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Mickiel's proof of God.

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To Extinguish
So, Mickiel, I have a question.

I believe there is the same chance a higher power exists as there is one that doesn't exist.

You claim that there is unquestionable proof that 'god' exists. You claim to have experienced 'gods' works, you claim to have knowledge of 'god'.

I have personal proof that if a higher power exists, the entirety of said power is greater than the facets, parts, and notions of it we have at our disposal at the present, and thus we cannot conceive said power.

My proof says that you are arrogant, illogical, presumptuous, and afflicted with a severe case of tunnel vision. So are you? What makes my proof any different from yours?

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
To believe in evolution is rediculous.


Again, you are making a claim and not providing a shred of any support for it. Unless you can provide support, this is just your opinion.

Evolution is not science, its saddnest and pity. Its a replacement for creation, its a crutch for Atheist.


Again, please provide support for this, or it means very little.


Well-Known Member
Well one supersticion I found to be true, is the old antage of sleeping better when its raining and the dreams seem more real. There is no scientific explination for that, but I think its true. Or the old supersticion that some rocks grow. I think thats true. I am a supersticious man anyway, I think we all came from inside God, I think thats what consciousness is, a portion of God himself. Many believers think thats crazy.

Firstly, I fail to see how sleeping better when it's rainy is a superstition. Same goes for having more vivid dreams.

Secondly, even if it was a superstition, that doesn't mean that it is accurate. Does everyone sleep better when it is raining? Do they all have more vivid dreams? Just because it works for some, doesn't mean it works for everyone. There are many people who have sore joints when it's raining, but that doesn't mean that everyone does.

And what's this about the superstition about rocks growing? Rocks don't grow, so I have no idea why you brought that up in a response to a request to show where superstition is more accurate than science.

I have provided 8 different post of evidence, pages of it,what makes you think if I write something here, that you will see that, and cannot see pages of it on 8 seperate post? The Evidence is not for you Tiberius, the things of God are not now for you. Your mind is precondition to never see the things of God, in this life, only in the life to come will your eyes be opened. Everything is proof of God, you see no proof. Thats a gulf fixed within your consciousness, a wall God put there.


You have provided 8 pages of your opinion. You've yet to provide anything to support your opinion, despite me asking you to many times.

Can you show me a webpage that gives examples of superstition being more accurate than science? Can you give any evidence to support your claim that consciousness survives death? Evidence does not include you coming in here and stating your opinion again.

Human Consciousness is actually a part of God himself. God, like a female human, has life in him. He is a life factory, and he produced humans from his own inner self. Not the cavemen, they were physical and had no consciousness, but God placed within Adam, " A conscious Spirit", and that consciousness, that Spirit, that " Cell of God" has been passed down into all of us. This Spirit is in the " Inner man", Eph. 3:16, or it is our consciousness.

And I want to go into that.


I'm glad to see that you are citing a source for your beliefs here. Of course, I disagree with you that the Bible is accurate. Would you like to discuss the validity of the Bible in another thread?
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To Extinguish
Firstly, I fail to see how sleeping better when it's rainy is a superstition. Same goes for having more vivid dreams.

Secondly, even if it was a superstition, that doesn't mean that it is accurate. Does everyone sleep better when it is raining? Do they all have more vivid dreams? Just because it works for some, doesn't mean it works for everyone. There are many people who have sore joints when it's raining, but that doesn't mean that everyone does.

And what's this about the superstition about rocks growing? Rocks don't grow, so I have no idea why you brought that up in a response to a request to show where superstition is more accurate than science.

You have provided 8 pages of your opinion. You've yet to provide anything to support your opinion, despite me asking you to many times.

Can you show me a webpage that gives examples of superstition being more accurate than science? Can you give any evidence to support your claim that consciousness survives death? Evidence does not include you coming in here and stating your opinion again.

I'm glad to see that you are citing a source for your beliefs here. Of course, I disagree with you that the Bible is accurate. Would you like to discuss the validity of the Bible in another thread?

Ahem, sedimentary rocks do "grow".

Sediment deposited by other substances (usually water) accumulates and, over time, their mass increases. The right word for this is Accumulate, but whatever. A prime example of this are stalagmites and stalactites.

I believe that is what he is referring to.

And I want to go into that


EDIT: Actually, igneous rocks can grow as well if they cool and then are submitted to the same heat and pressure as they previously were. Again, grow wouldn't be the politically correct term, but whatever.
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Well-Known Member
Ahem, sedimentary rocks do "grow".

Sediment deposited by other substances (usually water) accumulates and, over time, their mass increases. The right word for this is Accumulate, but whatever. A prime example of this are stalagmites and stalactites.

I believe that is what he is referring to.

And I want to go into that


EDIT: Actually, igneous rocks can grow as well if they cool and then are submitted to the same heat and pressure as they previously were. Again, grow wouldn't be the politically correct term, but whatever.

Ah, yes, and that all makes sense. An example of science, not superstition as the OP would have it.


Active Member
(religion vs. ToE) and nothing in the religion can shake the theory...

Indeed but certain religious views are nothing more than a house of cards and evolution pulls one of the cards from the bottom. It is only natural that this card be replaced by ignorance, anger, and sheer stupidity, otherwise the whole house collapses.;)


Well-Known Member
Evolution is not science, its saddnest and pity. Its a replacement for creation, its a crutch for Atheist.


Interestingly the only people who say Evolution is not science are those who fear that it refutes their particular beliefs in creationism. You have an obsession with atheism and a very confused understanding of what it means. You seem to think that anyone who accepts or agrees with Evolution is an atheist. There are many who believe in God who also believe that he created the world and set the process of evolution in place. Such a person cannot be a-theist.

You are exposed as dishonest in not acknowledging these facts which you deny simply because it makes your belief that God gave things their being in their original forms untenable. You know that Evolution does not and cannot prove there is no creator: in fact the theory is entirely compatible with such. This constant denial damages your credibility along with everything else you say.


Well-Known Member
Interestingly the only people who say Evolution is not science are those who fear that it refutes their particular beliefs in creationism. You have an obsession with atheism and a very confused understanding of what it means. You seem to think that anyone who accepts or agrees with Evolution is an atheist. There are many who believe in God who also believe that he created the world and set the process of evolution in place. Such a person cannot be a-theist.

You are exposed as dishonest in not acknowledging these facts which you deny simply because it makes your belief that God gave things their being in their original forms untenable. You know that Evolution does not and cannot prove there is no creator: in fact the theory is entirely compatible with such. This constant denial damages your credibility along with everything else you say.

I am exposed, my credibility, good greif man, anybody on this website that thinks I need credibility can go fly a kite. I don't care what people think man, I need no credibility from men. I am through with men.

What you think about me is meaningless and less than nothing.



Well-Known Member

Mickiel wants an audience tis all....I'm bored so I'll play along with him. That's why I'm to the point of stating...(religion vs. ToE) and nothing in the religion can shake the theory...

Your not borded, your interested, and I hold your consciousness.



Well-Known Member
Can you show me a webpage that gives examples of superstition being more accurate than science? Can you give any evidence to support your claim that consciousness survives death? Evidence does not include you coming in here and stating your opinion again.

I need no webpage to show others things, I need only myself, trust only myself. What I say, is proof of what I mean.



Well-Known Member
So, Mickiel, I have a question.

My proof says that you are arrogant, illogical, presumptuous, and afflicted with a severe case of tunnel vision. So are you? What makes my proof any different from yours?

And I want to go into that.


Yes I am, and despite of being all that you say, I still hold your consciousness.



Well-Known Member
. . . Um. Laws are higher than theories. So, you might want to edit that . . .

No they aren't actually. Laws and theories are two different things. There is not a hierarchy between them, and in fact if it were a hierarchy theories would be higher than laws. Laws describe and theories explain. They have two different purposes.


Devoid of Ettiquette
No rational being would ever conceive of a universe in which the Disney Channel was possible except as a form of eternal torment for evil doers.

The fact that Stevie Wonder is performing in L.A. this month along side of the Jonas Brothers is further evidence that there is no god. Unless it is a god of chaos and vengeance.


Well-Known Member
Its well documented that certain humans deny their God, and seek to replace him with fables. God is the highest degree, your view of that truth is distorted. So science is your god, you must seek salvation from it. But science cannot teach you Love, it willnot give you compassion, it cannot create honesty, it has nothing to do with Joy and Peace. Your faith in science does not teach governments how to get along, and does absolutely nothing in helping you to raise your children. God offers all of this, and science offers nothing to help in the real world of humanity.


I find it a bit hypocritical of you to bash science while using a computer to do so. You strike me as the type of person who will reap the benefits of science, while bashing the bits of science that disagrees with your preconceived notions. You also seem to be confusing whats comfortable to believe with whats actually true.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member

very true...

Mickey: I'm so upset about Minnie
Doctor: I am sure she'll stop being deluded
Mickey: Deluded? I said she was ******* Goofy...


Well-Known Member
I find it a bit hypocritical of you to bash science while using a computer to do so. You strike me as the type of person who will reap the benefits of science, while bashing the bits of science that disagrees with your preconceived notions. You also seem to be confusing whats comfortable to believe with whats actually true.

I find it a bit assuming that you seem to think I care about your opinions of me. I hold nothing against science, I only rail at those things which would remove God from reality. Because those things are dangerous and idiotic, when science invades the things of God, it crosses over to the idiotic, and brings with it those idiots who now think science is a god.



Well-Known Member
I find it a bit assuming that you seem to think I care about your opinions of me. I hold nothing against science, I only rail at those things which would remove God from reality. Because those things are dangerous and idiotic, when science invades the things of God, it crosses over to the idiotic, and brings with it those idiots who now think science is a god.


It's not an opinion, it's a fact. You are a hypocrite. Lets settle this, what exactly is your evidence that the theory of evolution is false? remember I'm saying evidence, not appeals to emotion or anything of that sort.
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