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Mean Church Signs

  • Thread starter angellous_evangellous
  • Start date


Have you noticed any mean church signs in your area?

To show you what I'm talking about, here's a popular one for summer in Texas:


Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
We had a similiar one here in Maine. During some of the warmer summer months, it simply said, "If you think this is hot..."

There was one that recently said (during Michael Vick's dog-fighting thing), "Dogfighting? Where's the outrage over killing fetuses?" Maybe it wasn't mean, but I found it mean-spirited.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Have you noticed any mean church signs in your area?

To show you what I'm talking about, here's a popular one for summer in Texas:
Personally, I like the ones that are semi-clever without being mean-spirited:

"This building is prayer-conditioned"
"No Jesus, No Peace / Know Jesus, Know Peace"

...that sort of thing.

I suppose the nasty church people wouldn't react well if someone rented a sign and stuck it up near theirs (but on the other side of the property line) saying "Matthew 7:21-23", would they? :D


During the last Bush campaign, I wanted to put a sign out that said:



Veteran Member
Premium Member
To give them the bebefit of the doubt, these pastors see our situation as one of imminent peril. They honestly believe we have only one, fleeting chance at the brass ring and that accptance of their doctrine is our only chance to avoid the lake of fire.
They are dsperate to grab the attention of the benighted and are not about to mince words.


The cake is a lie
There was a church not far from my school that, during the time when the Supreme Court was ruling on gay marriage, said "Homosexuality is the sickest sin".

Not really mean spirited, but there are several that make me go "... what the heck? I really live in the south." One church in particular had these gems:

"There is a God, and you are not him."
"Have you forgot what Jesus done for you?"


Veteran Member
There was a church not far from my school that, during the time when the Supreme Court was ruling on gay marriage, said "Homosexuality is the sickest sin".
That really is mean. Here in the Pac Northwest where people are much more liberal, that sign wouldn't have stood one day. The church would have gotten probably 100 calls complaining. :yes:


Obstructor of justice
I see some pretty strange ones on my way to the ren faire. I'll have to write some of them down.


Not a Member
There was one church in the town where I work (an Assembly of God church for what it's worth) that regularly had some of the most mean-spirited and thinly-veiled vitriolic messages I have ever seen on a church sign. At some point they stopped. I wonder if enough people complained that they figured they better stop? It was on one of the busiest roads in town, and they often were very distasteful.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
The Evangelical "insult for Jesus crowd" always makes an appearance at every LDS semi-annual general conference. They stand just outside Temple Square with their signs telling us we're all going to Hell, shouting obscenities at us and desecrating temple garments. Mostly, we just ignore them. However, a few resourceful Latter-day Saints have recently shown up with their own signs. Here are some of my favorites:​

Hi! My name is Satan and these street preachers are my missionaries.

I have nothing better to do than stand on the street corner holding a sign.

If you can't be right, be loud.

People with signs are stupid.

I've been rebuked by a street preacher.


Liebe ist für alle da
The Evangelical "insult for Jesus crowd" always makes an appearance at every LDS semi-annual general conference. They stand just outside Temple Square with their signs telling us we're all going to Hell, shouting obscenities at us and desecrating temple garments. Mostly, we just ignore them. However, a few resourceful Latter-day Saints have recently shown up with their own signs. Here are some of my favorites:​

Hi! My name is Satan and these street preachers are my missionaries.

I have nothing better to do than stand on the street corner holding a sign.

If you can't be right, be loud.

People with signs are stupid.

I've been rebuked by a street preacher.

I remember when I as in Utah going to Job Corp and I went into Salt Lake one Saturday and the Malls are up by the Temple, and when I got close to the Malls the first thing I say as the Street Preachers, funny thing was it was my friends first time in Salt Lake and I was showing him around.

The Great Architect

Active Member
We used to wait for them to put up new signs outside the church on the way home from school. Sometimes they were quite snide, and other times, they could be nice. You never can tell.


The cake is a lie
I might need to make a "Stupid Church Signs" thread just for this one church... :p

From the church that brought us "Have you forgot what Jesus done for you?" and "There is a God and you are not him", I got a new gem today:

"Happy hour is an eternity in hell."

My first thought was "SIGN ME UP!"

I have no idea what they were trying to get across.