Originally Posted by
CG Didymus
But that is the Jewish God. A Jewish friend gave me a book titled You Take Jesus, We'll Take God. They do see God and describe him different than Christians. Plus, that "for ever and ever" business, how long does it say for the Jews to keep the Sabbath and probably the rest of their Laws? Doesn't it say "forever"? What has Christianity done with the Law and the Sabbath? Fulfilled it? According to Christians, yes, but to Jews? No. Nothing the Messiah was supposed to do has been fulfilled by Jesus. Are they supposed to forget about the "for ever and ever" and trust that Jesus will fulfill the true Messianic prophecies when he comes back?
Christianity has built itself up from Judaism, but so has Islam and the Baha'i Faith and probably some others. Like I've asked before--Why don't you follow either one of those? Probably because you'll say they change what is taught in the NT and have taken things out of context. So how are you different than them? Oh yes, because your beliefs are true and your writings came from God, but theirs aren't and didn't.
Hi Fletch, Isaiah wasn't sent to the "Christians", but to Judah and the Jewish Nation who had followed their wicked/evil kings into "whoredom" by worshiping their "gods" instead of the Creator GOD. That nation was prophesied to be taken into captivity and pleaded with to Return in worship the GOD--They didn't. Isa.24 and 28 was addressed to them primarily and to any who rebel against GOD.
Isaiah 65:1-5 are the one's who sought to escape the wrath of GOD in their rebellion---even to making that covenant with death. They didn't return from Egypt where they sought refuge rather than go into Babylonian captivity as GOD Instructed.
It was Jewish people who were doing this, Isa.58:13, "If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath,
from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking
thine own words:"
Fletch, it was NOT Followers of Christ who were the recipients of that admonition, but the Jewish Nation. The Same worship of Baal by the back-sliding Jewish people was recorded by the prophets as seen in the OT.