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Men's Issues/Masculism DIR

Should we have a Men's Issues DIR?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 64.4%
  • No

    Votes: 16 35.6%

  • Total voters

Me Myself

Back to my username
I don`t know if it would be very active either and maybe not, but I don`t understand how can we have an amish DIR and a messianic Judaism DIR and somehow putting a masculism DIR is such a problem :shrug:


Well-Known Member
no, it wasn`t.

I honestly see the amount of people opposing it almost as a display of it being important enough to be had.

Then again the poll didn`t include a "I dont know" or "am not sure" answer, so that is also to be kept in mind.

It should really only have an option for yes. People who don't want one or aren't sure don't have to post in it if they don't want to. If more than a few people want a DIR for something then it shouldn't matter how many people are against it, it's really none of their business. If they are against a DIR, then they probably wouldn't be allowed to post in it anyways.


I personally haven't voted yet, I'm tempted to just vote yes though, but only to humor the disingenuous members purely reacting to the feminist DIR.

I voted no, but only because Me Myself is the only self-identified masculinist here and I don't want him to be lonesome. :p


I don`t know if it would be very active either and maybe not, but I don`t understand how can we have an amish DIR and a messianic Judaism DIR and somehow putting a masculism DIR is such a problem :shrug:

It isn't a problem. Gather together your fellow masculists and put the suggestion forward to the staff. :D

Me Myself

Back to my username
It should really only have an option for yes. People who don't want one or aren't sure don't have to post in it if they don't want to. If more than a few people want a DIR for something then it shouldn't matter how many people are against it, it's really none of their business. If they are against a DIR, then they probably wouldn't be allowed to post in it anyways.

True indeed.


Active Member
Masculism really is a first world problem though, suggest this anywhere else in the world and people will laugh their head off. Although I guess they would also laugh their head off if you suggest feminism albeit for the wrong reasons.


Well-Known Member
Masculism really is a first world problem though, suggest this anywhere else in the world and people will laugh their head off. Although I guess they would also laugh their head off if you suggest feminism albeit for the wrong reasons.

Developed nations can care about their problems too. Just because we are better than poor people doesn't mean we can't complain (That's right, I went there :D).

All kidding aside though, if it isn't as good as it can be, it isn't good enough. It doesn't matter how much worse off we could be, that doesn't change the fact that it could be better.


Active Member
Developed nations can care about their problems too. Just because we are better than poor people doesn't mean we can't complain (That's right, I went there :D).

All kidding aside though, if it isn't as good as it can be, it isn't good enough. It doesn't matter how much worse off we could be, that doesn't change the fact that it could be better.
Can't believe you actually went there, we have a lot to be grateful for! :D I agree though, there's nothing wrong with first world problems. If you ship in a really poor person from a third world country and give him a job in the first world, he would be really happy. But that's only until he finds out that girl he's working with gets paid more for doing the exact same thing, and then he'll sign up the Masculinist DIR on religious forums and complain how awful the situation is here.

Curious George

Veteran Member
Can't believe you actually went there, we have a lot to be grateful for! :D I agree though, there's nothing wrong with first world problems. If you ship in a really poor person from a third world country and give him a job in the first world, he would be really happy. But that's only until he finds out that girl he's working with gets paid more for doing the exact same thing, and then he'll sign up the Masculinist DIR on religious forums and complain how awful the situation is here.

Advocating change and complaining about how awful it is are two entirely different things. One could just as easily wag their fingers about those whining about those discussing the issue in the first place. honestly, I would rather be part of solving problems.rather than ignoring problems.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Wow! A lot of people voting against the men's DIR, I wonder if any one of them voted for the feminist one?

I honestly can't remember which way I voted, but I could justify either direction in my head.

Yes - we should have a Masculism forum. There are important issues related to men which should be discussed. For example, prostrate screening. Or depression. Or gender roles.
Plus, where is the harm? If you don't want to post in it, don't post. It will die a natural death if this is just an overreaction to a Feminism DIR.

No - we don't need one. There is no danger in simply raising men's health issues in the general forums already established. You think non-masculismists (or whatever...I mean, WTF?), are going to barge in and overrun the thread?

Why now? Is it because there's a Feminism thread? Feminism is an actual political movement which has achieved things like gaining women the ability to VOTE. I'm not with Rev Rick on many things, but creating a 'Masculism' forum as a reaction to a 'Feminism' forum would indeed be a case of 'Waah, waah, waah'.


So, in summary, I would be interested and probably opinionated on male issues, but have zero interest in a purple DIR. So if I voted Yes, the caveat would be that it's inclusive of people not identifying as 'masculists'. The forum can demand respect, but that's it. Who here honestly identified themselves as a masculist before this thread? Heck, I can't even spell the damn word or work out the plural. It feels like it's running the risk of belittling and negatively impacting on the sensible discussion of issues involving men by making them look like reactionary politics.


Somewhere Around Nothing
No - we don't need one. There is no danger in simply raising men's health issues in the general forums already established. You think non-masculismists (or whatever...I mean, WTF?), are going to barge in and overrun the thread?
Could the same argument not be made about the feminist forum?


Active Member
No - we don't need one. There is no danger in simply raising men's health issues in the general forums already established. You think non-masculismists (or whatever...I mean, WTF?), are going to barge in and overrun the thread?

Why now? Is it because there's a Feminism thread? Feminism is an actual political movement which has achieved things like gaining women the ability to VOTE. I'm not with Rev Rick on many things, but creating a 'Masculism' forum as a reaction to a 'Feminism' forum would indeed be a case of 'Waah, waah, waah'.


So, in summary, I would be interested and probably opinionated on male issues, but have zero interest in a purple DIR. So if I voted Yes, the caveat would be that it's inclusive of people not identifying as 'masculists'. The forum can demand respect, but that's it. Who here honestly identified themselves as a masculist before this thread? Heck, I can't even spell the damn word or work out the plural. It feels like it's running the risk of belittling and negatively impacting on the sensible discussion of issues involving men by making them look like reactionary politics.
I think you've been brainwashed by your radical feminist former prime minister who screamed sexism wherever she turned :p Unlike our strong iron-lady Thatcher haha :p


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Could the same argument not be made about the feminist forum?

Not legitimately. For me, I'd prefer the feminist forum was non-purple, since I don't identify as a feminist, and therefore am only supposed to lurk and not post.
But I think any objective review would suggest that topics on feminism get posters involved who are basically anti-feminism.

I don't think there are the same volume of anti-masculists.

Don't look at it as a moral issue, or an equality issue. Look at it this way;

Feminism is clearly identifiable as a broad movement. That means there will be people passionately advocating both for and against it.
Masculism is not clearly identifiable as a broad movement. That means there will be a limited number of people passionately advocating for or against it.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I think you've been brainwashed by your radical feminist former prime minister who screamed sexism wherever she turned :p Unlike our strong iron-lady Thatcher haha :p

She was far from a radical feminist. I think she would self identify as a feminist, though. I thought she was a massive disappointment for various reasons, but her gender was completely not one of them. I'm pragmatic when it comes to how the country is run.

You do realise I put forth a pro-DIR point as well, right? My aim was to show that there are in my opinion two legitimate points of view.
I think that would kinda disqualify me from being a 'radical' anything. And I wouldn't even call myself a feminist, much less get inspired by radical feminism.


Active Member
She was far from a radical feminist. I think she would self identify as a feminist, though. I thought she was a massive disappointment for various reasons, but her gender was completely not one of them. I'm pragmatic when it comes to how the country is run.

You do realise I put forth a pro-DIR point as well, right? My aim was to show that there are in my opinion two legitimate points of view.
I think that would kinda disqualify me from being a 'radical' anything. And I wouldn't even call myself a feminist, much less get inspired by radical feminism.
Yeah you did make a pro-DIR point, but your anti-DIR argument was longer and more sophisticated showing your biased leanings. Whereas me I'm down the middle :p No seriously, I understand what you are saying.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Yeah you did make a pro-DIR point, but your anti-DIR argument was longer and more sophisticated showing your biased leanings. Whereas me I'm down the middle :p No seriously, I understand what you are saying.

Actually, I offered two arguments for, and two against. My formatting was different though. And one of my arguments against included the words 'Waah, waah, waah', which is generally not considered sophisticated.

Methinks your argument against my argument shows your biased leanings.



Well-Known Member
I really don't understand why some people are having trouble with this RF rule, so I will restate what has already been stated.
-For any DIR or discussion sub-forum that is colored blue, non-members of that area are limited only to respectful questions, and are not allowed to make any non-question posts.

-For any DIR or discussion sub-forum that is colored green, non-members of that area may make respectful posts that comply with the tenets and spirit of that area. This includes questions, as well as knowledgeable comments.

The Same Faith Debates subforum is specifically for debate between members of the same faith. Members that are not part of a same faith debate thread's selected faith may not post at all in those threads. The Political "Only" subforums are also used specifically for that group and may not be posted in by members that do not correspond to the political position of the subforum. These two forums are colored purple.
Judaism is Blue. Feminism is purple. The difference between the two is obvious. Blue allows for respectable questions, while purple does not.
Within the Judaism DIR, knowledgeable posts have been tolerated, however, it was asked to remain Blue because, IMO, it allowed us, Jews, a bit more discretion as to what was tolerated and allowed for a Jewish answer when a Jewish answer was sought
A purple DIR isn't supposed to tolerate any posts(respectable or not) from members that don't ascribe to being what that DIR is.
which is why I have a problem with men's issues being discussed by feminists and feminists only. To say they can discuss it in the feminist DIR is against RF rules.
Members that are not part of a same faith debate thread's selected faith may not post at all in those threads."