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Mickiel's proof of God.

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sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
I am honored to have you, to plant the seeds of your memory. I do this with great respect, not counting your unbelief. I know why we are as we are. Within your mind is a query for God, you doubt he is there. I too have doubted, but have reasoned no other alternitive. While I have you, I impress the truth as I understand it, it will remain with you all of your life. It will be there, in your consciousness. I give this to you only as a token of your memory, you will come to know on your own.

But remember.

Proverbs 17:10
Translation: go away, because you are not wanted. Go away because you reject my thinking. Leave because you are not giving my belief validity. This is the mindset of an Atheist, locked by God into this room. This box.

And I want to go into this box, using Atheist comments to examine it.

Besides, why do you need validation? are you not sure of your beliefs that you need such a thing? Validation comes from within.


Well-Known Member
The concept of evolution itself is a proof of God. The inane aduacity of something comming from nothing is one of the most serious proofs of God I have ever considered. Oh how certain people must rid this world of any concept of God. They will go to serious extremes to put in place unreason, and distort our heritage of comming from a God, and replace it with the insult of being in a liniage with Apes of all things. Such an insult proves God, and also proves the extremes of deception that exist in the human mind.

Note the term evolution. I want to go into this term and show you some interesting deceptions contained within it.


Lol, I love how people who have absolutely no knowledge or understanding of evolution try and debunk it in such pathetic ways.


Well-Known Member
Proverbs 17:10

I give to your mind, your consciousness, the hope that my consciousness has in the salvation of all humans. What now affects me, will now always affect you, that God is misunderstood but yet real. I pay no attention to the sarcastic Atheist here, but take hold of your consciousness for now. You will recall this for the rest of your life, as I hope that the hope which grips me, grips you. We are a small part of a much larger picture, and God traps our minds into his desired position.

Remember Sandy,


Thank you Dr. Laura. Instant diagnosis is always entertaining.

not sure whether or not to take that as an insult but either way...okay
If you had kept up on the postings you will see that many times have I been cordial and tried to understand his views. I study religion so that I may be more tolerant of others beliefs and also that someday I too might re embrace faith. But with insults such as these from those whose religion professes such tolerance, I once again shy from such things and continue my search for a belief system that will best suit me. As that is all I can do.
I have your mind for now, your consciousness is paying attention to me. And I will plant things within your consciousness while I have you.

And the same goes for your Atheist bretheren. I have you now, and I will do things to your consciousness.

Remember that./


Please do! Isnt that the goal here? Are we not here to express our own views and have them challenged so that we may grow as individuals? And maybe, just maybe you will convince others that your belief in God is right.


Well-Known Member
And? Oh that's right, the evidence is just for yourself.
Wonder why you offered to show us?

My mood has changed, I now look to instill things in the consciousness of Atheist while I have them. An Atheist disowned Atheism last week, on this site. While I have you, I look to deal with your consciousness for now. This endless dribble of debate does not intrest me, I would rather get into your consciousness while I have you. God is real, and only he can affirm that. The mind of the Atheist is locked in unbelief because of God himself, he did this. All Atheist will be saved, I know this to be true. I plant this truth within your minds, never to forget again.

Never to forget again. This will remain in the consciousness of every Atheist who reads this, this day.



Well-Known Member
Please do! Isnt that the goal here? Are we not here to express our own views and have them challenged so that we may grow as individuals? And maybe, just maybe you will convince others that your belief in God is right.

I hold no need to convince, God can do that as he pleases. But while I have your consciousness, I plant the seed of hope which is in me. And this seed will never leave you. This day God has moved me, and Atheist are his children too. Your going to be what you are, but you will, from this day on, understand that the hope of God is real.

Remember this.

My mood has changed, I now look to instill things in the consciousness of Atheist while I have them. An Atheist disowned Atheism last week, on this site. While I have you, I look to deal with your consciousness for now. This endless dribble of debate does not intrest me, I would rather get into your consciousness while I have you. God is real, and only he can affirm that. The mind of the Atheist is locked in unbelief because of God himself, he did this. All Atheist will be saved, I know this to be true. I plant this truth within your minds, never to forget again.

Never to forget again. This will remain in the consciousness of every Atheist who reads this, this day.


Im not negating what you say, I hope you do achieve your goal. However, I dont think after all I am about to research and catalogue at dig sites I may just forget it as far as the words go. But you are right that the conversation will remain with me for quite some time.


Well-Known Member
Im not negating what you say, I hope you do achieve your goal. However, I dont think after all I am about to research and catalogue at dig sites I may just forget it as far as the words go. But you are right that the conversation will remain with me for quite some time.

Well there is a God, and he must be powerful, I only wish I knew him. But I would that this remain with you all of your life, not just a time. And it will remain with you, I can sense that already. In your consciousness this will remain.

And in mine.

If you really need validation here it is...I validate that you believe in God, I also validate that I do NOT believe in God. However, this does not mean we have to disagree on every little thing. God is not the fabric of society. I applaud your belief in God and wish I could believe that way too but being of a scientific mind and studying the things I do at the moment that seems impossible to me. But only at the moment. I cant say for sure that tomorrow when I leave for my travels, that I wont have some great epiphany which will in turn cause me to embrace faith again. Who knows? maybe while Im doing the anthropological part of my travels I may find a belief system that works for me better than lack thereof. It's an ever changing world with ever changing ideals.
But I'm glad to see you are more willing to talk now. this is much better.


Well-Known Member
Well there is a God, and he must be powerful, I only wish I knew him. But I would that this remain with you all of your life, not just a time. And it will remain with you, I can sense that already. In your consciousness this will remain.

And in mine.


How do you know this? and what makes you so privileged?
Well there is a God, and he must be powerful, I only wish I knew him. But I would that this remain with you all of your life, not just a time. And it will remain with you, I can sense that already. In your consciousness this will remain.

And in mine.


okay...i see you point. But if you dont "know" him how can you say that he will accept me? After all in his word (The Bible) he says non-believers shall not be passed through the gates of heaven and will be cast into the fiery depths of hell. Are you saying his word is wrong? Just a question.


Well-Known Member
How do you know this? and what makes you so privileged?

Is it now a privlidge not to know God, as I have admitted? No, you have a chip on your shoulder, and think to take it out on me. I am no different than you, but since you have excerted yourself, I will excert mine. In you too will the seed of God be planted forever, and the thought of him will never leave you.

And you will know this, you will be privildged.



Well-Known Member
okay...i see you point. But if you dont "know" him how can you say that he will accept me? After all in his word (The Bible) he says non-believers shall not be passed through the gates of heaven and will be cast into the fiery depths of hell. Are you saying his word is wrong? Just a question.

Its dead wrong, the interpitation of it is wrong. God will accdept everyone, don't you believe nothingless.



Resident Liberal Hippie
My mood has changed, I now look to instill things in the consciousness of Atheist while I have them. An Atheist disowned Atheism last week, on this site. While I have you, I look to deal with your consciousness for now. This endless dribble of debate does not intrest me, I would rather get into your consciousness while I have you. God is real, and only he can affirm that. The mind of the Atheist is locked in unbelief because of God himself, he did this. All Atheist will be saved, I know this to be true. I plant this truth within your minds, never to forget again.

Never to forget again. This will remain in the consciousness of every Atheist who reads this, this day.

Nice, however...
Not an Atheist, (but some of my best friends are:))
Not looking for affirmation, I have already conceived of God through reason and faith.
It is my firm belief that if God were to take a personal interest in our lives, willful ignorance of the natural world would be the greatest of sins.

And I find your arrogance in ignorance to be astounding.


Well-Known Member
Is it now a privlidge not to know God, as I have admitted? No, you have a chip on your shoulder, and think to take it out on me. I am no different than you, but since you have excerted yourself, I will excert mine. In you too will the seed of God be planted forever, and the thought of him will never leave you.

And you will know this, you will be privildged.


I don't have a chip on my shoulder, it was an honest question. But if you want to avoid the question and act like it was a personal attack to your beliefs, thats fine. I was just asking you, how you know all this. I mean is your brain capacity much higher than the rest of us, because I have no idea if a god exists. Although, I believe that a god doesn't exist. Until I see evidence otherwise, I'm sticking with those beliefs. So, if you wouldn't mind actually answering the question, that'd be great. How do you know all of this?


Guardian of Asgaard
Nice, however...
Not looking for affirmation, I have already conceived of God through reason and faith.
It is my firm belief that if God were to take a personal interest in our lives, willful ignorance of the natural world would be the greatest of sins.

If you are so good at reasoning sir why start with such a poorly worded opening post in this thread about how evolution creates from nothing?

Faith is illogical in itself. People don't call it faith because it has great amounts of reasoning, simply greats amount of hope and wanting to believe. Logic should point you in the opposite direction.

Willful ignorance is highest amongst theists, so they're a huge bunch of sinners aren;'t they.


Resident Liberal Hippie
If you are so good at reasoning sir why start with such a poorly worded opening post in this thread about how evolution creates from nothing?
Care to point that out to me?
I believe my first post in this thread was...
Oops, got your definitions wrong.
Evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next.
There you go.
Please go on.

Faith is illogical in itself. People don't call it faith because it has great amounts of reasoning, simply greats amount of hope and wanting to believe. Logic should point you in the opposite direction.
You don't know much about deism, do you?

Willful ignorance is highest amongst theists, so they're a huge bunch of sinners aren;'t they.
Why are you asking me this? I do not even believe in the theistic concept of 'sin'.
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