Any way that they can. Why, because they do not believe in the birth of Christ, Christianity have been totally overtly honest about their stance on homosexuality which can cause those with a neurotic disposition to become retaliatory.
What ways would “any way they can” be? They don’t seem to be doing a very good job of it.
As Joe Stories pointed out, Christmas isn’t just about Christ anymore. It’s about family, gift giving, Santa Claus, consumerism, etc. Heck, I’m an atheist and I celebrate Christmas and have no desire to get rid of it. It’s my favourite time of year.
Yes, absolutely true. let me show you how simply the objective reasoning is that brings me to the conclusion that these people are atheists. Jesus said, A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another, which obviously means that we should care and support those who have not. He also said he will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'. If we ignore our poor and afflicted then we ignore Christs teaching. If these people were Christian then there would be no starving children or poor and destitute people living in squaler. Just that fact tells me that they are not praticing Christians who follow the teaching of Jesus Christ. They are atheists, about that I have no doubt. Those pictures that I see on my TV of starving children are etched on my mind and I hold them responsible for it as much as much as I hold pharmaceutical companies for with holding new cures in order to milk the current ones. It is all about the bottom line. 2 billion dollar pay out for the twin towers after just a few months after buying it, and millions of dollors of government and big business debt wiped off when building 7 mysteriously and inexplicably fell into its own footprint at freefall speed, 2 truck loads of gold in the basement of the twin towers disappeared without a trace. A novice pilot was capable of doing the impossible by crashing a Boeing 747 Aeroplane into an small hole in the Pentagon leaving no trace and flying at 400 knots just 200 feet off the ground a physical impossibility. Only atheists and extremists are capable of such atrocities. but I digress.
Well, I don’t know, the US is full of Christians and yet there are millions of people living in poverty all over the country. So maybe it takes more than just Christianity to solve all our problems.
I give money to charity and I donate clothing to the poor. I am an atheist. Bill Gates donated $1 billion to charity last year (he founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), and he’s an atheist too. Warren Buffett (also an atheist) donated almost $3 billion to charity last year (and does so on a yearly basis). So I guess I’m wondering what you’re talking about.
How do you know that the pharmaceutical companies are withholding cures from us?
I’m not getting into the 9/11 conspiracy stuff. Sorry.
I don’t know why you would because it contradicts your own point.
Yes, you did, which was quite a surprise as that is not what I was talking about. Yes, that too is correct and I stand by it
But it does relate to what you were talking about. First you said it was a vast majority and then corrected that. But that was supposed to be your point in the first place. So if it didn’t pan out, shouldn’t you drop it?
In pointing out that gay people are still underrepresented in Parliament even though 5% of British MPs are gay or bisexual, I was attempting to show you that there’s clearly not some gay conspiracy going on to end Christmas and take over the world, rather these MPs are there representing the people, which is what they are supposed to be doing.
I used both as an example
There is a difference in celebrating the arrival of a big fat man, dressed in red, who will shimmy down you chimney whilst you sleep and the birth of Christ, which is the real meaning of Christmas.
That’s the real meaning, for you. It has all kinds of meanings to all kinds of different people. I don’t celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas. You don’t really think Jesus was born on December 25th/Winter Solstice, do you?
In my country the celebration of His birth is very much discouraged. We are not even allowed to call the chocolate eggs we give away to our children at this time of year "Easter Eggs" because the Moslems here have complained about it.
I see a lot of people saying things like that around here too but I usually find it to be exaggerated and overblown. People seem to think we can’t say “Merry Christmas” anymore but I’ve never actually met anybody who said it to anybody and received some terribly negative response for it. I mentioned on another thread somewhere around here how I accidently wished a Muslim woman a Merry Christmas once and she just wished me one right back (instead of getting upset about it).
But really, who can tell you what you choose to celebrate in the comfort of your own home? Surely nobody is coming to your Christmas celebrations and shutting them down because you’re celebrating the birth of Christ.
Because the posses the authority and power to take the Christ out of Christmas
How on earth can they do that? Do they control you personally?
Yes, well I don’t see any reason to think that gay people, specifically, have something against Christmas.
You told me that was not the point you were making.