk-you-late" . Similarly, he pronounces assimilate: "uh-sim-you-late" in other parts of the tape. ;)

Gary Olsen:
"Now I’ve been hittin’ this with a sledgehammer. I’ve had a few people that have been drinking and I’ve been after their butt. That’s the truth of it. And the whole world’s gonna stop if I want it to for one chela let alone five or ten."

"That’s why I’ve been so hard on the drugs and the drink for the last two years. And plus I’ve gotta protect my path. I can’t have a drug addict or an alcoholic on this path, it’ll mess you up too bad. What I need is for you to want to be straight."

So evidently the acceptance of drugs and alcohol at this seminar represented a shift in stance for Gary? He was harping on it before? Did his prior condemning of alcohol have anything to do with the brutal murder of one MasterPath chela by another chela while under the influence? Just wondering if there's any connection.

Gary Olsen:
"Now there’s another issue here. Have you ever heard of upaya? Drugs, drink, sex, a run to a foreign country, something like this…it’s not all bad"..."If you’ve studied gurus, masters, saints throughout the past, it’s not hard to find - like Jesus imbibed in wine, he liked his wine. There were a lot of sufi masters that carried little coconuts around their neck and had a little piece of hash in there. I’ve known and read about many masters that smoked tobacco, that at night they’d get home from all their duties, and a hookah pipe it’s called, like it’s a big water pipe that you’d use for pot. And they’d put in their special blends of tobacco and just sit back there and suck it and just trip out."

So you see, chelas, Gary is just like all the other great spiritual masters when he sits around smoking his cigarettes and dope all day. Purchased with the salary he collects from your dues. After all, he needs to "trip out" and release stress after all the many duties he performs each day. You know, duties like...:confused:, and :confused:.

Gary Olsen:
"You’re using it to help you connect to the sound current or your beloved master"…"it can actually for some people have found it’s a positive."

"To me there’s hard drugs and there’s soft drugs. Pharmaceuticals are hard drugs. They’ll mess you up bad. Cocaine, smack, crack, stuff like this, no, no no, no, no, no. Some things have to go. There’s other things that can stay".


All right! According to Gary, some drugs and vices can stay. Fine with me, I can appreciate the Timothy Leary school of thought.

But...isn't this a pretty HUGE departure from the teachings of Gary's self-ascribed light and sound master lineage? How could he claim to be a "light and sound master" or claim to represent Surat Shabd Yoga or Sant Mat in any way?

More of Gary Olsen's Greatest 'Hit's (no pun intended) to come soon... ;)


Truth Seeker
All right! According to Gary, some drugs and vices can stay. Fine with me, I can appreciate the Timothy Leary school of thought.

But...isn't this a pretty HUGE departure from the teachings of Gary's self-ascribed light and sound master lineage? How could he claim to be a "light and sound master" or claim to represent Surat Shabd Yoga or Sant Mat in any way?
Great to read more of your tape dialogues Violet!

I think it is all a justification; that a little is quite okay. If a chela indulges a little in order to overcome their feeling of being inadequate, not able to abstain completely, that’s fine for now. Gary does not want them to quit the Path because of it, and stop their payments to him of course. It also justifies, Gary’s own sessions on the stuff.

Too much of it, and a chela will be unable to concentrate on the material and succumb as effectively. Quit your addictions and you’ll substitute MasterPath as your new “crutch.” Just as in Scientology, many members must have been regular drug participants before getting hooked on the MasterPath? :eek:

Wanted to ask you about these tapes you have been quoting, Violet. They are obviously recordings of a meeting session on the date depicted. Do you know if they are discourse tapes that come with the monthly pamphlets, or additional supplementary tapes that members can purchase separately?
Thanks Zeeker. I honestly don't know if these tapes are given out with discourses or if they're purchased, but I'm sure the former chelas can answer that.

In reading back my edits now, I see that I sort of blew by some of the repeated themes of the talk. But as you gathered, Gary is basically just advising his chelas not to worry about quitting smoking, drinking, or drugs because it would take their attention away from the "master" and the sound.

While I'm not an addict or an addiction specialist, I do wonder if this approach could be irresponsible in some cases. He's basically saying everything in moderation...well, except the MasterPath of course!! Using the MP as the "escape" is strongly encouraged. Go figure. :rolleyes: But if the chelas are writing to him that they're worried they have a substance abuse problem, perhaps they DO have a problem. Preaching moderation isn't appropriate for everyone.

Bottom line, the real purpose of the talk was to justify his own smoking and drug habits.


Truth Seeker
Thank you EndofFaith :ww: , for your reply to my questions. I do much appreciate your personal recount of observations.
The real induction process is not seen by the majority of chelas since few will ever be in close proximity to the outer master, his wife, or his closest higher initiates.
Does this change as a chela “progresses?” Reading the City-Data thread apparently Gary will ring a chela and speak to them about their dedication to the Path when they begin to “relapse” away from their Master. It must be overbearingly significant to get a personal intervention, from god himself, I would imagine. :bow:

I also recall that Gary made the decision that if someone was not ready to receive the 2nd initiation at the 2 year mark, they would not be sent discourses. Since he did not want people who were not committed to have access (or walk away) with discourses that went beyond two years. Why? Good question.
I gather the material after the 2nd initiation is more “out of this worldly”? Much easier to distinguish as deluded nonsense and harder to accept. Unless of course you have been thoroughly “put under”. The 2nd initiation is a commitment to be with the Master for lifetimes beyond your current one. In other words, you must be “gone with the Fairy”. To continue, otherwise it will be at your, and Gary’s, detriment: become prone to start to seeing through it all, and set an unwanted president. :sheep:
He was also concerned that he would have a large group of chelas reaching the 12 year mark, and if the discourses ended at year 12, it would mean a significant drop in revenue! His solution: at the end of the 12th year of discourses, he sent out a discourse stating that beginning the 13th year chelas would receive a discourse every other month (6 months of discourses) but since one's devotion to the "Shabda Master" was so intact by the 12th year, chelas would continue paying monthly fees for the entire year. Yep, he was one heck of a businessman.
“There’s no rest for the wicked” - pun intended. Why do more work having to write more material and continue to keep the cash coming, in when you can give only half to those who have dedicated themselves to you?
The last "satsang" (private meeting that lasted for 8 hours) I had with Gary....I left his home that day hearing only these words inside: I would rather live the life of a pauper and be true inside than the live the life of riches and have it be a lie.
From the "horse's" own mouth: Gary is obviously unable to live up to his own words living a life of riches and lies. "Fallen", like every other self-proclaimed Guru who has come before.:fork:

I recall Gary talking about members of his audience needing to attend a satsang on one of his tapes I heard. That if they felt no change in themselves after the meeting (on the tape), they should attend a satsang with him afterwards to go over it to “remedy” themselves. It is apparent to me that chelas are able to “consult” with the Master, on a more “face-to-face” level in person, on occasions. What initiation level would a chela be at before this is made possible?

How many people attend these MP meetings? I asked Ann, about how many people attend the meetings, and she said 300. Does that sound accurate? I gather that would be for the monthly summer seekers meetings. I would expect there to be less for the sessions with the long time student and regional seminars for established chelas where there are no seeker present.

I have the impression these satsangs are held after the last seminar of a weekend session; for those chelas needing help with their “issues”. You are saying that you attended an 8 hour satsang at his house. Was this a one-on-one meeting? Would these be currently held at his “Olive Tree Grove” residence/retreat in Southern California? How many chelas would you expect to see there; a few dozen? I gather that individuals receive personal guidance at these satsangs?

Going back to these tapes I heard. They had a title and date on them, like the ones Violet has quoted, being a recording of one of Gary’s meetings. These tapes would be different from the tapes that are sent out with every monthly discourse to members, and purchased separately? I would have thought the discourse tapes would have the initiation level and respective month written on them. The monthly discourses and tapes must be a “one size fits all” program, where you simply get the next one in the sequence every month? :jam:

I was wondering why the Gary puts his material on out-of-date cassettes still. Then it occurred to me that it is much easier to “pirate” CD’s and MP4 files, and diddle Gary’s retirement nest egg.

BTW: Who is KW? Anyone of significance we should know about?


Left Hand Path
I'd have to say, that Gary Olsen guy is a bit of a lunatic.

And is even more insane if he believes anyone is going to follow his propagandistic approach to "infallibility".

He got one thing right though, there is thousands (mainly two) paths.
He must of discluded himself as being the Opposite of dogmatic, typical of any individual faith.

Everyone thinks they are right.
Some more tidbits for the MasterPath Wall of Shame. These notes were taken while listening to a tape entitled "Reading Contemplation, Key Spiritual Principles and Wisdoms" from March 19, 2006.

For now I am including only notes from the first half of the tape, which has nothing to do with reading contemplation. It's basically just Gary rambling on about how he respects other religions. :rolleyes: Not surprisingly though - in true Gary form - everything he says contradicts that.
Gary Olsen:
"Please don’t misinterpret me, I have no disrespect for any other beliefs or other people or unenlightened beings. Mormonism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism. I respect ‘em all. Thank God we have religions and philosophies and psychic paths to train the soul step by step. Like thank God we have 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th grade. To teach young children".

"It’s just amazing how ignorant and unenlightened people can be if they have not realized themselves or realized the god within themselves. It’s absolute foolishness when you look at it from on high".

And when you're looking at it from on high AND you are high, it's probably even stupider. :D

Gary Olsen:
"The traditional god that religions know about is what in light and sound terminology, we call Brahm"...[Brahm is]"God to the Jehovahs, to the mormons, to the Christians. The Buddhists don’t talk about God and soul, but Buddha did talk about the light and sound to his inner circle, but failed miserably to subject this to the masses. The same way with Jesus the Christ. He was a past master, but he couldn’t talk light and sound to the masses, he had to talk in stories and parables".

"Why am I down on Christianity or teach that Christianity is lesser than light and sound? It’s because Jesus is dead. That’s just the simple explanation. It’s a dead master. So Christianity turns into a dead mystic school. And if you do not have the living impulses of a living master, then how can you be initiated and get your own sound current activated? You can’t do it".

Yes, to be a MasterPath chela, you have to buy into the idea that only certain people (ie. Gary Olsen! :eek:) have access to the real "God". This belief is man-made and is just as foolish as the traditional religions Gary is slamming.

You also apparently have to believe that Gary Olsen is a far more effective teacher than Buddha, who failed miserably. :bonk:

Gary Olsen:
"Okay so in your major religions, they make Brahm the God of everything, and if you were to go out of your body and meet this entity called Brahm, he would stand in front of you with all the sincerity he could muster and he would say 'I am the one lord god. No one exists above me. I have created the heavens and the earth and all knees bow before me'...Of course if I was there I’d just laugh like hell and keep goin' up! And like I’ve told you in the past, I would not let Brahm tie my shoes. Not even close. You would trip within two or three steps. He would do a trick knot you couldn’t get undone. I mean it, I mean it, I’m not joking a bit. And I’m not being disrespectful".

No, of course not. It's not disrespectful at all to say that you wouldn't let the God of other religions tie your shoes. :thud:

Gary Olsen:
"Now I want to tell you that Brahm is very very clandestine and diabolical. This entity, the conventional god of your religions, believe it or not the god that people bow down to and pray to. Believe it or not".

"Hardly anyone can penetrate this mystery except a true saint and his chelas. That’s it. No one else even knows about it. If you try to tell someone about this, that Brahm is just a hand maiden to your soul ,and that your very own soul is 1,000 times more powerful than the God of all lower worlds...well you would just be laughed at".
:jester3: Well, people might laugh at you. But probably not because you called their God your hand maiden. More likely, people would laugh at you because you're all goo-goo over a douchey used car salesman like Gary Olsen.
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...Continued from the first half of the March 2006 tape quoted above, Gary Olsen goes on to present his chelas with what appears to be "Introduction to Bird Flu Apocalypse". The prequel.

Gary Olsen:
"The lord God of conventional religions is something you wanna stay away from like the plague."
Note again, the great respect Gary is demonstrating for other religious beliefs. :sarcastic

Gary Olsen:
"Which reminds me just off the top of my head, you know this bird flu virus and all that stuff. You should know that the sat guru is in charge of all of these things. What’s gonna hit the world and what’s not. Is a tsunami gonna hit the world or is it not. Is it war or is it not. Will it be diverted, or does the sat guru want the karma bleed off on the globe".

"So like the bird flu virus, this is a whole another issue, whether the sat guru decides to unleash it on the planet or not is it’s prerogative and it’s will come from Anami Purush".

"If it does happen and it gets bad, then we’ll cancel all these meetings and all travel and all that stuff and we’ll just hook up on the internet and the phone and I’ll do lectures that way. And then I’d want you guys to keep a very very low profile. Get off some place where there’s not people, a farm or something like that, and just wait it out. Wait it out."

Doomsday! By all means go live on a farm. :rolleyes:

Gary Olsen:
"But you’d never wanna risk"..."cutting your life short when you’ve just got into a light and sound path"..."So to do something dumb, or even as a group do something dumb, I would not be for that".

Gary Olsen does not support doing something dumb. :)

Gary Olsen:
"So I want you to know that, if that comes down. You’d get a letter, I’ll just say hey we’re gonna play it cool for a year, two years. How ever long it takes for the thing to cycle through humanity, clean out who it needs to clean out. Could be a pretty big cost. Beware aware of that, okay?"

"Tamiflu is what you want. It’s hard to get now. It’s called Tamiflu. That would cut the symptoms down at least to a level that you got a chance of surviving. But now this is just being scarfed up but the globe, you can hardly get this."

:eek: You can hardly get it, but it's basically your own chance of surviving. So hopefully you'll be "playing it cool" for a year or two out on the remote farmstead.

Gary Olsen:
"Some time too, I’d like to get [name withheld] up here and have him give a talk on all these various medicines and pharmacy drugs and all this stuff that they’re pushing on the market. And some of it’s just downright dangerous. You’re gonna kill yourself taking it. I’d like to educate you people more on that, but I’m not a doctor, I’m not a brain surgeon, that’s just not my field."

"Have them give a half hour rap on some of these like Celebrex and these Prozac and these things that people can take thinking it’s gonna help them but actually it’s just for the profits of the pharmaceutical company. They destroy the kidneys and the liver and blood flow. Oh God, it’s not good. But the people are too stupid to know about it. They’re brainwashed through subliminal projection and advertising and things like this."

Yes, the REST of the world is brainwashed. Not you chelas. :areyoucra

Not sure if anyone else ever got up to give a talk about the dangers of Prozac and the evil pharmaceutical companies...and at the same time explain the miracle of Tamiflu ( :facepalm: !!). But as we know, Gary himself took to the stage a couple months later with a more thorough session of fear mongering.


New Member
This post is intended for anyone checking out the MasterPath with a sincere inquiry to see if it is what you’re looking for. It is not intended as a response to any of the people posting negative opinions, though my own experience will address some of the issues. Everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion, and it’s not my intention to try to change the negative ones. It’s just that the many, many lives that have changed for the better are not represented here. Anyone who expresses a positive opinion here about MasterPath is charged with being deluded and a cult zombie. Well, this is just not the truth.

This is about my experience on the MasterPath. I’ve been a chela (student) for 17 + years. I was raised a Christian, I have a successful career and a loving marriage, and I found the MasterPath when I was in my late 30’s – after much searching and exploration. My life is deeply fulfilled through what it has brought me, and I have tremendous love and respect for Sri Gary because of the immense, positive changes in my life since becoming his student.

On the family and friends thing: When I first started, my family got a little concerned when my devotion to the Teachings really started to deepen, and my father came to a meeting to check out this guy I was giving so much attention to. He came away completely satisfied that Sri Gary was sincere and had my best interest at heart. Now, though none of my family has any interest in pursuing this path, they are really pleased for me that I have found something that obviously makes me so happy. My relationships with them have transformed, and we have a rollicking, fun time whenever we get together (a huge shift). One old friend who is completely anti-religion and anti-spiritual path is thrilled for me because she can see that I am truly happy.

On this whole issue of worshiping Sri Gary: I could go into a discussion about the extensive history of Light and Sound Paths and the truth about this issue, but it seems that’s for you to explore if you want to investigate some more. From my own experience, I was never asked or expected to worship Sri Gary, and any statement that implies this is a misunderstanding or a misinterpretation. It’s what he represents, and in my experience, he represents the divine Spirit that lives within us all, waiting to be recognized. Because when I started to recognize this essence of who I am, through association with this true Master, my inner life came alive. And that’s why your own personal experience is so important, because it’s an experience that happens within YOU, and that’s how you know it’s real. How can anyone say my experience isn’t real just because he hasn’t had it?

On the money thing: I pay $30 a month plus the fees to attend the weekend seminars three times a year ($120 each). How Sri Gary chooses to use that money to run the outer workings of the Path is fine with me. Seems to me that he’s running it very well. His ethics in how I have been treated, and seeing how my friends on the Path are treated, convince me that his standards are of the highest. I have entrusted him with something much more precious than money, and he treats my love and trust with the greatest respect and care.

On the disappointed former chelas issue: Several of my friends have left the Path over the years; by far most of the friends I’ve made have continued. Two who left never really experienced a deep contact with anything they recognized, so they moved on to something that really does it for them now. One had some wonderful, loving experiences and then felt that it went dry for him so he left. One friend told me that she was not ready to give up her search for the right man, so she left so she could give her full focus to that. Two of them had some negativity toward Sri Gary around their disappointment that the Path didn’t pan out for them, but both have now come to understand that it was misplaced. They are all grateful for the experience and glad to have checked it out, confident that they are in a better place than before. I couldn’t understand at the time why they were not experiencing what I did, because if they were, they would surely continue. But that is a totally personal, sacred issue just for them. Not my place to judge or demean. It really just verifies what Sri Gary has always said: that this Path is not for everybody. And you don’t really know if it’s for you until you explore with an open heart.

I’ve written enough for now. I guess my only comment on the negative slant on this site is just to note that, in all the history of the world, nothing worthwhile was ever accomplished without opposition.
Welcome, happy_chela. Maybe it's a good time to restate some things that were covered in the City-Data forum. Speaking only for myself, I absolutely believe you when you say that you’re happy and fulfilled, and that wonderful spiritual experiences and growth can happen to people in MasterPath (or in spite of MasterPath). I share some of MP’s basic beliefs about souls and karma, etc.

However, MP chelas seem to connect the beauty of the experiences and wisdom with Gary Olsen being a “true master”. That’s where the big problem lies I think. Maybe Gary was the first to introduce you to the ideas and practices that resonated with you, but he does not represent the divine any more than you or I do.

The "extensive history of light and sound" is no more credible to me than the extensive history of any other ancient religion. Truth is much bigger than "light and sound". And in my opinion, truth is VERY different from the way Gary presents those teachings.

Evidence that Gary Olsen is not a true “master” can be listed for pages and pages (the City-Data forum is a good start). One's inner experiences are powerful no doubt, but there is much to be explored in terms of how and why these experiences come about - beside accepting Gary's claim that he has hooked you up to something you could not access otherwise.

How anyone could believe that Gary Olsen is a spiritually evolved being is a total mystery to me. In his tapes, he consistently exhibits classic signs of narcissistic personality disorder/megalomania. It's mind blowing to me that his chelas do not see this.

Out of curiousity, how close are you to Gary and his “inner circle” and how often you’ve interacted with him on a personal basis?

“Nothing worthwhile was ever accomplished without opposition” could be true for either side on this. Really anyone could say that – including people like Hitler, the Reverend Jim Jones, and all the religious people Gary rails against.



While I agree with your basic diagnosis, in all fairness after reading citi-data cover to cover and reading about Gary Olsen's truly cruel treatment and betrayals of his former "higher ups" who saw that the Emperor Has No Clothes, and the incredible lies this charleton tells plus the IRS scam and the addiction to marijuana.... we must round out the diagnosis with the addition of sociopath. Webster's Dictionary defines sociopath: "as a psychopath whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks any sense of moral responsibility or social conscience." Olsen certainly fits that description.

Violet says "How anyone could believe that Gary Olsen is a spiritually evolved being is a total mystery to me. In his tapes, he consistently exhibits classic signs of narcissistic personality disorder/megalomania. It's mind blowing to me that his chelas do not see this."
You're right, Anticult7. In looking at the profile of a sociopath, the characteristics definitely seem to be present in Gary Olsen - the attitudes/behaviors he exhibits on seminar audio tapes, as well as the experiences reported by former members of his inner circle:
  • Glibness and Superficial Charm [Obvious]
  • Manipulative and Conning
  • See their self-serving behaviors as permissible [The "master" is above question and scrutiny, faults and misbehaviors are only a reflection of the chelas or their karmas being "taken on"]
  • Appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering [Man behind the curtain]
  • Grandiose Sense of Self ["Word made flesh"]
  • Pathological Lying [Former loyal students are now bad people w/messianic complex]
  • Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities [Believes he is the "Living Master"]
  • Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests
  • Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
  • Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices [or disciples?!] who end up as victims
  • When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive ["Loved ones"..."Dear ones"..."I'm just a humble, normal, nice guy"]
  • Callousness/Lack of Empathy [Let bird flu virus "clean out who it needs to clean out", believes charity and humanitarianism is foolish]
  • Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing [Claims unique knowledge and power that no one else (or few) on earth has]
  • Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
  • Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility [Entepreneurial mindset ie. Global Cause, appointed "area supervisors" and employed pyramid business model to recruit new members]
  • Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them [Questions rebuffed and unwelcome!]
  • Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
  • Authoritarian ["Do you not think there will be strikes against you if you don't follow the master's instructions?"
  • Secretive [Keep materials under lock and key]
  • Paranoid [Bird flu, conspiracy theory]
  • Conventional appearance
  • Emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love) [And devotion!]
  • Extreme narcissism and grandiose self-importance [Obvious]
  • May state readily that their goal is to rule the world ["Master's Global Cause"]


Truth Seeker
:) Welcome HappyChela, I'm glad to read about your experiences.

Have a few comments to make. I would be pleased to know your opinion on.

This is about my experience on the MasterPath. I’ve been a chela (student) for 17 + years. I was raised a Christian, I have a successful career and a loving marriage, and I found the MasterPath when I was in my late 30’s – after much searching and exploration. My life is deeply fulfilled through what it has brought me, and I have tremendous love and respect for Sri Gary because of the immense, positive changes in my life since becoming his student.
I sense you were at a low point in you life when you encountered the MasterPath, and it helped to change you for the better? I have also observed the positive effects of MasterPath in my chela friend, and I’m sure every chela has experienced positive results as well. There must be beneficial effects or why else would anyone be drawn to it or stay in there. Please remind yourself that Jim Jones was a god-send to the destitute and the oppressed and gave his followers something to dedicate themselves towards and believe in. However, there is a price to pay by remaining in such a situation: the surrendering of your freedom and power. I believe that everyone, in the course of their spiritual realization, will eventually come to the point of requiring themselves to take the step of claiming their own power and fulfillment, and choose to stand on their own two feet. I observe that this Master does not want let go of his chelas if he can. Holds onto them, like a leech; dis-empowers them to serve his continued benefit. A true Master will effectively encourage his student, when they are ready, to walk on their own. Like a dependant adolescent who is made to leave the comfort of their loving family they were brought up with, in order to become a fully mature, balanced and competent adult.
On this whole issue of worshiping Sri Gary: I could go into a discussion about the extensive history of Light and Sound Paths and the truth about this issue, but it seems that’s for you to explore if you want to investigate some more. From my own experience, I was never asked or expected to worship Sri Gary, and any statement that implies this is a misunderstanding or a misinterpretation.
When I heard Gary speak he was certainly inferring (indirectly) to the listener that they “worship” him: “The only worship that the chela should be involved in, is worshiping yourself. A true master will be able to manifest to you inside. If you worship him, as yourself, then you’re covered.” So are you saying it does not matter if a chela does not worship Gary, as such:- that will be just fine, and nothing more will be said? Or, the Master Channels himself on the inner to you, and that is what you worship, in place of yourself? I see that as just another ploy, to confuse the chela, so they will just accept whatever he has to say without having to rationalize it for themselves. Your mind is your enemy, so please do not “think” for yourself and misinterpret it?
It’s what he represents, and in my experience, he represents the divine Spirit that lives within us all, waiting to be recognized. Because when I started to recognize this essence of who I am, through association with this true Master, my inner life came alive. And that’s why your own personal experience is so important, because it’s an experience that happens within YOU, and that’s how you know it’s real. How can anyone say my experience isn’t real just because he hasn’t had it?
If Gary represents the divine spirit within us all, why then does he not lead you to yourself when you come to recognize that? Because it will undermine his agenda of making a chela more and more dependant on him and less and less self-empowered.

You do not have to convince me that your experience was real, I’m sure it was. I would say that most of the rest of us have had those mystically inspiring moments, at times, where all and everything made complete and utter sense. They are most certainly real, and perfectly appropriate for the place and time when they occurred. My question to you is: Are you bestowing all credit for the experience to your Master? If you are, I believe that you are mistaken: by not accrediting the experience to yourself and your own efforts. Come to the realization that you created those experiences yourself, with the Master as your facilitator. That in fact you are perfectly capable creating those experiences alone and on your own, now that you have been shown and know how. That you no longer need, nor want, a Master who will so impose himself on you. Allowing you, making you, believe that you are hopelessly helpless without him being there to “oversee” many of your daily decisions.
On the disappointed former chelas issue: Several of my friends have left the Path over the years; by far most of the friends I’ve made have continued. Two who left never really experienced a deep contact with anything they recognized, so they moved on to something that really does it for them now. One had some wonderful, loving experiences and then felt that it went dry for him so he left. One friend told me that she was not ready to give up her search for the right man, so she left so she could give her full focus to that. Two of them had some negativity toward Sri Gary around their disappointment that the Path didn’t pan out for them, but both have now come to understand that it was misplaced. They are all grateful for the experience and glad to have checked it out, confident that they are in a better place than before. I couldn’t understand at the time why they were not experiencing what I did, because if they were, they would surely continue. But that is a totally personal, sacred issue just for them. Not my place to judge or demean. It really just verifies what Sri Gary has always said: that this Path is not for everybody. And you don’t really know if it’s for you until you explore with an open heart.
How do you perceive Gary leaving his Master in Eckankar; did he never really experience a deep contact with anything he recognized? I would think he eventually saw through it all, just like any of the chelas I have heard about (except for the ones you have described) who have left MasterPath. Did Gary move on to something that "really does it for him": utilizing the techniques that were applied on him on others, to now glorify himself as he himself had glorified an other before, after knowing full well the complete “crock” behind it all?
I guess my only comment on the negative slant on this site is just to note that, in all the history of the world, nothing worthwhile was ever accomplished without opposition.
Sure, history is inundated with wars and power struggles, but there have also been worthwhile events that have come about without conflict. There are invariably good reasons why people oppose certain proceedings. When they involve anything you are personally engaged with, a person should be open minded enough to look into it and decide, for themselves, if there is any substance behind what is being said; based on their own personal experience and not here-says, anecdote and unprovables that they have been told, and accept without question?


Welcome happy_chela. Wow, 17 years is a long time to be on the MasterPath. Isn't this length of time very close to it's inception? Surely you have seen Gary's metamorphisis over these many years.
I haven't been on this thread for quite a while because I am finally beginning to enjoy my life as an x-chela. I am a very happy x-chela. I enjoy living much more now and understand that life is about living daily, not dying daily. I do not miss having to sort through the confusion on his double talk and rants after the seminars. Now that I know more about the behind the scenes Gary and what prompted many of these conflicting messages he purports. If you see my input as "negative", I am sure you understand that the "negativity" is only subjective in your mind. I do not see this thread as being negative but helpful in helping questioning chelas rebuild their own ego. I am getting so much better, that now I can read through this thread and refer back to city-data without becoming upset about the false imagery that I fed on for sooooo long.

Do you still do contemplation? Do you contemplate on the "live image"?
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