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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
My great, great grandfather lived many years, he did not evolve while he lived. My great Grandfather lived many years, he didnot evolve while he lived. My grandfather lived a shorter time, he didnot evolve while he lived. I have lived 54 years, I have not evolved while I have lived. There is no evolution in human life, but there is evolution in deception. It grows in the mind like a parasite and destroys the reasonant of God.


Evolution is the backbone of Atheism, the embarrasement of humanity.



Well-Known Member
Thus far all you have done is shown how big a dumb arse you are, how unwilling to learn anything you are, and how arrogantly you will are willing to proclaim your ignorance to the world.


I will not respond to you again, I am against name calling, and I am not dumb. But you are right about one thing, I am unwilling to learn anything from an Atheist.

Learn something from an Atheist, it hurts my mind just saying that.


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I am unwilling to learn anything from an Atheist.

Then this thread should be closed. If you put this in the "Debate" section then expect people to debate with you. If all you wanted was a Soap Box to shout from then you should have put it in the same faith threads. Unfortunately for you, not all Christians discount the The of Evolution.

Learn something from an Atheist, it hurts my mind just saying that.

Why, because your mind is incapable of handling the truth?


Well-Known Member
Then this thread should be closed. If you put this in the "Debate" section then expect people to debate with you. If all you wanted was a Soap Box to shout from then you should have put it in the same faith threads. Unfortunately for you, not all Christians discount the The of Evolution.

Why, because your mind is incapable of handling the truth?

I debate Atheist everyday, I learn nothing from the debate. There is nothing to learn, but plenty to debate, you need to learn the difference between the two. What has happened to the mind of an Atheist, I have no wish to happen to mine.



Well-Known Member
Sarcasm is not mastery of language, its the rape of it. Just as Atheism is not a way of life, its the rape of life.


And this is why Atheist love sarcasm, it fits their mentality. They rape the world of God and joke about it. They invade religious boards and conduct themselves worse than the sad Christians. They give themselves sarcastic names and take to themselves sarcastic beliefs. And they are raping the human language in their crusade against God.

That crusade is proof of God.



Well-Known Member
Consciousness is Gods gift to humanity. Its his trademark, it didnot trickle down from an ape. I get so discusted with the many ignorant influences that ruin our childrens true view of life and plant seeds of destruction in their conscious future. And I am going to do something about it.



Well-Known Member
Sarcasm is a fad that has interupted the human language, intercepted reason with smut. But notice how quickly everyone accepts and uses destructive things, and call them good things. Sarcasm is direct evidence of the gulibility of humanity, how we weave destruction into the very fabric of our lives, then fall in love with the destruction.

If this is not proof of God, I don't know what is. We are so sad as a people, that we infect our own manners of communication. Manner itself in communication is becomming a lost art. We insult people without even knowing them. Like a sore on the human body, sarcasm has attached itself to our consciousness, we use it without even realizing it.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
The order that exist didnot arrange itself, it was arranged. Disarranged minds would have you think that Order, Ordered itself and arranged a beginning for our Universe. Don't you believe that, Atheist,. the Vampires of belief, will troll your minds in an effort to get you to join the deadhead revolution of evolution.


You ever wonder why Saturn is not where Plato is? Why the Sun is not where the Moon is? Why Uranus is not where a black hole now is? Why does the earth rotate on its axes and never miss a beat? Why, after all these years, has not a Star or earthsize meteor slammed into the earth?

BECAUSE of Gods Order! Good greif, I don't mean to be redundant, but thats another proof of God.



Well-Known Member
Sometimes I need what only you can provide mickiel. Your absence.:D

Translation: please go away, your hurting me. Come Atheist, you can take it; you must, you got a lot more comming. I thank for providing yet another live example of current topic, sarcasm. Humorous insulting,. biting verbal grimance. Smug impolite gesture, all internal mannerism of the Atheist that has magnified the chip on their shoulder.


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I debate Atheist everyday, I learn nothing from the debate. There is nothing to learn, but plenty to debate, you need to learn the difference between the two. What has happened to the mind of an Atheist, I have no wish to happen to mine.


I know the difference but you seem not to. Debate can and should lead both parties in the debate to absorb information they might not have known and to gain an understanding of the opponent. If all you want to do is "debate" without leaning and understanding then it ceases to be a debate and becomes (argumentum ad nauseum)....:facepalm:


Well-Known Member
Come Atheist come, spill your guts and lets see whats inside. Come so I can use your minds to prove God. Use your own words to prove confusion. Use your arrogance to prove what being devoid of God can do to a mind. Use your disrespect to reveal that chip on your shoulder. Use you,

To prove God exist.


The wind comes before the storm, and is proof the storm exist. The Atheist has come before Gods return, and are proof that God exist. The pain before the pleasure, the confusion before the understanding, the tit before the tat.

Come Atheist come, I see your shadow.

Come Atheist come, and bring with you the grave you tried to give God.

Come Atheist come, the day is far spent, but we will share the Darkness!



Well-Known Member
I know the difference but you seem not to. Debate can and should lead both parties in the debate to absorb information they might not have known and to gain an understanding of the opponent. If all you want to do is "debate" without leaning and understanding then it ceases to be a debate and becomes (argumentum ad nauseum)....:facepalm:

Absorb something from an Atheist! Man you got to be kidding me, I don't want to poison myself. I do not debate to absorb, thats your view of it. I do not debate to convince, thats another useless thing when debating Atheist.

If you feel this to be nauseum, why are you talking to me? You Atheist constantly tell me all these negative things about my conversation, yet you still come? Like a fatal attraction, you still look. Then criticize what you look at.

Man, if thats not proof of God I just don't know what is.


Herr Heinrich

Student of Mythology
This is one of the most magnanamous proofs of God, answered phones. I personally have experienced this multiple times. Just phone God to do certain things that I knew were difficult things, and then watch them get done. And I just knew it was him. One time I phoned God for a house in Atlanta. One day I was phoning a tree for a customer, who asked me if I wanted a house, and she gave it to me for a phone. A bueatiful phone.

Things like this just don't happen, but phones can do things like that.

And I want to go into that.


Lol! What?


Well-Known Member
Absorb something from an Atheist! Man you got to be kidding me, I don't want to poison myself. I do not debate to absorb, thats your view of it. I do not debate to convince, thats another useless thing when debating Atheist.

If you feel this to be nauseum, why are you talking to me? You Atheist constantly tell me all these negative things about my conversation, yet you still come? Like a fatal attraction, you still look. Then criticize what you look at.

Man, if thats not proof of God I just don't know what is.


Yes, you finally got it, you don't know what proof of god is. And It only took you 38 pages.
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