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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
A description of Gods throne is given in Revelations 4:2-11. God has " Sounds" constantly around him, music if you will. In vs. 8 he has Angels constantly singing to him. God is a being of Music, and thats why its in us. It has trickled down to humanity, and music is in our eternal future. This human tendency toward Music, is another proof of God.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
If you notice the sarcasm post that have filled this board, they are an effort to mask the pain that proof reveals. Humans get sarcastic when confronted with the truth of God, they are trying to smerk it off.

But this cannot be wiped off like water, it will remain in the consciousness. These next few days, I will continue to enter the consciousness of many here, and they will never forget this.



Well-Known Member
Come Atheist come, and mock me as you wish.

Come Atheist come, as I invade your consciousness.

Come Atheist come, you are transparent and I see through you.

Come Atheist come, as I get under your skin, before I leave I will plant things within your consciousness. So come Atheist come, you have let something in your attention that you shouldnot have let in.

But now its too late, I am here, in your mind.


Come Atheist come, your invited.

And I am delighted.



Well-Known Member
You ever wonder why Saturn is not where Plato is? Why the Sun is not where the Moon is? Why Uranus is not where a black hole now is? Why does the earth rotate on its axes and never miss a beat? Why, after all these years, has not a Star or earthsize meteor slammed into the earth?

BECAUSE of Gods Order! Good greif, I don't mean to be redundant, but thats another proof of God.


We have two eyes, one nose, one mouth and two ears. Simple complexity that is very well orderted. Evolution has no mind to order this, its random theory. Your face, the way its well ordered, is proof of God.



Active Member
This post, and a few others like it, get into the complex proof of God, but I try to keep it simple. You know, so that all can see the proof. Evolution is one of the lies that men pacify themselves with, such pacification of self, is proof of God.

How ignorant we get when we get away from our roots.

I think you have only given evidence that God doesnt exist.
I cant imagine a creator looking at such an example of his own creation and not vanish in shame.


Well-Known Member
The privledge of communication with God is totally misunderstood. I know God is there, often I grow tired of writing and dealing with the ignorance of men. But God pushes me on and willnot release me from this burden. This push is proof of God to me. And he instills my mind with things that I know I didnot understand. So at times, I talk to him, and he has never let this world overcome me.

This communication, its full assurance, is a proof of God.



Well-Known Member
I think you have only given evidence that God doesnt exist.
I cant imagine a creator looking at such an example of his own creation and not vanish in shame.

You can't imagine God, a serious flaw in your consciousness. Imagination is another proof of God, which I will post on next year.



Well-Known Member
A description of Gods throne is given in Revelations 4:2-11. God has " Sounds" constantly around him, music if you will. In vs. 8 he has Angels constantly singing to him. God is a being of Music, and thats why its in us. It has trickled down to humanity, and music is in our eternal future. This human tendency toward Music, is another proof of God.

And I want to go into that.


Consciousness is Gods way of impressing humans. Like a tape recorder, our Consciousness has the ability to ingest data and store it, millions of it. When God wants to impress a human mind, he deals directly to their consciousness, and the human does not have to be aware of this. This is how God gave humanity music, he placed it into our consciousness, then it just naturally comes out.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like we could have 2 months rest from your posts? ;)

No, there will be no rest. I will bang hard on the head of the Atheist, show Christians the real truth, and plant things in the consciousness of others.

While you will post sarcasm and think that is of value to the world.



Well-Known Member
All music?
There is some serious atheistic music out there michiel.. ..the devil and the gods are the living and the dead and you really are alone..

In your defence though, the voice is an instrument, the text is not...

Interesting vedio, I rather enjoyed it, and I sensed it was worth listening to. This " Talent we hold", this music which is in us, simply comes out of us. Oh we can pervert it, as we pervert all of the gifts of God, but its that tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

And I am going to post on that tree next year, and that post will be quite something.



Admiral Obvious
No, there will be no rest. I will bang hard on the head of the Atheist, show Christians the real truth, and plant things in the consciousness of others.

While you will post sarcasm and think that is of value to the world.

aw yes, the arrogance of the self proclaimed truly enlightened.


Well-Known Member
aw yes, the arrogance of the self proclaimed truly enlightened.

I live in the Darkness, I am devoid of the God I believe in. I am a sinner who has not progressed beyond that point. And I have continually admitted these things, its on record. I am two faced, one mind in mess, the other heading toward the truth.

This is what I self proclaim.



Lover of Science
My great, great grandfather lived many years, he did not evolve while he lived. My great Grandfather lived many years, he didnot evolve while he lived. My grandfather lived a shorter time, he didnot evolve while he lived. I have lived 54 years, I have not evolved while I have lived. There is no evolution in human life, but there is evolution in deception. It grows in the mind like a parasite and destroys the reasonant of God.


actually, you all did.

In very subtle, perhaps cellular or DNA level. Obvious evolution (that you can see, fell, touch) happens over thousands and thousands of lifetimes. Of course your not going to see your father grow wings and fly away. Microscopic changes are undoubtedly happening all the time, but to expect to see a species evolve in a lifetime is ridiculous.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist

I LOVE the title of the thread!

You see, even your statement, which provides no proof of proof, thereby proves proof by its lack of proof. Whether one tries to prove, disprove, or neither prove nor disprove, they prove that there's proof through either proof or lack of proof. And I'd like to go into that.


Well-Known Member
actually, you all did.

In very subtle, perhaps cellular or DNA level. Obvious evolution (that you can see, fell, touch) happens over thousands and thousands of lifetimes. Of course your not going to see your father grow wings and fly away. Microscopic changes are undoubtedly happening all the time, but to expect to see a species evolve in a lifetime is ridiculous.

To believe in evolution is rediculous.

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