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Master Path - Gary Olsen


It seems Gary Olsen’s followers are under the mistaken impression that those of us who see MasterPath as a cult are ignorant, unenlightened manumukhs doing the work of “Kal” (the MP devil).

Yes...these sleazy cult leaders use the age old 'programming' of the mind to alienate their students from rational and critical thinking. They also make up ( or usurp from other paths AKA plagiarize) their own esoteric language to further mind f*#k their students. I read all of citi-data and the students of Olsen went off into cuckoo sounding, disassociated cult-speak dogma with predictable regularity whenever faced with facts. They numbly and off-handedly dismissed rather heart-breaking stories from former "close in" students of Olsen who were ripped off financially and psychologically and were heroicially trying to put their lives back in order after experiencing the ultimate betrayal...someone preying off of their sincere desire to more closely contact their inherent spiritual Self.

Olsen's YouTube presentation with those ridiculous charts made my skin crawl. When I heard him address his victims as "loved ones" it made me want to immediately want to take a shower to get his stench off. Smell Devotion indeed! :thud:


:fight:and anti-cult and all of you who have contributed to the past few pages. Hooray! Time to take off the gloves. Many of the things said really hit the target for me. I still cannot believe, at times, that I walked around like a zombie, feeling superior to other spiritual practices, superior to other people, totally programmed....and all the while in denial about the cult and its minions who spy and tattle to those in control, if you say anything against MP. The gossip, the judgement, (who is Gary or Joy or any other chela to judge others?):ignore:.

It felt like coming out of a bad dream when I stepped out of this denial of myself to find I had given all personal power and$$$$ to someone who spouts such crap. It was a huge price to pay!!! Gary should have been an actor, because he has a great act on stage, the entire experience makes me shiver with disgust.


Truth Seeker
It’s what he represents, and in my experience, he represents the divine Spirit that lives within us all, waiting to be recognized. Because when I started to recognize this essence of who I am, through association with this true Master, my inner life came alive. And that’s why your own personal experience is so important, because it’s an experience that happens within YOU, and that’s how you know it’s real. How can anyone say my experience isn’t real just because he hasn’t had it?
If Gary represents the divine spirit within us all, why then does he not lead you to yourself when you come to recognize that? Because it will undermine his agenda of making a chela more and more dependant on him and less and less self-empowered.

You do not have to convince me that your experience was real, I’m sure it was. I would say that most of the rest of us have had those mystically inspiring moments, at times, where all and everything made complete and utter sense. They are most certainly real, and perfectly appropriate for the place and time when they occurred. My question to you is: Are you bestowing all credit for the experience to your Master? If you are, I believe that you are mistaken: by not accrediting the experience to yourself and your own efforts. Come to the realization that you created those experiences yourself, with the Master as your facilitator. That in fact you are perfectly capable creating those experiences alone and on your own, now that you have been shown and know how. That you no longer need, nor want, a Master who will so impose himself on you. Allowing you, making you, believe that you are hopelessly helpless without him being there to “oversee” many of your daily decisions.
:) Hi again Happy Chela,

Here's a reference, I would like you to look at, that expands further what I am trying to show to you:



Truth Seeker
PHYSICAL DEVOTION - Phenomenal Consciousness is the outer affair experienced through the gross and subtle senses within the Pinda Egg; systematically corresponds to the chakras beneatht the Third Eye:
1) Surat Bhakti - When a chela listens to the discourses with his/her ears while in the presence of the Living Master.
2) Sparsh Bhakti - When the chela touches the Master in any way or the Master touches the chela. Devotion experienced through touch.
3) Rup Bhakti - Viewing the form of the Master with one's eyes (without blinking). Lovingly and steadily gazing at the Master's Third Eye.
4) Smell Devotion - Sensing through smell the subtle currents emanating from the Master's aura whether present or not in the physical body.
5) Pashu Bhakti - Separate level of devotion (apart from the subtle senses) which embodies all five gross elements as one. Deals with the animal nature of humans - beneath the heart center.
Must lead a chela towards “orgasmic” celestial bliss? :eek: I can come out with a whole raft of sarcastic laughs, but I won’t.

The devotion where you gaze into the Master's eyes lovingly ("rup") was rather expected - but not the "without blinking" requirement. :confused: You can't blink because why? I think I read somewhere that Scientology audits involve some sort of no-blinking contests between people too...maybe Zeeker can confirm this?
On the communications course in Scientology you start with training routines, which are essentially a series of meditation/contemplation exercises. You start out by sitting by yourself in a chair and just “being there”. Then you do the same with another person facing you in another chair, both with your eyes closed. The next routine is the same, except with both student’s eyes are open and staring at each other. Nothing much to it, right? That’s what I would have thought! It took me 6 whole days, full-time, to complete just these three training routines. I did these exercises for hours on end, with a break every hour and a half or so to have my progress gauged. Apparently I was always not doing it right and kept being fed vague answers as to why I wasn’t “getting it” and had to review and read other materials to understand it properly. In fact I was only getting more and more confused. (The intent is to get you confused so that you will accept, in relief, the final and only answer, without question). There were others starting this course and doing these training routines and leaping quickly ahead and passing me while I remained stuck on these early exercises, progressing very slowly. I realized after that I was actually a real “tough nut” for them to crack. That I was silly enough, oblivious enough, to stay there, under the guise of a communications course, and put up with all their nonsense they had persuaded me to agree to.

What is contemplation/meditation? I would describe it an approach, a technique, to relax and quite the mind (and of course there are many and varied techniques of doing that). It requires discipline to do, taking a dedicated effort to “tame” the mind and become still. In contemplation/meditation you loose touch with the outside world through the 5 senses, and enter into an altered state of consciousness. Meditation is an introversion within. In such a trance state a person becomes much more “suggestible” and your imagination can begin to express itself and start to become “real”. :yoda: Through regular practice meditation becomes easier, an altered state being entered more easily to become deeper. As we “learn”, the brain’s neural networks “grow”, establish stronger circuits and connections, with something that was difficult to do, gradually becoming easy. With practice over time, these circuits of the brain will become ingrained, so that their “programs” are automatic, and below our threshold of conscious awareness. Whatever you contemplate/meditate upon, can become “Real”, without your conscious awareness of how “crazy” things may have become from a different perspective that you were at before. You can easily become “hypnotized” to particular thought forms, which may not serve your best interests. This is especially true when the suggestions contemplated/meditated upon come from someone/somewhere else with a hidden agenda! :devil:

Yes, I did do eye staring into another persons eyes in front of me, as an exercise, in Scientology. Yes, you train not to blink while staring. Yes, this becomes part and parcel of auditing. When I first did the eye staring training routine my mind rebelled. My eyes dried up, I needed to cough, I had to scratch my left ear, my eyes had to blink hard and momentarily avert themselves. Anything and everything will surface to distract you. I needed to concentrate and refocus, and “work” towards the perfection of the drill. Every 1-1½ hours the supervisor would give me a break, to see how I was progressing, review material and confuse me as to what I was doing wrong and not “getting it.” Time is of no importance here: “it takes, as long as it takes” with the perfection of the drill being the primary focus. In the meantime, the material, included Scientology doctrine, which I studied during the breaks would, become foremost in the mind. It became the substance that I mediated upon during the course of my next exercise attempt, and becoming insidiously programmed into my psyche.

The eye staring exercise had an insipid malicious intent behind it. At the end of the day, after I passed this training routine, I was led to registrar’s office to be shown other courses. Turned out to become an interrogation session that lasted for hours into the next morning. The registrar was not going to let me leave her office until I had made a commitment to do another course. I was frozen to my chair, unable to move, and loosing consciousness. The eye staring was used to brake me down. After days of on the training routines I had been effectively been programmed to sit there, like a stunned mullet, and unable to look away. If I had just come off the street I would have simply told the registrar to “stuff off”, stood up and walked out. What sort of person devises a so called religion that is out to warp a person’s mind in order to control them right to the core of their subconscious? An intently smart one, much smarter than most of the rest of us, who is profoundly evil who is the “scum of the earth”! Why does Gary have remnants of Scientology incorporated within his teachings? Surely he must have also studied Scientology, to further enhance his methods with the exactly the same intent! :wolverine:

The supervisors (and the like) in Scientology, refer to “seekers” starting their first courses as “Raw Meat”. Everyday dummies that are there for them seduce, break down and gain control over. What they themselves are oblivious of, is that they are “Raw Meat” themselves, being controlled by there superiors as mindless puppets, who have been “zonked” to an even deeper level. A dossier is compiled over the a Scientologist’s course of auditing sessions, where all their disclosed “buttons” emotional triggers along with intimate details, are recorded. This dossier is circulated among the member’s superiors. So they know exactly what to say to control their subject; a puppet master pulling the strings of their puppets to the puppeteer’s “tune”. I wonder if these monthly initiates’ reports serve the same purpose in MasterPath? :(

I can see parallels between Scientology’s Training Routines and Masterpath’s Contemplation exercises. That contemplation/meditation is used as a system to disseminate doctrine to the students thoughts and program their beliefs on a subconscious level. My impression of the Contemplation exercise is (please correct my errors): A chela reviews the material on a discourse tape by listening to it, and reads the discourse exercise instructions that come with the tape. The contemplation is done which involves repeating the mantra of the Hu for 20-30 minutes, where the material just listened to will be foremost in the chela’s thoughts. Contemplation is done at 3am, if at all possible, and may be repeated again after going back to bed but before starting the activities of the day. As a chela’s collection of discourses grows they will rotate their collection of discourses, on a daily basis, so that all their material is regularly reviewed (is not repeated day after day for a month). Eventually the teachings, become part of the chela's psyche of thinking, that they have next to no conscious control over! :cover:


David Lane says on his blog that more on Gary Olsen's scam will be revealed soon...about the beginning of January.

Seems like people like "Happy Chela" try to do damage control. Hard to imagine wasting 17 years with this con man. Must of cost a lot of money and, of course, the greater cost is the loss of an autonomous, authenic self.


Active Member
Don't fall for this scam...Gary Olsen is a liar and a plagiarist. MasterPath is simply his little money making venture.

Ah, that's exactly what I though this thread was about.

Elmer Gantry is alive!

Real "Hypocracy" = pre-meditated lying in the 1st degre.
Two quick things just for fun until the next "Gary's Bloopers and Practical Jokes" installments come out after the new year.

First , in reference to a previous post quoting a MasterPath chela who believed Gary's fortune cookie foretold his masterhood...tonight a fortune cookie in my household said "It is your time now". Must mean something!! :rolleyes:

Second, a celebration of the most wondrous song ever made in my opinion. (And I was five years old when it came out, so I'm not living in glory days past).
YouTube - QUEEN - Don't stop me now with lyrics

Appropriate for the season - Freddie Mercury has always spoken from beyond. :angel2: Happy Holidays, "seekers" and "finders" alike.


So on David Lane's blog today Olsen sends an excuse for his plagiarization. He must really be afraid of David Lane. He says that he stopped plagiarizing when his relatively new hardback books came out. He, of course, continued to plagiarize in multiple editions from 1995 until his new books came out recently. I guess he hired a new editor who was smart enough to switch some of the words around so that the plagiarization is no longer word for word.

Here's his nonsensical response to David Lane. Couldn't be more lame. He admits that his old works were plagiarized but NOW his new ones aren't. So that's OK right?? Would love to hear his excuses for accusing former chelas of being on messianic trips, his IRS scam, his pot smoking, his rage, and OH...claiming that he is the highest being in all of creation :shout Oh...and he has the gall to sign it SRI Gary Olsen. This guy is shameless...and not too bright

NEWS: Sri Gary Olsen responds to PLAGIARISM CHARGES Message List
Reply Message #183128 of 183142 < Prev | Next >

Today I received a letter from Gary Olsen explaining his position on glossary
plagiarism was uncovered by an independent researcher and published in the
magazine, "The Master Plagiarist."

Here is Gary's letter verbatim:


Dear David,

In your new publication's critique of Volume III of MasterPath – The
Divine Science of Light and Sound, you are pointing out the existing plagiarism within its glossary, and you mention that this was not your own research, but that of an independent researcher who wishes to remain unnamed. I simply want to inform you that you have not been given the complete picture, for this researcher's findings have been taken from the discontinued softcover edition of this book. In fact, all of the old softcover editions of the MasterPath books have been discontinued and are not available to the public or to my chelas. The newly published hardcover editions of the MasterPath writings have been revised and are completely free of any plagiarism.
I hope this letter finds you in good health and happy spirits.

Sri Gary Olsen
Well, that's an excuse Gary Olsen! :rolleyes: But I'm pretty sure I have a 1997 glossary, a 2005 glossary, and a 2009 glossary right in front of my eyes this very moment. All of which contain elements that apparently came word-for-word from other works, having been sold to chelas as "MasterPath"...and not originated by you, Gary Olsen of "MasterPath". And there's more. But nice try.

Let's just pretend for a moment though, that there was never any plagiarism in recent years. If we ignore all of that for an imaginary moment and picture Gary Olsen as an original author.:D ;)...:facepalm:

Even in pretend-world you have a lot to answer for, Gary. Let's talk about bird flu fear mongering for a second. And "detractor bashing". And the other tapes (see previous posts) and "works" which have been quoted here on this forum...as well as the City-Data forum. It could go on and on if we'd like it to.

Please provide some legal information regarding entities like your olive tree grove and Sky View Corporation. If you don't mind. Would you like to come clean about these and much more? Just curious.
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remembering you

New Member
Here is a post from David Lane: Today I received a letter from Gary Olsen explaining his position on
glossary plagiarism that was uncovered by an independent researcher and published inthe magazine, "The Master Plagiarist."
Here is Gary's letter verbatim:

Dear David,
In your new publication's critique of Volume III of MasterPath –
The Divine Science of Light and Sound, you are pointing out the existing
plagiarism within its glossary, and you mention that this was not your own
research, but that of an independent researcher who wishes to remain unnamed. I
simply want to inform you that you have not been given the complete picture, for
this researcher's findings have been taken from the discontinued softcover
edition of this book. In fact, all of the old softcover editions of the
MasterPath books have been discontinued and are not available to the public or
to my chelas. The newly published hardcover editions of the MasterPath writings
have been revised and are completely free of any plagiarism.
I hope this letter finds you in good health and happy spirits.

Sri Gary Olsen

My response to Gary Olsen: Wow Gary your integrity bowls me over. So you get caught plagiarizing in the early 90’s, admit to it online and then go about your merry way. The hard cover editions of your books didn’t come out until 4 or 5 years ago, so for 10 years plus you continued to publish plagiarized works. But now your new works are free from plagiarism! Really you only lied and cheated for 12 years or so. Awesome. The fact that a so-called guru has to say something like “the Masterpath writings are completely free of plagiarism” speaks volumes of who and what you are.

Interesting the way that you point your finger at the “researcher.” This is all their fault, right? They did it wrong in pointing out that you have been lying and cheating for years. I’ll bet you spent hours pacing your living room, surrounded by your little team of girls, sitting with straight spines, poised with pens and paper as you contemplated damage control. I’ll bet that the speculations flew as to who this “independent researcher” was. I’ve seen up close and personal how you and your wife blame, disdain and disavow any sense of responsibility or accountability.

Here’s a news flash Gary Olsen: There are dozens of people who have left the MasterPath in the past 5 years and none of them have any respect for you. So, you really have no idea who the “independent researcher” is, because really it could be one of thirty or forty people. They stopped playing the Emperor has no clothes game. But they do share your materials freely with others who have not been on the path. Many of us did not throw out 5-10-15 or 20 years worth of discourses or books or tapes. We shared them with people who had never been on MasterPath with comments like “do you believe this crap?” So it’s pretty easy to prove that this plagiarizing thing has been going on for well over a decade before you decided to clean it up. A good editor helps, doesn’t it? You can still appropriate RSSB teachings and rearrange it into a hard cover, can’t you? Truth is Gary, you have never had an original idea in your life other than how you could make money scamming people.

You want a more complete picture than what you got from the “independent researcher?” Try this on for size. Dozens and dozens of ex-chelas have written about you on the internet and if you Google MasterPath you will find only one site that sings your praises, and that is your own site. Keep spinning the damage control Gary; there’s more than a crack in the armor now: there is a chasm and it’s widening by the day letting all the world know that YOU ARE NO SAT GURU, you are a fake and charlatan. And I for one have taken a little bit of perverse delight in knowing that you are squirming.

Gary has responded with another communication to David offering excuses as to why he keeps stealing other peoples words and then putting his name to it. Check out the site...the link is on one of Anticult7's recent posts. BTW, I emailed the link and my post here to Rick Ross, so he could enjoy it too.
Keep going David Lane et al!:clap

remembering you

New Member
Gary is asking David Lane to post his replys (sic) defenses against stealing other people's works and then lying about it. This does NOT appear to be written by Gary, but most likely by wife and/or staff (just a guess) as Gary's speech patterns don't resemble what follows. Nonetheless, it most likely has his stamp of approval. Gosh, gee, poor Gary having to appropriate RSSB in order to fulfill his followers...and shucks the fact that he never even intended to even start a path himself. Golly and the fact that he gave his new found (never meant to do it) path a "western delivery" makes total sense now...as in "do you want a burger with the discourse? Who exactly were the people knocking on Gary's door begging him to be their master anyway? How stupid does this man think we are?! Here's his latest installment of "Poor Me, I Never Intended to Start a Path and the Devil Made Me Do It!"

Hi David,

I am happy to give greater context to your question regarding my initial
motives. In the years directly preceding the inception of MasterPath, I
repeatedly turned away spiritual seekers requesting my tutelage, for in truth, I
never had any intention of starting a Path or assuming the position of
Guruship. Contrarily, I actually redirected these seekers to the Teachings of
Sant Mat and made them aware of the Radha Soami tradition, for it was what I
knew to be the purest Light and Sound Path of the time. However, these Western
seekers began to return to my door, not only frustrated by an inability to
resonate with the Eastern vows and delivery of the traditional Sant Mat
Teachings, but also at a loss in finding a pure Western delivery of the same.
Thus, in my desire to serve the true Spiritual Current and these loving souls in
any way I could, I was divinely guided and eventually driven to accept my first
student, which marked the inception of the MasterPath.

As additional chelas began to arrive and, obviously, as there were no MasterPath
writings at that time, I had to begin straightway compiling instruction for
these individuals' immediate needs. I certainly never attempted to posture
myself as a literary or grammatical scholar, for my knowledge in these fields is
sparse. My sole intent was to teach the purest form of spirituality to the
students who had come to my door, and ironically, this is what prompted the use
of past Masters' instruction in those formative years. The Path had begun to
expand so quickly that I simply could not write fast enough to provide
sufficient materials to fill the chelas' needs. I made no effort to hide this,
and in fact, as you stated, it was rather blatant and was common knowledge among
the group of chelas who had gathered initially.

Nonetheless, I always intended to return to the beginning writings and to
complete my own delivery, and though it has taken some time to accomplish, I
have done so. I have openly apologized for violating the letter of the law by
failing to properly cite the words of those who delivered the eternal truths
that were used in portions of my beginning writings. However, in honor of the
spirit of the law, I truly did not attempt to hide this or to erase the
identities of these past pillars of Light and Sound, for I in fact drew my
students' attention to these great Masters of the Sant Mat tradition. I hope
this satisfactorily answers your questions and those of others who may share
similar concerns, and please know you have my permission to post these responses
if you wish.


Sri Gary
Wow! Is he serious? His explanations make no sense whatsoever.

For one thing, he's saying he was pressured into starting a path. Odd, because he also claims to be a swateh saint. If he's a swateh saint who was "commissioned by the highest lord", and came to this world with the purpose of initiating souls into the "sound current", then why was he so reluctant to do so? Maybe he needs to get his story straight.

Also, the excuse that he was initially in too much of hurry to create his own materials doesn't stand up to reason. It's preposterous. If he wanted his students to study Radha Soami materials, then all he had to do was make available the materials already printed by Radha Soami. Instead, he copied the writings and printed them with HIS name on the front as the author! How is that not deceiving? Ridiculous.

Let's not forget that Gary plagiarized more than just Radha Soami. There were also parts of his publications that came directly from Scientology. So how does that fit in with him claiming he only wanted to provide the "purest light and sound"?

Speaking of wanting the purest light and sound path...how does eating meat and condoning drugs and alcohol square with that? Oh, this is Gary's western "delivery"?

Weird, because he has reportedly warned his chelas about not interfering in the karma of other souls. Like the example he once gave about not returning another person's shopping cart to the corral because there can be karma transfer (something like that anyway).

So let me get this straight. Moving a shopping cart affect one's karma but eating the flesh of an animal and thereby being responsible for it's killing does NOT affect one's karma. The animals' souls don't transfer karma when you pass it's physical body through yours? But a shopping cart is more dangerous. This guy is a piece of work.

More on his recent publications soon...


Truth Seeker
...and shucks the fact that he never even intended to even start a path himself. Golly and the fact that he gave his new found (never meant to do it) path a "western delivery" makes total sense now...as in "do you want a burger with the discourse? Who exactly were the people knocking on Gary's door begging him to be their master anyway? How stupid does this man think we are?! Here's his latest installment of "Poor Me, I Never Intended to Start a Path and the Devil Made Me Do It!"
"Br'er Rabbit Psychology". In order to have students, beg, grovel, devotingly, for his honorable tutelage. Then they will feel so honored to be his chosen disciples, that so few have ever had the privilage to become.... Blah Blah Blah Blah! :facepalm:

Gary is just trying to "weasle out" of being sued for his plagiarised doctrines with his letters. Brown nosing David Lane, trying for his soft spot, hoping to avoid any of the consequences.

Wonder if the Scientologist know he has incorporated some of their material. These charts that were in Gary's earlier publications disappeared quick smart. Still uses their terms like "engram" and "MEST" (Matter Energy Space Time), which irrefutably come from Scientology. He'll have his work cut out dealing with the Thetans and soon loose his untold millions on lawsuites if he ever crosses their path. Ask Werner Erhard (The founder of EST, who did the same); he knows All about it!


Yes. Great to see con man Olsen kissing David Lane's a*s. It would be great if someone who has those exact Olsen Scientology plagiarizations would report Olsen to them. Anyone?

"Br'er Rabbit Psychology". In order to have students, beg, grovel, devotingly, for his honorable tutelage. Then they will feel so honored to be his chosen disciples, that so few have ever had the privilage to become.... Blah Blah Blah Blah! :facepalm:

Gary is just trying to "weasle out" of being sued for his plagiarised doctrines with his letters. Brown nosing David Lane, trying for his soft spot, hoping to avoid any of the consequences.

Wonder if the Scientologist know he has incorporated some of their material. These charts that were in Gary's earlier publications disappeared quick smart. Still uses their terms like "engram" and "MEST" (Matter Energy Space Time), which irrefutably come from Scientology. He'll have his work cut out dealing with the Thetans and soon loose his untold millions on lawsuites if he ever crosses their path. Ask Werner Erhard (The founder of EST, who did the same); he knows All about it!
Yes. Great to see con man Olsen kissing David Lane's a*s. It would be great if someone who has those exact Olsen Scientology plagiarizations would report Olsen to them. Anyone?

Wish I had Scientology materials to compare. What I can confirm is that the 2009 hardcover version of "MasterPath: The Divine Science of Light and Sound - Volume I" has a glossary in back that includes the word "engram":

MasterPath Volume I Copyright 2009, p. 263:
ENGRAM - Unresolved blockages to spiritual unfoldment created and sustained by the mind, ego, and personality within the present or past lifetimes; a distorted viewpoint; also called aberration, sanskara, or karma.

I don't know if the Scientology wording is similar at all, but I'm guessing this definition resembles what would be found in Eckankar's materials.

L. Ron Hubbard's "Reality Scale" from Scientology is also present in MasterPath Volume III, the 1990 version (so quite possibly later versions of Volume III as well).

It seems likely that more recent "hardcover" plagiarism by Gary Olsen could be uncovered with enough time and resources. At first glance, within minutes I found that at least one of the definitions quoted in David Lane's "The Master Plagiarist" still has the same wording in the 2009 hardcover version of Volume I. You know, the version that Gary says is "free of any plagiarism". Not quite!

Time will tell how much more turns up. And probably soon. ;)


Truth Seeker
It would be great if someone who has those exact Olsen Scientology plagiarizations would report Olsen to them. Anyone?
I would think you would have to work through all the material, as a Scientologist, to begin to unravel the traces that have been integrated in Gary's teachings.
Yes. Great to see con man Olsen kissing David Lane's a*s.
There he goes: Gary "Kiss-a**" Olsen!

Chelas! How do you rationalize that: God having to "grovel" to save his acquired Earthly wealth of this incarnation, of this - his present lifetime. Are you beginning to detect some irony to it all? :confused:
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