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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
Of course the difference is that a mutation happens to one individual in a lifetime, while evolution happens to an entire species over thousands of years. I really dont know anyone who confuses the two.

My great, great grandfather lived many years, he did not evolve while he lived. My great Grandfather lived many years, he didnot evolve while he lived. My grandfather lived a shorter time, he didnot evolve while he lived. I have lived 54 years, I have not evolved while I have lived. There is no evolution in human life, but there is evolution in deception. It grows in the mind like a parasite and destroys the reasonant of God.



Well-Known Member
The mental retardation of the human languages is another proof of God. Without God, all things wax worse, with him, all things improve. Sarcasm is a sign of weakening in the human language, the " Cutting effect, and laugh while you cut", is simular to the maddness of murder in which the murderer enjoyed the kill. Put others down, and then step on them while they are down, then joke about it. Disrespect them in a humorous manner.

What is the orgin of this monster that grows and is here to stay? We even pay to hear people talk like this.

And I want to go into the orgin of this monster. This monster we Love.



Active Member
No, I willnot stop eating and drinking,
why not ? Is God not your lifes source ?
Or is it him you actually eat and drink?

and I willnot alow your sarcasm to mean anything to me.
Well you see ... some people you can discuss things with, some others you can't.
You certainly are of the second group. And while some might have points but simply are stubborn you certainly dont even have a point. Which demands sarcasm as answer. And of course not for you but for the enjoyment of all the others with humor :yes:


Well-Known Member
why not ? Is God not your lifes source ?
Or is it him you actually eat and drink?

Well you see ... some people you can discuss things with, some others you can't.
You certainly are of the second group. And while some might have points but simply are stubborn you certainly dont even have a point. Which demands sarcasm as answer. And of course not for you but for the enjoyment of all the others with humor :yes:

You cannot communicate without sarcasm, and I can communicate without you, and shall continue to do so, while you keep trying to communicate to me.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, right... :p

Even these two short words are an example of sarcasm, its imidiate response. Its ingrained root system in peoples style of communication, its ever present reality in human consciousness.

Its true mark and proof of God.



To Extinguish
Actually, mickiel, it takes a smarter person to manipulate a system than it does to work it. By cleverly manipulating words and phrases, a sarcastic/sardonic/ironic/metaphorical person demonstrates his superior mastery over the English language. Of course, some people try to use sarcasm and irony but don't exactly succeed, these are the people who have been retarded by moving away from 'God' as you say.
It doesn't need to be sarcasm either, anything that is not basic English could be applied here.


To Extinguish
If vampires are immortal beings,
then isn't that proof of god?

case closed.
You can all go home now.

Holy crap UV, take a vampology class wotcha?
Vampires can die when you put a wooden stake through their heart.

And I want to go into that



Well no one's ever gunna put a stake through ALL of their hearts.


i wanna see the stats that support such a notion.


Well-Known Member
Language is another proof of God I will get into next year, he gave this communication to humanity, it didnot develop itself from nothing. One of the effects of moving away from God is retardation, we regress and antrophe. We grow worse. And this has happened in our communication with each other. Sarcasm is the result of there being no influence from God in our languages and the styles in which we speak, even dress ourselves. This retardation is proof of God.

We tear at each other like dogs, cut each other up and laugh about it. We live to distort communication with caustic remarks and taunt each other habitually. We have infused the art of communication with the ironical senselessness of satirical language, and cannot do without it. This is proof of God, what occurs when a God is not prevelent in the human mind.

And I want to go into this.


I think you certainly should go into it a bit more! How can you argue to God when God is not prevalent in your mind? After all, you are no different to others of the human species. You distort facts and taunt unbelievers and, like the rest of us, you are not above uttering caustic remarks. This is the opposite to proof.

There is disharmony and discord

God, who would otherwise prevent the disharmony and discord, it is not prevalent in the human mind.

We may therefore conclude that God is neither prevalent in the mind nor prevalent in reality.


Admiral Obvious
I am here to bang hard on the head of the Atheist, those who lust for a Godless society. I am not here to convince anyone of anything. I am here to express myself, and that expression is popular and garners attention. If others pay no attention to my expression, I would have nothing to say. But the attention is growing because of intrest, and while I have the consciousness of others, I will plant the truth there and not waste their time as Atheist do with mindless dribble.

Thus far all you have done is shown how big a dumb arse you are, how unwilling to learn anything you are, and how arrogantly you will are willing to proclaim your ignorance to the world.



Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mickiel
Evolution is at its base, an attempt to explain creation without creator, thats all it is. Its children abandoning their parent, and giving their inheritance, their liniage to animals, instead of a God.

Tom Tom has gone to great lengths to enlighten you on the process of evolution, it's simple, concise, to the point, presented in such a way that a child could understand it, yet you still post an incredibly ignorant response saying evolution deals with the creation of life. I'm almost tempted to go back and review all the posts in this particular thread and count the number times you have been told that evolution does not deal with how life is created, yet you persist that is does. A simple google search will describe to you exactly what evolution is, a look at the definition in any dictionary will do the same, are you incapable of reading? Look up the meaning of evolution, stop posting the same ignorant responses over and over again, educate yourself boy!!

Quite so. And yet I'm certain that Mickiel actually knows all this. He is in denial of what he knows to be true: that Evolution makes no claims to creation.

But he has to maintain that Evolution is the atheists bible, rather than plausible, non-partisan science. Why? Because he wants to believe that creatures have their forms just as God originally created them. He absolutely has to deny Evolution. It's intellectual dishonesty.


Well-Known Member
Actually, mickiel, it takes a smarter person to manipulate a system than it does to work it. By cleverly manipulating words and phrases, a sarcastic/sardonic/ironic/metaphorical person demonstrates his superior mastery over the English language. Of course, some people try to use sarcasm and irony but don't exactly succeed, these are the people who have been retarded by moving away from 'God' as you say.
It doesn't need to be sarcasm either, anything that is not basic English could be applied here.

Sarcasm is not mastery of language, its the rape of it. Just as Atheism is not a way of life, its the rape of life.

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