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Mitt Romney for president, 2020.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Who in their right mind would vote for Trump or Warren?
The rest of the centrist candidates are either elderly people like Biden and Sanders, or noobs like Gabbards.

I want to see a candidate for president in 2020 who isn't painfully unprepared and demonstrably incompetent.

So, I'm willing to put aside my "straight ticket Democrat" voting pattern if the traditional conservatives can get get a real conservative on the ballot. Not another TeaParty progressive like Trump.

Do you think that the GOP can get Romney to run? He said he wouldn't, but you know what Capitalists are like. It's always a question of price. I think that Romney, a true Republican, would run if the RNC convinced him that he would get support from other true Republicans.

I'd vote for him, if the other option was Gabbards or Biden. And I'm not even a partisan.
What do we have to do to get a competent centrist leader into the game?


Well-Known Member
Who in their right mind would vote for Trump or Warren?
The rest of the centrist candidates are either elderly people like Biden and Sanders, or noobs like Gabbards.

I want to see a candidate for president in 2020 who isn't painfully unprepared and demonstrably incompetent.

So, I'm willing to put aside my "straight ticket Democrat" voting pattern if the traditional conservatives can get get a real conservative on the ballot. Not another TeaParty progressive like Trump.

Do you think that the GOP can get Romney to run? He said he wouldn't, but you know what Capitalists are like. It's always a question of price. I think that Romney, a true Republican, would run if the RNC convinced him that he would get support from other true Republicans.

I'd vote for him, if the other option was Gabbards or Biden. And I'm not even a partisan.
What do we have to do to get a competent centrist leader into the game?

A; Romney won't run again.
B' Even if he did, he wouldn't win because the Democrats would vote against him, and so would every evangelical Christian conservative; not because they don't like his politics, but because they don't like his religion.
C; He has a black grandchild. That means that the 'squad' would call him a racist. NO WAY would he win, and if he ran, Anne would kill him.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
What do we have to do to get a competent centrist leader into the game?
Competent people have lots'o experience. And this would of course
include some success, some failures, & some tough decisions.
The latter 2 provide ammunition for the enemy, thus tending to select
against the most experienced contenders, eg, Romney. Candidate
Obama, for example, had nothing to attack, because he'd never
managed anything before.
Centrists tend to suffer in the primaries because the the candidates
who promise the Moon & the stars have greater appeal. The fact
that they cannot deliver is lost on the hopeful & needy masses.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
I prefer a president who sticks to foreign affairs, national security, overseeing any necessary federal institutions and as much as possible stays out of my business.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Sanders, the socialist who is possibly further to the left than Warren is a centrist? The mind boggles.

I have a Republican friend who really likes Bill Weld who is actually running. He's a fiscal conservative, no doubt, but he's sane and that counts for a lot in the Republican party today. From his campaign site

Governor Weld has an unblemished record of public service. In addition to seven years in the Department of Justice, he served two terms as Governor in Massachusetts, where he was reelected by the largest margin in state history. He cut taxes 21 times, never raised them, balanced the budget, and oversaw six upgrades in the state’s bond rating. He signed landmark welfare reform, made public schools accountable, and was a trailblazer as an early proponent for LGBT civil rights. Governor Weld was ranked the most fiscally conservative Governor in the country by the Cato Institute and the Wall Street Journal.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Who in their right mind would vote for Trump or Warren?
The rest of the centrist candidates are either elderly people like Biden and Sanders, or noobs like Gabbards.

I want to see a candidate for president in 2020 who isn't painfully unprepared and demonstrably incompetent.

So, I'm willing to put aside my "straight ticket Democrat" voting pattern if the traditional conservatives can get get a real conservative on the ballot. Not another TeaParty progressive like Trump.

Do you think that the GOP can get Romney to run? He said he wouldn't, but you know what Capitalists are like. It's always a question of price. I think that Romney, a true Republican, would run if the RNC convinced him that he would get support from other true Republicans.

I'd vote for him, if the other option was Gabbards or Biden. And I'm not even a partisan.
What do we have to do to get a competent centrist leader into the game?
Somebody told me that for either party their current president became the head of that party. Isn't President Trump the head of the Republican Party? I've never seen either party put up a different candidate if they have someone in the presidency already.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Governor Weld has an unblemished record of public service. In addition to seven years in the Department of Justice, he served two terms as Governor in Massachusetts, where he was reelected by the largest margin in state history. He cut taxes 21 times, never raised them, balanced the budget, and oversaw six upgrades in the state’s bond rating. He signed landmark welfare reform, made public schools accountable, and was a trailblazer as an early proponent for LGBT civil rights. Governor Weld was ranked the most fiscally conservative Governor in the country by the Cato Institute and the Wall Street Journal.
I know they need a sales pitch and all, but wow that has a ton of words and still manages to say little, lol.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
A; Romney won't run again.
B' Even if he did, he wouldn't win because the Democrats would vote against him, and so would every evangelical Christian conservative; not because they don't like his politics, but because they don't like his religion.
The religion issue didn't stop them from voting for and supporting Trump, what with his adultery, fornication, dishonesty, greed, pride, etc. You know, things denounced by that little book of yours.
C; He has a black grandchild. That means that the 'squad' would call him a racist. NO WAY would he win, and if he ran, Anne would kill him.
Even if this bizarre non sequitur made sense, who gives a damn about "the squad"? What is it with conservatives developing weird fixations on obsessions over certain politicians and then proceed to act as if they somehow represent anyone and everyone who leans left? It would be like claiming that all conservatives support pedophilia because of Roy Moore. It's ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
The religion issue didn't stop them from voting for and supporting Trump, what with his adultery, fornication, dishonesty, greed, pride, etc. You know, things denounced by that little book of yours.

Even if this bizarre non sequitur made sense, who gives a damn about "the squad"? What is it with conservatives developing weird fixations on obsessions over certain politicians and then proceed to act as if they somehow represent anyone and everyone who leans left? It would be like claiming that all conservatives support pedophilia because of Roy Moore. It's ridiculous.

Hey. I'm not the one who writes all the publicity about those women, or who runs scared silly of any one of them. None of them will last...their careers will be short, but while the fad is on, they influence thinking.

........and yes, evangelicals voted for Trump. Your perception of his flaws notwithstanding (and the Democrats voted for a rapist and, perhaps, a murderer...certainly someone who practiced sexual harassment in the workplace to an unprecedented degree; Trump, at least, knows what 'no' means. Even if he doesn't LIKE it, he knows it and respects it, unlike a bunch of the Democrats) They also voted for a liar, a conniver and someone who is absolutely blatant in her arrogant disdain of anybody who leans right...or disagrees with her. She whines, too...but y'all voted for HER.

Romney, however, committed an even worse crime than any one of the above. He's a Mormon. More importantly, he's a BELIEVING Mormon. I honestly think that evangelicals (and Catholics and all sorts) would elect an extremist Sharia proposing Muslim first.

As to the 'squad,' well, when they fall out of favor, (and they will) the Dems will glom onto the next loud mouth who doesn't know anything except how to scare college freshmen.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Hey. I'm not the one who writes all the publicity about those women, or who runs scared silly of any one of them. None of them will last...their careers will be short, but while the fad is on, they influence thinking.
I don't pay them any attention, and the only mentions I ever hear are from conservatives who can't get over them.

........and yes, evangelicals voted for Trump. Your perception of his flaws notwithstanding (and the Democrats voted for a rapist and, perhaps, a murderer...certainly someone who practiced sexual harassment in the workplace to an unprecedented degree; Trump, at least, knows what 'no' means.
Are you sure? Trump has his fair share of sexual assault accusations, too: Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia
Not defending Bill Clinton, as he likely is a sleazy scumbag, but it's adorable how you assume accusations are either true or false based solely on the political affiliations of the accused.
Even if he doesn't LIKE it, he knows it and respects it, unlike a bunch of the Democrats) They also voted for a liar, a conniver and someone who is absolutely blatant in her arrogant disdain of anybody who leans right...or disagrees with her. She whines, too...but y'all voted for HER.
I dislike both of the Clinton's and did not vote for Hillary (I for voted Gary Johnson.) Also, the way you described her is quite ironic considering that the exact same thing can be said of Trump, just switch the disdain for the right to the left, of course.

Romney, however, committed an even worse crime than any one of the above. He's a Mormon. More importantly, he's a BELIEVING Mormon. I honestly think that evangelicals (and Catholics and all sorts) would elect an extremist Sharia proposing Muslim first.

Sooo being a Mormon is worst than being a rapist?


As to the 'squad,' well, when they fall out of favor, (and they will) the Dems will glom onto the next loud mouth who doesn't know anything except how to scare college freshmen.
Again, they only seem to get notice or attention when they raise conservative's hackles.


Well-Known Member
I don't pay them any attention, and the only mentions I ever hear are from conservatives who can't get over them.

Are you sure? Trump has his fair share of sexual assault accusations, too: Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia
Not defending Bill Clinton, as he likely is a sleazy scumbag, but it's adorable how you assume accusations are either true or false based solely on the political affiliations of the accused.

Oh, no. I'm not the one doing that. Don't you remember that famous video of Trump mouthing off about a woman he tried to get to have sex with him? He was doing such a masterful 'sour grapes' fox imitation there. He was being a total jerk, no question. However, the accusations (and in HERE) were that this video proved that he was a sexual predator, a harrasser, and a rapist...

When in reality it proved the precise opposite. He was being a jerk because in spite of everything he tried, SHE SAID NO, and even though Trump had a whole bunch of power, he accepted the 'no.'

It was proof that yeah, loud mouthed locker room jerk as he was, he was neither a sexual predator nor a rapist; he knew what 'no' meant. In fact, he has been accused of a lot, but the only real EVIDENCE we have, such as that recording, prove that he, well, isn't.

My daughters wouldn't be alone in the same room with him, but he wouldn't be providing any blue dresses with DNA evidence planted in the Oval Office.

I dislike both of the Clinton's and did not vote for Hillary (I for voted Gary Johnson.) Also, the way you described her is quite ironic considering that the exact same thing can be said of Trump, just switch the disdain for the right to the left, of course.

Sooo being a Mormon is worst than being a rapist?


Just ask a 'true' evangelical. I have been flat out told so. You see, a rapist can 'repent.' A Mormon is already consigned to hell. No contest.

Again, they only seem to get notice or attention when they raise conservative's hackles.

Then you aren't paying attention. The memes that the left loves the most come first, and loudest, from them.


Well-Known Member
South Park's greatest works ever are clearly from the 2012 Mitt Romney campaign. After "All About Mormons", they came back with the Book of Mormon musical. Followed by the bash a Mormon in the head videogame series. I'm just playin' guys. Can't wait for my family tree to look like a Muslim.

OK Wait you guys. Corporations are People. Also I'm not, plus I am not My Mormonism, I'm from Mexico where the Mormons hid out for a while.


Not your average Mormon
Who in their right mind would vote for Trump or Warren?
The rest of the centrist candidates are either elderly people like Biden and Sanders, or noobs like Gabbards.

I want to see a candidate for president in 2020 who isn't painfully unprepared and demonstrably incompetent.

So, I'm willing to put aside my "straight ticket Democrat" voting pattern if the traditional conservatives can get get a real conservative on the ballot. Not another TeaParty progressive like Trump.

Do you think that the GOP can get Romney to run? He said he wouldn't, but you know what Capitalists are like. It's always a question of price. I think that Romney, a true Republican, would run if the RNC convinced him that he would get support from other true Republicans.

I'd vote for him, if the other option was Gabbards or Biden. And I'm not even a partisan.
What do we have to do to get a competent centrist leader into the game?
I'd be unlikely to vote for Romney myself, but I'd vote for practically anybody to keep Trump out of office. There are no words for the contempt I feel for this man. He is the biggest embarrassment to our country we've ever known.
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yawn <ignore> yawn
I'd be unlikely to vote for Romney myself,
I'm curious about why that is.
On the one hand, he would probably hold a wide array of policy positions I would not support. On the other hand, he does have the integrity and experience I consider necessary in the White House.

Since I'm pretty sure your opposition isn't due to his belonging to a cult:D, why do you say that. And who, or at least what sort, would you find more acceptable?

Personally, I would consider your opinion vastly more important than the large majority of other RF members.