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May 21st


Well-Known Member
Why did no one on this forum think of this???

Internet users, meanwhile, joked about creating a fake Rapture if Camping's prediction did not pan out. On Twitter, non-believers suggested laying out old clothing and shoes on pavements and lawns to give the impression that someone had indeed been beamed up, or releasing inflatable dolls into the sky. Others joked about a whole lot of paperwork facing authorities as pranksters threatened to file thousands of missing person reports, just for fun. Internet users also discussed their favorite "rapture music playlists" for when the time arrives, and the perfect pick-up lines for that final romance before the end, such as: "I promise it won't be awkward in the morning.

Apocalypse that wasn't » Kuwait Times Website


Empirical Curmudgeon


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Here's my daughter's Facebook profile picture - with this caption:

"Sorry about weekend duty, folks - I've been raptured!:



It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I was quite proud of her for that. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
Just past midnight here in Aus and I did not hear any more news than an old actor dying on May 21st. No spectacular raptures or anything like that. I guess that would mean there would be a few more fundamentalists Christians who have some explaining to do.


Well-Known Member
[H]as the world ended for any of you?

Well, now that the great non-event is over, you're all cordially invited to join your area Baha'is in celebrating the beginning of the Baha'i Era as we comemmorate the Declaration of the Bab holy day Sunday evening and Monday daytime!

Peace, :)



Every day is the beginning of a new era. Enjoy every day you have and consider yourself among the lucky ones.


Veteran Member
Every day is the beginning of a new era. Enjoy every day you have and consider yourself among the lucky ones.

i've come across some of your posts and i've come to the conclusion you saved a bunch of fortune cookies and just posted them to where you think they may apply...


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
thanks for backing me up on this...
you're such a smubblegabobble
No, no, no....I'm backing up the other guy.
I also mine fortune cookie messages for things to post.
(The Revoltistanian constitution is written in that format, btw.)


It should be obvious by now that the rapture already happened. It happened 2000 years ago (or so) and unfortunately only 1 person was chosen

only your opinion

But it isn't going to happen again

never happened in the first place

if everyone lived by the golden rule there wouldn't be any need for any of the religions!

kind of a limited distorted view of religion dont you think???