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Master Path - Gary Olsen

Good evening,

First I would like to thank EOF, Zizzer, Zeeker and the others that have understood the catastrophic emotional and mental experiences that occur after an individual leaves the Masterpath and these strong individuals have been a voice for many people out there that have left the Masterpath.

The thing that I feel that Vichar, Allen, and some of the others do not seem to understand is that we too, use to defend Gary O the same way that you are!

Which is why I know the way your mind rationalizes and defends the Masterpath's stance and Gary Olsen. It is actually a trip to hear some of the arguments and words you say, words and arguments I Know I stated and argued in year's past, although not in such a public forum. Most of my defence of the Masterpath and Gary Olsen took place with detractors and skeptics at both seminars and other meetings. I wish you well Vichar, and if you ever see this situation differently, feel free to reach out and hear the words of the wise individuals that have moved forward from the damaging experience of Masterpath, I did.

With great sincerity,


Good evening,

First I would like to thank EOF, Zizzer, Zeeker and the others that have understood the catastrophic emotional and mental experiences that occur after an individual leaves the Masterpath and these strong individuals have been a voice for many people out there that have left the Masterpath.

The thing that I feel that Vichar, Allen, and some of the others do not seem to understand is that we too, use to defend Gary O the same way that you are!

Which is why I know the way your mind rationalizes and defends the Masterpath's stance and Gary Olsen. It is actually a trip to hear some of the arguments and words you say, words and arguments I Know I stated and argued in year's past, although not in such a public forum. Most of my defence of the Masterpath and Gary Olsen took place with detractors and skeptics at both seminars and other meetings. I wish you well Vichar, and if you ever see this situation differently, feel free to reach out and hear the words of the wise individuals that have moved forward from the damaging experience of Masterpath, I did.

With great sincerity,

Hi Season of Change

I understand that in such a discussion it might seem that I am "defending Gary Olsen". I should clarify. Honestly, Gary doesn't need me to defend him. In fact, I suspect that some of what I have written would meet with his disapproval. He would probably chastise me for not fully allowing others the right to their own experience.

I wrote what I wrote in defense of the teachings. A part of me does not care that Gary Olsen happens to be the current outer master. Of course, I owe him and his efforts an eternal debt of gratitude, but at the end of the day it's not about him. It's about the teachings, the eternal truth that exists in everyone. It's about the true master inside, who can only be found once our habitual preconceptions are relinguished.

I realize it's quite easy to see me as being "on the other side" of an argument, but I am in no way "against" anyone that has written something in this thread. I defend the truth not because the truth needs defending but because I care about the people for whom the truth is intended to set free. It seems only fair that another side of the discussion be presented at the very least so people who have left the masterpath are not the only voice to predominate the internet. Surely if you have a right to come here and speak out against the path, I have a right to come here and talk about the truth of the teachings and the wonderful experiences I have had exploring those same teachings.

EDIT: And yes, these are the same teachings in the Dao de Jing (Tao Te Ching) or Radhasoami. If you feel more comfortable pursuing those paths because Gary doesn't have anything to do with them, you should absolutely do so! Please stay away from masterpath if you think Gary is a fraud!

I challenge anyone who has left the path to directly quote the teachings in support of the negative things you have said about the path. I will know if the quote is exact and true or not, so be careful of posting anything untrue here. Show me where in the teachings it gives someone free license to bash another spiritual path, denigrate others verbally online, or "feel superior" as has been suggested several times. Let's stick with concrete things here instead of opinions if you want to lend your point some credence.
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This is my personal story..here on this thread. I've worked through my anger, both inner and outer directed. I have made more strides in self awareness and personal health concerns in these past years since being off the path that I did for the 12 years on the path. MP is an outer directed path, affected by Gary and his minions. It has been my journey. I can only spek for myself.

I do seriously care about others in my community and my family, and I work to make things better in the world. I like living on this plane, in this world, in this life. I have found the practices of MP delusional to the point of affecting one's mental health. If there is anyone out there who is questioning this path, please reach out(outside the path) and get help.

Zizzer, if you interpreted my last comment to you as hurtful or offensive, I am very sorry. It was not intended to be any kind of attack.


I also believe I can never be fooled again. :yoda:

Fool me twice, shame on me? :)

Of course you should do what you feel is best for you, Zeeker. For me, in love, life, spirituality, I gladly prefer the "risk" of being "fooled" to shutting others out of my heart.

I've made mistakes in love, made mistakes trying out things that didn't work out. I would never take those things back, because those wonderful experiences are what allowed me to grow and move forward. I would never want to live my life worrying about what other people might be doing. So what, should I follow a guru because he lives in a monastary in the mountains and lives an austere life? In a spiritual path, it comes down the the teachings. Truth can be felt. And the masterpath teachings aren't the only true teachings out there. Gary can (and repeatedly does) tell you that himself. I would encourage everyone to live life to its fullest, with a generous heart, accepting of others and encouraging people to follow what they feel is true. Truth will find you; there's no need to worry about the perfect system that is life. Each of our experiences is perfect and the only thing that isn't is our acceptance or refusal to do the work necessary to understand those experiences and realize the lessons contained therein.
Hi Season of Change

I understand that in such a discussion it might seem that I am "defending Gary Olsen". I should clarify. Honestly, Gary doesn't need me to defend him. In fact, I suspect that some of what I have written would meet with his disapproval. He would probably chastise me for not fully allowing others the right to their own experience.

I wrote what I wrote in defense of the teachings. A part of me does not care that Gary Olsen happens to be the current outer master. Of course, I owe him and his efforts an eternal debt of gratitude, but at the end of the day it's not about him. It's about the teachings, the eternal truth that exists in everyone. It's about the true master inside, who can only be found once our habitual preconceptions are relinguished.

I realize it's quite easy to see me as being "on the other side" of an argument, but I am in no way "against" anyone that has written something in this thread. I defend the truth not because the truth needs defending but because I care about the people for whom the truth is intended to set free. It seems only fair that another side of the discussion be presented at the very least so people who have left the masterpath are not the only voice to predominate the internet. Surely if you have a right to come here and speak out against the path, I have a right to come here and talk about the truth of the teachings and the wonderful experiences I have had exploring those same teachings.

EDIT: And yes, these are the same teachings in the Dao de Jing (Tao Te Ching) or Radhasoami. If you feel more comfortable pursuing those paths because Gary doesn't have anything to do with them, you should absolutely do so! Please stay away from masterpath if you think Gary is a fraud!

I challenge anyone who has left the path to directly quote the teachings in support of the negative things you have said about the path. I will know if the quote is exact and true or not, so be careful of posting anything untrue here. Show me where in the teachings it gives someone free license to bash another spiritual path, denigrate others verbally online, or "feel superior" as has been suggested several times. Let's stick with concrete things here instead of opinions if you want to lend your point some credence.

Hi Vichar,
In response to your statement, I do not know if you feel that you are defending Gary Olsen and the Masterpath or not, I trust your perspective and viewpoint because it is real for you, at least for now. Your drive for what you do is not relevant to me—it only has meaning and purpose for You to live. You are doing what I feel you think you should do in defense of the Light & Sound teachings, I totally get that!

I truly understand it because I lived it for many years as a loyal and sincere follower of the Light and Sound teachings and the “current living master.” Actually, I use to defend, rationalize, express, explain, teach, and live the Masterpath beliefs quite well if I do say so myself ☺ although now there is a great deal of guilt associated with my previous actions and statements.
You indeed have a right to speak your mind and share your experiences as I do, and others do too. I feel that I truly understand your arguments and/or stance about the “Light and Sound” teachings because I too had such “pinpointed” loyalty, surrender, and dedication to the path.

Keep in mind that I too wove all of the believe “linage” subjugated by Gary Olsen and Masterpath—from Loazi and the Tao Te Ching, to Jesus, to Mohammad, to Rumi, to Shiv Dahl Singh, to Baba Sawan Singh, to radhasoami, to Jagat Singh to Sant Kirpal Singh, to the Ruhani satsang, to the “ineffectiveness” of Eckankar and others to eventually “the current living master,” Gary Olsen.

I owned and studied every linage book, every ancient piece of linage writing according to Masterpath, I connected all of the dots as a loyal chela should and will do eventually.

It is MY opinion that this is a brilliant way to verify authenticity—connect a belief and spiritual path to all of the great beliefs and spiritual paths that have existed and have been successful belief structures for mankind. “it has always been.” I get your point.

In my previous point, I was just sharing my opinion and insight about the spiritual, emotional, and mental devastation that occurred to ME at the point of realizing that I was living in a fantasy world for many years.



Hi Vichar,
In response to your statement, I do not know if you feel that you are defending Gary Olsen and the Masterpath or not, I trust your perspective and viewpoint because it is real for you, at least for now. Your drive for what you do is not relevant to me—it only has meaning and purpose for You to live. You are doing what I feel you think you should do in defense of the Light & Sound teachings, I totally get that!

I truly understand it because I lived it for many years as a loyal and sincere follower of the Light and Sound teachings and the “current living master.” Actually, I use to defend, rationalize, express, explain, teach, and live the Masterpath beliefs quite well if I do say so myself ☺ although now there is a great deal of guilt associated with my previous actions and statements.
You indeed have a right to speak your mind and share your experiences as I do, and others do too. I feel that I truly understand your arguments and/or stance about the “Light and Sound” teachings because I too had such “pinpointed” loyalty, surrender, and dedication to the path.

Keep in mind that I too wove all of the believe “linage” subjugated by Gary Olsen and Masterpath—from Loazi and the Tao Te Ching, to Jesus, to Mohammad, to Rumi, to Shiv Dahl Singh, to Baba Sawan Singh, to radhasoami, to Jagat Singh to Sant Kirpal Singh, to the Ruhani satsang, to the “ineffectiveness” of Eckankar and others to eventually “the current living master,” Gary Olsen.

I owned and studied every linage book, every ancient piece of linage writing according to Masterpath, I connected all of the dots as a loyal chela should and will do eventually.

It is MY opinion that this is a brilliant way to verify authenticity—connect a belief and spiritual path to all of the great beliefs and spiritual paths that have existed and have been successful belief structures for mankind. “it has always been.” I get your point.

In my previous point, I was just sharing my opinion and insight about the spiritual, emotional, and mental devastation that occurred to ME at the point of realizing that I was living in a fantasy world for many years.


Honestly? Season of Change, you've been nothing but respectful and polite so far as I can see in this thread. For that I thank you. Such a moderate attitude lends credence to your words, and I have no doubt that your experience is very true for you as well.

I have been contemplating your viewpoint and what you've said. It's true that the Ego can easily twist the teachings into what you indicated. I think that is a really significant danger. As I indicated earlier, I don't doubt you experienced what you experienced at all.

I responded mainly because I don't think the ego / improper attitude of certain chelas should be taken as a reflection on the teachings. Honestly, I don't read much spiritual difference between what I read in Gary's writings and the Tao Te Ching, not on a vibrational level. Yes, I understand what you have said about lineage, and logically I do not attempt to deny what you're saying about lineage, especially given the actions of some previous pseudo-gurus. My point is, the teachings themselves are true in my opinion. My only yardstick for measuring the truth is what effect it has in my own consciousness. I'm seeing light, hearing sound, yes, but more to the point I'm changing on the inside for the better. That, in my opinion, is the only measuring stick worth using for any spiritual path.

Thank you again, SoC, for your earnest responses.
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Went to see the movie "The Master" this weekend. Award performances. I thought the movie illustrated the Machavellian side of these false prophets and the spinelessness of the sheeple who follow. Very much a model of House of Olsen including controling wife, only set in the 50's.
I wrote what I wrote in defense of the teachings. A part of me does not care that Gary Olsen happens to be the current outer master. Of course, I owe him and his efforts an eternal debt of gratitude, but at the end of the day it's not about him. It's about the teachings, the eternal truth that exists in everyone. It's about the true master inside, who can only be found once our habitual preconceptions are relinguished.

Vichar, your response is irresistible.

You assert that if we want to lend credence to our point we must stick with concrete things and not opinion. What and where are the concrete facts that prove “Gary Olsen happens to be the current outer master?” It is only your opinion (and belief) that supports that notion.

Since it is not you or Gary that decides how and when a person experiences enlightenment, you are conflating your opinion with something beyond your locus of power. Your opinion (and belief) is based on the repetitious (habitual) preconceptions of the teachings you follow. So, perhaps once you relinquish those preconceptions you may find the eternal inside.

I realize it's quite easy to see me as being "on the other side" of an argument, but I am in no way "against" anyone that has written something in this thread. I defend the truth not because the truth needs defending but because I care about the people for whom the truth is intended to set free. It seems only fair that another side of the discussion be presented at the very least so people who have left the masterpath are not the only voice to predominate the internet. Surely if you have a right to come here and speak out against the path, I have a right to come here and talk about the truth of the teachings and the wonderful experiences I have had exploring those same teachings.

You have every right to talk about the teachings you follow. But you shouldn’t expect or demand that anyone respect those teachings just because you follow them.

EDIT: And yes, these are the same teachings in the Dao de Jing (Tao Te Ching) or Radhasoami. If you feel more comfortable pursuing those paths because Gary doesn't have anything to do with them, you should absolutely do so! Please stay away from masterpath if you think Gary is a fraud!

Please cite a single line actually written by Gary that is the same as the Tao. Also, be careful…as some of us may recognize the source … on a “vibrational level”

I challenge anyone who has left the path to directly quote the teachings in support of the negative things you have said about the path. I will know if the quote is exact and true or not, so be careful of posting anything untrue here. Show me where in the teachings it gives someone free license to bash another spiritual path, denigrate others verbally online, or "feel superior" as has been suggested several times. Let's stick with concrete things here instead of opinions if you want to lend your point some credence.

Your challenge is a non sequitur.

I challenge you to list a path/teaching that doesn’t label detractors or dissenters as: superficial, not ready for the spiritual journey, don’t understand the teachings, undisciplined, messianic, deluded, reactive, negative, bitter, scorned, sarcastic, invective, “go crawl back under a rock,” or “get a clue,” etc. Please choose from the following: MasterPath, Eckankar, MSIA, RSSB, or Scientology.

Interesting how projections onto detractors are viewed as spiritual while criticisms of the “path or its leader(s)” are characterized as negative.

Do you hear your master “bashing another spiritual path” when he says Christians need fables to keep them satisfied? Do you see your master as “feeling superior” when he says people are too stupid to know about the medical field? Do you defend your master “denigrating” and lying about people who have left MP just because he does it out of public view?



Truth Seeker
Look, I was a willing participant to engage in this and I honestly blame no one but myself- I own my behavior and my choices. I am the one that gave my power over to another.
:yes: Yes, you were a willing participant of Masterpath. This can be demonstrated by your signed letter to Gary requesting chelaship from him as the master. Without this letter you could never have become a member. Without your letter you will never be accepted as a chela. Without this letter Gary has no evidence that you are a willing participant under his direction. This letter is a waiver that absolves the mentioned “provider” of any kind of recourse YOU may come to deem as appropriate in the future. No refunds. No master responsibility. No compensation for any psychotic episodes or other emotional trauma, or later realizing that you’ve been “had.” It’s all in YOUR lap!

In the final analysis, it can only be true; YOU are responsible. We are all accountable, to ourselves, for the situations we find ourselves in, at the end. Despite there being someone who is quite happy to employ subliminal and subversive techniques to lead others through a predetermined agenda ….THEIR prearranged agenda for you, as determined by them?

It is when we are exposed to new information, new knowledge that may contradict or expose misconceptions, that we owe it to ourselves to further investigate the validity of any such new information. Test it out, by ourselves, on our own ground, against our own experiences, to unravel our own individual truth, and remain responsible to OURSELF. :)


Truth Seeker
I noticed last month that Allan’s Masterpath Seeker web site had disappeared. I can understand why. Someone must have come to the realization that observing chelas in open discussion is detrimental for business? That any forthcoming members may get a premature inkling of what they are in for; what “tutti-fruity” implies, and run for the hills. That keeping candid conversation under wraps and maintaining secrets are failsafe policy. Wonder who that someone might be? :sarcastic

Someone who knows what is on their program, and exactly how they are doing it? :p


I noticed last month that Allan’s Masterpath Seeker web site had disappeared. I can understand why. Someone must have come to the realization that observing chelas in open discussion is detrimental for business? That any forthcoming members may get a premature inkling of what they are in for; what “tutti-fruity” implies, and run for the hills. That keeping candid conversation under wraps and maintaining secrets are failsafe policy. Wonder who that someone might be? :sarcastic

Someone who knows what is on their program, and exactly how they are doing it? :p

Sigh. I know you don't mean to be insensitive but Allan's site probably disappeared because Allan passed away some time ago.

Why would Masterpath want to keep people from observing chelas talking to each other? There isn't any "business strategy". In my own personal experience, I cannot keep a certain kind of person from coming back to me again and again to ask questions regarding my spiritual practices after they've gotten to know me. (I NEVER mention MasterPath by name unless directly confronted about it.) If someone is going to become a chela, they are going to become a chela.

Honestly, this thread is so tiresome. It seems the converse is true, too. Some people seem to only be able to see negative things in others.
I was on the MasterPath for twenty years, I just removed my membership on January of this year. After twenty years on the path, I know who End_of_Faith is...I was a rain drop in the cloud, but End_of_Faith knew the cloud. As an engineer, I evaluate everything that I hear. For many years evrything that I heard from MasterPath rang true, I was happy to be on a true path. About 7 years ago, I was at one of the major seminars when Gary Olsen said that his wallet is always flat...if people need money he gives them all that he has. He said that he earns as a salary from MasterPath about $43,000 per year...I thought that was cool, until I learned that Gary and Joy individually earn about double from what was stated. At that time their combined incomes were close to $180,000.

Gary Olsen always preached moderation in all things in all matters, yet a $400,000.00 donation found its way to to lavishly furnish the MasterPath compound with a protective barrier of trees and for those to care for such trees.

On Google Maps, pull up Mecca Road in Morengo Valley, California and you will easily find where your membersip money goes. Look at the layout of the property, you will see an outer fence, then an earthen berm followed by a row of trees and all of this is laid out so no one from the road can see the MasterPath compound.

Within the compound anyone can see palm trees and an area of lavish grass...this must cost a fortune to maintain...thank you MasterPath members. It just won't be me!!!!!


Truth Seeker
Welcome to the fold Jacob_ITM; glad you "saw the light" and made it out!

That's Monrongo Valley, CA92256; it's easy to pick out.

What got my attention is how close it is to C of S HQ, "Goldbase," in Gilman Springs near Helmet. Wonder if Gary hangs out with David Miscavige, and compares notes? :eek:
On Google Maps, pull up Mecca Road in Morengo Valley, California and you will easily find where your membersip money goes. Look at the layout of the property, you will see an outer fence, then an earthen berm followed by a row of trees and all of this is laid out so no one from the road can see the MasterPath compound.

Within the compound anyone can see palm trees and an area of lavish grass...this must cost a fortune to maintain...thank you MasterPath members. It just won't be me!!!!!
Thank you Zeeker, for the proper spelling of the valley of the MasterPath compound. Everyone should be able to look it up on Google Maps. I've never been a great speller, but my facts are sound and true. I feel betrayed by the MasterPath, as most do. This will be my last post...I'm still a spiritual person...so my search continues.

With all my love and hope to all,



Truth Seeker
I recently came across this link to Ford Johnson’s “Confessions of a God Seeker – A Journey to Higher Consciousness":


The site allows the full download of the book, which you can read at your leisure or print out. It is Ford’s testimony of his experience in Eckankar, which includes his experiences, insights and realizations on his spiritual path following the teaching of the group.

[FONT=&quot]This is a worthwhile read for any chelas who may have any reservations about their devotion to the Masterpath (and the other contemporary American light and sound religions). Since Gary Olsen began his spiritual journey as a former Eck chela with most of the Masterpath teachings originating from Eckankar, it touches on many points a pather should review and answer in Truth, for themselves, on their "Journey." :)



New Member
I remember reading somewhere how the idea of "ego busting" or "shock treatment" seems to be a common theme among some types of religious or spiritual communities, or guru/disciple relationships.

Many people enter religious communities expecting everyone to be loving, peaceful, perhaps perfect saints where everyone gets along and is at peace with one another, and there are no conflicts, and no one will push your buttons or get you angry etc.

Many enter these communities expecting a heaven on earth that it is an escape from all the hate, anger and slander in the world.

But I don't think that is the point of religious or spiritual communities.

They are more like a refiners fire full of self centered, ego center individuals who are expecting everyone else to be loving and selfless, except themselves.

These communities are more like schools or nurseries where people are there to grow spiritually a step at a time.

That said, the problem is you don't want a Hitler type control freak on top subjecting everyone in the community to his/her will - someone who plays psychological mind games with you to break you and weaken you so they can better control you, and so in the long run you become an extension and replica of their ego instead of reflecting your own genuine spiritual self.

But then another problem is when you get genuine spiritual people who are further awakened on the path then others in the community, and those not yet awakened as much as them project false accusations on them or search for faults (real or imagined). And so they feel justified in rejecting them and leaving, never to look back at something or someone that might have truly helped them had they waited it out.

But the door is always still open and truth is not trapped in just one spiritual community or with one so called leader or guru.

A true spiritual person will help you find your Teacher within. They will never request that you must submit to themselves or else. (If you want to leave they will hope the best for you that you find your true Teacher within.)

As far as being offended or hurt by actual spiritual truth, power, grace, energy, light (or sound), one thing is certain and that is just like literal fire will burn your flesh and blood body (not because fire is evil, or angry or mad at you. It is just its nature to consume physical things), so likewise there is a divine spiritual law and harmony underlying the physical and invisible realms - spiritual harmony, spiritual energy will only burn (naturally) anything that does not belong to its pure flow (whether anger, hate, slander, greed, lust, pride, vanity etc.)

When you do get a spiritual person who has been through much cleansing and purging by the spiritual energy, who becomes a conduit for the spiritual law and energy of grace, love, peace, power etc. this love is sometimes manifest as total dread to a ego centered individual who might resist and misunderstand it if not awakened to what is going on.

This burning refiners fire is the natural reaction of the spiritual law when we move out of tune with it.

People do have free will, but it is only when we choose to move in harmony with the underlying spiritual energy and grace that true freedom and happiness is experienced.

So, back to spiritual communities or guru/disciple relationships...I would not be quick to give myself up to anyone calling their self a guru, especially if they require some kind of oath.

But I would be open to being helped along by someone of greater spiritual experience (not intellectually, but inwardly someone who is less ego and has had their share of ego busting so to speak, and came out the other side purified and more awakened then myself currently).

At the same time in some cases it is best to remain neutral in your judgment about others as far as being spiritual, until the light of the Spirit can give you more of a certainty as to someone's "ontology" nature (as to whether they are a genuine spiritual person, or just a ego centered control seeker so to speak posing as a spiritual person.)


Truth Seeker

Hi Eddie. Thank you for your interest and contributing to the discussion. You comments will strike a chord with many readers.
Many enter these communities expecting a heaven on earth that it is an escape from all the hate, anger and slander in the world.
I would replace the word “expecting” with “being led to believe.”

There is a hidden agenda, and if a new seeker were to assess the whole gamut of what they are about to get into, they would never continue on with their happenstance discovery. It is not until a member has been fully “immersed” into their newly found life-changing vocation and pledged their total commitment, that they begin to unravel what is actually involved. What they initially thought/assumed/expected, subtly changes into something they would have never realized, contemplated (excuse the pun), before, even through their wildest imaginings.

For example, take the meaning of the expression “Inner Master.” Most of us, including any new seeker, will assume that it refers to some form of their own higher self that pervades their being and consciousness, often referred to as the Atman or soul. However, a chela will, on their journey, begin to systematically discover that that notion is completely wrong. They will eventually come to the conclusion that their lackluster progress on “The Path” is because they have been unable to cotton on who their Inner Master is. That their “real” Inner Master is none other than the infamous garji himself. Gargi, the etheric double of Gary Olsen, whose portrait they have been contemplating, worshipping ever day. Gargi, who guides them through the higher realms, in their dreams, sees and knows all, and stations himself at their 3rd eye hence knowing their every thought. Real creepy stuff that would have assuredly scared most of us away if we had known from the beginning? No so for a chela who has been deceived and allowed themselves to be convinced, conned, to give away their power over their own critical thinking, and their jurisdiction over themselves. And, for the most part, don’t know how or what has been done to them.

I’ve heard Gary speak on the recordings of his lectures. When he refers to the Inner Master a listener can readily extract one or the other meaning, depending on their mindset, and be oblivious of the other. Assuredly he has deliberately selected the wording of his presentations for that effect, addressing both trains of thought for a mixed audience. It takes a listener who knows both sides of the fence to realize what he is doing, and why.


Truth Seeker
A discourse (plagiarized from America - the band) for your Contemplation:

Sometimes late
When things are real
And the people share the gift of gab
Between themselves

Some are quick
To take the bait
And the catch the perfect prize
That waits among the shells

But Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man
That he didn't, didn't already have
And Cause never was the reason for the evening
Or the tropic of Sir Galahad

So please
Believe in me
When I say I'm spinning round, round, round, round
Smoke glass stain'd bright colors
Image going down, down, down, down
Soapsud green like bubbles

Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man
That he didn't, didn't already have
And Cause never was the reason for the evening
Or the tropic of Sir Galahad

Question: Who is the little old man hiding behind the curtain, and who is your Inner Master?