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Master Path - Gary Olsen

Violet...I couldn't get through all of the first youtube video of Pilo and Zirconia. I saw everything I needed to. The second one was well beyond my BS tolerance. You are awesome and clearly have more BS stamina than i do. Kudos to you.

Well, thanks AC7. I've really only watched a few of the videos. Not sure if I have more BS stamina or just a penchant for trainwrecks. ;) Maybe it comes from being a huge Mystery Science Theater 3000 fan for so many years.

But anyway, as morbidly fascinating as the latest "sat guru" crackpot couple is, Gary Olsen still reigns supreme in the world of deluded sociopaths.

So, FYI...David Lane's latest volume about Gary Olsen just came out...and it's superb. Some very compelling questions are asked by a former MasterPath follower in this issue. A thousand bravos to both David Lane and the former MP student.


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Thanks for the link Violet. The former student of the ever sleazy Olsen certainly sounds like he/she was there from the beginning and knows a lot about Olsen's lies and deceit. What a total creep this guy is. He it is in a few, easy to follow, installments. David Lane and this former student rock!

Volume 3 is called The Master Questions. These are questions asked of Pseudo Guru/Master Plagiarist Gary Olsen by a former student. David Lane invites Olsen to respond to these questions. I doubt he will given that he has had his a*s handed to him both times he tried to cover his lies with more lies.

For your viewing enjoyment-AC7

Volume Three
Editor’s Note: The following questions have been asked by a former follower of Gary Olsen and MasterPath. We will be happy to publish Gary’s unedited responses if he desires to answer these important queries.
Letter One from Gary Olsen:
Gary states: “I simply wish to inform you that you have not been given the complete picture....”
Yes, Gary, you are correct in your projection: the complete picture has not been given through the ambiguous & crafty explanations offered in your responses to David Lane. Can you answer the following questions?
1. Do you remember the glossy-paper photocopied discourses you sent to the first 5 “chelas” who were part of the “inception of MasterPath?” Care to tell us the “source and copyright holder” of those discourses that you sent & sold to us?
2. Do you remember how many “chelas” were following MP from 1987 to 1990 (right before MP became a 501c3 non-profit)?
Gary states: “.....I openly admit that the softcover books where somewhat rushed to print, and I later learned that I had failed to remove all of the previous violations. Upon realizing this, I began another, more thorough review of all of the MasterPath materials and removed everything that I had overlooked....”
1. You speak in the first person as though you were doing the work of editing your plagiarized books to “remove the previous violations.” If what you say is true, then, why didn’t you “realize” in the process that you (and your wife) “failed?” Miserably, I might add (and not just in this context). But I guess when you plagiarize it’s easy to forget what you have actually written. You did not even know (or remember) you had a First Initiation booklet (2005 experience I had with you and your wife).
2. How did you “later learn?” In other words, how was this fact brought to your attention?
A Former Follower Asks the Hard Questions |
The Master Questions |2
Letter Two from Gary Olsen:
Gary states: “As this process also incorporated my own updates and additions to my original writings, it has taken years to complete.”
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1. What are your “original writings?” “Updates?” A little office-y talk that I remember well....or is that new lingo for memos from God?
2. Name ONE book that you actually wrote from cover to cover that is “completely free of all plagiarism”?
3. Name ONE NEW book that you have written in the years from 1987 to 2006? (Caveat: the cover-up whitewash job of repeated editing by your wife and staff does not count as a “new book” that you have written. Nor do transcribed seminar tapes re-marketed in Book format count as you writing a “new book.” This also includes the Contemplation Notes sent as discourses and re-marketed as books. And those “sacred letters to seekers” compiled and re-marketed as books also do not count as you writing a book.)
4. What was your source for the discourses? How extensive was/is the plagiarism?
Letter Three from Gary Olsen:
Gary states: “In the years directly preceding the inception of MasterPath, I repeatedly turned away spiritual seekers requesting my tutelage, for in truth, I never had any intention of starting a Path or assuming the position of Guruship.”
1. Who were these “spiritual seekers” you “repeatedly” turned away? 2. “In truth”, your wife spoke frequently for years prior to the “inception of
MasterPath” that you and her were the next “Paul and Gail.”
Gary states: “Contrarily, I actually redirected these seekers to the Teachings of Sant Mat and made them aware of the Radha Soami tradition, for it was what I knew to be the purest Light and Sound Path of the time.”


1. You “redirected” seekers to Sant Mat? Really? I remember you & your wife “channeling” Eckankar to me! Quite adamantly and strongly...to the point that your wife actually threw her “gift” of the Shariat-k-Sugmad (along with a 5x7 of Darwin) at me because of my opposing & “stubborn” mind in not accepting Eckankar as a “true” path or teaching! I also recall you and your wife telling me about a $1000 per person private satsang you were hosting at your Glendora home for Darwin Gross. You also worked quite hard in setting up meetings in Fargo, ND for Darwin Gross, (I even accompanied your wife when she called on her old high school buddy to see if she could drum up air time on the local news station for the event), and when those meetings failed to attract real interest, MP was born within a very short time.
2. But here’s my real question for you Gary, if you really “knew” Radha Soami to be the “purest” L&S Path, then, why weren’t you an initiate of Radha Soami?
3. Or, was it just the “purest” path you knew from which to plagiarize in starting your own path?
4. Why didn’t you give me RSSB books instead of Eckankar books? 5. Why did you follow Eckankar if you “knew” RSSB to the “purest path?” Didn’t you hold meetings for Eckankar....teaching the “Eck” way of life?
6. Why did you instruct your beginning chelas to “not read any outside materials by other paths/teachings?” At the time you told us that we lacked the discriminatory skills to properly discern the subtle truths between the lines. How right you were! We never thought for a moment that your books were plagiarized... and you knew it. The only person who knew was your wife. Now that is the truth.
7. In 1995, you told us that 10 to 15% of the books were plagiarized. Now, your books have been in the “editing” process from 1987 to 2009 and counting. So, why would it take so much time to correct what you represented as a minor oversight?
8. Now, in 2010, you tell us that “you later learned” that you had not removed all of the violations, and that “upon realizing this” you began “a more thorough review.” Really? You are talking out of both sides of your dual mind...but I guess that is the reality & truth of your “guruship.”
9. Gary, I personally had 7 to 8 versions of MasterPath Volume I, and each time that book was edited every chela who purchased it paid another $20.
A Former Follower Asks the Hard Questions |
The Master Questions |4
The cost for printing your books was less than $5.00 per book. The amount I paid for that ONE book is equal to half the cost of the entire RSSB library. Which, by the way, a person may order without having to become a “dues paying member.”
10. I would also add that the 7 to 8 versions of that Book does not represent the number of times it was edited in some form. AND it is also a fact (confirmed in your own words) that the 7 to 8 versions of a single book that required repeated & significant editing still fell short in meeting the criteria for removing what you “explained” in 1995 as “only” 10 to 15% plagiarized. So, the hardcover edition of 2009 is what you consider to be a “more thorough review” to remove what you failed to realize between the years 1987 to 2006. Simply amazing how you guys come up with this crap....equally amazing that people are still buying what you are selling...literally and figuratively.


Gary states: “I certainly never attempted to posture myself as a literary or grammatical scholar, for my knowledge in these fields is sparse. My sole intent was to teach the purest form of spirituality to the students who had come to my door, and ironically, this is what prompted the use of past Masters' instruction in those formative years.”
1. Sparse knowledge of literary ethics, literature, or grammar has nothing to do with purity of intent. And it doesn’t take a scholar to know that simple truth.
2. “Ironically,” you created a plagiarized path much like your predecessor. You claim to be heir apparent to the “inner lineage” of Soamiji and Sawan even though you have never been an initiate of RSSB. You do not “honor the spirit” of the Sant Mat teachings. But I guess violation of the lineage tradition of Sant Mat, as well as the Sant Mat initiation, is also ironically insignificant and “sparse” in the field of self-proclaimed gurus.
3. Interesting that in your “sole intent to teach the purest form of spirituality” you have created a “dues paying membership only path” rip-off of past masters instructions that have you made a very rich man. Perhaps your awareness in the field of those past masters teachings is as equally vapid as your literary knowledge is sparse. One of their cardinal principles is that no money can be charged for imparting the knowledge.
A Former Follower Asks the Hard Questions |
The Master Questions |5
Gary states: “However, these Western seekers began to return to my door, not only frustrated by an inability to resonate with the Eastern vows and delivery of the traditional Sant Mat Teachings, but also at a loss in finding a pure Western delivery of the same.”
1. Again, who were these “Western seekers” that began returning to your door? I was very close to you & your wife and there were no such people..
Gary states: “The Path had begun to expand so quickly that I simply could not write fast enough to provide sufficient materials to fill the chelas' needs.”
1. You spend 3 to 4 months every year in MN, plus 2 weeks to a month vacationing in the winter. You do nothing for yourself; everything is done for you. Everything! Right down to someone placing the registration sticker on your license plate while you & your wife watch. Or, your gardener filling your cars with gas so that you & your wife don’t have to smell gas fumes or be bothered with such menial tasks of daily “lower” life.
2. You could not “write fast enough?” Or plagiarize? I guess we can credit with you for the real-time you spent re-typing the writings of Radha Soami.


Gary states: “Nonetheless, I always intended to return to the beginning writings and to complete my own delivery, and though it has taken some time to accomplish, I have done so.”
1. Again, what are your “beginning writings?” Do you consider whitewashing the plagiarized books and discourses to be a “divinely inspired” completion of your own delivery? And it has taken over 20 years to accomplish. Your office staff is doing the work, not you. I’m not convinced you even wrote the responses to David Lane. Obviously, you, your wife, KW, and possibly DR (and RS) all played a role in composing it....I mean, lest we forget your knowledge in the scholarly fields of grammar & literary skill is sparse.
A Former Follower Asks the Hard Questions |
The Master Questions |6
Gary states: “I have openly apologized for violating the letter of the law by failing to properly cite the words of those who delivered the eternal truths that were used in portions of my beginning writings. However, in honor of the spirit of the law, I truly did not attempt to hide this or to erase the
identities of these past pillars of Light and Sound, for I in fact drew my students' attention to these great Masters of the Sant Mat tradition. “
1. Violating the letter of the law was not just “failing to properly cite”... you also copyrighted the books and discourses. “Portions?” Again, Gary, if the plagiarism was so minor, why has it taken over 20 years to correct?
2. In honoring the “spirit of the law”.... in 2005 you specifically asked me to remove any reference to Eckankar beginning with the reference in the now defunct acknowledgment page that was included in every book from 1995 to 2006. You also asked that the word MEST be checked and to make sure the words were mixed up so that they did not read: matter, energy, space, and time (which I now know comes from Scientology).
3. You drew our attention to “dead masters” by saying they taught the same thing you are teaching.
Last thought for you Gary in “honoring the spirit of the law”: You frequently state in seminars that if a chela ever found something purer or higher than MasterPath, then they should let you know and you would go for it too. Well, you consider the Radha Soami to be the “purest” teaching you know....I hope you share the “good news” at your upcoming seminar.
But perhaps it is your Western mind and its attachments that would experience the greatest difficulty in following the vows of traditional Sant Mat: no meat, no drugs, and 21⁄2 hours deep meditation daily.


Violet, I agree that "Gary Olsen reigns supreme in the world of deluded sociopaths" hands down. Can't imagine he will have the courage (audacity) to respond "personally" on David Lane's site again. No one buys his BS except his own Moonies. Really now...what could this con man say now to defend his indefensible actions?

But anyway, as morbidly fascinating as the latest "sat guru" crackpot couple is, Gary Olsen still reigns supreme in the world of deluded sociopaths.

So, FYI...David Lane's latest volume about Gary Olsen just came out...and it's superb. Some very compelling questions are asked by a former MasterPath follower in this issue. A thousand bravos to both David Lane and the former MP student.




Truth Seeker
Recently finished reading “Blown for Good – Behind the Iron Curtain of Scientology” by Marc Headley, which came out end of 2009. Pretty much a diary of daily events from a former member in the elite core of Scientology based in the current headquarters in Gilman Hot Springs, near Hemet, in Southern California. An incarcerated slave doing 100 hour work weeks for 15 years, until he had the gall to risk his whole preordained future and make his great escape. The book gives an insight into what circumstances a person can find themselves trapped into, what really goes on the inside, and how exceedingly difficult it is to get up and leave, in the flesh as well as psychologically. The binds and situations a person can so readily walk into, and what one must decide to do to regain autonomy and break away.

What was/is life like, on the inside, as a Pather? The good, the bad and the …whatever. What questions of yours were answered? Your experiences will undoubtedly assist others understand the situations that a person can expect to find on the journey into the MasterPath.

In the search for the Truth; feelings of reticence can surface to ward you off. No one can truly judge you except your own self. Just like going to confession in a church, anything you say here is anonymous and held in confidence; your identity remains undisclosed. It can also be liberating, to the point of being a cathartic release and an act of self-realization as to where you have come from. Besides, if you help just one other person gain some critical insight, it will be worth it!


Zeeker-there are many, many of the kinds of "revelations" you are requesting from former Masterpathers on citi-data,152 sad pages worth. Some from former students that were clearly very close in and when they saw through Olsen's pathology and scam and left after giving and giving, Olsen viciously slandered them to save face with his "flock". Nasty little creep!



Truth Seeker
Zeeker-there are many, many of the kinds of "revelations" you are requesting from former Masterpathers on citi-data,152 sad pages worth.
Thanks for that Anticult.

Many of my questions I have put forward on these threads have gone unanswered and I am still left very much “guessing” at what must indeed go on. When a person remains in having to guess, they are more than likely to guess wrong. I also know that there are readers here who know many of the answers and can “shed their light” on the topic, and have indeed shared some of their experiences to informed us, which I am very grateful for (Thank You). I can also understand why current chelas would choose to remain silent, with all their vows and instructions directing them, irrevocably, to honor that. However, I have the distinct impression that many former chelas are still afraid of Gary. That the debunked Master still wields some control over you. That bad things will happen if anything of any consequence is revealed. That there is no effort required "to hedge ones bets", not tempt fate, by not speaking out and telling what happened. I am asking you to take up the challenge and prove to yourself that Gary does not, and never will, have any power over you. To reduce garji to the depraved little man he truly is!

You may say to me: If I want to find out, go sign up and find out for myself! Well, after a one-on-one attempt on me that backfired; asking all the wrong questions that only led to more wrong questions, I can’t see how that could work. I would have to go along with everything, not make any disturbances, just like Gary wants, and “pretend” not to be myself. I know full well that if a person “pretends” for long enough, it will eventually stop being an imaginary act and become “Real”. I already know that I can be hypnotized and don’t need to prove it to myself over again. Besides, I would not want to compromise my integrity by financially supporting Gary’s regime of seducing others to serve in his narcissistic interests. Why would I go through all of that when there are those here who have gone through it all already, and are able to inform and enlighten us all, and empower themselves still further by speaking out?

Just like the pedophile, who will put in place an assortment of preventative measures for his victims to keep his self-serving acts of disregard "Secret" at all costs. So too, will the chela be faced with a code of protocols to break and overcome, in order to reach the decision to expose their abuser and bring him to justice. For the perpetrator knows full well that what they are doing is absolutely “corrupt” (both morally and spiritually), and that if found out it will most assuredly lead to their demise. Everyone has their story to be told. I know that things can get strange and unbelievable. Set any anticipated impediments aside; they are imaginary and "unreal". We can only commend you on your exposé. Your experiences were real for you at the time, and by acknowledging them you will verify your resolve, how you have changed for the better, even further. I would very much like to learn more about your experiences, what you discovered, from your encounter inside MasterPath. :)
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I'm not sure that all those who choose not to post their experiences are afraid of Gary...they may just want to get on with their lives...past the nightmare and embarrassment of falling for Olsen's sociopathy. Their are many reasons people fall for these predators...unresolved parental issues probably accounts of most of the seductions. But...the worst thing about these sleazy, fake gurus is that they prey upon the sincere desire in many well-intentioned people to know Spirit more intimately. Hope Olsen gets all that he deserves!




Truth Seeker
I'm not sure that all those who choose not to post their experiences are afraid of Gary...they may just want to get on with their lives...past the nightmare and embarrassment of falling for Olsen's sociopathy.
I would also like to know why former members are reluctant to express their experiences Anticult.

I would have thought that any chela, who has been exposed the topics in the teachings being discussed here, can only begin to realize the accepted mediocrity in our everyday lives that society imposes upon us. That having once been “bitten,” exposed to the unlimited powers of the mind, despite meeting the manipulators along the way, like Gary (who we certainly do not need), we will always aspire to know more? Becoming part-and-parcel of the getting on with our lives. I certainly do not regret having had my experiences, nor am I embarrassed of them, however frightening they were to me at the time. In fact, they consolidate the purpose of my life, that so many others appear to have no inkling about? I would also add: that through the process of verbalizing and vocalizing the recall of our experiences, they can begin to support us in our growth, as active part of our conscious awareness. “Therapy,” in other words.

You and I can only hazard our guesses as to why; and ask others here for their comments, to discover the reasons.


...they may just want to get on with their lives...past the nightmare and embarrassment of falling for Olsen's sociopathy. Their are many reasons people fall for these predators...unresolved parental issues probably accounts of most of the seductions. But...
Why don't x-chelas bear more witness?
Maybe they are concerned about being identified by personal stories and being judged by the same new alliances they are trying to reach out to for support. That is a nightmarish embarrassment indeed.


I still think that if you read the citi-data forum on Olsen you will find all the bearing witness and testimonies you need.

I agree with Anticult7, the citi-data forum has lots of witness and testimonies! I followed that thread from start to finish.
I would like to add; I have used what I've read from past MP members to try and shed some light on MP to my now ex, who has been hooked on Gary for years. Every time I would explain any of Garys crap with the facts I have found on these pages, even the past history of Garys involvement with Eckankar, where he was just another Joe, my ex had a ready comeback that Gary had pre programed into her head. From what I've seen, Gary must spend half his time doing damage control. My ex thinks it just fine that Gary smokes pot, uses a tanning bed, hair spray, spends gobs of money on ego, greed and slothful stuff like olive trees! My ex can also tell you 100 reasons why it is acceptably for Gary to be wrong, and make mistakes as often as he does! Say's it has to do with the karma of the body he chose to enter into the world with. Even though Gary cant do anything about the karma attached to the body he is inhabiting, he can still take away your bad karma. What????
At one point a few years ago my ex was approached by the long time members who were leaving the MP, there is mention of this Exodus on the citi-data forum, she listened to all the condemning first hand experiences from these people who knew Gary best, and still she only sees Gary as the Master. To her it was only a test, that the mind is the enemy, doubt is the enemy. And that the ones who were leaving the path... Just weren't ready!
I've had to let her go. The more I try, the harder she holds on! But I can't seen to let go of the fact that this Gary needs to be stopped, and I know exactly how.
It's taken 3 years of research and planning, but it's done! I never expect to get the love of my life back, that's not going to happen. I have alienated her with my efforts to crush her "Master."

So Gary, if you are reading this, or if any of your minions read this and report back to you. Heed my warning, you are done, I am going to end what you are doing to these poor people. You should pack up your bags, and leave town. This is my quest, like the name Judas_kiss suggests, when Juda kissed Jesus so the Centurions would know who which one he was. So now I kiss you Gary. You think you are Jesus, then you shall be dragged through the streets in utter humiliation, you will stand in mock trial, found guilty, and you will be hung
figuratively from the cross! Count your days, you have about 3 Months. :yes:
I agree with Anticult7, the citi-data forum has lots of witness and testimonies! I followed that thread from start to finish.
I would like to add; I have used what I've read from past MP members to try and shed some light on MP to my now ex, who has been hooked on Gary for years. Every time I would explain any of Garys crap with the facts I have found on these pages, even the past history of Garys involvement with Eckankar, where he was just another Joe, my ex had a ready comeback that Gary had pre programed into her head. From what I've seen, Gary must spend half his time doing damage control. My ex thinks it just fine that Gary smokes pot, uses a tanning bed, hair spray, spends gobs of money on ego, greed and slothful stuff like olive trees! My ex can also tell you 100 reasons why it is acceptably for Gary to be wrong, and make mistakes as often as he does! Say's it has to do with the karma of the body he chose to enter into the world with. Even though Gary cant do anything about the karma attached to the body he is inhabiting, he can still take away your bad karma. What????
At one point a few years ago my ex was approached by the long time members who were leaving the MP, there is mention of this Exodus on the citi-data forum, she listened to all the condemning first hand experiences from these people who knew Gary best, and still she only sees Gary as the Master. To her it was only a test, that the mind is the enemy, doubt is the enemy. And that the ones who were leaving the path... Just weren't ready!
I've had to let her go. The more I try, the harder she holds on! But I can't seen to let go of the fact that this Gary needs to be stopped, and I know exactly how.
It's taken 3 years of research and planning, but it's done! I never expect to get the love of my life back, that's not going to happen. I have alienated her with my efforts to crush her "Master."

So Gary, if you are reading this, or if any of your minions read this and report back to you. Heed my warning, you are done, I am going to end what you are doing to these poor people. You should pack up your bags, and leave town. This is my quest, like the name Judas_kiss suggests, when Juda kissed Jesus so the Centurions would know who which one he was. So now I kiss you Gary. You think you are Jesus, then you shall be dragged through the streets in utter humiliation, you will stand in mock trial, found guilty, and you will be hung
figuratively from the cross! Count your days, you have about 3 Months. :yes:

Bravo, judas_kiss. Your experience illustrates so perfectly the destruction MasterPath perpetrates on a follower’s life, and is probably sadly familiar to the loved ones of MasterPath “students”.

There is no reasoning with chelas who are deep in the mire of Gary Olsen's warped mess. It’s like trying to tell Charlie Sheen he’s nuts. Not only do the chelas believe their “path” represents absolute truth, they are also convinced they're far more evolved souls than their family and friends. :rolleyes: Which conveniently explains why others don’t “get it”.

Chelas see themselves as incomparable to the rest of the “manumukhs” walking around. They actually believe none of us have experienced soul or God in the profound ways they have. Only they can know truth, because they have a “living master” who can take them to the restricted highest "levels” of heaven...places reserved only for those who’ve gone through some imaginary initiation by the “godman” Gary. :bonk:

Magical thinking...narcissistic delusion...or in some cases simply a mistaken interpretation/projection of mystical experience. To some degree all MasterPath chelas have been unknowingly kidnapped into an illusion, their beliefs and spiritual experience limited by the twisted inauthentic ramblings of a sick megalomaniac.

Make no mistake, Gary. This isn't going away. Like judas_kiss, many people are working behind the scenes to shut you down. And there is much more to come. ;)


What's the plan? MP isn't that strong. FBI has bigger fish to fry. Gary, where's the beef. Your mishmosh plagiarism has been exposed. You are a fake and a liar.
My main fear is that Scary Gary snaps, like Manson or Jones or Koresh. He's came close with the bird flu fiasco of late. My poor ex spent close to $10,000 in preparation for Gary's failed prediction! If he falls apart, which can very well happen when the walls close in on him, innocent people could get hurt! I certainly don't want that. What happens to the faithful when their Master disapers? Will the torch just be picked up by his wife, or his number one? What if his whole hierarchy disappears, goes to jail, or heads to the Bahamas, what happens then. These are the questions I've been researching... What happens when someone who is completely brainwashed wakes up one day to discover their god who has been their everything is no more?
My main fear is that Scary Gary snaps, like Manson or Jones or Koresh. He's came close with the bird flu fiasco of late. My poor ex spent close to $10,000 in preparation for Gary's failed prediction! If he falls apart, which can very well happen when the walls close in on him, innocent people could get hurt! I certainly don't want that. What happens to the faithful when their Master disapers? Will the torch just be picked up by his wife, or his number one? What if his whole hierarchy disappears, goes to jail, or heads to the Bahamas, what happens then. These are the questions I've been researching... What happens when someone who is completely brainwashed wakes up one day to discover their god who has been their everything is no more?

Just guessing...

What's left of the burned out torch will be passed to Richard, whom we can only hope is a little smarter and more stable than Gary. Surely the whole crew isn't going to bolt. Certainly not Richard and his wife anyway. And lose his shining opportunity to become "master" to what's left of Gary's chelas? Not likely. You know those "living master" types...they tend to have wicked egos. ;)

If Gary starts pulling another "Bird Flu" stunt, there's got to be at least a couple of people close to the inner circle who are wise enough to reign him in. Even if Gary hasn't learned his lesson, you'd think others would know better by now...? :confused:

The really hardcore chelas will probably remain in the state of delusion they've been living for years. If Gary runs or gets put away, there will be another "fable" told to the faithful. Maybe he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of Anami. Or his so called persecution led him to become an avatar at a remote private ashram near Acapulco. Some ****e like that.

The secretary will of course be woven into the fairy tale somehow too, so she can be with Gary. Joyce will be said to reside in Sach Khand, eternally playing the ninth symphony she wrote back in the day when she was Beethoven. :facepalm:

In all seriousness, I do think Richard will try to take over what's left of MP and steer the flock. If he's smart he'll just use the same mailing list and change the name of the organization. Then start recruiting some more people who are looking for "masters" and fables to be satisfied by.