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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Treasure Hunter
I think we should let them all die. (the threads, I mean, by not posting in them anymore.) Because half of the active threads are either trying to prove god or making fun of trying to prove god... I guess maybe we don't have anything better to talk about right now...


RF Addict
Not to disagree with you, but I see statements and not proof.


Missing socks - where do they go? Clearly, God has something to do with this.
Lint - where does it come from? Clearly, God has something to do with this.
Evolutionary theory - Mickiel has this one covered. I won't steal his thunder.
Mad Magazine - such outrageousness and blasphemy proves that satan exists. The existence of Satan clearly proves God exists.
Emoticons - clearly divine inspiration here. Divine Inspiration means that God must exist.
Scuff marks on linoeum - where do they come from? Clearly, God has something to do with this.

I'm stumped on soup pots, though.


Treasure Hunter
That's the trouble of dating an omniprescent being.

What is worse, though, is that Jesus is at the same time God, manifest in an earthly form, and the son of God. I have no doubts that this causes strain upon your relationship.

Yes. It is a tough relationship. Also, our children have a lot of genetic disorders due to inner breading.


Admiral Obvious
I will not respond to you again, I am against name calling, and I am not dumb. But you are right about one thing, I am unwilling to learn anything from an Atheist.

Learn something from an Atheist, it hurts my mind just saying that.

I have not called you any names.
I merely spoke the truth with out being politically correct.

I understand though.
The truth hurts.


Just me
Premium Member
Missing socks - where do they go? Clearly, God has something to do with this.
Lint - where does it come from? Clearly, God has something to do with this.
Evolutionary theory - Mickiel has this one covered. I won't steal his thunder.
Mad Magazine - such outrageousness and blasphemy proves that satan exists. The existence of Satan clearly proves God exists.
Emoticons - clearly divine inspiration here. Divine Inspiration means that God must exist.
Scuff marks on linoeum - where do they come from? Clearly, God has something to do with this.

I'm stumped on soup pots, though.
Try teflon. I hear it's da bomb.


Well I was not aware either, until I saw the research. The enzime from butterbeans matches the enzimes from human blood, and suggest they are our nearest relatives, which is why the test are faulty. I brought this up because they use the same kind of test to determine apes as being our closet relatives. Its a bunch of bull, but people pull from the bull and develop doctrines of belief. Then consider the foundation of those beliefs to be facts.

I also wish you the best.


What a load of crap lol. Yea, that's how they determined our closest ancestors were apes, by comparing the concentrations of certain enzymes...:facepalm: I'm sure it had nothing to do with the anatomical similarities, physiological similarities, cellular similarities, or genetic similarities.
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The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Let's be more than friends, let's be fellow members of this religion.


As the two founding members of this religion i think we should have big important positions.

and hats we've got to have special hats otherwise i'm not playing.


The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
What a load of crap lol. Yea, that's how they determined our closest ancestors were apes, by comparing the concentrations of certain enzymes...:facepalm: I'm sure it had nothing to do with the anatomical similarities, physiological similarities, cellular similarities, or genetic similarities.


You aren't allowed to use logic or fact in this thread.

You're new and i'll let it slide this time.

But don't let me catch you doing it again.



To Extinguish
What a load of crap lol. Yea, that's how they determined our closest ancestors were apes, by comparing the concentrations of certain enzymes...:facepalm: I'm sure it had nothing to do with the anatomical similarities, physiological similarities, cellular similarities, or genetic similarities.

Don't forget the fact that the average ape has more cognitive power than the average American.


New Member
ohk now that thats out of the way,
My great, great grandfather lived many years, he did not evolve while he lived. My great Grandfather lived many years, he didnot evolve while he lived. My grandfather lived a shorter time, he didnot evolve while he lived. I have lived 54 years, I have not evolved while I have lived. There is no evolution in human life, but there is evolution in deception. It grows in the mind like a parasite and destroys the reasonant of God.

well for anyone else that dosn't understand evolution let me explain in very very simple terms. ok i'll give you this example, so you already know how babies are created, between a male and a female, the male and the female combine their gametes (sex cells) each of which contain half the chromosomes needed to produce life. this mixing of chromosomes from each parent provides genetic variation in the next generation and this keeps going on, from time to time there might be a sickness or famine that kills off the weaker genome leaveing the stronger ones to reproduce continuing genetic variation, after many many generations, this genetic variation will cause evolution. this is very simple and is a fact


To Extinguish
ohk now that thats out of the way,
well for anyone else that dosn't understand evolution let me explain in very very simple terms. ok i'll give you this example, so you already know how babies are created, between a male and a female, the male and the female combine their gametes (sex cells) each of which contain half the chromosomes needed to produce life. this mixing of chromosomes from each parent provides genetic variation in the next generation and this keeps going on, from time to time there might be a sickness or famine that kills off the weaker genome leaveing the stronger ones to reproduce continuing genetic variation, after many many generations, this genetic variation will cause evolution. this is very simple and is a fact


I would like for you to realize one thing, the OP has thus far failed to recognize any assembly of logic or intellect thrown his way. I suggest you limit your postings to other threads if you wish for conversation.



Well-Known Member
Agreed! Then its on. You do what you can to impress, and so will I.

And we will see what happens. Your powers will back you, and mine will back me. And we will judge the powers by the future effect on humanity.


No, you misunderstand entirely. I don't have 'powers'. I have the abilities of the average person, which is to understand and exchange information. And I certainly don't delude myself that my views will have an effect on the future of humanity.

It appears that you hold yourself in very high regard.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Now here's another good question, is it the psychology that changes the culture or the culture that changes the psychology?

Sorry for the late reply Morse, i wanted to think about it for a while (and also ask my psych lecturer, which i did tonight).

The answer i came up with is that both psychology changes society and vice versa.

I know this ain't a great answer but let me explain.

There are certain aspects of human psychology that will never change such as greed and fear. These things will affect culture.

However as society evolves the new experiences and pressures create new psychological issues or atleast exascerbate already known problems. Stress is becoming an epidemic. (sorry i can't come up with something better than stress it's late and i just came home from class and my head hurts.

So much like the nature vrs nurture debate both are true.


Well-Known Member

I would like for you to realize one thing, the OP has thus far failed to recognize any assembly of logic or intellect thrown his way. I suggest you limit your postings to other threads if you wish for conversation.


Why not follow your own suggestion and stop posting on this thread. Why advise others to leave and you stay? Explain that to me.



Well-Known Member
No, you misunderstand entirely. I don't have 'powers'. I have the abilities of the average person, which is to understand and exchange information. And I certainly don't delude myself that my views will have an effect on the future of humanity.

It appears that you hold yourself in very high regard.

I hold my views in very high regard, very high regard.

And they will effect the future of humanity, as they have affected me.

My views, not my self.



Well-Known Member
Well I admit to being a bigot, I don't like Atheist for sure.

The protien Cillum is a proof of God. In humans epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract each about 200 cilia that beat in synchrony to sweep mucus towards the throat for elimination. A cilium consist of a membrane coated bundle of fibers called axoneme. An axoneme contains a ring of 9 double microtubules surrounding two central single microtubes. Impossible for evolution to achieve, each outer doublet consist of a ring of 13 filaments. The filaments of the microtubes are composed of two protiens, called alpha and beta tubulin. The 11 microtubules forming axoneme are held together by 3 types of connectors: subfibers are joined to the central microtubules by radial spokes. Adjacent outer doublets are joined by linkers that consist of a highly elastic protein called nexin. And the central microtubules are joined by a connecting bridge. Finally every subfiber bears two arms, an inner and outer, both containing the protein dynein.

Man, this is obvious proof of God, its no way possible that evolution can produce such complexity.


This post, and a few others like it, get into the complex proof of God, but I try to keep it simple. You know, so that all can see the proof. Evolution is one of the lies that men pacify themselves with, such pacification of self, is proof of God.

How ignorant we get when we get away from our roots.

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