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Mother mary without sin?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Yes, this is true. 1 John 3:10 speaks of the children of God and children of the devil.

Yes, this is also true. It's a popular evangelical Christian phrase that is not found in the Bible.

However, Isaiah 25:4 states that God defends the helpless and the needy.

I can agree with this.

I can't think of a single scripture that specifically states that God wants you, me, or anyone else to be happy, or at least not all of the time.

I recommend reading 1 Corinthians 10:13.

I can also agree with this.

1 Timothy 6:10 states that the love of money is the root of all evil.

However, Satan is described as a serpent in Revelation 12:9 and 20:2.

I recall from my studies in Christian theology that it was commonly believed that Satan was either the serpent or possessed it.

However, Ephesians 5:18 states that drunkenness is considered a sin.

Yes, another popular evangelical Christian phrase that is not necessarily found in the Bible.

I recommend reading Isaiah 11:6-9.

Yes, this is true. The Bible simply states that it was a forbidden fruit.

Good points, in my opinion.

Yes, John 21:25 states this.

Out of respect for you, I won't answer this question.

I decided to post this Christian apologetic resource, which explains the mindset of evangelical Protestant Christians who believe in sola scriptura.

What is sola scriptura? | GotQuestions.org
I stnad by everything on this list, by the way. The scriptures you provided did not prove your points.


Active Member
She is recognizing that she, like all of us, need a Savior for “God is my Savior”. It is right there in black and white.
According to the Christian Bible, the God who worked wonders in Mary was YHWH (יהוה). Jesus wasn't even an embryo. Among these wonders, it is included that "it was made, in the past, with full grace", that is, it was called "Kecharitomene". Luke 1:28.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
SOME Protestants believe in Sola Scriptura. I am Roman Catholic by the way and do not believe in sola scriptura.

Yes, I am aware of that, and I assumed you did not because you are a Roman Catholic.

I stnad by everything on this list, by the way. The scriptures you provided did not prove your points.

Yes, I understand that this is your personal perspective, but I respectfully disagree.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
According to the Christian Bible, the God who worked wonders in Mary was YHWH (יהוה). Jesus wasn't even an embryo. Among these wonders, it is included that "it was made, in the past, with full grace", that is, it was called "Kecharitomene". Luke 1:28.
Correct! That is what I subscribe to. His body was created by the spoken Rhema Word which was received by Mary. Just like Adam wasn’t created from an embryo, likewise the last Adam wasn’t created by embryo.

The Word was eternal, the body of Jesus was declared from time past.


Active Member
Essentially the immaculate conception was created because they believe in original sin nonsense. The theory goes that Jesus, who was allegedly sinless, could not have been born from someone who inherited original sin therefore Mary must not have had it. Aside from the fact that original sin is not supported in any way in the Tanakh, even if it was, their "solution" only pushes the problem back a generation. If Mary was sinless, how could she be born from sinful St. Anne? If G-D prevented Mary form inheriting it from St. Anne then why did he even need an immaculate conception for Jesus when HaShem could have just preserved him the way they allege Mary was.

It's really just part of their deification of Mary.

Parallels between Mary and Samson’s mother:
  1. Divine announcement and intervention: Just as the angel of the Lord appeared to Samson’s mother to give specific instructions about his conception and consecration, the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to announce the miraculous conception of Jesus (Luke 1:26-38). In both cases, divine intervention highlighted the special roles of these children born to chosen women.
  2. Consecration from the womb: Samson was consecrated as a Nazirite from the womb (Judges 13:5), while Christian tradition holds that Mary was consecrated to God from the moment of her conception through the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. Samson’s purity came from his Nazirite vow, while Mary’s purity stems from her being preserved from original sin, making her worthy to bear Jesus.
  3. Special divine mission: Samson was called to deliver Israel from the Philistines, while Mary was chosen for a far greater mission—to be the mother of the Savior, the one who would deliver the people from sin (Matthew 1:21). The spiritual preparation and consecration of both figures served to equip them for these divine missions.
  4. Special care in conception and life: Samson’s mother was instructed not to drink wine or eat unclean food, reflecting the special care for the life she was carrying. While there is no explicit mention of instructions for Mary’s parents, tradition holds that her conception was the result of divine grace. Both mothers were specially prepared, one by specific commands, and the other through divine preservation.
  5. Purity for a divine mission: Samson’s purity was necessary for his role as a judge and warrior for Israel, and Mary’s purity was essential for her mission of bearing the Son of God, the Messiah. In both cases, God specially prepared these individuals to fulfill their sacred roles.

Conclusion: In both the cases of Samson and Mary, divine intervention prepared these figures for special missions from the womb. While their circumstances and purposes were different, the care and consecration for service to God show that in critical moments of Israel’s history, God prepared individuals in unique ways. Mary, as the mother of the Messiah, can be viewed similarly to Samson’s mother, with a special consecration for a sacred purpose.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I stnad by everything on this list, by the way. The scriptures you provided did not prove your points.
Well since you might believe Mary is the perpetual virgin and also follow the Pope's lead to believe evolution is true, nothing else to say...

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Well since you might believe Mary is the perpetual virgin and also follow the Pope's lead to believe evolution is true, nothing else to say...

Honestly, I don't see any point continuing my discussion with her because she doesn't seem open to reconsidering her Catholic beliefs about the Bible.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
SOME Protestants believe in Sola Scriptura. I am Roman Catholic by the way and do not believe in sola scriptura.
Hi there, Kathryn. I might also say that I imagine (I'm not sure, so someone can correct me who might really know more) that even IF a group claims sola scriptura there are differences or more than one "sola scriptura" group. Not sure. But it also might depend on translation, too.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Honestly, I don't see any point continuing my discussion with her because she doesn't seem open to reconsidering her Catholic beliefs about the Bible.
We all must come to our own conclusions. Kathryn as far as I recall has always been polite and respectful. I appreciate that even though I do not agree with her religious viewpoint.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
We all must come to our own conclusions. Kathryn as far as I recall has always been polite and respectful. I appreciate that even though I do not agree with her religious viewpoint.

I also think she has been polite and respectful. I have no intention of arguing with her.
Last edited:


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I also think she has been polite and respectful. I have no intention to argue with her.
I respect that also, but I am not against trying to reason with some. Thank you. And hope one day they ask the Creator Himself in prayer for the answer. I believe He will give it to them.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Well since you might believe Mary is the perpetual virgin and also follow the Pope's lead to believe evolution is true, nothing else to say...
I do believe those two things. I still stand by what I stated earlier - that the verses Sgt Pepper chose don't say what he thinks they are saying. I notice you did not address this.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I do believe those two things. I still stand by what I stated earlier - that the verses Sgt Pepper chose don't say what he thinks they are saying. I notice you did not address this.
I think you may believe everything the Catholic church says about Mary not having any other children. I guess Mary and Joseph just forgot about their only child when they left for their home and found Jesus later talking to the rabbis. Anyway...have a good day while you figure Mary did not ever have relations with her husband. Take care.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I think you may believe everything the Catholic church says about Mary not having any other children. I guess Mary and Joseph just forgot about their only child when they left for their home and found Jesus later talking to the rabbis. Anyway...have a good day while you figure Mary did not ever have relations with her husband. Take care.
Still not answering the question I asked. OK.


Active Member
I think you may believe everything the Catholic church says about Mary not having any other children. I guess Mary and Joseph just forgot about their only child when they left for their home and found Jesus later talking to the rabbis. Anyway...have a good day while you figure Mary did not ever have relations with her husband. Take care.
1) Mary had no other children and Jesus had no biological brothers. The word "brother" in the Bible is polysemantic, it has been exhaustively proven that adelphos (ἀδελφός) can mean cousin brothers, cousins, relatives and spiritual brothers, in addition to, of course, biological brothers.

2) Yes, Jesus handed over the care of his mother, Mary, to Saint John, according to the Gospel of John, 19:25-27. There were no other brothers of Jesus.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
1) Mary had no other children and Jesus had no biological brothers. The word "brother" in the Bible is polysemantic, it has been exhaustively proven that adelphos (ἀδελφός) can mean cousin brothers, cousins, relatives and spiritual brothers, in addition to, of course, biological brothers.

2) Yes, Jesus handed over the care of his mother, Mary, to Saint John, according to the Gospel of John, 19:25-27. There were no other brothers of Jesus.
So again...the point really is do you personally think Mary's getting pregnant with Jesus was it a miracle, by evolution, a myth or magic?