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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
Oh I have gone much farther and deeper than this, one form of Life is proof that another form exist.
Conversely a lower form of consciousness proves that a higher one exist.


The view that God does not exist, coupled with the view that he does, complettes the story. Both views are the reality of being human, both are part of the picture, both part of the proof.

Both the cards humanity has been purposedly dealt.


Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
I am 55 years old. And your right, I am proving it to myself, not to others. I have been looking closely at the things which prove God to me, such as biblical Archaeology and wesbters dictionary, both proofs of Gods existance to me. I plan on posting on them as well. I have over 100 proofs of God that are for me, but I certainly willnot start that many post. Maybe 20 or 30 over the next year, here and there. Pain is proof of God as well as need.

But Now I deal with consciousness as a proof of God.


ah you're a religious fundamentalist....



say no more.....


Well-Known Member
Yes, that is Aphrodite. Also, Fire is proof that a God of Fire exists, that is Hephaestus. The Sea is proof that a God of the Sea exists, that is Poseidon... This is primitive and obsolete unreason. Time to grow up.

I agree that Fire proves that God exist.


Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
What is stupidity, but a lack of intelligence? The fact that utter stupidity exists means that the opposite must also exist. And what is god, but the most supreme intelligence that exists? Only in a world where god exists could stupidity also exist. The existence of stupidity proves that god exists.


What is stupidity, but a lack of intelligence? The fact that utter stupidity exists means that the opposite must also exist. And what is god, but the most supreme intelligence that exists? Only in a world where god exists could stupidity also exist. The existence of stupidity proves that god exists.

No, because by that logic, you would have to assume that the supreme intelligence just popped out of nothingness. What happened then, the stupidity grew, one small changing trait at a time into the abundant variety of stupid we see teeming on the planet? Sure.


Industrial Strength Linguist
Consciousness is " A Spirit in man", its nothing physical at all...

But what we know about consciousness is that it is associated with the condition of a physical brain. So you cannot divorce it from the physical. Brain injury and general anesthesia can cause one to lose consciousness. Therefore, it is unlikely that consciousness can survive brain death.

Another proof of God, Spirits do not evolve, they are unseen and enduring. And they are created by God...
Spirits, like gods, exist only in your imagination. That is why they are "unseen". Photons only bounce off of things that exist.

No one can physically see human consciousness , we just know its there. One plausible nominee if I were to quess is the tangle of tiny internuncial neurons called the reticular formation, which has long lain hidden and unsuspected in the brainstem. God can communicate with humans through that path if he so appealed to. Its like a system of wiretaps.
This kind of speculation gets you nowhere. Why would there even need to be specialized receptors in the brain for communication with God? If he can perform miracles, then he shouldn't need to rely on special equipment to communicate.

The mind of man shouldnot be reduced to happenstance evolution, that insults the great design that it is.

I don't know how you insult a design, nor do I know why an evolutionary happenstance should be an insult to anyone. Perhaps we are not the exalted creatures that we like to think we are, but shouldn't we enjoy being what we are? The real world is far more interesting than the ones that we fantasize.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
I think the existence of care bears prove that God exists too



Industrial Strength Linguist
I am not religious, I am not a Christian, I am not a Fundamentalist. I am a sinner in need of his God and I have not progressed beyond that.

If you believe that you are a sinner in need of a god, then you are religious. Surely, even you can see that you have blatantly contradicted yourself here. Perhaps what you wanted to say was that you were not committed to any particular doctrine except a general belief that there is some fundamental truth underlying the Judeo-Christian belief system.


Well-Known Member
But what we know about consciousness is that it is associated with the condition of a physical brain. So you cannot divorce it from the physical. Brain injury and general anesthesia can cause one to lose consciousness. Therefore, it is unlikely that consciousness can survive brain death.

There are somnambulistic states known in the clinical literature where an individual is clearly not conscious and yet is responsive to things in a way which a knocked out person is not. Consciousness and reactivity are two different things. I don't like the phrase " Loose Consciousness", I don't think we ever loose consciousness complettely. In writting this to you, I am reacting to my hands banging on the keys. My feet are on the floor but I am not conscious of my feet while I am trying to say what I am to you. We can do things without being conscious of doing them. Because Consciousness has continuity.



Well-Known Member
If you believe that you are a sinner in need of a god, then you are religious. Surely, even you can see that you have blatantly contradicted yourself here. Perhaps what you wanted to say was that you were not committed to any particular doctrine except a general belief that there is some fundamental truth underlying the Judeo-Christian belief system.

Again, I am not a religious man, I don't like religion, any of them.


Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
You don't define me, understand that.


If it quacks like a duck.....

christian fundamentalists often state they are "non denominational"

or "believers" or somethign similar....

a label is a label....


I am thinking you clearly are not employed in a workplace that involves much critical thinking, if you are even employed at all.:sarcastic

But anyway


Well-Known Member
If it quacks like a duck.....

christian fundamentalists often state they are "non denominational"

or "believers" or somethign similar....

a label is a label....


I am thinking you clearly are not employed in a workplace that involves much critical thinking, if you are even employed at all.:sarcastic

But anyway

I grow tired of your insults and lack of respect, I willnot respond to you any more.

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