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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
Music, just another proof of God, and its in everyone.

The proofs of God are millions, and they are all around us. And I am going to show your mind how to key in on those proofs.



You see, even your statement, which provides no proof of proof, thereby proves proof by its lack of proof. Whether one tries to prove, disprove, or neither prove nor disprove, they prove that there's proof through either proof or lack of proof. And I'd like to go into that.

I disagree. Proof of proof and disproof of prooflessness are the same, and yet completely different and unrelated to one another. Not disproving proof is not proof of disproof any more than not collecting ceramic figurines is a bicycle. Allow me to demonstrate:

P ---> K (~F<--- ~O)---> Q

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
If you notice the sarcasm post that have filled this board, they are an effort to mask the pain that proof reveals. Humans get sarcastic when confronted with the truth of God, they are trying to smerk it off.

Do you even know the difference between "proof" and "evidence"...by the way...NONE of either you have presented in ANY of your "Proof of God" threads.:confused:


Well-Known Member
Opinion stated as if it were true, with no discussion and nothing but contempt for those who disagree. That is arrogance.

I discuss things everyday. I just hold contemp for Atheist because of the mindset they represent, that is not arrogance, its aggressive action to stand for the orgin of life.



Well-Known Member
People don't believe in evolution. Evolution is science and its 'truths' are conditional. As usual you are confusing this with your own emotional attachments to a deity.

Evolution is not science, its saddnest and pity. Its a replacement for creation, its a crutch for Atheist.



Well-Known Member
Just....a hint...

We know more than you...so there's nothing you can "prove" to us...other than the sheer fact that you don't even know, that you don't know anything...:rolleyes:

Prove to " Us", I couldcareless about proving anything to an Atheist, the proof is for me and others, Atheist just like reading it.



Well-Known Member
I sit alone, an exile, while this force, this presence returns to torment me.

That there is proof of God, oh and personal proof. Man, if you only knew. Sometime I envy the mind of Atheist, the blankness of it, God leaves you alone. You don't have to endure " The Suffering", which comes with comming to know the real God.



Well-Known Member
I'll never understand the Atheist, their animals, many of them here have said so themselves, their Apes. The mere mindset of thinking yourself to be an animal, is a seduction I hope never sweeps me, and its proof that the mind of man without God, is capable of reducing itself to anything.



Well-Known Member
Why is the brain inside of the head, instead of inside your chest? Why do you have a thumb? Why do you have a tounge? Your own body is proof of God, the way its well ordered. Evolution did not make these decisions, random theory is not ordered.

God did these things, God is well ordered.


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Prove to " Us", I couldcareless about proving anything to an Atheist, the proof is for me and others, Atheist just like reading it.


But that's just it. You can't prove God nor can we disprove god. As far as "atheist just like to read it"....Well it was you who made a totally inaccurate statement...In turn an atheist commented right after a Deist and Sandy (Who kind of comes off as a creationist).....and his statement to you was modest.....giving you the basics of evolution and was somewhat on your side when he said..."Evolution....does not deal with how anything came to being. As far as evolution is concerned God could have created everything to begin with."

Here's the thing...All the Atheist have been saying the same thing. Just because we can, for the most part with the ToE, show how life is connected and has changed over time as well as adapted does not rule out that a god set it all in motion.

You posit that your god did it but other faiths believe in the "truth" of their god or gods and give credit to their gods being the creators...which is only a proof that their gods are responsible for the creation of life ...right? It would appear there is nothing you can offer that would preclude their gods for being the creator nor vice-versa which is why "proof" is difficult to demonstrate. Science does not deal in proof..per say. It deals with evidence which can be tested and falsified. There's no way to verify or test the existence of a god which is why "proof" for it always is lacking.


Well-Known Member
Everything is proof of God, and its a sad thing that many ask for proof that they wouldnot see if it slapped them in the face. In 1Corinth. 15:28,"And when all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to the one who subjected all things to him, " That God may be All in All."

That God may be All in All. Interesting statement, it is the future of humanity. This is what the definition of Life really is, a portion of God himself. We have come from inside of God, no other creations were done like that. This is why the human body is so well ordered, because it was designed to carry around a portion of God, our Counsciousness.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
John 1:3 destroys evolution;" All things came into being by him, and apart from him NOTHING came into being that has come into being."

One of the most powerful, and revealing scriptures in the bible, I have learned much about God from this verse. This verse shows that God created Evil, because it says ALL things came into being by him, there is no evolution of anything.

And I want to go into the bible more on that.



Well-Known Member
Could you please give me an example of something that superstition is accurate in? And I don't mean one off events, I mean something where superstition consistantly provides better results than science.Quote

Well one supersticion I found to be true, is the old antage of sleeping better when its raining and the dreams seem more real. There is no scientific explination for that, but I think its true. Or the old supersticion that some rocks grow. I think thats true. I am a supersticious man anyway, I think we all came from inside God, I think thats what consciousness is, a portion of God himself. Many believers think thats crazy.

How do you know this? I've asked you many times for evidence to back up your claims, could you please provide some?

I have provided 8 different post of evidence, pages of it,what makes you think if I write something here, that you will see that, and cannot see pages of it on 8 seperate post? The Evidence is not for you Tiberius, the things of God are not now for you. Your mind is precondition to never see the things of God, in this life, only in the life to come will your eyes be opened. Everything is proof of God, you see no proof. Thats a gulf fixed within your consciousness, a wall God put there.

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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
John 1:3 destroys evolution;" All things came into being by him, and apart from him NOTHING came into being that has come into being."

One of the most powerful, and revealing scriptures in the bible, I have learned much about God from this verse. This verse shows that God created Evil, because it says ALL things came into being by him, there is no evolution of anything.

And I want to go into the bible more on that.


You should never use the bible nor the quran as a history book or a science book....let alone trying to use the book to refute evolution. You will undoubtedly fail at the attempt. If you start then you open the door for people to pick apart your scripture and what it has to say about things we now know to be incorrect in the bible through the scientific method. The bible was written by the many, many hands of man. If it were truly a work of "God" it would have been sent down complete in one understandable language to all people and free of ANY errors. It was not and it is not. This is why we post the actual data for you or link you to a video done by accredited scientist in the field of study. It's not us Atheist trying to teach you rather we're showing you what other theist know, or knew. As Sandy whitelinger (who may be a creationist) once said... 'It is difficult for the bible to be reconciled with the natural world'.....
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