Me Myself
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I have no problem, whatsoever, with anyone who wishes to be a vegatarian for any reason they wish. It is when the attempt is made to preach anyone who follows the natural omniverous diet we humans are addapted to that the problems start.
This is almost exclusively the realm of animal rights activists. Raising children on a vegan diet is another proiblem I have with this. A crucial decission is being made for them too early in life. My nephew was raised vegan, when he was 14 he tried meat , liked it , and went overboard. His body wasn't used to it and he ultimately ended up having to have his gall bladder removed as a result.
Vegatarianism is not natural for our species, that is a fact.
It is natural for humans to start tribal wars with the humans of the territory on our right/left/north/you-name-it. It is natural. It is found all over the animal kingdom.
Yet we have found ways to keep peace (not absolute nor perfect, wars exist today we all know). We promote peace and we try to negotiate and see every human as a brother, things like humanism arise where everyone is important even if he comes form a completely different place of the world or we don´t know him. this wuold have never happened "naturaly" some millenia ago.
We change our nature all the time. vegetarianism is a change that can be done to be more compassionate with sentient beings around us and it is a healthy and viable option for living.
Vegetarianism can be healthy way of living and we are the only specie capable of acomplishing something like vegetarianism because of our very own nature. And that, is a fact.