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Men need more sex than women - right?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
well, to an extent we do have to live within the realms of our culture as to what makes us happy or not.

I doubt a great many people back in the West would be too happy living on the streets and eating out of dumpsters, yet in some poor countries this is fairly normal behaviour without so much stigma attached to it - an thus less negative feelings all round.

ask any male aged around 20-25 how he would feel if he was banned from sex for 2 years, or just couldn't get any because no-one fancied him.

Why do you think there is such a thriving porn and vice industry?
What exactly does that have to do with people pressured into having sex before they are ready? I am an extremely permissive person when it comes to sex, and even I see the problems that such pressure can cause, especially since the pressure is often coming from people who really don't know that much about sex themselves.
As for the porn industry, it exist because there is a very large demand for it, because we are biologically programed to seek sexual gratification. And the porn industry is convenient, makes fruit, bottles, rubber gloves, and many other household objects obsolete, and it's alot of fun. And you would also be surprised at the engineering of some of the toys.
But the interesting thing is as for men and women and their sex drives, most toys (especially the good ones) are marketed and made for women. There is the potential for a larger market of devices geared towards men, but the creativity isn't invested into it, which means the money is in the women's toys if companies aren't investing in ones for men.

Men don´t NEED sex. If you were alone in an island without sexual partners for 10 years you wouldn´t explode (of course you might die from other causes :D, but I can garantee you that lack of sex is not up there in the treaths department.)
Sex is a psychological need. Going without can literally be bad for your mental health. You can go for your 10 years on an island, but you'll probably return with carpal tunnel syndrome and one unusually disproportionately large forearm. And even if you never had an orgasm it would increase your chances of developing prostate cancer and other issues related to your reproductive organs. And not to mention the mental distress and disorders it would cause. And eventually the desperation would build to the point that even the next piece of fruit you see would become doable.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Sex is a psychological need. Going without can literally be bad for your mental health. You can go for your 10 years on an island, but you'll probably return with carpal tunnel syndrome and one unusually disproportionately large forearm. And even if you never had an orgasm it would increase your chances of developing prostate cancer and other issues related to your reproductive organs. And not to mention the mental distress and disorders it would cause. And eventually the desperation would build to the point that even the next piece of fruit you see would become doable.


Bah I say you are exagerating stuff a lot. Worst came to worst, meditation can solve those "needs".


Well-Known Member

But the interesting thing is as for men and women and their sex drives, most toys (especially the good ones) are marketed and made for women. There is the potential for a larger market of devices geared towards men, but the creativity isn't invested into it, which means the money is in the women's toys if companies aren't investing in ones for men.

not sure I agree with that.

Male toys would be a bit limited and hard to make I imagine.

also it doesn't cover the fact that men need the real thing more than women so a toy doesn't fulfill the psychological need.(although porn does to an extent)


not sure I agree with that.

Male toys would be a bit limited and hard to make I imagine.
Tons exist already

also it doesn't cover the fact that men need the real thing more than women so a toy doesn't fulfill the psychological need.(although porn does to an extent)
And you're making things up again. Citation needed.


She rules her life like a bird in flight

But the interesting thing is as for men and women and their sex drives, most toys (especially the good ones) are marketed and made for women. There is the potential for a larger market of devices geared towards men, but the creativity isn't invested into it, which means the money is in the women's toys if companies aren't investing in ones for men.

I think you've been unaware of the market for male sex toys. Toy sites have just as much variety for men as women.


Active Member
You're grown, google it.

Unless such things are illegal in your area of residence, then don't. Or do at your own risk.
I don't care what kind of other sex toys they have come up with, I will stick to the one that came first. women They can't get any better than that. oh yea:drool:


I don't care what kind of other sex toys they have come up with, I will stick to the one that came first. women They can't get any better than that. oh yea:drool:

As long as you see them as more than toys :)

Here's a hint though, you can have your partner use toys also, not instead of ;)


With regard to sexual desire and old age, well I've worked in a nursing home since 2001. It's not uncommon for men in their 60s-90s to hit on the female employees, as well as attempting to grab and fondle them, and as a man I've been hit on a few times by older women. I was surprised as I thought those feelings would have pretty much dwindled by then.

Me Myself

Back to my username
My teacher at college talked us about a study she made concerning some sex pill or sex classes for 3rd age.

In her study, around 60% of 3rd age men expressed interest, while the 100% of 3rd age women said they would love to have sex again with their husbands :eek:

It was a small, sample, as the study was mstly qualitative, but still :D


With regard to sexual desire and old age, well I've worked in a nursing home since 2001. It's not uncommon for men in their 60s-90s to hit on the female employees, as well as attempting to grab and fondle them, and as a man I've been hit on a few times by older women. I was surprised as I thought those feelings would have pretty much dwindled by then.
My grandmother who is over 80 does the same. I blame her Alzheimer's though.
She'll flirt with anyone who is male including my father. Talk about awkward moments.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Male toys would be a bit limited and hard to make I imagine.

also it doesn't cover the fact that men need the real thing more than women so a toy doesn't fulfill the psychological need.(although porn does to an extent)
They really wouldn't be that hard to make or limited. All it takes is some creativity. And no, men do not need "the real thing" more than women. And while masturbation isn't as gratifying as intercourse, physiologically the same neurochemicals are being released and the only health benefit that I am aware of that masturbation doesn't achieve is it doesn't burn as many calories or get the heart beating as fast or as long.

I think you've been unaware of the market for male sex toys. Toy sites have just as much variety for men as women.
I haven't really checked out any toy sites. But all the stores I have been in have essentially a few different base designs, and from the same basic design (such as a sleeve) they have a variety of colors and shapes. Or maybe I've been going to the wrong stores this whole time.

With regard to sexual desire and old age, well I've worked in a nursing home since 2001. It's not uncommon for men in their 60s-90s to hit on the female employees, as well as attempting to grab and fondle them, and as a man I've been hit on a few times by older women. I was surprised as I thought those feelings would have pretty much dwindled by then.
I use to have some research papers regarding senior citizen sexuality. While they all agreed that even the elderly get horny from time to time, the one that stood out stated it isn't so much old age that reduces sexuality in the elderly but the side effects of various medications. The only medication I remember though is how blood pressure meds is a major culprit in how it can lead to erectile dysfunction. There are even some nursing homes that allow residents some private time with a partner (usually spouse) for sex. I even read somewhere, I want to say maybe here on RF but I honestly don't remember, that at some nursing home the grumpy old men started to become happier and more pleasant to be around and less sexually aggressive, and it was later discovered that some of the female employees were using their hands to offer some sexual gratification to the men.
I disagree here because I think you need sex to feel like a man.

I'm sorry that it needed to be you who unleashed this rant, but this is a bit of a peeve of mine. I really don't understand. Why does a man need to "feel like a man" at all? Isn't a man something someone just is? There is nothing wrong with being feminine if you're a woman. What shame is it if a man isn't masculine (let alone if a man doesn't feel masculine)? Why do we need to feel like we are "good little members" of our assigned gender?

I have absolutely no need at all to "feel like a man". Actually, I usually feel insulted when someone calls me "masculine". I'm not saying I'm not masculine, or that there is anything wrong with being male, but I still cringe whenever anyone makes the connection. It's probably why I don't have my gender listed (though I will volunteer it when appropriate, and leap on the opportunity when it involves breaking stereotypes). That's partly because there is almost nothing remotely flattering about the way masculinity is presented in popular culture. But more importantly, it's because men are supposed to live up to these expectations of what a man is supposed to be, or..."not be a real man" (oh the horror!) This would be fine, but the social cost of not doing so can sometimes be serious. Grown men crying is usually treated as a joke in comedies.

Taking stupid risks is another example. This is a very negative trait, but for some reason, men often do things that are undeniably stupid, whose only reward is a cheap rush (like risky sex or physical risks), so they can "feel like men". But hold on...why would you have a desperate desire to do something stupid, and feel ashamed if you were too cowardly (smart) to be stupid? If a man refuses to do said stupid thing, it predictably leads to other men challenging their masculinity (a compliment?), and calls for them to "prove they are men". If they don't, the "manly men" punish them socially, and when those same "manly men" are challenged by women for their own stupid behavior, they admit to it, and even admit that it is stupid, but claim they can't help it "because they are men". And yet they expect "beta males" to desperately want to be like them? If anything, gluing the male identity to doing stupid things should make men resent masculinity, not make them want to be stupid...but what do I know?

I'm not saying men ought to loathe themselves, of course, or that masculinity is inherently negative (mostly because I do not, in fact, happen to believe doing stupid things is an essential part of being male). But to me that's the logical response to this BS social pressure. (Yeah...that stuff about men being the more logical gender makes me lol. Also, I find that some men's obsessions with being "manly" ironically makes them look weak...like they are a slave to their physical urges and insecurities. But again, what do I know?:rolleyes:)

Again, sorry this had to be in response to your post. I'm not suggesting you are "that" type of man, but I'm a little sad, for your sake, that you feel this pressure (there is nothing wrong with having frequent sex, obviously, just not for the sake of "feeling like a man"). That line of thinking has tended to be detrimental to the well being of men...being an important factor in the male/female life expectancy gap.

biologically you can go without but it isn't natural.

A woman probably does too but not as much.
If we're talking "psychologically", I think men's typical approach to sex implies the opposite - if, of course, it implies anything at all. Men seem to be able to separate romantic love and sex more easily than women. Most of us feel it's better when they go together, and obviously we have a strong need for romantic love too, but in a study done a while back most men said they would have sex with an (attractive) total stranger if she offered it. This might come under the "stupid risk" category, of course, but regardless of its wisdom, it lends credence to the idea. If that's the case, wouldn't something purely physical like masturbating suffice? (Or do you count that as "sex"?) Not as good, but it gets the job done. Once men have masturbated, the sex drive tends to go away.

Having friends is a psychological need. Not working every waking hour is a psychological need. Take them away from a 20 year old male (or anyone at all), and you will see major emotional and mental problems. Take sex away, and you might get some antsiness, but if everything else in his life is going well, chances are he will still be well adjusted. I had sex only once between the ages of 18-22. (I'm 22 now, though, so there's hope still ;)). Had some chances in high school, but was too shy. Like I said, I'm shy, awkward, not very bold...decently good looking but not good at playing the dating game. I would have liked to have had more sex, but I didn't suffer in the least for not getting it. Sex is fun, but there are things in life that are much more important to me.