Yes, it is quite easy to discern where Gary is coming from. Here's some more light information for "gross" contemplation or meditation or pondering or whatever.... transcribed from one of the youboob videos.
It isn't ego, personality, power play, or negativity that causes people to speak out about MP. It's the simple truth based on their experience. I think it is very interesting that if an experience supports the "guru/path" as real, it is considered ultra-spiritual and sacred. But if the experience reveals to the practitioner that the "guru" is indeed a phony, well, then that experience is viewed as negative. How very convenient and self-serving to the guru.
His message for seekers to "examine, assess, and size him up" is disingenuous at best.
I guess the "normal guru" is just another Joe-blowhard claiming to have a super special connection to God channeling the great spirit for us common folk.... yep, not much difference between the MP "guru" and the "normal guru" from my perspective....if you have clear vision
So, anyone who sees things differently doesn't have "clear vision." And any critical thinking concerning the authenticity of the guru should be considered an "ego or personality trip, a power play, or negativity"...yep, it's very clear where Gary is coming from, and it isn't Sat Nam or Sach Khand. Do they charge membership fees for access to these "exalted realms?"“Distinctions between a Sat Guru and Psychic Guru” by Gary Olsen
“The Divine Plan is for you to come to know your true self. Who you really are. Now if you’re not a true sat guru, if you have not been commissioned by the highest Lord to do his work, there is no way that any guru can inform you and lead you and guide you to your highest destiny. This would be something worth contemplating. I know it’s a very, very bold statement. “
“But there is no way, loved ones, and I say this with respect, that a minister, or a priest, or the Pope, or a Messiah, or an Avatar, or a psychic guru could ever lead you to your true self or the kingdom of Heaven. They say that they can, they talk about this, but they never give you the directions. Hardly ever are they ever able to meet you in their spirit body with yours, draw yours from the tomb and grave of your own body, rendezvous with you in the higher regions, and lovingly escort you through these planes of consciousness, with the inevitably of having this consciousness as your own when the journey is done. There is absolutely NO way.
Now, if you can believe me, that’s fine. And if you do not believe me, then personal experience has to come in and take its course. Meaning that you will have to go with someone then that you think can do this. And you might be disheartened. Now that does not mean that a sat guru is gonna come in here and demean all other paths and all other gurus efforts. No, no, no. All I’m saying is if you expect a first or second grade teacher to give you a twelfth grade education, you’re mistaken. Now, I wanna come to you in that light and that attitude.”
Now you go ahead examine me, assess me as closely as you can and size me up. And I know you’re not gonna see everything—you go ahead and size me up for an ego trip, for a personality trip, or a power play, or negativity. You go ahead and size me up, and you should see good things—if you have clear vision. So, please understand there is a huge difference between a sat guru and a normal guru.
It isn't ego, personality, power play, or negativity that causes people to speak out about MP. It's the simple truth based on their experience. I think it is very interesting that if an experience supports the "guru/path" as real, it is considered ultra-spiritual and sacred. But if the experience reveals to the practitioner that the "guru" is indeed a phony, well, then that experience is viewed as negative. How very convenient and self-serving to the guru.
His message for seekers to "examine, assess, and size him up" is disingenuous at best.
I guess the "normal guru" is just another Joe-blowhard claiming to have a super special connection to God channeling the great spirit for us common folk.... yep, not much difference between the MP "guru" and the "normal guru" from my perspective....if you have clear vision